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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230235-6 Cu"SSIr \TION CENTRAL INTEL CY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY China SUBJECT Political HOW PUBLISHED Weekly periodical REFOF;11 CD NO. DATE OF LNEORMATION 1948 DATE DIST. R,)Ai. #lgk9 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION WHERE .PUBLISHED -ch DATE PUBLISHED 31 Jul 191+5 LANGUAGE Chinos 'Y. L r , $1 Au..., u *I WW00. IR. HlJOOIO.IWO a 7Wt mOIMISU O4 "l COW10A I0 AIM WOWOO 1a A0 .uU1R00WO 000!0. Is ..O= OMMRb If LAW.. OY.M.00?YAO 01110/ pWW .B IAOWIW?I0. SOURCE jj:Wft P JAS:1-M (Uciweraitr Review), Vol I, go $, 1948. Liu Pa-T'ung nfr !!ember legislative - T n I would life to answer several ga.s,%:ions vhioh, iron tins to tine, have beta aatvl no, 1. Ic a lam' Party number, uho openly oritioices his leader, snpging in "dlarsepesttul" end "rebellion" bebaviourt I recognise that the leader and pablio reprssaatati're of a daaooratio political party carries a heavy responsibility and is worthy of respect. It should be reoogalsed, however, that be is elected by the party ambers to carry out the policies of the party and is their sermnt, not theirr>aa:w or ruler. 1II.. Is cue at Von, .not different, divine, or infallible. Rotates may lirooeed from the best of intentions) and yet they should not resin naoriticiseo. if the shoats of a party pretend to observe the law but actually are dsoeitfil rassala, each 4 party will. becaa rattenrana helpless sad will be destroyed. Ir eriticiss of Chalunen Chiang sae bewd on this principle. What I have said openly :as been said before by others covertly.. If sy conduct is rebelliass and !amoral, than theirs is bane and despicable. The nQ should bosons a truly des-oosatio ps:itieal party, dad not merely a tool for the advantage of a o:.i1w. Theme should lie no aisoriminatton between big s;iots and little fellows, `etwem than in office and. those not in office; all should have edual standing, cad anyone should have the right to ariti:ise any other camber of he Party. 9. Should a Er Party nember Leave the Party before orit+_cisiag other responsible aesbers of the Partyt A amber of the Central Ccaittee of the Party has told as that I. out to leave it before oriticillig srnbers*tor being corrupt, avarioiola and inept. Doubtlwe there are others who hold a siai]ar opinion. I believe Shit SAW can AIR RYA AI STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230235-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230235-6 that the Party belongs to all the members, not to any one member or clique. 19aabers carrying the responsibilities of office, cn behalf of the Party, are the servants of the party and hence accountable to it. We might not be true if the Party were a self-seiabiea aanr t enniety where r umber _t-at foU hie leaders uncritically. But the X is not a secret society; it Is a political party based on the Three People's Principles. This being the cases why should I leave the Party before calling to account members of the Central Cotiaitteet 3 Is it permissible for a amber of the Legislative Yuan to criticise the President? The president of a nation, it is generally acknowledged, is the servant of the people. Ours of the Legislative Ynn.are the representatives of the people, the.egents of the master. Is not the master permitted to reprimand the servant? What Ameri.aan president bas not been subjected to criticism, attack, and opposition? Our, legislators are like the. representative councillors of other democratic nations, and are entitled to the same prerogatives that they possess. This is undeniable; hence it is within the rights of a legislator to criticise the president. 4. Is it my purpose to oinise a new party? Is it my intention to hide away in Bong' long? Ae a youth I joined the SBQEbecause I believed in the Three People's Principles. In the more than 20 yeast sines then, I to not hesitate to affira that I have never been disloyal to my political beliefs; for then I have world and sacriflost. But when I reflect seriously upon the departures of the EC fret'the ideals to which it we committed and the sad state to which it has brought the oouatry, I cannot help hating the nerve center which is ohdifly responsible for the present state of affairs. It is because of jw love for the Party that I criticise and reprove it for its esaYaseaes and evils. In doing so, ay emotional devotion to my political beliefs -fiats its highest expression. ly belief in my ideals for the Party is as strong as ever, and I know there are may other men both inside end outside the Marty who feel as I. I an confident that the day will come when these like- Aaded sea will free thsaselVes iron the factional fetters of the Party and will s'i&tt awls shoulder to shoulder for the accomplishment of the Party's revolution- =7 task. Per these reasons, the question of organizing a new party has no place in spy thon*ts. I an a Chinese citizen; China -4elcngs to as. I move not indulged in any dislc-al words or antiaos; I have not committed any c res. 1(y conduct bas been snub as is peraitt.od by the constitution. I refuse to be intimidated by Anyone. Why should I flee to Hong Zang? STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230235-6