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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230794-6 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCJMkMTS Oft RADIO BROADCASTS CENTRAL IN CLASSIFIC COUNTRY USSR - Krasnoyarsk gray SUBJECT Economic Telecommunications HOW PUBLISHED Monthly periodical WHERE PUBLISHED Moscow, DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Nov 1948 Russian ;DEPORT CD NO. DATE OF DATE DIST.`Jnn 1949 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE 4eetnik 13vyarA - Pochta, No 11, 1948. More than 600 comminlcaticn enterprises are in uperatioc in Srar+noyarek Bray. The kray has more than 42.000 kilometers of through roads. Mail is transported by air 1!cas, b,; railroads, and over satervays by self-propelled barges. An in :.cation of the extent of postal communications work in the kray to the fact that over 123 million lette-s, money orders, parcels, newspapers, and magazines were delivered to the population is 1947. Airplanes alone trana- Dor:ed 271 tons of podtai .ergo to national ckrugs and rayons of the Bar Norta, Radiofication of :Owns and villages is proceeding rapidly. The radio is now an integral part of life In the towns and villages of this kray. From the f,rmation of the emy to the present, the number of radio rebroadcasting stations has innreaaed 153 percent, and that of controllable Icudspeakero five times. A,: prr3nnt, there to :gat a single regional center In the kray vith- oat a rebroadcasting station. More new electrical communications equipment is Installed every year. Radio communications have been devc'lopen extensively In the national nkruge and rayor.u of the Par North. Meta: new broadcasting stations have been built and put into aporat.ior.. In ivenki bt,ug, for exzmple, every n.aadic or village soviet, every popula;,ed point, he a broadcasting station. In 1947, telephones ve1e ina.a'J.J R2 village soviets of toe km, in- stead of the 17 as actually plaice;. The p'-,An for construction of telephone linca was exceed-3 by one third Znd for telephone poles by 5.6 percent. ^'ne plan for instn1, ?.tinn of telephones in village soviets in 1948 was also succesaful'y fulfilled. In the fire...aif of the yeer, telephones wore to have jeep installed is 12 vi'_sgp soviets: 13 tctuallti received t'!lephun-c,. The c,ocmunlcatlen, vorters of ila.,ekty, BC'akhtir.skiy, and U;artkly rayons eogerlal1,Q distiaguiebe3 themselves, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230794-6 SRASROTARSK ERAT HTPABDING RADIO, TgLEPHONN, TNI APH FACILITIBB Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230794-6 IML The d~vel,pment of into?ctty com_muni_ations facilities is continuing. 63mmunicationG `,-etveen lir~aaoya.eii arr:: ilia c . t important rayon centers, Minusinak, Krasnotaranck, Artencvsk, Idrinskoye, Kuragino, Shushenskoye, and Yermakovskoye are being improved. Direct, psrma.ent telephone lines have been set up from Abakhn, capital of the Knakas& Autonomous Oblast, to Krasnoyarsk ani to Moscow. The government has allocated large sums -)f money and considerable quantities of raw materials for the improvement of intercity communications in the kray. In 1943, considerable effort went into the inatallatiou, of city tele- phone exchanges. Dial telephone exchanges were installed in Chernogorsk, Abaio9}i, and seven rayon centers. Preliminary work was begun on the construction of a dial telephone exchange in Krasnoyarsk. Equipment has already been received for this project. Along with the great successes achieved in the development of communications in the kray, there were shortcomings which hindered services to the population, enterprises, and trganizations. In 1947 and the first half of 1948, 43 postal Items were never delivered. The workers of the Kamalinek and Sayansk Communi- cations Department, Rybinekiy Rayon, Nizhne-Ingaehakiy and Ilanskiy rayor offices vt.-e to blame. In Tyukhtet, Igarka, Dudinka,Sovetsk, Yartsevo, Lind other offloec the money taken in was misappropriated. The Control and Insi.ection Branch of the Krey Communications Administration ("omrade Suehilov, branch chief) was in- efficiently directed. There were sh rtcomingc in the work of the Krasnoyarsk intercity and city telephone exchanges. Business negotiations carried on by telephone often had to be broken off because of poor audibility. Certain telephone operators were rude in their treatment of people using the telephones. There were many line breo'odo,ns In -itrarayon telephone communications, aapeoialllr in 3ay'an6'i7, Ach'.nskiy, BirI. uasb-iy, Daurskiy, Yams l'yanovekiy, Rybinski7, Uyare::iy, Nizhne-Iogashskiy, and Taseyevskiy rayons. The directors of communications offices in these rayons inadequately supervised the quality of line repair, aid not take proper preventive measures, and did not provide 9aintenanne so -..-vice for lingo and equi,pmbnt. Krasnoyarsk telegraph service Is now better than it wc.a formerly. However, time sohedulee for processing telegrams are often not maintained. PiLoofxeadinq by telegraph offices is unsatisfactory. As a result, even after correction by nroofreaders, the percentage of er:ora found in telegrams is as high as 15 plr- cent. Because of a lack of supervision of equipment by clerks and shift chiefs, there is still great delay in the delivery of telegrams. The workers of kray communications services are =:riving to elimiuie all flaws and bre,.kdovne Li 1948 and to improve the guatito of :heir service to orga.,~izations, Institutions, and the population as a whale. CW AL 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230794-6