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Publication Date: 
October 11, 1949
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600251014-7 ~.LASSI !CIA "i: CENTRA!.!NTFI'.IGENCE AGFP M1W INF )F M;, `tON I ?:CIM ,'CREIGN DOCUMEN'S OR RA.II.> ' ~OADCASTS COUNTRY ITS? SUBJECT hu,_ntmic lL.: om ' L c _ad ?'. HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspaper;, WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 3 LTan A'-'g 4u LANGUAGE Russian M ' DAFANAT 1NN POCUYIXT CONTAI NS.INPONY{TIOX AI/&CTIMG TON NATIONAL 0e TNe UNIT!! STAINS WITHI X? [ N ^0 0r .Afe ACT'NO tl1 ITI'CON4[.TS.IN AMl YAXN[. Y A M TMO Il ( OY IS eN0-. NI[IT[0 [T LAY:. Y[.N000CTIOY"OF ~0Nle IO0Y I! 161i[0. SOVIET TRACTOR 'NL'JSTRY EXPANDS -- Bol'ehevtk Altaya, No 98, 3 Jun 49 At present Soviet industry is producing powerful, highly efficient tractors. mostly STZ-NATI 52-horsepower caterpillar 'ractore and 37-hp Kirovets-D 35 trae'tore. [Phe production of powerful S-80 Diesel tractors for very large :.arms and for heavy work has been started. EI-5-1000 electric tractors were modeled on 3T1.?AtATI tractors. Experimeatal ele,t^ir. *chino-tractor stations are already in existemca, including the Rybnoye NITS in Ryazan' Oblast, Bazhenovo Mi'S in Sverdlovsk Oblast, and Korsun'-Shevchenko MfS in Kiev Oblast. In 1940, MiSs had a total of 723,000 tractors and 182.000 combines. During 1948, Soviet industry delivered to a..ricult.ure three times as many tractors, twice as many automobiles, and twice as many agricultural machines as in 1940. REPOR' CD f:O. DATE OF INFORMATION 1949 DATE DIST.I/ Got 1949 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 'u IC IC IIMMAI I!ATkfl INr7FIGMATV)M TRACTOR 'RODUCTION UP Krasnaya Zvezda, No 181, 3 Aug 49 The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant has sippifieantiy increased its output of the Stalinets-80 tractor since last year and labor consumption has been lowered 15 per- cent. The plant is now producing at a rate 14 percent above that planned for 1950. VARZ PLANTS UPS TRACTOR OUTPUT -- Veohernyaya Moskva. No 176, 26 Jul 49 The Second Automobile Repair Plant (VARZ) in Moscow produced more tractors in June 1949 than were planned Tor the entire year of 1948. These tractors are in use in the Moscow area,. There are more than 200 such tractors in operation in Znrayekiy Rayon alone. MAr:ADAM AUTO-REPAIR PLANT STARTS DRIVE - Tikhookeanskaya Zvezda No 158, 7 Jul 49 The automobile-repair plant was the fir',t enterprise In Magadan to start a drive for more organized production and for Improvement of the plant area. The bureau of the Magadan City CoDmittee VKP(b) has dgfided to count the appearance of shops and grounds in deciding the results of industrial competitions. The bureau has also instructed secretaries of primar, Par.} urganizatirae to further this campaign and give it due consideration in Part;; r.-:nfcrences. CLASDIFICATICN ~l'?~" ` 1STATE __NA_ ARMY AIR TNSRB DISi NI eUTIDN FBI T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600251014-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600251014-7 QUALIFY OF MTCRC:CLE SCORED - aka;;a Pravda. No 164, 6 Aug 49 MOSCOW MECNA1VICS T.IVSTITIPIE ADMITS ASPIRAANTS -- Trud, No 172, 23 Jul 49 fs-,mpirantN for the 1949 - 19g,O school year in engineering and physics, and in instrument building. Applications may be sent to the director of the institute, Mogoov, ulitsa Kirov& 21,. and Liust be in b;I 1 September 1949. Entrance examina- teent vill besheld headnnina 13 September.. -- Advert.'.aement 2 SECRET cECRef 50X1-HUM I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600251014-7