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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1949
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260836-5 CeASSIFICATION RESTRICTF~ ~""'"S?~a "' CENTPAL INTELLIGENCE AGENC~~~~,A.ie~~RT INFORMAYION FROM FOREICyY~ Dr?CUMENTS OR RADIO pFtOADCA?TS CD NU. COUNTRY SUBJECT MOW PUBLISHED ~JHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Economic - ?.oromotive plant 4aily nevapaper Warssw a opt 19119 THIt UOCVN[NT uOMYAI Nf INYONNAiIOM Af tdfYlXS TNI XAYIOMAL OdttMdl 9Y TAl UXITEO 6TAlC! rITHIM TNC YlAM1N0 Of IPPION AGE :~CT f0 tl. f, C.. dl ANU Y9. AS AABMUID. Itf 48AX]YI]lICN OR TXd R[Y6LATIOM NIAITtOCUY TL A'is I Xt AUDU CT:ON OC YXId fUNX Alfl IIION pAT[0 :i PEO~ GATE OF INFORMATION 1949 DATE GIST./j Mov 1949 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. the production of locomotives, railroad oars, and machiue tools, he.a not reached its planned quote for the last 7 months. Using 1937 base-year prices, only 85 percent of the 1947 production quote vas met. In 1948, the plan was exceeded by 15 percent. At a meeting held this April, the workers pledged to meet the yearly quota before i December and to exceed it by 6.7 percent before 31 December. In June, hovever, the plant received rush orders, and the directors of the Association of the Rol'.ir~ Stock en.d Equipment Industry decided to increase the producti.o:. plan. The vurkers supported the plan, vith one reservation: the larger number of locomotives could only be produced if all necessary parts were delivered before 1 J?lv. All original work to '~e performA^.d by the vorkers hes been completed, but the metallurgical plants responsible for the supply of parts, Toiler bearings, etc., vets late vith deliveries. Boiler plate Yor assembling the locomotives had not been delivered by September. As a result, the production quota v'ill be met only ir. terms of value, but nog according to product groups. P'requenb changes from one type of machinery to another also hamper production, but difflcultiee ere mostly due to bottlenecks in the supplying industries. Steps have bees takan to x~medy the condition. Roller besringe are nov being produces on the site; a *oL.ndry r_as been activated st the "Cegieil'a" I'lent to make fey-iccn Y?.astings,. and the plant's ovn trucks bring the n7.asing supplies. CLASSIFICATION RESTP.ICTED ~"'~~~,~~~~ STATE NAW N_#e T DISTRIBUTION ~ I I!RMY A:R FBI I ~ ~ ~ J ~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260836-5