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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA- CLASSIFA nr'ION CENTRAL IN i ELW COUNTRY USSR SUBJFCT Biographical - Political, troei~ PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE DATE PUBLISHED 26 Jun - 21 Jul 1419 LANGUAGE Rugsian 71111 00C01117 CON7AI W tN ORRATI01 AiYKNN T011ATIORA4 ~'1/1RrR 0T M[ 01181 ATAM3 01T11. M1 11A1101 OY 10 101Y1 00T II ZV 0. C.. /1 000 il. AA A/[NH/. IT1 T0AN111R/1OR 00 MR 0111MA" 01 ITl COLIINTI I/ ANT 101010 TO AN WRA/IOO11E1I FE1/1'11C Iili? ^11510 1T LAW. 0[T9010CT01N or Mll 1001 is MO11/TT/0. .Newspapers as indicated. !=ZQ AD PJR!TY OP lCTAL2 CDJM -- L*;ningradskaya Pravda, Nc 150, 28 Jun 49 The plenum of Leningrad. City Cumm_ttee VV?(h) has re)ea_sed N. D. Since ov from his duties as secretary of the Leningrad. City Commitras TEP(t) and hea elected Y, F, }. lin to the poet. Ed RSF aR ':;DUCATIC,Y MW-EM Urhite'? 'okays Gazeta, No 56, 1,4 J41 49 The Preridium of the Supreme soviet RSFSR has relisved A. A. VoLnss n? skiy of his as Ministor of Education RUM and 1- A. Eairov was appointed to replace him. EST014IAN PERSONNEL CHANGES -- S,,vetelo3ya Fet n'.ye, Po 166, 16 Jul I!9 The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Estonian SSR in a l5 Jul 1949 ukase released Anton Vaerandi from duties as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Ectonian SSR. Ernst Udras was named 4inister of State Control Estonian Sw in a 15 July 19119 ukase of the Presidium, Supreme Soviet Estonian SSR. Sovetskaya Estoniya, No 149, 26 Jun 49 The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Estonian SS.R has released Saarel' Ird of his dv.ties as chic: of the Administration for Art Affairs, Council of Ministers Estonian &SR and named Yule Teygro to.replaco him. STATE ARMY CLASSIFICATION /)y NAVY NsRa DISTRIBU710N- - -- --I---i -- AIR I- _ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 50X1-HUM By order of the Presidium 0i, Si e1~1(ir? literature, and Komsomol and trade union loaders' q a preparatory committee for convoking an Ai.-Un1mt On 5 June, the following leaders in the fi4def'er4 8inonov, K. M. -- Deputy Genera,. Secretary, Union of 30116tWrit. i Vavilov, S. I. -- President, Academy of 8~iennee U '' Fadeyev, A. A. -- General Secretary, Union'ot $piiot Writers Kuzneteov, V. V. Chairman, VTsSPS Mikhaylov, N. A. -?~ Secretary, Central Committee VTa83t Popove, N. V. -- Chairman, Anti-Fascist Comaittee of Soviet Women Tikhonov, N. S. Writer Pelladin, A. V. ??- President, Academy o:' Sciences Ukrainian 80 Gundcrov, A. S. -- Chairman, Slavic Committee USSR Kuzneteova, K. S. -- Secretary, VTsSPS Yerehova, T. 1. -- Anti-Fascist Committee of Soviet Youth Kirov, I. A. -- President. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences RSFSR Derzhevin, N. S. -- Academician Shostekovich, D. D. -- Composer Oparin, A- I. -- Acarlemiciar_ Nesneyanov, A. iT. Ac:ade'nician; Rector of Mnecow University Cersetmov, t:. ?. Mc`i.on picture w_ree+or. CJ?'S5R .rAD7:',18 ID: TP.F Pii' S -- Tul'tuwa i Zhizn', No 20, 21 Jt'. 49 Belayev, K. -- Secretary, Altay Kray Committee VEP(b); wrote article on instruction of. rural propagandist6 Sevin, S. -- Secretary, Krasnodar Kray Committee VKP(b); gave report before Propaganda and Agitation Section, Central Committee fXP(b), on political work among rural population during harvest season Solov'yev, M. -- Secretary, Trade Union of Political-Educational Institution Workers Trofimenko -- Chairman, Central Committee, Trede Union of Political-Educational Inetitucion Workers Sovetskaya Estonlya, No 166, 16 Jul 49 Ani, V. r- Secretary, Kokhtla-Yarve City Committee, KP(b) Estonia Komsomol7skaya Pravda, no 166, 16 Jul 49 Yakovenko P. -- Secretary, Volyn' Oblast Committee, LKSM Ukraine Nayanov, P. -- Secretary, Krasnodar Kray Committee, VLES.m CrIlpko, M. -- Secre ery, Poltava Oblast Comm t.taa, L1L;M Ukraine Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 Sovetskaya vLi.rgiziya, No 138, 16 al'h9 Aeanov, Z. -- Secretary, Uch-Terekskil Izveetiya,,Na 166, 16 Jul 49 Sedovn1kov Chairman, Executive Committee, I-olukarpov, A. Chief. Admiristration of i4o oov Cit;,y Pravda; No 197, 16 Jul 49 Skorobogatov, -- Secretary, Kara-Kalnek Oblast Coeeamitte , Dib) ~ibedatea Pravda lloetoka,' No 139, 16 Jul 49 Shcherbin -- Read,Prr~ppaganda and Agitation Section, Qenioheekly Rayon ritin -- none, Fropaganda and Agitation Section, Stryy City Ctamittear, Si'(b) Ukraine - 'Sovetskaya letviye, No 166, 16 Jul: 49 Se`eneon,I. Secretary, Rembatekiy,Voloet Committee, Ogre Uyexd, $#'(b) Drovi.ov, F. -- Secretary, Rdol'akiy Volost Committee (Ventspils Uyezd), K'(b) Latvia Leninekoye Znanye, No 139, 16 Jul 49 Ivanov, P. -- Vice-MinAeter of Education, .Karelc-Finnish SSR Kudryavteev, F. A. -- Chairman, Executive Committee, SBmekiy Rayon 3oviat of Workers' Davutlee Rugachev, n. F. -- Chairman, Executive Ccmmitte.;, Sheltozereki.y Rayon Soviet of Workers' Depot be Sovetskaya Litva, No 166, 16 Jul 49 7initakis, Ye. -- Secretary, Party Bare,-u, Ministry of Agriculture Lithuanian SSR Snechkus, A. -- Secretary, Cenral Committee, HP(b) Lithuania; gave report on further development and strengthening of Lithuanian kol'.:hozes at fourth plenum of Central Committee, %P(b) Lithuania, held on 13 - 14 duly 1949 Sovetskaya Belorueeiya, No 140, 16 Jul 49 Maznrcv, K. -- Secretary, Minsk City Committee, HP(b) Belorussia Bakinskiy Raboc.hiy, No 138, 16 Jul 49 Belov, S. -- Secretary, Artemovekiy Rayon Committee, KP(b) Azerbaydzha*,. Pravda Ukrainy, No 166, 16 Jul e9 Karohin, Ya.- -- Secretary, Ciierkaeaki, 3ayon Committee, SP(b) Ukraine Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 Zabaykal'akiyRabochiy, No 116, 13 end" Samenov Chief, Locomoti"e Service, Far Bast Railroad Okrug Zabeykal.'akiy Rabochiy, No 123, 2~ Jun 49 Okunevakikh -- Secretary, Onaiskiy Rayon Committee VU' b), Chita Oblast Dmitriyunko, J. A. -- Hamad director, Volga "YAstallist" Plant Vaoil'yev, A. V. -- Named direotor, Gorokhovete Antcrotile Repair Plant, "So3nitstromzapehast'" Trust Belov, L. G. -- Named director, N,vo-Paehiys Dement Plant Abakunov, Y. I. -- Famed bead, Chernorach'ye onetruetion and Aaaatrbly Ad:alnietiation, "Glavotroy" Prruyshleiwosti Stroite].'nykh Materialov, No '9, 1; Jul 49 Komnonol'ekaya Pravda, No 164, 14 Jul 49 Alekeardrov, A. -- 6eeret4ry, Centfal Committee, LM Y Latvia Leningradskaya Pravda, No 164, 14 Jul 49 Bykov, D. -- Director, Leningrad'"Sevkabel'" Plant Rhrakovekiy, L. -- Chief Engineer, "Prolstariy" Insulator Plant, Leningrad Gavrilov, R. A. Chief Engineer, "Svetlana" Plant (Electric Lights), Leningrad Rubanenko, M. -- Head of Technical Division of "Svetlana" Plant, Scientifio Secretary of Technical Council Leninskoye Zcnnpa, No 136, 12 Jul 49 Kalinin, P. -- Seorecnry, Me dvezh'yegorskiy Rayon Committee, EP(b) Karelo- Finnish SSR; wrote article on political work among new workers Pravda Ukrai.ay, No 161, 10 Jul 49 Ktyaznika, V. -- Socracary, Stanislav Oblast Committee, EP(b) Ukraine A Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 Bakinekiy Rabochiy, No 134, 10 Jul h9 Mamed-lade, Sh. tread, "Stalinneft "' Treat Meaytiteev - Secretary, TaK I.88b1 Moldavia; nedet awa at 4 Gorban', B. A. Secretary, TaK XP(b) Moldavia; =do opeea'h at ~brrth 97Auq Nosov, G. - Director, 1!Iagnitogorsk M9tallurgical Combibe i3nsui Stalin, lzveatiya, Nc 160, 9 Jul Rozhanovaki1, V. S. -- Minister of Construction Materials Indnetry rarelo- Finnioh SSR Sokolov, P. _I`.. ---.Secretary,, TaK LR,r3M larelo-yi.uaiah BSR; =ads speech et Trud, No 159, 3 Jul L9 Timofepev - 9ecretary, Podol'ak vity Committee, VV(b) Kazakhctenekaya Pravda. No 11T1, 8 Jul 49 Bl,,enova, A. Vice-1+iil,i ter of aualth i(azakh Sfi5 01'shanskkaya, M. -- Secretar-, 2etrcpavloek City Committee; TP(b)'Tp.zakbgtao Koyahigulov -- Chairman, Eaecui:ire Committee, &y!-Orda Oblast Soviet of Work-era' Deputies Bisariyev -- Secretary, Pral'akiy Rayon Committee, HP(b) Kazakhstan Alpauyehev -- Chairman, Executive Committee, Karmakchinekly Ra3or. Soviet of Workers' Deputies -Dspavnov -- Secretary, Karmakchinaidy Rayon Ce mnitte,e, KP(b) Kazakhstan Lipin -- Deputy chairman, Executive Committee, Severo-Kazakhstan Oblast Soviet of Workers' Deputies Bakinskiy Rebochiy, No 132, 8 Jul 149 Faradzheva, K. -- Minister o" &?.clth Azerbaydzhan ?&2 Dzhavadov, M. -- Read, Propaganda and Agitation Section, Kirovabad City Committee, %P(b) Azerboydzhan Titarenko, T. -- Seoretary, Kirovabad City Committee, EP(b) Azerbaydzhan Mon vo1::y Bol'ahevik, No 159, 8 Jul d9 Fil'chev -- Secretary, Mytishchi City Committee, VKP(b) Kurtin -- Chairman, Executive Committee, Mytishchinekiy Rayon Soviet Moaolov -- Chairman, Executive Committee, Mytishchi City Soviet Savel'yeva, A. K. -- Secretary; Orekhovo-iuyevo City C, i,tee, VKP(b) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3 Pravda Ukrain ,, No 159, & Jul 49 MogiIA-. A. A. Chairman, Presidium, Council of Coopfatives ,Chuyanov, A. S. Chief, Rain Administration,ot Potanov -- Sec.-start', Artemovskiy Rayon Ccmaniitto(It)A Sovetskaya Belo ussiya, No 134, 8 Jul 49 Sokolov -- Head, Propaganda Sector, Propaganda and Agitation Section, Central Committee, XP(b) Belorussia Dolgikh -- Head, Propaganda and Agitation Section, Minsk Oblast Comittee, KP b) Belorussia Plyukhin -- head, Propaganda and Agitation Section, Baronoviohi Oblast Committee, XP(b) Belorussia Bsrkovskiy -- Head, Propaganda and Agitation Section., Soretskiy Rayon Committee, RP(b) Be:iioruesia - bozlov ?.- Head, Agitation Sector, Propaganda and Agitation Section, Central Committee, &P(b) Belorussia S'epir -- deputy head, Propaganda and J.,gitsticn Section, Central 'cma:tter., EP(o) Eeelorussia Tonashevich, V. A. -- Secretary, Contra-, Committee, EP(b) Belorussia Lugovtsov, M. A. -- Deputy chairman, Executive Cc'.ittee, Minsk Oblast Soviet of Workers' Deputies; gave report at fifth session of Minsk Oblast Soviet of rural electrification _f Minsk rblast Sergeychik, I. V. -- Deputy chairman, Executive Committee, Minsk Oblrst Soviet of Wcrke:?s' Deputies 7.t.ukovekiy, P. P. -- Chairman, Executive Committee, Smolevichskiy Rayon Soviet. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600250280-3