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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270091-1 STAT ca~N~rRY SUBJECT HQW PUBltorttiJ WiiERE PUBLISHEt~ DATE PUBL!5NED LANGUAGE GLASSIFICATIaN REXC'tL~l~}~'~"~?`!3q~~~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AG1TF'NCY `'rPO4~T IIVFORMa.TIOFJ FROM FORE1~3F1 DC'sCLIMENIT$ OR RADIO BIf70A?N^AH'1'~ CD Pla. Caammuniat China D.1TE aF INFDRMATIDN 1949 Scanaalic - Tr t t easAOr a ioa, comnvnic,.tit+3e Daily newspapers Hong Kong 22 - 31 Oct 1949 nu a^e^^en eo^7^77d u7owno^ +rraon^^ 711a RA71o^Ii urun OP SRa YR17^^ l717ae 1117n~ 771[ ^WIN M a^we^.7^^ ^iT K ~. ^. a~. a7 ?o aa.u Ma^an. 7n,7auuuwo^ a 7^a ^naILA71M ar Ix co^x^7a 1^ wR ^^was to u ^a^R7ro^rsv^ r^^aY^ n ..a RIw711^ rc ua. yrrwp~os K 771H a^Yi w no^Iwx^. DATE DIST.31p lrav 1949 Na. aF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT Ta REPdDRT Paa. THiS i5 UNEVALUATED INFaRMATiaN SOC>t'H CHTbA TBAHBPORTATIOH CC~lIHfICATIOA FACII.ITISg AL}AIH I1f0 IAT8RIYATIOH(~L FACTOR IA RR I-SLA]f -- Hein-eheng Wan-pao, 27 Oct 49 People in Sueag-thou {Canton) zow believe that ',he main reason for tha delay in reopening the Kuaag-thou--Chia-ling (Sowloon) Railroad Liae is not simply a matter of technical sad operational problems on the British and Chinese serttem.- but one that is deeply itsvolved in iaternatiaaal diglomacy. - -----? ao tar nothing conclusive has resulted Pram the aogotiatioae being con- ducted by the head of the British esctian of the line with the Buang-chop Military Control Comeiesioa concerning the immediate reopening of this lino for normal traffic. appareat]y,the guaug-thou MYlitery Control Cca?iseioa does not have the authority to decide the question of resue~tioa of throagh traffic until such tine as it receivsa a definite directive (raga the Administrative Council of the Pei-p'ing government. It ie the general belief in Suang-thou that the Pei-p'ing gosermeat 1a da- liberately delsyiag the decieiaa until formal recognition of its government by tha British goverment. Until each time, there x-111 be ao normal train traffic re- emmed oa this railroad line. This view appears to be verified by the action of the`Kuang-thou !(l.litary Control Cammdseioa. iThile avoiding aqy agreement con- cerning thin line, they are imposing ao restrictions as the export, by private mer- chants, of goods and materiels iram Hong gam$ to &ueng-thou sad bws:lgtuag province. 7n fact, they are encouraging merchants to use whatevar transportaticm 9;e*_~~ _?r available. COMMUIiIBTB TAEB 9Vl~t BQ~ BIHtBAU -- Hein-eheag Ilan-pao, 29 Oct 49 ''?The Suang-thou--Chia-lung (Canton--Kowlocm) Railroad Bureau was officially taken over by the Ca;suaiste as 26 October 1949. All the wrkara were retained and reassigned: - 1 - a n C~LA~S-S-IFICATION RF.3PRICTBD ~L~ ~~r~~ ~~~ Yf" I ~~e DISTRIBIRf(1N --T~ -.__.- _.- -' - Fal L -~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270091-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270091-1 K'JANG-CHOU--CHILI-LUNG RH LINF' STILL GU'P -- Hales-ab~ng wan-peso, 25 Oct 49 ports that although the negotiations were not a failure, there are several tech- nical matters which Host be ironed out before normal tra3'fic pan be resumed. HONG KONG RSGULAT$S SHIPS AND PLANBS -- Hsin-sheng bias-peso, 22 Oct 49 Hong Rong -- On 21 October 1949, the Hong Kong government proclaimed the law, known as the 1949 l:~aergeacy He~nslaticme, which controls the movements of ships end plaxee within the territory of Hong Kong. Thew regul.ationa authorize the Governor of Hong Kong to prohibit any ehipa ar glazes from entering or leaving Hong Kong xhenever he deems it expedient, in the iatereat of security, or of the conservation of the colpnq'e stocks of supplies. The law forbids the furnishing of supplies ar melting of repairs to any plane or ship that violates these regERl.stions acid authorizes the confiacetion of ~'lY Bch ehipa or planes by The proclamation of 21 October also authorizes tine governor to order Hong Kong naval forces to stop sad search ehipa outside of the harbor of {iictoria. HONG RONO--KUARG-CHOU TRANSPORTATION STILL DIFFICULT -- Hsia-sheng wan-peso, 25 oct 49 while air, land, and water tranaportatioa betxeex Sang Kong sad riusng-thou (Caxton) are not yet campletel}* restored to normal operation, many people are making the ~ouraey between these two cities by s combiaetion of rail, foot, and boat travel. From Hong Kong, a traveller may take a train at Chiu-lung (Kowloon) for Shen-ch'uen, but Pram Shwa-Ch'uax, he must travel by foot to T'ai-p'ing where he may board a boat to Kuang-thou. At present, this is the safest, fastest, anii most economical route. PAN-CH'APG--CHID-CHIANG RR RUNNING -- Wea-hui Pao, 23 Oct 49 Nan-ch'aag, 29 October (PCPA) -- The whole length of the railroad from Pan- chaxg to G?n3n-chiaag (Kuikiang), 128 kilo?eters, has been is operation since 15 Octo- ber 1949. Ia May 1949, this line vas badly damaged by the retreating ftationaliste and since then has been undergoing urgent repairs. CMSPC SHIPS WILL POP SAIL UPDffit FO$fiIGN FLAG -- Hein-eheng was-Pao, 26 Oct 49 'i'he manager of the H~Jig Kong office of the China Hartbeests' Steamship Paviga- tion Campagy announced that a small portion of hies companq'e ships will be taken from the regular service sad offered for rent to priva~..e merchants. He denied the rumor that the names of CMSPC ehipa are being changed and that the ships sre sailing under the flags of foreign nations. Concerning this ^umor, a prominent member of tba Chinese shipping industry remarked chat busiaesa hoe dropped eharpl.y since the beginning of the Pationalist blockade, and about 100 large and small ships are now tied up is Hong Rong due to lack of business. However, he does sot beliave the rumor saying about a dozen ~;~~T~3s'TE~ _., Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270091-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270091-1 Shipping betxeen Kuang-chou (Canton) and Ao-men (Macao) rill ba resumed SHIPPDYG BE'ThEEN MACAO AND SHZH-CH?I RESUMED -- Hain-eheng Wan-pea, 29 Oct 49 Aq-min (Mxceao), 2fi October (AP) -- Shipping betxeen Ao-men sad Shih-ch?i has been r.eum,ed. The first ship xhich made the trip Pram Aa-men to Ship-ch'1 reports that Communist troops are not yet in that city. SHIPPIPiG BEI'4JEx:N MACAO AND CRIANG-MEN IS RESUMED -- $si.X:-eheag Wan-pao, 27 Oct 49 since the liberation of that vity, arrived here on 25 October 1949. Haxever all the ships running betxeen these txo places moat pass frequent inspections by the blockading Nationalist gunboats. Although shipping betxeen Chiang-sea and Kuang-chou hen not yet been re- sumed several shipping men in Chiang-men are planning to hire small boats to re- eume passenger service betxeen those tw places immediately. C~I1NT_3T.?~ TAKE QVF.R RATPP7NG RTTF2~A1T -- Aain-a}1~n~ {Jan-non. 3Q Qrt LQ The Kuang-chow (Canton) Shipping Bureau, which xas recently taken over by the Kuang-thou Military Control Ca?nisaion, ie sox collecting pertinent infor- motion concerning the ships belonging to 'the shipping companies in Kuang-chow. Every shipping company ie required to submit to the Shipping Bureau complete In- formation shout each ship. FERRY SERVICES BEING RESUMED -- Hein-sheng Wan-pao, 31 Oct 49 The 8hih-lxmg Ferry resumed its service on 30 October 1949; and Hein-t'sng, Hsiao-lan, Chung-ehan, and Ta_liang ferries are to resume their services today, 31 October 1949. The ferryboats for Tung-kusa, Hui-yang, and Lao-lung-ssu have slxYady re- turned from Ruaag-thou, and are being readied for service. Practically eL of the ferries et various river crossings around iCuang-chou (Canton) are expected to be in service xithin a fax days. P03TAL, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES SUSPENDED OR CURTAILED -- Hein-sheng Hen-pao, 22 Oct 49 Hong Kong -- Oa 21 October 1949 the Hong Kong Poat Office issued another announcement to the effect that due to continued hostilities it ie still unable to resume regular postal service to Rwangtung. Therefore, vutil further notice, it ~rdera the public to stop depositing in the bows mail destined Sur the areas of Kuang-chou, Shan-t'ou, and Heia-mei ~it~rt3~~'~c~ -, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270091-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270091-1 STAT Slrica ho8'tilitiee have caused the breakdoxn of telegzaphiC servica to $wangEuDB aLd Kvangei, the 80rig $On$ Telegraph office ann071nce~ that unta.l fur7.her notice, it will not accept f6r tranNaeieaiw telegrs~s to places in theNC tYa PrOTiIIC41{, laaluaing the CSt1ea Of .Knang-C~IOA, Khan-t'an, and Baia-men. The Telep,~caph office, sill not accept responsibility fax delays it the traasriseioox and delivery of telegrams to places In other parts of Clams. TA7HOgtJ-BODPH CHSBA To oPl"slP 8ADI0'fE78Rgo1~8 SF.1i9IC$ -- bang-slang J'ih-Pap, 24 Oct 1~9 Taihoktx, 23. octobas (i]P) -- Radiotelephone service irili be opened soaa between Taihaket and K't~-miag, and Taihol[u sad Ruei-yang, ~~~T~3~~TE~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270091-1