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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 9, 1949
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230473-2 C SSIFICATION ff INFORMATION FROM COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT NOW PUBLISHED WHERE . PUBUSHED DATE PE'BUSHED LANGUAGE Economic - Fuel and power Daily newspapers Warsaw P7 Apr - 4 May 1949 ei wi ae~we sxaise inmriw e'U I S O aa?we ACV i ?. a..e,. n aw aa. M aaa.,a. Ixe sLUwxraoa w fru a-raurroai DATE DIST. I Jun 1949 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 11W 7 BC AT I18 ALL.) -- Rzeozpospolita, No 121, 4 May 49 A new turbuganerator of 10,000-kilowatt capacity, the third and largest of those activated by the Pru zkow and Warsaw plants since the war, was put into operation in the last few days by the Pruszkow power plant, increasing its prodtwtive ,apaoity from 13,000 to 23,000 kilowatts. Since this plant and the Warsaw plant supply the Warsaw netropo]itan area, restrictions an the con- smdption of power will nn longer be necessary in Warsaw next winter. The new generator., which actually belongs to the Warsaw plant, was brought to Prnszkow to replace one of the four generators which we.e totally destroyed. A. a May Day ple6pte of the workers, the reocnditionia3 of the generator was speeds'. up anti completed in a record time of 10 monttin, aevsral weeks before schedule. The cost of repairs was 18 million zlotys whereas the cost of a new generator is 56 million, a saving of 38 million zlotys. A at of 800,000 zlotys was distr,buted as prizes emca~g 120 workers instrumental in speeding up repairs. At Dozncw, the Pruszkow power plant also completed the most distant and last substation to ecr,ioe Warsaw. This will further :wstcn the industrial dev.ilipsnt of the capital. AP21. BL I COAL PLO 1RT -- Zycie Warszary, L 121, 4 May 49 Extraction of black coal in April reached 5,933,601 tons or 100.1 percent of thw plm Average ontpwtt increased to 1,273 kilograms of coal per man-day, an increase of 2 percent over Karoh. The average output of workers who are members of the tatowioe association reached 1,429 kilograms per man-day. Coal loadings for April were 4,547,508 tons, or 4 percent above plan. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230473-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230473-2 MOTM FM STAM 12Z3) -- TTybtma Ludu, No 114, 27 Apr 49 Tbo' gradual change-over of motor vehicles to ai gasoliue?alcoho1-beaiabl iiatire as fuel will become a peramaentexid.Important source of tbs naticiua e ono y. The now fuel mixture has been on themarlmit for a, fi*-*baths ant has met frith favorable coansumer reaction. ? Until *new, there were man! 7typea of fuel, such as domestic gasoline made from imported petroleum, Imported i n tbetic and natural gasoline, etc. Domesticrav materials in almost umlisitod sayAy we fully exploited for the manufacture of the nev mixture. The immort of motor gasoline will be reduced by at least one million dollars per year. E6 RL-OTAM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230473-2