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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210928-9
DATE DIST. jr Apr 1949
4?10Z dgr ozhaav TEanevort, No 2, 1948. (Translation requested.)
Rationalization of Transport - A Moat Important Reserve
in Completing the Five-Year Plan Ahead of Schedule
A. Borne;ev,
General-Director of Traffic, Third Rank
The live-Year Plan specifies reduction of the average freight-haul distance
from 790 kilometers in 1945 to 690 kilometers in 1950,.or a reduction of 100 kilo-
meters. In 1946, the planned reduction was only 27 kilometers, and the affected
reduction 51 kilometers. The average haul distance in the first 6 months of 1946
was 37 kilometers longer than that in the corresponding period of 1947, and the
average freight haul in the third quarter of 1946 was 29 kilometers longer than
in the same quarter of 1947. In the first half of 1947, the average haul was 728
kilometers (11 kilometers less than the distance in the same period of 1940).
A distance reduction of one kilometer on all freight hauls over a period of
one year frees approximately 1,000 care and eaves more than 20,000 tons of fuel,
and 9 million rubles in transport costa.
The progress in the rationalization of transport of various types of freight
Average haul in 1940 was 694 kilometers; in 1945, 672 kilometers; in 1946,
695 kilometers; and in the first half of 1947, 675 kilometers.
Bauling of Chelyabinsk and Bogoalovek coal has more than doubled its pre-
war level, and hauling from the Moscow coal fields has nearly tripled. In some
regions, however, crosehauling has not yet been eliminated.
SUBJECT Transportation
PUBLISHED Monthly periodical
OP 4119 O{1R0 PAIRS 1141119 m
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OI 1q' canna 1. A94 O...., IN Al 99AYn1{9ln{ "9909 1{ no.
91MUO a LAW. 9OMW9911o9 a Y91{ R419 if 90929999....
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210928-9
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210928-9
There is a great deal c_? ecort ha,;11x.0 :n the Donets coal fields. In July
1947, the Donets railroads traaeported 32,600 tcaa of coal on 9-kilometer runs,
157,0 0 tons on 10-i9 kilometer r%a,s, 88,400 tons or. 20-29 kilometer runs, and
278,000 tons on 30-kilo4eter runs. This hauling required more than 12,000 freight
care. Such irrational hauling must be eliminated there, as well as on the Volga,
Dnepr, Don, Pechora, and Severnaya Dvina Rivers.
Ferrous Metals
The average 1947 hauling distance increased because foundries of the south
did not attain the prewar e'selting level. Aa a result of reconstruction of the
southern metallurgical base, the supply of metal is increasing, and the haul
distance decreasing.
The exchange of metal between the ccuthern mad eastern metallurgical bases
hoe increased in comparison with 1940. i`Wis is due to the fact that some metal
is produced in the south which does not meet the needs of such importers of
ec'ithern metal as the central USSR, the Caucasus, and, the western and other ad-
jacent regions.
As early as May 1947, the Ministry of Communications considered the problem
of rationalizing ferrous-metal mauling. Although the 16tnlotry of Ferrous Metal-
lurgy developed provisional specialization of rolling mills for 1947-48, execu-
tion of the program has been slow.
Previously, more than 50 separate ministries And central organizations were
involved in the hauling of metal, but now supply and freighe planning is centrally
managed through the Olar-etalloenab (Bain Adminis':ettion of Metals Supply).
The average hau.. was 562 kilometers in 1940, 685 kilometers in 1946, and
642 kilometers in the first half of 1947. The distance increase was due primarily
to a decrease in combined railroad-water hauling of 3rivoy Bog ore and of Chiatura
m4agsasse ore..
The principal ts,oks for the rationalization of ore hauling are (1) shorten-
i g the haul of Xrivoy Rog iron ore to the foundries of central USSR by more
than 1,000 kilometers (through increased smelting of metal from Lipetek and Tula
ores at the central USSR foundries, increased use by the central foundries of
scrap iron now being exported from the central U68R to the blast furnaces of the
south, and bf smelting of pyrite cinders containing 50-60 percent metal), (2?
transporting of Chiatura manganese ore to the foundries of the oouth and central
'USSR exclusively be combined railroad-water connections v13 the ports of Poti
and Mariupol`, and in winter via Poti and Bovoroseiyek. Ouch hauling was carried
on before the war, and (3) rationalization oi' ore hauling in the Urals.
Ferrous Scram Metal
The average haul in 1940 was 668 kilometers; in 1946, 1,093 kilometers; and
in the first 6 months of 1947, 879 kilometers.
The Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy and the Mir+.etry of Transportation have
promised the governnen`to work out sye.ame of normal freight flow of scrap.
The Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant gets 20 percent of its scrap from a distance
of 3,500-3,800 kilometers. Metallurgical plants located on the Sverdlovsk and
Southern Urns Railroad Systems get 30 pores-t of their scrap from a ~istanee of
1,500-1,800 kilometers.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210928-9
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210928-9
The average haul in 1940 was 1,019 kilometers; in 1945, 780 kilometers; in
1946, 830 kilometers; ari in the first half of 1947, 855 kilometers,
Due to a lack of lumber stock in the regions adjacent to the 1uzbaas
(8uxastsk coal fields) and the regions along the Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk Railroads,
lumber had to be hauled there from the Urals (a 2,500-kilometer run). Lumber
stocks must be increased in the Tomsk Railroad region. Large timber resources
exist there, which could supply the Kuzbass ansi Central Asia.
Water transport is not being fully utilized. The Volga water rcute is little
used'in comparison with the railroads in traas_iorting lumber from the North,
Pechora, and nor'kiy Railroad regions to the Donbass (Donets coal fields) and the
Caucasus. The Kant River is also insufficiently used, although its basin contains
timber resources which could be transported by water to the Donbass, the lower
Volga regions, and the Caucasus.
The Main Administration of National Timber Supply does not sufficiently
promote development of efficient lumber allocation to eliminate irrational
Rationalization of grain hauling is difficult because of diversity of crops
and types of products made from the various props.
The regional offioes of Zsgoteerno (grain p.-iurement) permit much cross
hauling. This is often due to insufficient use of rural grain mills.
Water transport anti motor transport ere not being properly used for short
The planning Of peat hauling is handled by the Ministry of Zleetrio-Power
Itatiome sad the Miaietry of Textile Industry, which are pledged to carry on an
exebeaga ox peat when. eases of irrational havlizg odour.
Oomstrnotion-material hauling is irrational priraipaUy because of a Lok
of organised allocation and oamtralitod planning. At preseLt, more than 80
aiffersat ministries and ventral organisations are involved in the planning of
ooaatruction-material shipments ever Ministry of Transportation facilities.
The Fivv-tsar Plan speoifiea use of motor transport for short hauls wherever
possible. Such Important Junctions as gverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, lisbnjy Tagil,
lovosibirsk, Moscow, Oor'kiy, lhar'kov, and Daewropetrovsk have been espeoially
congested by short-haul shipments. The Ministry of Transportation has worked
out a program to eliairste such irrational hauling.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210928-9