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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210674-1 cLassiFlCA ra RE CENTf2AL iNTELLI~EBJC AG INFORMATION FROM 1FOREIC.?N DOCUMENTS OR RAI?10 BROADCASTS COUe ~` CLeahCalovgkia SUEl~EGT rloaetiamia -Mining How PUBLISHED Dsi]g aevepapers YVNERE Pl18LISHED Cl.eohoaio.alcia Dh'PE . P'UBLISHE'D Jamaax?y-February 19h9 LANGUAGE. Caeoh DATE DiST. pf Aj~ri1 1949 N0: ~iF PAGfS 3 SUPPLEMEtdT TO REPORT NO. TH-S IS UNEVALUATED fNFOR~tATION SOURCE ~'>:eohasTO~-ak nevepapero ae iadioated. (Infaraatlan soquosted.) COAL M1~IMfi I!( JAl10ARY -- Rode Pra~o, lQo 27, 2 Feb 4g Aooaording to as nanoaaoeasat of the Cseahaslacrak- Mines, the Jaatrary opal astral~on plan vas inlfillsd 97 peraent. The eztraotion plan for DUak oval vas fn1f111ed 100.4 psrosnt: 1,526,024 tons were aotnal~j atraoted lastesd of the plamed e=trsctian of 1,519,632. The plan vas not inltilled, howwsr, in the ertraation of brow coal: only 2,132,530 teas were sztraatod imatead a2 the plaantd 2,180,804 tans; thus the plea was?fallilled 97.8 psrosat. Ostrata ESadao P1Lan lratao~ 8ssioe ilsat Sobarlo~ liaaiher~a Dahesila Trateow-Mradek esattiera llorawia 8lorskia Plnnaed traction ttans) . Actual ~traation Patrosnt dLen:~) - .. xalfifled -. - 1,199,210 ~ - 1,208x340 .~.. -- 100.8 167,614 _ 2.66,929 99.6 6?,0~ 68,413 102.1 42,426 38,742 91.3 43,370 43,500 100.5 1,632,oao 1,569,337 96:.2 470,224 474,932 101.0 3o,T~ 3T,2~ 121-.3 u' 9.0 45,E ~ 47,903 105.4 98,516 68,200 77,9 Fan" !hs tnltillasnt of the plea 67,120 toes are looking, whiah oorrs- s}oads sp7a'aaiaately to the ehca~tage of the Most field, which is 62,6x3 Laas siQOrt is fhl.*illiag Sts Jaa+cary p1aa. DISTRIBUTION ~! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210674-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210674-1 REST6G~~D RE~RTCT C0~ F'ROD~dC"1'I0N -- $vobodne 31oao, Ao 27, 2 Feb 49. Coke produotioun in Jaannry was ae followe (7.n tans): Planned Actual Qetrarn 270,000 276,000 Roeloe 4000 L 000 TotaIe 27 ,000 2" 0~'-F000 COAL ~Y^1'BAGT%ON -. Rude Pra'o, Ho 21, 26 Jan 49 '.FdAe folloriaag tab3e shows coal eztractitxi during the period 23 Jaausry inolnsie'e, 3a percentage of plno fu1f117~ent: p~,at 94 . i sopolos 20i.1 8cdthsra Hohm?Ss 114.3 ~reetatar-~adsk 138.7 Bfararis 102.6 '81ovaH? 72.2 Blnok Coel ~~'~6 - 100.2 Sadao 96.0 F!laeo 100.$ a atno~ 90.5 Eaaioe 95.7 Percent FYtlfilled 102.3 110.0 ,~io7 102. OAAL ~AL"P30N LAflB BE$1HD PLAN -- Rude Prawo, No 13, 16 Jaa 49 Coal e=traotian has not yet reaohed the planned lord in the first 14 dsln of the l~iws-7esr Plan. Nererthelsse, it laoreased cotuidsrablj !a the aeaas:d ~ssY. The pLnasd atraotioa ass achieved in the Oatra~a-Sarin field m 14 January far ?hs fist !ins since the bsginniag as tha lice-tear Plan; 49,9 loos d coal were ertraoted (pla~sd euzauat: 49,967 tooe). The aiaiag oatpat was also higher than is the preceding dada: 17.50 quintals pe-,t eapita peer shift. The total fnlfil]aent of the plan fry 1-15 Jnnnary is ea follow (psa?oentags) 97.2 IIadno 91.5 p~~ 96.8 ~~ 93.4 swiss 88.2 oar all Csechwln-stia 96.2 _ 2 - R~rRrcrsn Kt~ r t~~~ a c~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210674-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210674-1 ~sTt~~~~ assTxlcT1~ ebaet $04~o1ov Ayd3 ovary Aok gsut?isrxt 1~loravia 'total i~ Czech Proeiacee 8lcvakia 90.7 96.6 120.6 140.6 98.6 92.6 75.7 GOAL lHT19'~(i Iii. Tg~ FIVS-YBAtt PY1~M -- Lidova DomolQacle, 1Po 10, 13 Jett 49 In the first 10 days of the FSve-Year Plan, 418,737 tie of black ooel ware s7etracted, which is 95,2 percent of the plan establish?d for that period;'S5T,923 tares of brown Deal, or $i percent, of the plea, were eostraated. .The Ostrava fielfl fu7,f111ed .its plan 96 percent for the first 10 d$'ysg ffiatdno, 91..3 percent; !last, 88.6 percent; nod Sorolov, 96,2 perasnt. COAL ''I14 1848 __ Rudo Pravb, Ao 32, 15 Jan 4$ Yn 1$48,. 41;334, toa? of Deal were eztraated in Cseohaslovakla. 0011: lII'~11CTIOA AT gAllDIpgA -_ Pravds, Ao 22, 27 Jttn 49 A total of 3,544.4 anrlaads of coal were estraoted in the Haadlova oael Hiss an 22 Jaaws?y, whioh is 74.2 percent as the plan for the entire asslth. COAL ASD IBOh -IDli~ EICPABD -- Prone, Ho 37, 13 P'eb 49 The szploitatian of sew eourose of iron ore nt the Vnclav mine at Lt>rany~ II~esfi wi]1 result in the prodnotian of 700 tone of high-grade rosatsd aaro by 15 May. The >Lt'sl iron sia~, rhieh hni been uunsed far years Lena.ue or a ~ae~atar shortage an3 obsolete squipeent, yet rhioh oantaias large quaati- Siea ad high-grads iron ore, will produce 504 tone of raw Iran ore sad 300 tma of oonl by 15 M4y. S'~C"PIO~ @' EIlIp7~ I1f AIA1Ul~EI~IP -- Rude Provo, Ito 2; , 2 Ireb 49 'Phe mmroer of a&sirsiatretive emplayeen 1:x the Oetravs? asr~in Ccal lBac~e la to be rsduaed frost 950 to 500. nta i tsi~ t to STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210674-1