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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270175-8 CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION FROM, COUNTRY Mongolian People's Republic; China SUBJECT Economic - Communications HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Rong,Kong; New York DATE PUBLISHED 26 Oct - 19 Nov 1949 LANGUAGE OI n[ YMInN NTNI[N WITNIN ENS Nth%IM. Or [Ir1o0Mll ACi MD ^. N. C.. NI MID N[. AI *44[00441. In TN[ONIIIION ON TNl N[71* 1O OE T[ CONTIN11 IM ANT 111NMMM0.n AM O V..x 1Nti[D r[NNON IN ENO' ?111110 IT MY. NINNODOCTIDN OF TNI[ TOMN I[ PNONINITND. DATE DIST. Dco 1949 NO. OF PACES SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION PRAVDA REPORTS COllIPI8TI0N Cdr MONGOLIAN RR -- Rua-ch'iao Jih-pao, 11 Nov 49 Moscow, 10 November (UP) -- A Pravda news item reports a statement by Ch'iao- pa-ahan, Preater of the Mungolian People's Republic, to the effect that the rail- road frog Ulan Bator to the UM has been completed. mT PLANS TO REPAIR YCNN.AN--VIET NAM RR -- Rain-sheng Wan-Pao, 30 Oct 49 RU9B COMPLETION ON CH'VING--CR1ING--CH'81G-TU LINE -- Wen-hui-pao, 5 Wov 49 Chung-oh'ing, 4 November -- The ? A Ministry of Communications spokesman stated it is their intention to make all possible efforts to complete the con- struction of the railroad between Ch'ung-ch'ing and Ch'ung-tu. Much of the road- bed is alreaa;.finished. AVI ................_. vl a l ni nv I IvIE i *TAIL I/N s o ARMY AIR FBI-~- T~~ ti Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19: CIA-RDP80-00869A000600270175-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270175-8 CCP SPFEtN UP1 RAILTRA"IG ,- R .,ch'irc Jih.-pao, 1 Pei-ping, 10 November (NCNA) -- In view. of the generally improved condition of the railroads of the country; and to order to handle the heavy, r affic of the coming winter, a new and faster operating schedule for the railroads of the whole country was put into effect on 15 November 1949. According to the new schedule," the running time for the through express from Pel-p'ing to Shang-hai is now 37 hours. RR REPAIRS IN CENTRAL C:.INA -- Wen-hui Pao, 3 Nov 49 Han-k'ou, 2 November (NCNA) -- With the completion on 31 October 1949, of through traffic is now in operation from Wu-Chang to Chu-t'ing, ff+outh of Ch'ang- she, a total distance of 474 kilometers. Service on the Lung-Rai Railroad between Lo-yang and T'ung-kuan was resumed TRABFIC ON SCHEDULE ON BRITISH -- Kung-ehang Jib-pao, 29 Oct 49 The British section of the Kuang-Chou--Chiu-lung (Cantor--Kowloon) railroad line announced that, beginning 30 Oct-ber 1949, the trains will be running on their section of the railroad between Chiu-lung and Lo-hu according to the time- table published on 5 March 1949. CHINESE SECTION PLANS NORMAL OPERATION -- Sung-ehang Jih-pao, 27 Oct 49 According to a reliable source, the Chinese section of Shang-ohou-Chiu-lung (Canton--Kowloon) railroad la planning to open their entire section from ghang- ahou to Shen-oh'uan for normal traffic from around 3 November 1949. There will be one train leaving from both ends each day carrying both passengers and freight. At present, the trains going in and out of Shen-ch'uan are for military purpoepe only; however, with special permits, civilians may also ride these military trains. HONG E NG AVIATION REGULATIONS -- Wen-hui Pao, 5 Nov 49 Hong Kong, 5 November -- on 4 November 1949, the Hong Kong Government Gazette carried the 1949 Aviation Permit Regulations. Their purpose is to require compa- nies or individuals desiring to make (a) regularly scheduled or (b) ocoassional landings in Hong Kong territory to secure permits from the proper authorities. Penalties for 4ie first violation are fines up to HK $8,000 for (a) and HS $4,000 for (b); and for the second offense up to HK $8,000, for (aj and EX $32,000 for (b); or for the first offense probition to land, for UP to 3 months; for the second offense, up to 2 years. Penalties of both fines and prohibition may be given. Excluded from the application of these regulations are the following: (1) British Overseas Aviation Corporation; (2) British-Bw opean Aviation Corpo- rat'on; (3) British-South American Aviation Corporation; and (4) those engaged in aviation operations from any one of the members of the British Ccmaenwealth of Nations or territories. Appe'.lante against charges of violation of these regu- lations must first obtain the consent of the legal administrative authorities in Hong Kong. CAT TO WORK FOR 31T -- Rua-ch'iao Jih-pao, 14 Nov 49 Hong Kong, 12 November -- A spokesman for Chennault's company (CAT) stated that his company, in response to Chiang Kai-shek'e request, has agreed to work STwUTED L~_Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270175-] Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270175-8 STAT BESrBICTED for the I'1 government. He e.;,preaead regret that th company now had only 24 pleuis a 2-, sled .eniod out,iio roPsrL; t..,^ CAT h,=.3 o intt)ntion of taking over the 68 CNAC and CATC planes in Hong Kong. A report fro e reliable source etates that the LMT t intends next week to go before the Hong long courts, cbFrging that the absconding of certain former staff membore of the CNAC and CATC with a number of planes was a criminal act, and requesting that the 68 planes remaining in Hong Kong be turned over to them. HAINAN ROAD TO BE REPAIRED -- Kung-shang Jih-pao, 26 Oct 49 Hai-k'ou -- Chen Chi-yang, head of the Ch'iung-shan and Yai Special Administrative Districts to Hainan, has ordered the road between Hai-k'ov and Yu-tin repaired. The repair work will not be too difficult except around Wan- ning, it was repott,4d by a El government engineer. ABOIYI 1,800 AUTOM0BI1HS IN E1-CHOU -- Hein-sheng Wan-Pao, 31 Oct 49 There are about 1,800 applications in Kong-chou now for the temporary automobile permits being Issued by the Kuang-chou Military Control Commission. HONG -.KUAl -CHOU TEINC(Wtl4ICATIONS -- Wen-hui Pao, 4 Nov 49 Hong Song, 4 November -- Long distance telephone and direct telegraph service between Hong M and Miangg-nhnu was rested today at 0730 hours, after an in- terval of 3 weeks. Service will be according to previously existing regulations. POSTAL SERVICE EXPANDING -- wen-hui Pao, 7 Nov 49 ID"-ohou, 5 November -- Under instructions of the Central China Postal Administration, which were approved by the Kuang-ohou Military Control Commission, postal service was resumed between EUang-ohou and Hong Song, Macao, and other points, on 4 November 1949. The postage on an ordinary letter from Koang-ohou, to Macao, via P-3ng Kong, is 370 yuan in People's Notes for the first 20 grams, and 220 yuan for each additional 20 grams, or fractions thereof. For printed matter the postage to 50 Yuan for the first 50 grams, and 50 yuan for each additional 50 grams, or fractions thereof. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270175-8