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Publication Date: 
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230515-5 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CI,ASSIFATION . 1 1-1, CEN.. AL INTELLIG NCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS Economic - Electric power Daily newspapers U 31 Mar - 16 Apr 19k9 aaSOOOC? COiTAlaa taroaoA"oa "Mn" lal Onoao' erraasa o. me aa1R0 alAns ,Inca Boa ^OAafaa..'or Mamma ACT to :;3"" C.. al AU 32; AO ARaaala. ITS TSAYasaaaoa Oe iae'000UA"o9 ColTsatlla o, Aaaaa TO An QUO9aoalaoo raison to M. YIMao V "W. earosaaenoo Or ;ota rood 1a ra0011Tao. SOURCE CD NO. DATE OF INFORMATION DATE DIST. F Jun 1949 NO. OF, PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 3IRCYBIFICATIOE LAGS IN NOVOST-BIRSK OBLAST, The current Five-Year Plan for rural electrification is Noveaiblrsk Oblast provides for construction and oompletioa of FA h,?1roeleotric power plants, each with a capacity of 15 - 20 kilowatts and nolu, and for electrification of 125 kolkhozes and 35 MTSs. Novosibirsk Rural Rayon has pledgea to provide complete electrification of kolkhozes by connecting them to the existing high-voltage power-systems of "Novosibirakenergo" (Novosibirar rower). It has been plemned to build hydroelectric power plants in Legostayevskiy, Meelyaninskiy, Snzunskiy, Togaohinakiy, Moshkovekiy, and Byshtovskiy Bayous. These will be large inter- rayon plants, with a capacity of 200-600 kilowatts ant. complex bydrutechnical installations. The 500-kilowatt Eiiekaya 058 in Toguchiiekiy Rayon will supply power to 20 kolkhozes. The electrification plan, however, is being carried out very slowly. Only 20 kolkhozes. instead of the planned 100, were provided with electricity in 1948. Only 10 cf the planned 25 hydroelectric plants were built. A number of plants, inolydfng the F:,n'kovekaya and Borkovekkya in Maelyaninskiy Rayon and the Zdyinckaya in Zdvinskly Rayon, were started, but construction work has been stopped. The Construction and Assembly Office of "Glaveel'elektro" (Main Admin- istration of Rural Electrification) fulfilled the 1948 plan only 39.1 percent. Plans, drawn up by "Soyuzvodproiz" LA-Dhion Planning of Water-Power Installa- tione] for the Vengerors}aya CE8 and, the Maslyaninskaya and 8uzunskaya plants are of poor quality and need changes. PRDSIRSIIY 3IRC92IFICATION STOW -- Erasnoye Zna ,'a, Ne 81, 7 Apr 49 Only 50 percent of the 1948 plan for rural electrification In Primorskly Iraq was completed. In 1948, electrification was not extended to any of the kolkhozea in Chugmyevekiy, Molotovskiy, Chkalovekiy, Eelininskiy, or Takovlovekiy Rayons. The '949 plan calls for electrification of 73 kolkhozes and three MTSs and requires for this goal the completion of 38 transformer substations and the installation of approximately 250 motors and 11,000 electric lights. 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230515-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230515-5 M 50X1-HUM I Sraanoye Znamya, No 82,.8 Apr 49 In 1949, five kolkhaz GESe vill be built in Sokolovekiy Rayon. Solkhoz workers have already logged more then 600 cubic meters of timber for the con- struction projects. Seven ti Ss will be built in Chugtyevekiy Rayon this year. A group of specialists from. the Kray "Glaveel'elektro" (Main Administration of Rural Electrification) Office is organizing the construction work. Eraenoye Znamya, No 75, 31 Mar 49 The "Primeel'elektro" (Primorskiy gray Rural Eleotrification) Office has organized eight construction anal assembly sections throughout the kray to pro- vide more efficient an# p rmanent control and direction of the rural electrifica- hanIu 7ekiy, sad Voroshilovskiy; sixth, Chkalovakiy,, seventh,Sokolovskiy,? and, eighth, Baaeamovakiy Rayon. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230515-5