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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310698-3 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIALCONFIBENTIAt, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS REPOR CD NO. COUNTRY China DATE 0 INFORM ATION 1950 water Land ti t SUBJECT HOW , on - a Transpor DATE DIST. 6 Jun 1950 PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED Daily newspapers Peiping; Shanghai; Canton; Hong Kong 4 Apr - 6 May 1950 LANGUAGE Chinese SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS DOCONINT CONTAIUI INro-IUnoO III--Cn-o 7Nt NATIONAL Smut or Fits UNIn.o -TUTU II NI- TNT N4-IX or I5 r10-Aot ACT IO U. -. C.. -1 A-O II. M~11-N-oU. IU TNT-f-IUIO- ON NO ^UNlAT10- PRO Limos. IS --O? NItlnD !'NI LAW. I I{r. o000CTCN O/ TNIS FOSS ONSZRD RR SHIFT EMPHASIS FROM RECONSTRUCTION TO IMPROVED SERVICE, REDUCTION OF FARES ACCIDENTS MAR RR ACHIEVEMENTS IN FIRST QUARTER -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 30 Apr 50 Peiping, 27 April (Hsin-hua) -- China's railroad, have succeeded in exceed- in" their transport goals for the first quarter of 1950 and by so doing have terminated their past dependence on national subsidies. Moreover, northern and southern railroads have advanced a total of 60 million catties of rice to the national reconstruction investment fund and paid a total of 32.1 billion Yuan into the depreciation fund for April 1950 as payment of the business tax for the first quarter of 1950. The first quarter of 1950 marked a turning point in the nation's railroads as the emphasis shifted from reconstruction to transportation service. An aver- age of 9,947 cars were loaded per day during that period, exceeding the quota by 3 percent. Tne Northeast exceeded its quota by 16 percent; the Tientsin bureau, handicapped by a spring vacation for coal miners which reduced coal shipments, completed only 99 percent of its quota; the Tsinan bureau, 87 per- cent; the T'ai-yuan bureau, 90.5 percent for standard gauge, 110.4 for narrow gauge; the Cheng-chou bureau, because of interruptions caused by continuous improvements in line facilities and operational methods, only 43 percent; the Shanghai bureau, 115.2 percent; and the Heng-yang bureau, 94.4 percent. During the first quarter, the time required between successive loadings on the nation's railroads was shortened to an average of 3.68 days, which was lower than the standard of 3.72 days set in 1950 plans. As a result, costs were lowered, income increased, and expenditures reduced. One weak point in the quarter's operations was the frequency of accidents and malfunctions. Altogether, 7,072 mishaps were reported, of which 46 percent involved locomotive maintenance. This record is an indication that inspection procedures and line-maintenance operations need to be improved. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310698-3 CLASSIFICATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310698-3 At a conference of bureau chiefs, held 20 - 25 April, the record for the first quarter was reviewed and plans were drawn for the second quarter. It was decided that the average number of cars to be loaded per day would be 9,680, that the reloading rate for May 1950 would be 3.35 days, and that maintenance would be improved. PASSENGER SERVICE TO BE IMPROVED -- Shanghai Wen-hui Pao, 5 Apr 50 April has been designated by the Ministry of Railroads as national passen- ger service improvement month. The various regional bureaus have been instructed to give special attention during this month to improvements in equipment and service that will result in greater safety, speed, and comfort for railroad passengers. In Shanghai, a number of new trains will be added; 70 to 80 second- class cars will be placed in service. Five first-class day coaches will be converted to second-class sleepers. Trains at terminals will be opened for boarding one hour before the time of departure. CH'U-CHIANG RR BRIDGE COMPLETED -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 6 May 50 The rebuilding of the railroad bridge at Ch'u-chiang (Shao-kuan) was started in March 1950 and completed on 12 April 1950, when test runs were made and it was found to be satisfactory. This 250-meter long bridge has eight spans' and is the largest on the Canton-Hankow line. Immediately following the liberation, in November 1949, the CCF Railroad Engineer Corps built a temporary bridge which has been in service up to this time, RR CHANGE TO SUMMER SCHEDULES -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 25 Apr 50 Canton -- The Central Ministry of Railroads has decided to put a new sum- mer schedule into effect on 25 April 1950 for trains throughout the country. Accordingly, the Canton Railroad Bureau will operate on the new schedule gen- erally, with the exception of the Canton -- Shen-ch'uan (Chinese section of the Canton -- Chiu-lung) line and the Canton -- San-shui line which will remain as heretofore. The new condensed timetable as below: Train Departure Station Time No 10 Canton 1600 Through Express No 9 (East Sta) Shanghai 0815 Through Express No 52 Canton 0820 Express No 51 (East Sta) Wu-ch'ang 0900 No 172 Canton 1820 Ordinary (East Sta) Arrival Station Time Running Time Shanghai fn-ot given7 62 hr Canton not given? 62 hr (East Sta) Wu-ch'ang on 1954 35 hr, 34 min following day Wu-ch'ang on 1954 Wu-ch'ang on 1,045 40 hr, 25 min second day Canton on 1445 second day - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL 41 hr, 15 min Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310698-3 ' "~" ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310698-3 The running time for express trains between Canton and Shanghai has been shortened by 5 hours. The running time between Canton and Wu-ch'ang has been shortened by 6 hours for both express and ordinary trains. The saving in time is attributed mainly to strengthened bridges which do not require as much slow- down when crossing as before. Every effort will be made to maintain punctual- ity in train movements. Improved third-class coaches on ordinary passenger trains between Canton and Wu-ch'ang, will replace inferior coaches; and dining cars and sleepers are to be attached to the extent of availability. These trains will carry local passengers without baggage. One through ordinary train each day has been added between Wu-ch'ang and Nan-ch'ang, in both directions. Peiping, 28 April -- The Ministry of Railroads has announced a reduction of passenger fares in the South China area comparable to that of North China beginning 1 May 1950. The present third-class passenger fare per kilometer will be lowered from 135 yuan to 115 yuan, and when adjustments are made, the fare from Shanghai to Canton will be reduced from 152,600 to 130,000 Yuan, and the cost from Peiping to Shanghai will be cut from 145,100 to 138,000 yuan. CANTON REDUCES BUS, BOAT FARES -- Hong Kong Hsing-tao Jih-pao, 25 Apr 50 Canton -- Due to lower operating costs and with the hope of stimulating travel during slack periods, the passenger fares and freight charges on river steamers and motor buses out of Canton are being substantially reduced. For example, by steamer from Canton to the destinations indicated below, the fares are: Former Fares New Fares ir yuan) in yuan) Macao 150,000 120,000 Wu-thou 145,000 115,000 Ch'ing-yuan 60,000 48,ooo Chung-shah 120,000 80,000 Shih-ch'iao to Ta-kang 20,000 15,000 Beginning 22 April 1.950, the bus fares from Canton were reduced by 25 per- cent, and are now as follows: Destination New Fares (in yuan) Hsin-t'ang 24,000 Tung-kuan 36,000 Hou-chieh 51,000 T'ai-p'ing 63,000 Huang-sung-kang 75,000 Hsin-ch'iao 81,000 Hsi-hsiang 86,000 Nan-t'ou, and Shen-ch'uan 90,000 Peiping -- Work has already been started by a body of troops under the di- rectio# of the municipal Public Works Department on the construction of two openings in the Peiping city wall on either side of the Hsi-chih-men to facili- tate traffic to and from the Peiping-Suiyuan Railroad Station, Tsing-hua and Yen-thing Universities, the Summer Palace, and other places of interest in the Hsi Shan (Western Hills). It is expected that;iimprovements will be completed within 2 months. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310698-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00600310698-3 CONFIDENTIAL. To improve the shipping industry in North China, the Tientsin branch of the China Merchants Steamship Company has begun scheduled shipping service between Tientsin and Dairen. Ships are scheduled to leave Tientsin on the 1st, 11th, and 21st, and from Dairen on the 6th, 16th, and 26th of each month. The first ship on this scheduled service left Tientsin on 1 April. Hankow, 5 May -- Upon recommendation of the Yangtze River Shipping Control Bureau, the Central People's government has decided to take over control of the pilot-service system for Yangtze River shipping which has been in operation for the past 100 years. The government intends to revise the whole system and to train pilots for adaptation to the new system. Service under the new system will go into effect in May on the section between Hankow and I-ch'ang, and in June on the Wu-sung to Hankow and I-ch'ang to Chungking sections. Taihoku, 30 April -- The Taiwan provincial authorities announced today that engineering work on the highway between Chureki, Shinchiku Hsien, and Toyo- hara, Taichu Hsien, has already been started. The project, which was undertaken to improve the communications network in the central part of the province, is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. An announcement was also made that repair work on five major highway bridges has been started. Whether or not the repair work on the Seira bridge was undertaken has not been con- f i rmed. Canton, 5 May -- The Canton Public Bus Control Bureau is converting 157 of its busses to use charcoal gas instead of gasoline to cut down fuel costs. The conversion is expected to be completed by the end of July 1950. According to a responsible person in the Control Bureau, 17 busses have already been converted, and the cost of fuel of each has been cut from 158,000 yuan to 118,000 per day. Shanghai -- Today, an order of the Central Ministry of Posts and Telecom- munications raising the status of the East China Postal Administration, in' Shanghai, to the East China Branch of the General Postal Administration of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications went into effect. The same order ap- pointed Jung Chien-sheng as Acting Commissioner, and Ch'en I-hsien as Acting Deputy Commissioner of this branch office of the Administration. The Shanghai Post Office has arranged for a shift of postal employees to go on duty at 0100 each day so that mail for Shanghai arriving by train or other means late the preceding day may be sorted and delivered before noon of the following day. Deliveries may thus be hastened by as much as 12 hours. ?k Wt ?GL ir, v+cie...t-4,VT..-3: 4rv4 :'.s+ld .J..i,::..%".X _ ik..Pf k .,_.a ,iac; .. ,.Y s_m*Sb-4 .5R.v 45.~?'IC_ ..Y ._65 (v. k. ,.?w;ncr . niT e1::.. _ ?.:Ati,P ?_.. .'. `^". 4.e'?.., ,*4`__`yi _~_ii Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809AO00600310698-3