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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290153-0 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW WHERE DATE LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIff L = Cr?Jtti CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. Economic - Agriculture, forestry Daily newspapers Sofia 27 - 30 Dec 1949 nnoi, u.. .ar"ooucno. or .Hn ro xun,o DATE DIST. / Mar 1950 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FARM WORKERS' COOPERATIVES TO GET NEW STATUTE STATUTE TO DEFINE CATEGORIES -- Izgrev, No 1615, 27 Dec 49 A new statute for Farm Workers' Cooperatives was proposed on 25 December. It is designed to replace the statute of 1945, established at a time of poli- tical uncertainty. The old statute did not reflect exact class distinctions, define memNership qualifications and pay categories, or contain planning regu- lationu and the elements necessary for socialist pl?incipleR in farm economy. The proposed statute was prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture upon request of the cooperatives and has been published to allow all interested parties a preliminary examination and consideration of the measures before their introduction. Amendments and corrections may be presented until 1 February 1950, upon which date a national convention of all Farm Workers' Cooperatives will be called to accept the final draft of the new statute. The proposed statute provides for the repression and ultimate liquida- tion of kulaks, for the elimination of backwardness and ignorance, and for the increase of wealth and productivity. The next important provisions are conce-ned with the introduction of socialism in Farm Workers' Cooperatives. The cooperatives *.ill be pledged to observe strictly all government regulations and instructions and to ful- fill plans, accurately. Cooperative members are requested to examine carefully every section of the new statute and to submit their comments and suggestions to the ministry before the final ratification. The 'roposed statue is designed to create a closer contact between the central authorities and the masse, as well as between city and village. STATE ARMY CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL uin.nmuilOA ._ NAVY 11 AIR FBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290153-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290153-0 l:Ji~l ~r. rl~i 1.1 'l* FI II31 TIA:. ELECT NEW DISTRICT SOVIETS -- Izgrev, No 1618, 30 Dec 49 The district soviets, elected on 18 December 1949, are about to assume their responsibilities. Th:: main purpose of the recently established bodies is to supplement the okoliya and communal soviets and to form a closer and permanent link with the central authority. Besides being the control and contact agencies of the central authority, the district soviets will resolve all curre:-.t administrative problems and take an active part in the realization of economic and cultural projects. It is expected that the most urgent present tasks, such as the harvest- ing of grain and fodder crops, will be considerably furthered b,, the new organizations. They will also determine the measures necessary for the spring-sowing campaign. Such measures, including the overhauling of machinery are also the responsibility of okoliya and local soviets. Besides the seasonal problems, district soviets in close contact with the central authority, will survey the fulfillment of the Five-Year Plan. The delivery of grain harvests to state warehouses is in general proceeding at a satisfactory pace, and some okoliya have eve,. exceeded the planned quotas. The Sofia rural okoliya, however, has been one of the least successful in this respect, and so far only 50 percent of the quota has been harvested. The harvesting of coarse fodder has been very slow. According to reports from the Central Cooperative Union, the harvesting of straw, hay, and corn by Workers' Cooperative Unions is still lagging in spite of the approaching dead- line of 30 December. As of 26 December, hay harvesting throughout the country has only reached 60 percent and straw harvesting 61 percent. Most Bulgarian forests are located on steep mountain slopes. Forest vege- tation preserves the soil from erosion, helps the formation of water reserves, and produces moderating climatic conditions, besides being the main source of lumber and fuel wood. A good transportation system and adequate housing for personnel and administration, as well as other construction work, are prime requisites. PiL-r to 9 S-ptember 1944, forest administration was neglected, but since that date 2,060 kilometers of road, mainly for wheel traffic, havc been laid. As a result of the methods followed by previous owners, a great part of the mountain forests has been destroyed and the soil eroded. The new administration, correctly appraising the importance of forests, has taken measures for their preservation and for reforestation. Large sums have been released for capital investments. During the period from 1944 to 1948, 918 kilometers of mountain roads were laid, 254 of which are highways for transportation and truck service; and 127 dwelling and administration buildings have been erected. The Ministry of lures try, createu ia i94-;, will give flew impetus to con- struction projects. The projects section of the ministry will examine the con- struction plans, which wild thereupon be execcted by forestry construction ser- vices and work brigades. As of 1 December 1949, the plan, in terms of value, has been fulfilled as follows: 130 percent for the clearing of new roadways, 115 percent for gravel surfacing, 118 percent for narrow-gunge Decauville industrial railroad lines and 140 percent for expansion and capital repairs. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290153-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290153-0 The following construction was completed in 1949: barns for draft animals, 26 houses, 16 offices, 8 forest guardhouses. 4 ahPai G ; ----- 2 shelters ivr high-mountain naatures, and some other small buildings._-' Generally speaking, forestry services and personnel are performing satis- factory work, although some shortcomings still hamper the progress of the forestry plan. Many projects are not provided with adequate technic l_ plans, and supervisors are not providing clear-out seasonal programs indicating the necessary quotas of manpower and building material. It has been noticed that scarcely any or the brigades have been using compressors, rollers, stone crushers and other implements to their full capacity, and they have failed to maintain their equipment in gcod order. Some other supervisors have failed to keep their engagements with the work brigades. Frequently, the construction has been poorly executed; housing construction, especially, has not met speci- fications; building material has been lost and wasted. It appears, therefore, that the central administrative authority of the ministry must introduce much stricter controls of projects. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290153-0