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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310488-6 DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 SUBJECT Sociological - Public health, antiepidemic measures HOW DATE DIST.J. May 1950 PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Mukden; Tientsin; Peiping; Tsingtao; Nanking; NO. OF PAGES 3 Shanghai; Canton DATE PUBLISHED 7 - 14 Apr 1950 SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE Chinese REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING TNS NATIONAL DEFERSN OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN TOE WEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S C.. SI ANO IRAN AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION ON THE REVELATION . T IN ANY MARKIN TO AN PRONINIITID. I7 PAO REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM UMIUTHOISIZSO NIMITED C By LAW. PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCIES ADOPT EPIDEMIC PREVENTION MEASURES NORTHEAST ADOPTS PREVENTIVE MEASURES -- Mukden Tung-pei Jih-pao, 14 Apr 50 The Public Health Section of the Northeast People's Government has pro- mulgated preventive measures against bubonic plague and other epidemics. The first step in pursuance of this program is to mobilize the bubonic plague areas, such as: Fu-yu and Chien-an hsiens of Kirin; T'ao-an, T'ao-nan, and K'ai-tung hsiens of Heilungkiang; Wu-tan, Ao-han-ch'1, and K'o-la-chin-ch'i of Jehol; T'u-ch'uan, T'un-liao, and K'ai-lu of Inner Mongolia Autonomous district; Ssu- ping of Liao-hsi, etc. All such localities must organize health units, and build hospitals and other necessary facilities to aid in the prevention of plagues and epidemics. The 1950 aim for the masses is for them to exterminate 30 million rats. Innoculations will be administered to all who live in villages which have had an epidemic within the last 3 years. The populace are to be educated by the cadres, teachers, personnel of the medical profession, etc., to realize the full significance of this anti-p]ague'program. Detailed reports shall be made to indi- cate the progress of the program. ESTABLISHES FACTORY-HEALTH EXPERIMENTATION AREA -- Tientsin Jih-pao, 7 Apr 50 The Ministry of Public Health of the Central People's government has desig- nated Tientsin as the factory-health experimentation area of China. Experiences gained in the area will be applied in factories throughout China. Liu Shih-chieh and three other members of the Health Protection Office, Ministry of Public Health, will go to Tientsin in a few days to make necessary preparations. Liu stated that a factory-health experimentation office in each factory, and that the Tientsin Public Health Bureau will help in the experi- ments. N INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPOR CLASSIFICAT!ON UOIvr1,:;i'TIAL CQ$IF190,I IAL CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL NSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310488-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310488-6 ORGANI7:E FREE CLINICS IN SLUM DISTRICT -- Tientsin Jih-pao, 7 Apr 50 In conjunction with the experiments being conducted by the Ministry of public Health, the third, fourth, and ninth ch'u and the public health office been tohwomein the and childr ntofn in the stern exper area, inewhich freermedicaletreatmentewill beplacedgivenwit poor families. The Tientsin Public Health Bureau has alreadylassembled 50udifferentom 1400s to of r 8 every medicine and will opeEach clinics patient is required to register at pubc offi public ic security ity agency of each ch'u before he or she is permitted office or a a to receive medical care. The bureau has already appealed to public spirited doctors and nurses to participate in this work. Besides giving medical treatment, the bureau will also propagandize health practices in the slum districts. SHANGHAI INFECTED WITH SMALLPOX -- Tsingtao Jih-pao, 8 Apr 50 Tsingtao, 5 April -- The Tsingtao Quarantine Station has reported othe existence of smallpox at Shanghai and has announced that Shanghai, f 1 April 1950, is considered an infected port. Consequently, it is officially from Shanghai required that all sailors and travelers departing for or arriving must first be vaccinated against smallpox or produce for validation a satis- factory vaccination certificate. These re;lulations apply to persons proceeding to Dairen, Ying-k'ou, Ch'in- huang-tao, Tientsin, Yen-t'ai. Foochow, Macao, and Canton, and also, with extra precautions, to Hong Kong, Amoy, and Swatow. Vaccination by the Tsingtao Quaran- tine Station is free. SHANGHAI ANTIPLAGUE UNIT AIDS FAMINE AREAS -- Shanghai Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 8 Apr 50 Seventy odd persons of the North Anhwei antiplague unit, organized jointly by the public Health Department of the East China Military Control Commission e and the Shanghai Public Health Bureau, have gone to serve the people in the famine areas in Northern Anhwei Province. About two-thirds of the personnel of this unit consists of women medical technicians who volunteered for this service. ISSUES ANTIPLAGUE DIRECTIVE -- Nanking Hsin-hua Jih-pao, 7 Apr 50 Nanking -- Early this month, the public Health Bureau of the Third Field direc- in the East China Military District issued a health eandd anntiplague tive to various affiliated units to be followed during s moths. The directive calls for preventive measures against cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, acute enteritis, and other infectious intestinal and stomach diseases; improvement of dies; maintenance of cleanliness inland arround ound barracks; destruction of blood-sucking insects, maggots, typhoid fever and cholera. CCNIFIDEINTI! I 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310488-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310488-6 80,000 TO BE INOCULATED -- Peiping Jen-min Jih-pao, 10 Apr 50 Peiping -- The Public Health Bureau of the Peiping Municipal People's government announced that beginning today some 80,000 persons in the city will be inoculated with Koch's bacillus Tt-o prevent tuberCUJ.osij. INOCULATIONS TO BE GIVEN ALL ARRIVALS IN CANTON -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, Canton, 13 April (Hsin-hua) -- To safeguard the health Canton residents an order was recently issued thers d , o as well as visitors, ships' crews, an by the Canton Quarantine ~office ethat all darrival iseases fAccording to announcement, 1. Smallpox -- Wu-Han, Shanghai, Amoy, Swatow, Peiping, Chang-sha, Nan- b ay. ch'ang, Saigon, Rangoon, Calcutta, and Bom 2. Colera -- Calcutta. 3. Spotted fever and typhoid -- Canton, Chang-sha, Tientsin, and Yokohama. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310488-6