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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/0x6/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 J CLASSIFICATION C01d,ID?ar1TAL CD. A AL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMAT CD NO. FOREIGN DOCUMENTS STS COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Automotive industry i PUBLISHED Monthly periodical *IERE PUBLISHED Noaaow PATE PUBLISHED January 1948 ANGUAGE Russian F & ?MM LAI5 VMS ,M[ ^g711q 07 kIMa10,ls AC( 00 ~as.~t:rsu.,ruwo,~. ~nvsiwurlwuaoaatraAaawn~ SOURCE IDENTiFICA110N DATE OF INFORMATION 19143 DATE DIST. 13 December 191a No. OF PAGES 6 SUPPLEMENT TO THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS Avtastabi ' m a P W ennos ', No 1, 1948. (Tranalation sspeoot iicaUl,J requested. LABOR-SAVIAO N6'rV= It TB8 NiIIUFA QF ~R-V ICLB QSABS N.D. Oenkin and A.O. Etia Candidates in Technical E.ionces Ulsecc dears in Modern Antomobtie Construction The tendency in modern automobile construction is toward the increasing use of gears of a diminished module having oblique teeth and an increased number of teeth. In small-displaoeasnt engines, 2 - 2.5-module gears are used. In medium and large displacement engines, 3- 3.75-mule gears; in engines for trucks up to 2.5 tons, 2.5 - 3-module Sears; in 3- to 4-ton trucks, 3 - 4.5-module gears; and in trucks cf 3 - 7 tone, 4.5 - 6-module gears are used. Three oblique-tooth gears and t?"o spur pare are used in the malority of automobile gear boxes: Cylindrical pars of the rear axle in oafq cars are Bede with spur teeth. About 60 percent of gears in an automobile are oblique-tooth gear. and 40 percent, spur gear..' The angle of engagement for the most part is 20 degreer. Cirrnotion of profile is seldom used except on certain him-grade engines. The num- b" of teeth ranges from 18 to 40. The precision of manufacture of passenger-oar engis^ pare corresponds be about 'first- ox seocni-class precision; for track engines, to about third- or fourth-oleos precision as rated by 0013T 1643. For classification, gears are divided into the following categories: by external oaacour (a) with our teeth, and (b) with oblique teeth; by dimeestoes (a) of the first rangot 1.5 - 2.25-module, as (b) uf.the second rang.. 2.5 - 4.25-s!ndule and (a) third range, 4.5 - 6-solute, and by class of precision (a) first class, and (p) second class. d l TeohaQla of Oear-c tine Ta the praoeas of machining gears from circular blanks, it in neo- essars to cut out a large quantity of metal. Thus, for example, the gear r. WNtJUt1'1 I IAL 1- ,ASStICATION C MAL seen DISTRIBUTION I ~7 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 face of the cylirder of corresponding diameter. The precision of smenufacturo of the gear rim is determined by more than a score of interrelated factors, vbile the complexity of the configuration of the surface has almost no equal among auto parts. (WDRTIAL for the third speed of the 218-5 automobile weighs 2.2 hg, whereas the blast; before forging weighs 4.2 kg and the fording, 3.4 kg. In other words, about gu percent of the voiglit of- the blank, or 30 percent of the forging goon to wets. The machined surface of a gear exceeds by about three times the our- cent, iehils the proportion of .ages is oanparatively low. !Pith the cost of a firer-allies cutter for sadfipishod oitting at 200 rubles, and the usual tool tiff 1,000 pate, the coat of the tool constitutes 20 kopeks per unit produced, 81nss the surface of the teeth is not polished after heat treatment, the precision of the per naturally is detemtoed to a great extent by the quality imparted up to the heat treatment. Under such conditions, the production Sspaoity of basic gear-cutting opezatione cannot be high, and lags far be- hind the rte of pouring (aypusk). The rate of pouring of gears ranges from 0.3 - 3 minutes, while the productivity of gear-cutting, operations in both prelioisrsry and semifinished steps does not exceed 20 gears per hour, and to some oases is an low as six gears per hoar per saohlce. In other words, tie production capacity of the maohimse in milling some Beare to one-twentieth of the rate of pouring. This necessitates vast parks of gser-cutting machinery in automobile plants both here sued abroad. The cost of gear-cutting is relatively high. $esenty percent of the cost is for tools, of which the cost of riterial (high-speed steel) is 50 per- The following table suasearises the stages in the manufacture of heat- treated and con-heat-treated gears: T mic 2L=tj, in IMo oiua Ga s 9 eratim jest-Treated Over 1 Machining contour 2 Maohiaing technological datum lines 3 Preliminary machining k $emirialehr{d arrohileing 3 $upplewntary snohicing 6 Finished eaoht'ing 7 Hest treatment $ laohising the oi.ratiun base 9 Final prooesiiag 10 8eleotioa of pairs by acoustic obarecterieties and contact Rea ket-Treated Gear lhchining contour M?chining technological and operating date. lines Preliminary Achining $emifinishei.maohining Finished weshining $eleotiou of parrs by acoustic ohterietias and contact rn%I FjhrN i st % Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 Tooth-machiag operation 3, 4, the present work. fIAL 9 are the topic for analysis in The rough-saohining operations include rolling orb, of the teeth, casting t wheel vichita teeth and roue oil 'Ica and rot Blotting of the teeth. ffhe term "rolling-out" lvyleatka) ii'used bji the authors to emphasise the physical nature of the operation -- a s!'?rong upward squeezing of the laser of metal, in contrast to the usual rolling whl.oh gives a negligible plastie defor- aation to the 7 I nc laded in the aenished cutting operations?o.e broaching of the teeth, profile shaping of the teeth (sheer-speed), sod eomi- finished cutting, and semifinished shaping of the teeth. The following table summarizes the above operations: Operations Praliatssry Semifinished teeth !Cr grade of sen'lhoe and precision 6igmifioacoe lateral Allowance Precision of Ongration for aubsegnent Under hlauhisina p( g,(~3 Removing bulk of 0.1 nodule 4th class metal from recess of tooth Cutting of teeth 0.2 module 3d*oleea* oats elan operation Finiahed Final shaping of let-2d claee Clapping Heal lappdnyg of let-2d class e'1'he eon of precision of the operation is determined by the class of precision of the out Saar. moo! Teeth M the BLn,o prliadr+oal Osera The ease to reduce the ooasargftioa of steel led to the idea ! l o ro ling- oat teeth to the hot abate. The prerequisites for the derelopment,sid use of x011}ag oat teeth eaergsa ti..h the growth of isduotiws heating and the poe- eibtlity of eeaduoting work in an inert atmoepbsrs. SOrssai proposals in this field were worked cut by Professor Tislikov of 'i'iII'OM (Central Scientific Oesuroh rnstitata of Machias Teenpology); 2rkl"=klp, a gineer, aVtopraa (Orpaaisattm of the Automobile Industry); Q*nZoi-, engineer, Wi (?bae,w Automobile end Automotive Institute?)] Forob'- 7sr. eoglneer, Academy hone L4olooseki; and others. bwft sael The toots evoind f oc those proposals taalude: (a) autasatio at the along the tool b as. of a heavy sesdxol beviag la- tOrnal cooling for holding the black; a saicteonaoe of fined tw9erature of tts bimhk'with the aim of inductive beating; (d) aoe of a shaping iastruasot with a large area; (o) predacejca in an inert ataospbsse; (:) no. of cooling flu' Beau removal, venal sooliag of the letup, etc. lusting the blank to the aeosssary tesyaasture takes 3 - 3 eeooeds. The blank in worked in six warms, the time of cone coarse being 3 seoosids, aid the time for placing an aalraoosang the part, 13 - 20 seconds. The total time Asprad ag on the diaeasioos of the am I. 1 - 1.3 minutes. The right of the blink oases dawn 35 - 0 percent. "rho life of the tool i:s., the rack, s2ouU be sigailiaetly increased. -3- ccu,v WIAL CONFIDENTIAL ' 50X1-HUM', Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA_RDP80-00809A000600200460-0I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 (O ' TIAL The Stara receive increased hardness since in this method the fibers are not Machined across t',;3; b. ,".na eannd -applementary grindln4; and ahr;:n'':ge of the structure is done. The accuracy of rolling-out of the blank in Sears from 3.5 - 4.5 module ranges from 0.15 sea to 0.12 mm in the mashing elements (profile, pitch, and alignment). The recess in the Soar at the time of rolling-oat is not dis- torted. The above--mentioned process seems to determine the following technological procedure when rolling-out of teeth is introduced: stamping of round blocks, turning the rim, machining the technological datum Linea, rolling-out the teeth, eseifi.nished nutting of the teeth, sharing, etc. Mile final adoption of the rolling-out process still requires a great industrial effort, the above-mentioned considerations indicate the prooeeo to be one of great profitability. Oaetial of Obars perimentatioa is the centrifugal casting of gears is being conducted in the; UBER (at the Moscow Automobile Plant meat Stalin, by Eagneer V. N_ Sokalaav), as well as in the United States. According to available data, a oentr1fu 13y-east steel Ste' blast, with subsequent norellzatlon, will pro- duce a Sr with the following wsohanical properties: ultimate tensile strength , 120 kg/sq IOM; Brinell hardness, 350; compression (azhatiye), LOB percent; oloahtion, 8 - 7 percent. Clark, an engineer, experimented in 101 with the casting of gears using was and "leocerite" Matrices. These developments, aooonding to bib'iiogi phio data, prevent the forsetxe of a akin and gmsentee a blank with a meshing-ole- eant precision of 0.1 m. >$agieer V. N. Sokolov'a experimental work out the casting time of one blank to I - 2 minute.. The consumption of Fatal may be expected to be 10 13 pezoeet lower than in rolling-oat. Cast blanks, as well. as rolled-out blacks, require ssm.tfiniahed operations before shaving. woieg, use rolzisg-oat, assures high productivity and should have faro development. The question of the maohinability of cast blanks is cubo^quent Bgw& 1g111na At the present time, rough milling of the ga:= blank for gears of second- and third-pitch dimensions is dons by hobbiug cutters on speolai machines do- sig ed for preliminary milling., The matter In specialty soaped tc cut on both strokes, s.l has grinder radii attachments, The cutting speed is 20 - 23 meters/alnutewith a food of 1.8 - 2.3 ow/revolution. The mean economical tool Life in cutting Sears of the seocsdpitoh dimension is 100 units. "."e production capacity is about 15 saits/hnu . IIstil recently, the machines most widely in one for rough milling were the Type 5V-32 vertical smoking of the "yossosolete" Plant and the 12-1 and 1-14-B (Lind eaard. Also in use is the Type 53b horisootaL machine of the "gem- sosolets" Platt and the Series To 12 Barber Sol'man. liamhince of increased rigVity have been found to increase the productivity of milling operations and the life of the tools. Sydraulia machines for milling LO FWtri i lAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 I e an 9ops'oa has vorioed out the rollout d t Mal Stalin. The or. standards epart.ental standareds for these cutters: t sea one?l hubbiog cutters vith tntsa'OWn/sabU cotter -teeth =woks at the Yazoo, AatosobiU Plant issni Stalin, and oesplote installation at the Baal Automobil Pl -s.- -w-v+.w.oa. aai1~1 emOQYng'tntterll j (2) am of hard - sllag bfu ~s e? Seotioe.1 hobbing outtersp (3) the doeigt of special high productivity meahimme for roughjnh_ont. There has been partial inetallati - of i such methodo, hoorver, =at be considered eta onl,' partially effective. pawls Mclubloo of the rxv9Mt *4wa4.-. -v --- m mg msahiaiag, too Installation of fWwols and to ' 2.2 enis of the xystes bas permitted an increase of feed speed from 1.8 Mwrovolution in tutting gears 11th a pitch of 6. ^-Y -..--- +..v asd9R LDOY noiaore and Increased control and reinforcement of the other basic units. -Thorn has uoen 80me use of vertical-milling machines of increased rigidity (uni- and coti- spimdle) having fired supports and a feed by moving the job in a carriage along vertical guides. In order to increase the life of the tool and assure its uniformly effec Live use along all lines, a Machine has been created with horizontsI movement of the sorts and tangsstial feed, by.advanoing the cutter in a horizontal plane. According to data of the Automobile Plant imeni Stalin, the life of the tool used far machining gears of 4.5 module m e increased from 150 to 250 units by this method, where velocity ewe 0 meters/minute,, vertical feed 0.7 m/revolution and horizontal feed 0.7 mmrevolntion. Tangential supports ere being installed in recent models of cutting machines. The installation of flywheels on the cutting spindles and a slight braking bas sheen good "molts on the score of more rigid operation of the machine. wording to prelisioery data obtained on the basis of 3-month operation of Type 5MO vortical illi to limsima. Dimensions Usits of Tooth ems) Iojerissntal work his sham that hard-alloy blades out through hard, an V031 as slightly tempaled, steel better than soft, ductile steel. The scat o.apli task to the creation of an especially rigid machine on vbioh to apply thaw new, tester cutting m othods. 130 6 - 14 10 91 50 The me of emotional bobbing cutters vith high-speed steel sacks onn- sidsas!bly loess tool espendita. Pitting the. v-th hand-alb disks en- .ble o.ttims opsed :o be inmresemd to 100 .stirs,/mtlnete. C4 JAL t^-mrmnr-mrs e e WVNFIVtn i 1AL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0 ,AWTIAL great ooacentrioity to the initial periphery of the gar-rise block. The cardinal notation, however, 'depends on the use of sectional profile shaping. Roush Slottiwt of Cslindrieal Gears Rough Slotting is used vhere milling is not posoible because of the special design of the Sear. The productivity of these operations in extremely loo -- about halt that of tilling. Suck separate rationallration procedures as use of special gear-sheet outters and improvement in the number of passes per adopto give only partial results- The new Hode1 OZ-7 gbar-slotting machine pat out by Veltman, the Oaeohosloeakiau firm, bas iaoreased productivity to a certain degree. The naobine is equipped for cutting, at one setting, aultirim (not more than four) gear blocks of the some module. This not only onto down the time of subeequout resetting, but increases the precision of the block, assuring rim transmission gear on an ordinary vertical broaching machine modified for this purpose. The broacher vas securely reinforced, and the unit drawn down- wed thsou* it. Us brosohsr was sage in the fora of scalar segments rigidly attached to the wheel. In the event of damage to the teeth of the broseoh, only owe segesat is affected. teeth. Macy difficulties have been enoouotared in working uat the design for the brosobor and its sanafuoture, and practical answers have not yet been Pound. Data has boo published on the nlmaltaneous broaching of 30-Tooth external- posed of esparats wrest., which machine would alaultaweozsly breach all external both Broaahiag of the toothed periphery is an extremely productive method of rwohlning teeth and for this reason long ago attracted the attention of teohoolo- gtats. llosever, the mannfuoture of broaching machines and the aotnal broaching operm'liow on eaterml?meahing gears to an extremely complex job. Ise 1936, Emma', a Soviet engtueer, ougglated a broachiag machine cam it the special oealaatosatio mohine for sdseltawsoma broaching of all teeth on a cylindrical gear, the broaching I. acooapiie-sed in one pass of the ^sohlne, daring which such recess is saohined 4y a separate, broacher, per- aittiag their iodividsal dressing and adjustment. The attaohsmot and oontroi of the broaohers is aeoomplisbed by special heads. In other seaiantcestic.broaohers, only one recess In out at a time, after vbioh the etrralar table on which the year is fixed accomplishes an indexing revolution, Tbs biroaohing of teeth on geese having external meshing has cot, however, achieved wide are either in the UM >sr in Anerioa. This can bs explained by the cosplulty of aa:euS oturing, sharpenirg and installing such onohinee, and by the idot that the precision of the finished unit is not of sufficient quality to porsdt normal speed in the shaving process. Its high produo",ivity, boveverF write serious study and further working out for Loductrial use. CONtiu R1'iAL %. JtM ICLI~ I lit Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200460-0