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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230813-4 SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED CLASSIFICA1:ON CEN..., t INI E!.LI 4G-NCY REPORTI INFORMATION F4 ;M FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY , USSR LANGUAGE Zoonomio - Finhing and;agrlculture Daily newspapers USSR 10 May - 4 Jun 1949 'IYj 5Og5UIm @0m. M IONIM OI AV/Keg TON ""ON" "FUN a, fat oYArto OaaGl sttru Tom ttirdM': M U5OS fie.. H DATE OF, INFORMATION 1949 DATE DIST.~3 Jun 1949 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. PRDWRSKIi FI83TdtIES =CE D PLAN -- Krasnoye Znamya, No 110, 12 May 49 The Zarubino Fish Combine, Primorekiy Bray, eompldted 48 percent of the May fishing plan in 7 days. Fishermen of the Reyneke Combine, who are exceeding the daily norm. 150 peroeut, completed 51 rarcent of the May plan by 8 May. In 8 days, the Preobrazhenekiy Combine completed 47 percent of the month plan. Fishermen of the PoB'yet Combine have fulfilled 50 percent of the May plan. The trawler commanded by Ktelovskiy of the Putyatin Combine has taken first place :.n the competition in the"Primorekiy trawler fleet by catching 2,016 ceotners since the beginning of the season. The Marton Combine had completed 44 percent of the month plan by 7 May. The 01'ga Motorized Fishing Station completed 63 percent of the month plan in 6 days. The in part of its natch is herring caught in the Sakhalin expedition. The Shkotoro Motorized Fishing Station caught 1,025 centnere of fish in 2 days. Fishermen of the 'Ferny Motorized Fishing Station, fishing for herring in $e'malln waters, have already completed 75 percent of the May plan. PIXZ LARGE MACJ !L CAVC8 -- Kraeuoye Znamya, No 108, 10 May 49 In recent years, mackerel fishing hee become the most important project of Primorskly Tray fisheries, pertic..1nrly in o.)ttt Velik17 Gulf. The flehing fleet is considerably better equipped this 7*nr ror makerel fishing. Leading fishermen have each pledgwd to catch 8,000 - 10,000 oentnere of mackerel, com- pared with the top catch rf 5,.+Y') centnerM 'eat yea"'. Many fish combines, however, have been :.,..gging in preparing receiving points and in mechani;.ing shore installations f,r the new season. The Tafuinskiy and Preobrazhenakiy combines have not completed adequate ?reparation of their receiving besee in Pemzoveya and zreyserk. The Ussoriy Combine Is lagging in its preparations. 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230813-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230813-4 VOLGA-CASPIAN FISH INDUSTRY COMPLETES 6-MONTH PLAN -- Leninakoye Znamya, No 101, 24 May 49 The Volga-Caspian Fish Industry Trust h; fulfilled the 6-month plan. The fish catch was 30,000 centners more than the amount caught during the same period last year. The 8emgori construction project, one of the greatest irrigation projects in the USSR, is to provide water for the semiarid lands around Tbilisi. Eight kilometers of the upper main canal have already been constructed and 1 kilo- meter of cement has been laid. The projer,: pro?i!ee for the construction of upper and lower main canals, two reservoirs, and three hydroelectric power plants on the upper main canal. The plan for the first stage of cone`ruction work, Including the upper main canal and the Tbil!.si reservoir, has already been confirmed. By 1952, the first water will flow through the irrigation canals, irrigating 12,000 hectares of land. The whole project, when completed, will Irrigate 37,000 hectares. TI9T COTTON OWN IN TRANSCAia'ATSIA -- Srasnaya Zvezda, No 130, 4 Jun 49 Students of Uzhgorod State University have started a section for cotton cultivation in their botanical garden. This is the first cultivation of cotton In the Transoarpathian region. Experimental cotton sections have also been planted in e number of kolkhozee in the Uzhgorod district. Part of these sections vere Sown with seeds and part with small. plants. The type of cotton chosen for these experimey,te Is Odessa No 1306, the most suitable for the Transoarpathian climate. MOLDAVIAN CANNING INDUSTRY REBUILDS -- Sovetskaya Moldaviya, No 96, 15 may 49 Moidavia'e largest industry, the canning industry, is preparing for the 1949 season. The reoonetruction of the "lent imeni 1 Maya, the Plant iment Tkachenko, the Tiraspnl' Fruit Combine, and the plant: in Bendery provides a firm foundation for the industry's successful operation. Reconstruction of the Pottery Plant imeni Mikoyan and the construction of a new plant in Icalarash will further brighten the prospects. However, preparations for the new canning season are still unsatisfactory, particularly at the Plant imeni 1 Maya. In order to fulfill their pledge to attain the 1950 level of production this year, Moldavian canners must increase production 32 - 35 percent over 1948. KIEV NUT AND DAIRY INDUSTRY EXPANDS -- Krasnaya Zvezda, No 130, 4 Jun 49 .%terpriees of the meat and dairy Industry of Kiov City and Oblast are preparing to inordaee catput of goods made from animal husbandry products. Old enterprises will be expanded and new ones built in Kiev and in a "umber of rayons throughout the oblast. The Kiev Refrigeration Combine is successfully meeting ibe pledgee to expand production and utilize storage area to capacity. The combine has exceeded the prover output level and has added an artificial ice plant and a compressor shop. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230813-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230813-4 YEW 50X1-HUM The Darnitekiy Butter Combine, Largest in the Ukraine, has been considerably expanded. Dairies of the Oblast Butter Industry Trust expect to produce 6,000 more tone this year than last. The number of butter and meat enterprises is being increased in the rayons. The oreameries are being built in Beloteerkovskiy, $aganovlehekig, and Peroyaslaa-Khmel'nitskiy rayons. A fowl combine has been put into operation in 8melyanekiy Rayon, and a second fowl combine is under construction in Zvsnigorodekiy Rayon. PBIMM= BOWING PLAN LAGS -- BrrasnoyeZnamya, No 110, 12 May 49 The Bureau of the Prieorekiy Krey Committee VXP(b) has found that the progress of vegetable sowing and potato planting is extremely unsatisfactory in the majority of kolkhozes, sovkhozee, and auxiliary holdings in the tray. As of 10 My, the plan for sowing vegetables was only 11 percent completed and only 13 percent for potato planting. Thisunsatisfactory condition is the result of failure to fulfill the decree of the Sixth Plenum of the Zray Party Committee on the part of the Krey Agricultural Administration,, "T.ernoshivtreet" (Grain and Animal Huebaudry Trust), directors of covkhoses and auxiliary farms, rayon Party committees and rayon executive committees. The errors of last year, when the %rey had a poor harvest of vegetable. and potatoes, are being repeated this year. EIffiVATGPB PREPARED POB STORINGEZRGIZ GRAIN -- Sovetskaya 'irgiziya, No 100, 24 Ylay 49 The Iyzyl-giya center of *Toot okxsgotzerno" (Eastern Grain Procurement) is getting ready to receive the new grain crop. A new elevator, built in one month, was recently put into operation. The old granaries have been put in worktag order, and winnowing machines, scales and laboratory equipment have been repaired. , Construction of a new grain elevator has begun au the garaeu center. s Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230813-4