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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230255-4 ct.Ass11-1G~3M1 CENTRAL IN'LEl~I~k AGEt~~~' C/^~pp@@ //~~~,.yy /~gq/,I~eeNFO~~..!!R.~~pyh1ppA~~'!?f~OpNyy: ~~~P'gqFt~A~qy~h?: ``~~/y~~qq~~p.q.?.~~ fCNY`C G.~Wt9,1r/VtiU~G.~,.Q AR"Y(IOMV B~0V6O.b.RO19 COUNTRY U83tt - Azerbayydchpa. Bs& SUBJECT Economic -Plan fulfill.aent HOW `. PUULiSHEO Daily neivepaper iPJhiERE PUBLISHED ~Eskn" DATE PUI~LISHED 17 Apr ].9~+9 IANGIlAGE 2baeoisn SOURCE y~iy' Rabcabi~', gc 75, 1949. DATE OF 1NFdRMATION CD N0. lg4g DATE DISTy~/May 1g49 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION AZSRBAYT2HA11 9H0RT OF QIIARTffit TARGET 'She Statistics Administration of the Aserbeydshan Sffit nnnonaees that Aserbaydshea industry caspleted "9,1 percent of the first-gAarter grove-prodnotia~n plea. IInica iadastry fn1fi11ed'the pica 101.6 perae~nt, and Republio end rayon iadast+~y completed 91.6 percent of the plan. aroas prodnotion daring the first ganrte_ roes 11 percent in aompnrieva with the first quarter of 19k8. EateTprisee of the rariare sinietriee sad departments fulfilled the first- gaarter gross-production plea as follow : taoinding; Hspablio cafe.-priaos liirtatry of Meh Industry lecltidirg: $spnblio aaterpsisea 90.5 T9 f Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230255-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230255-4 (Continued} Peredat iboludlnQ;t Republic enterprises blinl.etry of Paod Indnatry in.Qxua~:ng; ~epab116 sad rayon enterprises l0E 96 !!ttaiimtry of Iacel Industry l00 Ministryy of Age?iculCnral Fraouremernt 99:0 Ministry of Aatonobile 45eanepart 102 AdmlinlatY'atia?~ fca? Palygraph~ sad Pabliohing $oueoe 108 Adaiaistsatian of Trade Cooperatives 76 'Invalids' Cogpe~atieee 82 The follaaring ministries isilAd to oasrplete the ,plane for the produate in.. ~loaxted: ,Mialats'y of Petrolexim.Indnatry -- petroleum and gaeg'Ministry of Camatruo- tiaa-8iate~ials Itbdns"$y -- brinks lima,, building atone, gg.paum building ertialde, .Nand ocmpas~ition roofing;.Ministry of ;hest ann.Daiiq anauetry -- moat., sausage! pro?- ducte, butter, bheeso,,'~ai1k, and. !aa oa?eam! liiniatry of J,ooal 3nduetry -- brio, liae,,hoeiiery, knAtte$ onto veer, sho?r, hard ldathdr'doods, and other?. $he first-~uns?ter,graee-produotion;plsn vas fulfilled or. exceed?d 3+1' 27 pdtxs~- leum ea`cerprieas, 7 oomtrnatian materials enterprises, b Haber and gaper indueta'y enterprisse, 17 limit Industry enterprises, 2 fish industry enterprises, 17 meat and dairy industry enterprises, 49 food Indnatry enterprises, 7 local (Repnbiio) industry entarps'Les, and 3 nntaoobils transport enterprises. In the first quarter, the fol3oriag trnste and enterprises did net fulfill the gross-porodnotion plea: "0rdshdniridseneft'," "Sagenoviohneft'," "Iwniaseft'," "Asgas" (Ase:bavdshsa Cas), steel oabls plant, Ship-Eepair Plant imeni Parishsksya So~nuna, the Sal~ysay, I,enkes'Da', sad Baku brink pinata, the Alatavinek and Dzegemek stone quarries, the asphalt aombias, Chiahlaskiy Sarsdll, 8asuktreriy right-beak en,: left-beak timber meaagaaeats, lreaiiliaeriy Tuber ikangement, Sas?uhelprau (silk indnstryl, 8sring Paotoriss ineni Ali Bsyresw- sad imeai Yaldnrsriy, the saddler; faotary, the leathor dry goads inotary. Aso the eiasiated leather plant, natal eaves sad saeeseoriee pleat, the Za]asa, ~ttdat, Ehaohmss, Diviohi, lgrsylbnrun, lssossyy, sad Apsheron fish pleats, Lab and Bi~sr Pish Toast. Pish' Car~biaw ieasnl Kirov and Sariasriy, 9akv Pith ?lent, "Asimrsloprca" (Aseriwdrban 011 Iadus'cry 7Catsrprise?) 1~'ust, Baku City Dair9, Assrbaydshsa Sovkhos T,rnst, the bisenit !eatery, the tobaroo isotory, Baku Soap Plant, "AsdaatresL," and tb~e 1?lght iadnatey oafbias o2 liiaistry of S.oos:i Iadnstrr. ' The first-quar*,er plan far antput ad lin~or prodnats vas fnlfi?led ae toiloos: Petralenm (ins ~ieotria power ]k.1t1^ PmQt piston rode Cape far cell ageing ~samok dlys bm?il'- -." 2v' CI~.~ Ut Quarter b9 Plan in L+t Qaartsr h9 7a f of 1st Qnerter k8 ~.ia 9g 97 ~! 99.8 93 102.5 121 104 171 1c+9 129 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230255-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230255-4 `(Continued) 1?t QuerLer $9 Plan in fret _, in ~ of Quarter 48 'Core bite ` ,, g3 281 3-blape chisels 3.16.5 1Fi2 ~eP p 100.2 I'~2 ~aakiag 'rlaviooe: (etdraol~-kmo}~ATkm). 100 ~gp. '~~ 92 119.5 Bleatri? motnr? lOl 444. ?Px?anetars 98 311 Hydraohla~ic ?pcd 9q 20~j 3altnria:ncid $1 $6 easoetic eons l07 T29 Cament " 102 113,5 Hriok 57 69 65 84 e~iadaw 81a??_ : 108 101 Cotton fiber'''.... . 93 102 4toolea fabric 97 139 Catttea tebaio"` 99 lQ2 8!]:dc %abria 104 143 Hasierq 94.. ?5 152 &Aitted pater roar 6 , ~rj ~titted ncsdex~enr -, g5 150 Gerd leather goods 80 92 ~0es 77 103 SstWege prodnote 87 154 Dbat 115 Fish oatoh 66 72 l~oaroni pradnote 97 ~ Batter 62 61 Vegetable oil 99 127.5 Conteatimer~ produote 98 115 Rraps tine 53 183 ~~' 112 127 Cigarettes 71 103 TobROao 127 32 5 Salt 73 . 120 Aa aR 34 llaroh 19x9, 61 ptraeat of the plan fns plowing for spring greian sad 86 pasoent of tLe plea for plowing far cotton pirating res casplstad. 1line fisrsent'ad the plan for sowia~ spring 6~n rss canpl^ted. 4II'8s o a~pletsd 7 psroant o2 the Fen: plan for tractor waa~k. :~'he plea fns repairing plan was . oa~yletsd.102 peraenS, while 9'j percent of the plea for rspsiring ehsilor plows 9'f pa~cbeat far rsysir of sowing asohites, 81 percent far oultl~titor repairs, 499 pGroent fns threshing saohine~l, and j4 pa~roen: of the plan tar repairing oosbinea ~'? !soe~leted. Oo1F 76 percent of tbie ylca for fertilising kolkhos fields was oo~gleted. XakhlnekiF, 14isatekii, 1Lti1l~ekiF, IsaeilliaskiJ, Belakenskiy, `V;atbashsnskirj, and ~ttbslsnkiy r.~ons ors lagging ssrionelr rith the plowing progress to spring kprslns. 6-ark Sa ~-ing rarF cell i.n Sa~.iesgoarodskij, BeklnekiF, ~~1, Astrakhsa~aseraki~, 8gealLwki~, A7.lbatrsalinekiF, and Pwhltlaskiy ~T'~, a. well e. in 8hirnaeki~ Sorkhos 1a 2 and BLiawenekif Sheep-Breeding BnNdtos. Rhs ~laa fns capital oaontrnatim ns 77 ~eroaat ocyp3eted bJ the Rspnblio as a whole] ooastrnutim ender IIaloit'hapeswLibn'oo~lsted 78 pa~roent and aostraotian nndsr Hepnbiia snperriaios-, ~1 psr`oeat, Sn oo~arisoa rith the first quarter at 1948, the ?aluse of.oapitsl oaaetraotion roes 3;~ p~resnt for the first ~nertez~ of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230255-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230255-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230255-4 19k9, Thn vhrioiie mialatrias f'uliillpd the first-quarter capitol=erorke plnn eta follove Peroent Fish I.~dnetrg ~1bL? 7.aoenl Industry z01 Casaruasl &swereroe 93 P'esod Industs~y? Light Iu~lustxy 79 lYsat n~ad Sentry Taduatrg~ ~o Irrigation 35 Grnstrvotion blaterinle Indnetra 41 ~iaulture bb ~nte~ lssrotm ~~ ~..,~ 49 ~uostioa.. ~? Pereent.