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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. cLASSIF?~,1 r 50X1-HUM CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic goal industry HOW PUBLISHED Monthly periodical WHERE PUBLISHED Moscow DATE PUBLISHED Dec. 1940 LANGUAGE Russian TNI$ DOCDNt11T CONTAIN INFORMATION AttfCT1Nf ,1I6 NATIONAL DEFENSE IOi, THE . 31 AND 22. AS ANINDNO. ITS T,ANNN flI?' of TNf NOTRAnON PERSON or ITS xR TO An U N OF THIS tONN MANTHOis IZIYON .IITND. IN tN0- NIrITtD .TTLAW. I fftDODOCTO DATE OF INFORMATION 1939 - 1940 DATE DIST. 16 Jun 1950 NO. OF PAGES - 10 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION yffE PROBLEM OF GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION -~~ OF USSR COAL CONSUMPTION Data on the Main Administration of Coal Sales, People's Commissariat of Coal Industry, on the distribution of co.l consumption refers to the total deliveries, excluding deliveries to the Peoples Commissariat of Transporta- tion (NKPS), the People's Commissariats of Maritime Fleet and River Fleet, and various undistributed consumers, or to 60.2 percent of total 1938 deliveries and to 59.0 percent of total 1939 deliveries. The greatest part (32.34 percent of the total 1939 coal consumption) among the consumers not distributed accord- ing to regions is taken. by railroad transport (NIPS), data on which is collected and processed not according to regions but according to railroad systems. The following table shows the general characteristics of the coal con- snmpt?ion in railroad transport and the connections between railroad transport and the various fuel bases in 1939 Percent of NKPS Percent of Basin's Consumption Sup- Deliveries Taken -plied bBasin byIS ___ , 57.60 30-90 Donbass Moscow Basin. 057 3.08 Kuzbass 17 90 39.05 3.48 3608 Kizel Chelyabinsk and 2005 15 00 Bogoslovskiy mines .40 17??53 Gentz al. Asia. Vy CL.ASSIrIT,,rTI,vlf I I _ I I NSR6 ~~~ '., rADYY IX[AIR ]/%I FBI ISanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 ?J.v2l', No 1.2, 194O~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Ke.x aganda CheremkhOV0 Chernovskiy min-s Arte7novsk coal. Tarr Spitsbergen .07 Others '09 Total (.erg) 100.00 I^l-w .L-4,17 L li',!N3 illy 2.1 S ii'L Percent of Ansin's Deliveries Taken by lYtit a 5585 6962 82.90 Percent of NXCPS Consumption Sup- Zaied Basin 6.50 39,43 20,57 72.29 2.21 1.55 0,31 -37 However., this purely quantitative characterization still does not give the complete n-rTure, since the large share of NKPS in the consumption, for instance, c, Chernovskiy and Chesemkovo coals, is of a local character and is efficient. The consLU.erebly smaller share of the railroads in the consump- tion.if Donets coals is none-heless connected with their exceedingly wide penetration into very remote regions. The following table gives some representation of the role of Donets coals in railroad transport: Systems Systems Using Using Other. Sys- Only Over 95% tens Using Systems Not Donets Donets Both Groups Donets Fuel Using Donets Fuel , Fuel Together__ No of RR systems 1.7 6 23 5 15 `.['heir share of total coal consumption 9.1. 35.8 by NIPS (in %,%) 38.55 16.55 55.1 Along the 2,3 railroad systems operating exclusively or almost exclusively on Donets coal are the October and Yaroslavl' systems (100 percent), the Kirov System (96 percent.), and the Northern System (85 percent), lying to the north of Moscow; tr,- Belorussian and Western systems (100 percent), lying to the west of Moscow; the Lenin System (98.5 percent) and the. Gor'kiy System (66.4 percent), bring to the east of Moscow; all of the Moscow railroad center and the 1.1 railroads converging on it.; many systems to the east of the Donets Basin in the Volga direction (Stalingrad System -W 100 percen, Southeastern n System -?_ 97.5 percent., and Ryazan. Urals System -- 98.5 percent). is clear that railroad transport causes a huge proportion of the long hauls of Done.i?s fuel, and that for the whole European part of railroad transport. Donets coal is almost the so?.e or in any case the dominant type of fuel. -2- CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 lri:i`aj se4?..iu 2 y!~ The role of Kuznetsk coal in the fuel supplying of railroad transport is shown by the following table' RR Systems Other RR Sys- ER Systems Using More tens Using Using Only Than 90% Kuzbass Coal Kuzbass Coal Kuzbass Coal (Avg of 45.21) No of RR systems 1 2 7 Their share of total coal consumption 19 58 by NKPS (in %) 3.96 4.91 Quantitatively speaking, relatively little of the railroad systems' con- sumption is Kuzbass coal; however, its distribution (for this group of con- sumers) is exceedingly great and exceeds that of Donets coal. Most of the coal goes to the west and southwest. All of the huge territory lying between the Kuznetsk Basin, the Urals, the as - _ _ Volga, and the Central Asia republics us-es .- railroad fuel Kuznetsk coal with a known quantity of Urals, Karaganda, and Donets coals, as shown by the follow- ing table- "Consumption by Specific Railroad Systems of Coal from Principal Cog'_ Basins Total ss b K Urals Karada Donbass S sy terns a uz Lenin 7502 10.3 5.1 9.4 100 Kuybyshev 45.5 48.6 5,9 100 Omsk 51"5 -- 48.5 -- 100 Kaganovich 30.4 69.6 -- -- 100 South Ural 13.5 39.3 47.2 -- 100 Oreuburg 50.8 49.2 100 Tashkent 79.5 -- -- -- 79 .5 Gor'kiy -- 33.6 -- 66.4 10 0 The radius of distribution of Cheremkhovo coals (in the west, where they meet with the Kuznetsk coals and in the east, where they meet with the Transbaykal coals) and Chernovskiy coals (in the west, where they meet with the Cheremkhovo coals and in the east, where they meet with the Far East coals) going for the needs of railroad transport is also very great, again for geo- graphical reasons in spite of their relatively small share in the total con- sumption by NITS. -3- CONFIDENTIAL +~{ 4i4"fil1A iN' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 .. f USS! -al or? vari oils reasons, railroad Thus, for the basic tyres Of ~ ,- f- -- - transport is a large consumer; determining to a considerable degree the radius of coal hauls and influencing the length of coal hauls, this is primarily and particularly of Donets coal. From this it follows that reduction of the length of coal hauls, and primarily of the length of hauls of Donets coals, requires the rationalization of the fuel consumption of NKPS. The situation with the consumption of coals in the river and maritime fleets is almost analagous. (It must be remembered that the consumption of coal alone is being considered, without taking into account the consumption by these categories of consumers of other types of fuel, such as liquid fuel,, wood, etc.) The question of the distribution of consumption of coking coals, in a somewhat. special position because (1) there is a relatively small number of large consumers in a fixed location, and (2) the distribution of consumers of coking coals is determined not only by the distribution of fuel bases but also by many other factors of state and economic significance. The general scale of consumption of coals for coking and the participa- tion of various basins are characterized by the following data: Total for People's Commissariat of Coal In- t d Donbass Kuzbass Kizel Karaganda us ry 1938 Percent of basin's 8 coal coked Basin's share 22.8 28.3 29.1 17.6 15, in coking 2 8 2 35 2 2 (%) 100.0 77.25 . 1 . . 1939 Percent of basin's 6 coal coked Basin's share 22.5 28.8 28.56 15.13 12.9 in coking 100.0 77.0 18.74 2.1 2A6 The radius of distribution of coals for coking is relatively limited, as shown in the table below (1939). (It is to be noted that some part of the al- ready prepared coke -- that from the Kemerovo Plant in the Kuznetsk Basin and from various Ukraine plants -- in its turn is transported around the country and in some cases is carried for a considerable distance; this however, does not change the general picture to any great degree.) CONFIDENTIAL e. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sd3'~dls~ Y Coking Regions Total for People's Percent of Producing Regions' Coking Commissariat Coal Coked by Coking Regions of Coal In- Kizel dustry (%) Donbass Kuzbass Basin Karaganda Leningrad 0.97 1.26 -- -- -- Rostov Oblast 0.25 0.34 -- -- -- Crimean ASSR 1.86 2.40 -?? -- Ukrainian SSR 73.82 96.00 -- -- -- Novosibirsk Oblast 12.35 -- 65.40 -- -- Ural region 10.75 -- 34.60 100.00 100.00 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 These figures show that, with the exception of the Kuznetsk coals, one third of which are coked in the Urals, and the Karaganda coals, which me coked completely in the Urals, all. the other coals are coked more or less near the place where they are mined. The gap between the centers of coking-coal production, the coking cen- ters, and the pig-iron-producing centers which exists at present is shown by the following data (1939 figures for coal, 1937 figures for pig iron): Percentages of Areas Volga and Crimea Center 'lest and North Ukrainian Other Total Region Urals Siberia Caucasus SSR Areas 'Coking-coal mining 100.00 -- 2.10 18.74 -- 77.0* 2.16** Coking of coal 100.00 -- 10.75 12.35 2.11 73.82 Pig-iron smelting 100.00 8.0 18.20 10.20 2.9 60.70 CONFIDBNTL.L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 COJIFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM ,ar?oue The fcllowing table shows the share of f the ~ .'------ basins in the fuel supplying of he country, excluding transport and coking, Donbass Moscow Basin Kuzbass Kansk Basin Kizel coal Chelyabinsk coal Bogoslovskiy coal Percent 54.43 16..20 9.19 .24 3.45 6.79 1.80 Yegorshino, Poltavo-Bredy .34 Karaganda 2.75 Lenger, Central Asia 1.98 1.02 Cheremkhovo Chernovskiy, Tarbagatay .40 Artemovsk coals .86 02 Suchan .3 Sakhalin .23 The above table includes the consumption of all coals of each basin, inde- pendently of the radius of consumption. The geographical distribution of this part of coal production, i.e., excluding transport and coking, is shown (in per- cent) in the following table (all coal :!n the natural form, without being trans- lated into equivalent fuel); Coal Basins Region Total Donbass Kuzbass Karaganda TotiJ. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Murmansk .23 .42 -- -- Lening:'d and Leningrad Oblast 5.52 10.20 -- Moscow and Moscow Oblast 13.20 14.20 -- -- -6- CO1FIDENTTAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 COTIFIDE111TIAT, 50X1-HUM (Continued) Coal Basins Total Donbass Kuzbass Karaganda Region Tula and Ryazan' oblasts io.66 .56 -- -- Ivanovo, Yaroslavl', Gor'kiy 2.65 3.74?70 and Tartar ASSR Kursk, Orel, Voronezh, Tambov -" oblasts 3.07 5.55 Saratov, Kuybyshev, Stalingrad 2.39 30 54 oblasts Rostov and Krasnodar oblasts 2.92 5.36 -- Ukrainian SSR and Crimea 29.36 54.20 -- Smolensk Oblast and Belo- SSR .51 .58 russian rhelvahinsk. Sverdlovsk, Perm' oblasts and Bashkir 16.50 -- 31.20 45.70 ASSR 47.50 -- Novcsbirsk and Altay oblasts 4.36 Kazakh SSE 2.02 -- 6.05 37.60 Turkmen, Uzbek and Kirgiz 1.74 .25 SSR Far East (Primors'siy and Khabarovsk) krays 1.51 -- "" The distribution of coal carried over long distances is divided among the following areas: (1) Leningrad and Leningrad Oblast; (2) Moscow and Moscow Oblast; (3) a group of the central oblasts of the RSFSR; and (4) the Urals. To release these regions from dependence on fuel brought in over long distances is a large task; the solution of this task would benefit the whole economy. A review of the conditions of supplying coal to these regions leads to the following considerations; Leningrad Oblast should receive its own fuel and power base. Alongside the full development of local hydroelectric power and peat production, the basic support should be made in the Yorced development of the Gdovsk shale deposit, which has considerable -eservas of oil shale. The entrance into th USSR of the Estonian SSR, where oil shale production was about 2 million tons in 1939, creates new favorable conditions for the strengthening of local fuel supplying for Leningrad and Leningrad Oblast. The coal supplying of Moscow and Moscow Oblast, where there is a large fuel base, the Moscow Basin, is shown in the following tables (in percent): -7- CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 50X1-HUM F TJA C3~ ty Oblast Total City Oblast Oblast Donbass coal 77.5 22.5 100.0 75.6 21.9 2.5 of Consumption of Donbass and Moscow Coal in the Moscow Area Excluding Tula Oblast Including Tula Oblast 4.2 95.8 100.0 1.5 33.6 64.9 Moscow Moscow Total without Tula city Oblast Tula Oblast Oblast Total with Tula Oblast Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Donb,:ss coal 96.5 24.8 58.6 2.0 33.7 Moscow coal 3.5 75.2 41.4 98.0 66.3 As a result of the realization of the decisions taken at the 18th Party Congress to increase coal production in the Moscow Basin during the Third Five-Year Plan by 270 percent, or almost 100 percent above the average for the USSR, the geographical distribution of the consumption of Moscow coals should change as shown in the following table: 19 42 in Compar- Area 1 8 1942 (planned) is on with 1938 Moscow City 1.70 14.90 2,910.00% Moscow Oblast 35.00 25.56 193.00% Tula Oblast 58.10 46.52 182.00% Ryazan' Oblast 2.30 1.87 272.00% Ivanovo Oblast 1.10 3.03 705.00% Vcronezh Oblast .29 1,240.00% Orel Oblast 4.33 121 times Tambov Oblast 1.71 345 times Smolensk Oblast 1.78 346%. Supplying the Urals with coals for coking has been shown above. The supplying of the Urals with the remaining coals is shown in the following table (1939 data for Chelyabinsk, Perm', Sverdlovsk, and Chkalov oblasts, and the Bashkir ASSR, in percent of the total expressed In weight): -CONFIDENTIAL -* sit e it- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18:'CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 C ' NDF IAA CONFIDENT Sources of Supply Yegorshino Chel- Bogo- and Pol- ba slovka tavo-Bre l Kara- gander Total ya Total Kuzbass Kize Excluding coking 100.0 17.6 20.1 39.8 l0 sj .2.0 10.0 42, Coking 100.0 60.3 19.5 -- -- -- 20.2 57.4 Total 100.0 29.6 19.9 28.5 7.6 1.5 12.9 100.0 The task of improving the fuel supplying of the Urals requires the replace- local ment of the Kuznetsk and Karaganda coals in electric power must titian increase Ural coals. In the consumption of coals for coking, in the role of Kizel and Karaganda coals, especially the latter. of the 18th Perty Congress call for a 210-percent increase in - 1C1.10;iona v Ural coal production during the Third Five-Year Plan (as against a geLieral in-- crease of 90 percFIat for the USSR). The following table shows the distribution of the consumption of Kuznetsk and Karaganda coals in the Urals in comparison with Ural coals (in percent): Kara- der Kizel Chelyaba Bogoslovka Consumer Kuzbass gan People?s Commissariat of Electrical Industry -- 29.5 35.4 62.6 19.7 Ferrous Metallurgy (excluding coking) 61.2 36.1 12.4 13.7 46.1 Nonferrous Metallurgy 13.0 17.1 -- 3.4 3.3 -- 6 4 .6 5. - ? Chemical Industry 4.2 Construction Materials 5.6 2.6 .6 1.7 Industry 2.3 Machine Building Commissariats 4.4 3.2 '- 11.9 22.3 Others 11.6 11.5 6.0 6.7 5.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 tin-ri e9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7 C bfFi0E52'I AL Consumption by the more important consumers -- People's Commi'sariatt ofine Ferrous Metallurg , People's Commissariat of Nonferrous Metallurgy, and inen building people's commissariats -- of Kuznetsk and Karaganda coals in comparison with Ural coals is as follows: People's Commis- People's Com- sariat of Fer- Nonferrous of Machine Building roux Metallurgy Nonferrous Commissariats Swithout coking) ,u~.ll uro N Kuznetsk and Karaganda coals 53.0 70.0 47.0 30.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320116-7