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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250742-0 CLASSIFICATION CONFITNTIALCk. EE55 ~tlrji P j.T I L ~i CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIWI OOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD RO. COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW . PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Economic - Agriculture Daily newspaper Shen-yang 14 - 26 Mar l9L9 TRIR DOCUI RIFT COMTAIRI IR/ORSAf_ I AFTICTI RI TMR MATION AI: OirIS AI OF TOE A!I7O STATES 111751? THE 5115150 0I. ROYIOMASE ACTi I. H. C.. 7: 'AMO DE. AI AMERCRO. In TIASISISHIOII OI THE RAT[LITIOR 07 Ili COMTCMTO IM AMT 545557 TA AR UTAUTMDRIE[0 RZRSUM'11 RRq SPITTED IT RAE.. IRIIOIUCTTOM OY THIS ROR^ IS PROMIIITCO:. SOURCE J?.h-man. DATE OF INFORMATION DATE DIST. ?y$ Sep 1949 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NC. THIS IS UNLVALUATED INFORMATION NORTHEA.STZMPHA.SIZES INCREASED A ICUYJ1VRAL PRODUCTION FUR COMPANY PROMOTES TRADE -- Tung-pel Jih-pao, 14 Mar 49 Shen-yang -- The Northeast Fur Company has been rendering great assistance to the agricultural economy of the area by promoting trade in secondary agri- cultural and mountain products such as furs, bristles, horse tails, antlers, tiger's bones and other expensive materials. These products, procurable in the farmer's off-eeaeon or as by-products of his regular aotilvitlee, add much to his income, giving him resources for his spring planting aotr.,itiee ( for winter Heels. La't seaooi the Northeast Tar Company paid the equivalent of 130,000 bolts of liberation cloth for these goods. IIAOSI PROVINCE RRDL9TR.i9TJTES L'A'D -- Tung-psi Jib-v. o, 16 Mar 49 It is expected that the land distribution program in Sui-cang Helen, Chin Helen, and Phi-shun will be completed by the end of March 1949. Shen-yang -- The basic work of the land distribution program in the vicinity of Shen-yang is completed. The populace is now devoting itself to the matter of increasing production. In the Hsln-oh'eng-tzu area 21,666 acres of land, 1,800 animals and 900 vehicles were distributed among 3,000 fpoor7 farmere and 1,700 middle-class farsers. Ip addition. all other persons in the area received half an acre of land apiece as well as other surplus property. CONFIRENTIA STATE ILI HE DISTRIPUTION P Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250742-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250742-0 Ua0iFlD he a result o1 Insect pest incux?alon e 0i las1 eetieon lucre dhui't.agce in many areas. Even in the normally prosporoue Hein-ch'eng-tzu area them. is not cnou?h grain for sustenance. In the Chia-ching-tzu area, a village of 2u families has only one small donkey for the whole village to use. The city government has decided to di3tribute to the farmers 7,700,000 pouade of Kaffir corn seed, 6,600,000 pounds of bean-cake, 1,550,000,000 Yuan in loans for the purchase of animate, and 1,450,000,000 yuan for the purchase of seeds for early crops. in addition, the water conservancy office is distributing 4,400,000 pounds of cereals to workers the Hun Ho conservancy projects. This grain is being distributed at the rate of 5.5 pounds for each man-day of labor and 1,5 pounds per vehicle-day, in addition to feed for the animals for the day. The city government has voted to -loan 3,300,000 pounds of corn meal without interest to famine sufferers. BANKS STUDY FARM-LOAN FFT TIVENHSS Tung-p, i Jih-pao, 23 Mar 49 Chi-lin (Kirin) -- The Chaos-ho (Ueda: 10364, 6046) and I-t'ung (213,12000) hsien branches of the Northeast Bank, after extending spring agricultural loans, have been making investigations with a view to enforcing the purpose of the loans. The following are some of the d1bolosuroe of the investigation: Most of the locai authorities are seeing that the loans are being used to buy work animals, fertilizer, etc. In one area in I-t'ung, 400 work animals have been purchased, 80 percent of the lone i ceived having been used for this purpose. Further purchases are contemplated. In another area in Chao-ho Hsien the funds have been spent for fertilizer, plows, and weeding machines. Some cadres have been slow in organizing for purchasing. Consequently, prices have risen and they are unable to buy. Some have wasted their funds by scattering their purchases over grain, oil, salt, clothing etc. Others, having bought animals and observing the Price rise, planned to sell them again. On discovery of such activities the banks immediately notified the authori- t`_ee to correct such erroneous practices, and tool- steps to make the people underatantr-that the agricultural loan funds should be used only to increase production. SHORTAGE OF SR&EDING STOCK -- Tung-pei Jih-pao, 23 Mar 49 Ch'eng-te, 13 March 1949 -- There hag developed a great shortage of stud animals in the territory of the joude League which is seriously interfering with herd production. In some areas only 27 percent of the cows are being bred and only a little over 50 percent of horses and asses. A number of reasons for the shortage have been ascribed, the Principal being: excessive castration of hulls; mieunderetandinF over the question of ownership of stud animals, the erroneous information 'having been spread that be coaom:nized;and peorpeafe &at fee(ing.of stud-?aw".ale, whtwa_ rehulted in u edepeoda)le fertility. The authorities are attempting to correct this situation by prcm:oting the development of good tre-ding stock, purchases from outside sources, forbidding the butchering of breeding stock, and certification of ownership and establish- ment of stud fees to encourage rearing and systematic improvement of stud animals. - 2 CUNFMRLN V ~.'j. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250742-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250742-0 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION PROCLAMATION -- ding-pel Jih-pee, 2b Mar 49 The Northeast Executive Committee has issued the following proclamation con- cerning agricultural production for 1949. The Northeast has been entirely liberated. The basic features of the land reform program have been carried out. It is now the responsibility of the farmers of the Northeast to ra'.se the Bicultural production of the area to new heights in order to assist in prosecuting the war of liberation to a finish. To this and, note the following instruct one, take an active part either directly or indirectly in promoting and accomplishing the plea[ Wi ii+u-r& eiai(+, agricultural production by 1,900,000 tons during 1949. 3. Land and bullairg deeds should be issued tc+ everyone who has received these properties during the land-distribution programs so that every person will feel secure in his holdings and operations. 5. Every person who takes part individually, or in groups, in this in- creased production movement in cultivation of used land or opening up new land (however, he will not without reason work both new and old lane at the same time), in inventing new instruments or processes to increase production, shall receive a reward. PJ.1 reactionary elements that seek to retard or disrupt the program will be dealt with by law. 6. Rewards will be given for preservation and propagation of agricultural animals. The o,+ner of a good breeding sire that has passed inspection by the heicn authorities and. received the approval of the provincial authorities, will receive an annual bonus, of 110 pc'unds of kaffir corn. Anyone who steals or slaughters a drafi, animal will. be acvercly penishod, 7. Every encourage3nent must be given to improvement of agricultural practices, such as fertilization, proper seed selection, and careful cultivation. landlords and their descendants should be compelled to learn personally to till the Goil. E. Public grain Mazes] will be calculated on the tasis of quality of the ]and and its normal production record. Ttic.:se who by special dilibenee and labor Increase production above normal, shall not have the grain levy increased on this account, and those who through sloth permit their production to fall below normal shall not have the levy lowered on that account. In case bad weather or other natural causes, reduce tie production in an area, consideration shall be given to this in calculating the levy. Signed by Chairman Lin-feng (4803, 3126) and Deputy Chairman Chang Asdeh-en (3065, 2293, 3292). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250742-0