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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230246-4 CLASSIft^YIC~i ~ , Mi~,7tA~. ~ G~NTRAC INCEL.tIGENCE AGENCY i2EPOR iNFORMP71t?N! FROM F'+oael~~a ?ocuaae?[~tvs :~R ~tAelo,Blzoan~ CD N~, Pbyeioe - ;lave guides 1~athly psrlodinal Iaeningra?t PUBlISNEQ ' Agr1 1948 LANGUAGE Rasing ~+4TE C/lSP, 33wau,1949. P~0, ~F PAS 5 SUPPt,E6NE1~'[ 1'(9 REPORT' ND. T}IIS IS UNEVALUATED INEQRMATI?N StJURCE u ne. Ta iesleos Fixiki, Pol ~IIZ, Ao 4, 1448.. (F~ Pot Abe Eo T 9 -_:,Iniorm~tioti regnested:) ATTAgIATIOH OB' THE HLO ilAPE IH A R>~TAllW7.AR HAVB'^~JIDS H. 1;. fdnloP lloaoov State Pedagog Iret imeni O. I. Ien1r,. Submitted 31 October 1947 jS`tnsbere Sr. brsckete refer to the bibliography. Figuxee a and b nre appended This article gives onloalatioo~ for the abteoaation of aD H1ipp rn~e iD a reotaogulnr rareguide, obtniaed by obeerring the repeated reileotions of n trsne- ?erss rave iroc the yells of the rareguide. Zt chow that raves of type Heo and Hnn onnrot be considered as s partioalnr arse of a rare of type Hm rith olt~d with an :DSOlator acd rhiah Les l~pall~ aonduoting ralle (Figure a), n ~vsPe of the IIlp type, baring n iregneaoy a;~ 1 and oharnoterised by reotangalar ooepoDeDta kith the follorigZ amplitwdee ~1~ EY ~ k ~ s;~ ~.~ x~, Ex E ~, . Hy. D; Hx=~? ~ sin+ a ~C,~ ~{~--~a) cas ~a~. 7L~, fly _t~ there ilo~2e (siazlsun rare length *or a ?reu rare guide). Aooordiag to Brilla:in ~2J, this rata oaD be aoosidered ae n result of acltiple retleotions frost the sells of the raseguida (z=O, z=~ of the purely ttsosrsree raze, testing these aalle at an eagle of ~~41'r. aes/~ 50X1-HUM DA7F.' ~F 1PEFOR~TIO~I. 1947 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230246-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230246-4 The rectanaul;ar canponeate of this wave in the aavaguide hnva thr+ follow- a~B~ taa9e: f~x~ ~ ~ , ~~*Ci { ~~ s !, (3) and the direotion of propagation, before sad after raflaotian from the ~Lle, ie oharaoteriz?d'.by tihe folloerng equations rl~z sin ~ - x cos ~, r~z en'g? z cos ~J. It ie~ eaeilq seen that mei~aetio pompon?nte are generated sad give a ;erultlrag traosPeree ot~ponent vrith an'aoiplitade: H~~'l~z sir ~-r /~~ os~ ga ?~ E"J (4,) bat ?tfll finite. f&e lettial'ab?orptan (of m rave;):,`in doniieotiod with Chis, id usually eharacterized by tho ooeffioient of att?naation ' _ ~~ ~, (52 there P represents the average losses cf power in the walls per unit of nziel length of the xaveguide, and W represents the average rate of energy flow in the raveguide, ooe~nted tiithont considering attenuation. P is ueunlliy determined by approzisatione (~1] and [3J) vhioh eometises require oumbersode ealoulatione. 1Qot without interest ie the method of deteralning P through representation of the repeatedly reflected raves. It follows from Mgure b, that the nuaber of refleotione ezperienced by a pnreij tzansveree pave fr~- both tulle of width b while ewving one oeatieu+ter? elo~ Q the aiie of the ravegnile equals The ooetfieieat of reflection of the amplitude for n rave with the eleatriosl vaator Ferpesdicnlar to tho plsoe rf tho indidence equals ([ h~, p 7a) Ro,_ ,~'~ r~ , c,) Mhers~~ le the angle of refraotinn~ determined by the ezpreseion Ssrs n represents the prig*ipnl indez of refraction and k the ooeffioient of absorption of the reflecting surface. They are determined Dy the Yell-known egnntioaa of ara1Y (~ 7, D 7~)? Since Sn the Dees of metals, is the preeenoo of mieroraves the diaplnoement anrrent is negligible, i.e., in oomparieon with the aoodaoting onr:sat, the follortng approzlmnte ezpreneioos sre aoournte anoagh for our. pntpneee~ n x kr~.j/ ~ yJ 1 ~~~~~~~1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230246-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230246-4 ~1 vhera Yl !s expressed ip'electroaa~r_at,ia a~zite. Introducing for ffihs sake of abbaeviation the valua tt '3_n. , a,- ,,btr.ln after simple computations: ozpreeelon,, sacurate the te~?m n ~: Therefore' the average Losses in the. wa11e of width bare determined ee. folloae? +shero~e reprbeente n eery small ma~nituiie. at point b reith ocordaatte a'(Figure b,) the phase differenoe betweec the. t- e~ea~?n~ate.of t~xe interfering,traneeere? va~om equnlm $~ a ' ~ X ape and tharetore the eganre of the amplitude o. the reau ting z-oo~onente equals 1'h++ z??eua{q~aent is eisilarly derived: The square of the amplitude of the rennlting field at the euzfaoe of the call is deterained obrLoueiy by the ezpreaelon: ~./ a 2 + ~.,/ 1 ,rl -r~xl //~~ Srai? vnlne raa be used fur ooinputing the losses eocording to the method of enrfaos effect([-i], p 104). Ie~t ae oi;tain the average losses in the strip (a z 1) off: o a P mZ~ ? sir ~Y ~ H? dx= ~,~z ~ /f (lu) The valae of the average rate of energy flow entering tha wavognida io ffetsrainsd by.ths following ezprseaion: ill/ ~ ~ ~E~)s ~ ? C0= c ,r~ ~ ,vln ro 8fi Y 4 a ~a (11) Taking intp ooneideratioa (5 ), (9) and (10), we"deteraine the eoefrioient of attea!tation of ware H10 Sa the wavegnide ae follows: ~~? ~ -~~~ ~~ n~ s;e yryr (12) Introducing the quantitiae y=~'~ (there f represents the limiting 1"rsaaaaoy for n given wnve~i#ei) sad ~ (peeiffo rasieta~oe ezpreeaed ip praetioal unite) ire tbtnin ti X0.119 ~ 16 y'+! -3- colnrl~rlnl. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230246-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230246-4 -a-me ~D a sin 9p < Y. 1Eotnnlly, floe Yign;e k