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Document Release Date: 
September 28, 2011
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Publication Date: 
February 3, 1950
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600280743-6 FUR[=, :,N ,.GCL:W!EfVTB ^R'tAQiC '. _' .C.:kr:" DAl E DISI..,;~ iGV 195p N0. OF PAGES ' SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THiS IS UNEVAI.UATEfJ INFOi2P"~ATlUN ?n ].948 the rollowing new factories were built is Montenegro: the "Karpus" Concr-ta Factory, the "Gore Delcev" Leather Factory, a nicotine plant, and ma- chine shops is lsitel~, Stip, and Titov Ve1es. The fallowing old factories have been anl;9rged: the ''Kuzma.n rosifovski-Pitu" Textile Mill, the "Micugin" Can- nirg NRCtory, the "Treaka" Lumber 'r',aterprise, and oil plant. At presen? the fo:.iowing enterprises ale being completed: the textile combine at Tetovo, the ~i7k combine at Titov Vales, the porcelain factory st Titov Vales, and others, i'~e p*odlctiorl o~ cast metcl alone incrf'asad 13.pC' ~er~eat in 1949 na crm- prraed tc 1945. In i9~+9 the chemical industry is pro4ucing ten timee, the cons+un- c~r gooc?s inauati~g fi.8 tim?s, az' the textile industry ton times more than is 194!i: i:n 1949 the manufRCture of concrete sad semiconcretP products :screased 640 percQnt as compared to 19~s5? Cooperatives have increased Prom 5 in 1y45, 26 in 194b, 95 in 1947, and ?36 ~ n '9tF8, to 800 is 1949 ? If tie namber of farms in 191-5 is tak.~n se X00, it to 215 in 1947, sad tc 483 i.n 1949? The Five??Year Plan for Macedonia provides for (1) as increase of electric go~e.r from 7.7 million kilowatt-hours in 193 to 3G.7 million -kilowatt hours in 1951, (2) the construction of power pleats with a total capacity of 10,800 kilowatts, sad (3) the electrification of all srez seats and at least 200 vil- 1?RnN.. Thy po?~.- plants built to date are: "Dusnica," "Capuncica," "Peaocaai," the Bitola power plant, and the large steam-electric power plant at Mad3ari near Skopl~e, Shortly the hydroelectric paver plant at Zrnovka will be cau~le:Aed. The Msvrovo?kydroe_ectric power combine, located at an e.ltitude of 1,300 meters, will be the largest hydroelectric power pLunt in Yugoc]svia. Its capwc.'+y will be one-third of the total capacity of all prewar Yugoslav hydroelectric power pL4ats, In 1949 the production of power is 4.6 times greater than in 1939- CuUrJ IRY' SUBJECT. ruW PUBLISf-tED WHERE DATE PUBLISHED. LAF~GUAGE Er,:onomic rally nevcpaper Be:grxde 26 Utc 1y4~ THIS DUCUtl SMT CONIAI d3 INfOe+ATON A/IICTINf TN[ NAT OVAL Oef3RER 01 ':Ht YNITSD STATRS Ni P`IIR THS +eANINf D/ eSIIONAfe ACT +O f. I c.. al ANS Ae. AS A+eNDeD. ITS tea:A+ISnoN oe Twe etrauuDN I STATE NAW I An N'i_ AIR- NSRB ~ ~`Af F B I - ~ - ggyy %ONFIDfiATIAL ~~~~~~~~ ~~T1L 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600280743-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600280743-6 n~~.~KB99-~na~p 4~ vs~n?3a ~s~~,td'1~::~ CONFID3,'N'l IAL ., r.~ ircrex:e cP 571,000 hectares eP pl~a!teci cress by 1951.. Of this 95,000.hactaras a:e to be planted with industrial crops. r~,o ?n nnnln- ~ni_inn t}fo T171Tf1~'P!r oP malal?ia caste decreased Prins. lD3,o00 in 1939, (32,000 in 196, 4?,000 in 197, and 9,~0 in 19u8 to b16 cases in i91o-9. Due to reclemetion projects ?O,000 hectares oP aa~;ble lead havo becamme avwiLabla in !~Iar_edcnia~. In manv areas the Pirst harvest has alreedq i~.airen place. Education in I~ecedonie has also iffiproved. In 19b9 there arse 4`3~j aqP? ?,].?- mentar;y schools tha.ta in 199, and the number aP students hea iacreased by l~3 pFrce*st. Fros the lireration to the present, over 140,OD0 ldacedoniana ~?e levs~n?d to read and *~+rite. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600280743-6