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IRPVIRM.'.7I011 1947
"to Ooeugtxr ion &in IWOnnAno7 ~menaa nil alnaxlll osnxoe
C!R EO? 115 0110 jt P{ ==11 MUN xO1H?0Antx10 11101116. OR MR 116TILA"On
0P 1711 001ts1/R 10 To a1 00A0TNOat110 151001 Is MO.
11111511/ Yf. MP/000Cno1 0T 1x111 POSY 1s POo"10110. OOP
OKs, 51P000algO 011G1153 11 0001 OP TAO FORS OAT 00 0'01110
Y 000011 aONtua, 99 115 UOO401x0 A11111.
27 July 1,048
SOURCE Russian periodical, Tekstil'na a Pro shlennost, Vol VII, No 8, August 1.";!:7
(FDB Per Abe 12G52 Translation spec fic~ cally re:;uested. )
Communist methods have developed a policy of promoting widespread
uompetition among workers as ,.3 mans of Increasing industrial production,
Thanks to socialist competition our textile industr., is moving steadily
forward and is increasing the tempo of the production output every nnnth.
Irportant successes have been achieved this year. The f'_rzt half-year
plan for total production in the textile industry ws+ carried but by103.2
percent. Production output rose,39~7 percent in comparison with the
corresponding pei1;.od of 3.946. In this connection, the production of cotton
ts;ttiles increased 39.1 percent, linens 37.5 percent, woolens 37.3 percent,
cotton fiber 39.7 percent, and automobile cord 1.8 times.
As n result of socialist competition, 131 enterprises carried out?
half-year's plan ahead of schedule. Among these are the lnr,gest combires
in our country: 1 rekhgornaya Manufaktura" imeni Dzherzhinskiy (Director
A. A. Sever'yanova, Chief Engineer N. N. Pavlov), Orekhovskiy imeni
Nikolayeva (Director I. M. Uolotkov, Chief Engineer E. N. Buturlin),
TeyKovskiy (Director G. A. Radugin, Chief Engineer I. I. Kruchinin),
Tashkent Linen!. ?talil. (Director Yc, T. Alokselev, Chief Fngineer A. G.
Teryuahnov), Leningrad Thread-Spinning Combine imeni Kirov (Director Kh.
A. Mursayov,Chief Engineer L. I. Zel'din), Ivanovskiy Mixed Goods Combine
imni Frclov (Director P. N. Lukoyanov, Chief Engineer A. N. Smirnov),
Textile Combine imeni Tallman (Director L. Z. Mondzelevskiy, Chief
Engineer Gorelik), Silk Combine "Krasnaya Roza" (Director G. D. Malyy,
Chief P'-,,-ineer N. N. Arsen'yev). The folloring factories are includsd:
Shuyoko-'feainekays (Director T. V. Molonnova,Chief Engineer S. N.
Stolbunov), Bol'shaya Ivanovskaya Men-fal-turn imni Molotov (Director
Z. I. Yakimov,, Chief Engineer A. I. Bat'kov), i'roolen kill imni Kalinin
(Director S. E. Struchkov, Chief Engineer G. la. L.vshits), Kostrons
Linen Hill imeni Molotov, (Director aa. I. Varabicheva, Chief Engineer
L. I. Araen'yev)and others.
STAt[ .i NAw !me
__L XL
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All these enterprises won transferrable Rea Banners and first places
in the All-Union Socialist competition during a 6 months period
The following carried out the first 6 months' program in all produc-
tion: Glavlenkhlo Prom [Main Administration of the Cotton Industry of
Leningrad Oblast] (Chief K. G. Kos'ko), Glavsherst' Chain Administration
of the Wool Industry (Chief `l . G. Gusev), Glavkord Main Administration
of the Cord Industry (Chief D. M. Karasev), Glavahelk [Main Administra-
tion of the Silk. Industry 7 (Chief L. G. Yeveeyeva)
[Main Administration c? the Cottoi Industry of Moscow Oblast (Chief N. M.
lvy'+nav), Glavrovkhlo pprc ...(Main nct-,inistratior of... the Cotton Chili i :rile
tr of New Regions and New Structures?J (Chief'A. A. Margolin), Glavkhlopok
4Main Cotton?Administrationj (ileputy Chief G. A. Guzman), and Glavte'thnotkan'
Main Technical Fabrics Admiristration?_ (Chief G. V. Kotov),
The following Ministries of the lextile industry carried out the half=
lagimov), Kazakh SSR (Minister V. M. Pelevin), Turkmen SSR (Minister N. V
Brekhov), Tadzhik S.SR (Minister D. Kh. Kholmatov), Geor ian SSR (Minister
L. A. Rukhadze), and Uzbek SSR,(Minister S. N. Nusratov).
This is borne out by the fact that the plan was carried out by 107.8 per
cent in the second quarter and by 1C9 percent in June clone.
the experiences of outstanding textile enterprises deserve particular
attention. One of these is the technical fabrics factory"PobedaOktyabrya'!
competition, the collective of this factory eagerly undertook the accelera
tion of production.
A great part of the weavers regularly fulfilled 1.5 times the eaily
quota. Work productivity in the factory rose 17 percent in eomparia.n wtth
the preceding year. T1uu+ji~put of the m r.hines increas..d correspondingly
by 9 percent and surpassed planned output by 3 percent. The improvement af
production of the most ~m-U;.:.nt ?abrlc. 'or agriculture more ther? t:'
cent during the uoa rse'u a .. The a;;terprise had al.rosdy conpleted
the 7 months' planci ;.,?... The collective dec1_ch' to co ; e;.,
annual progrsw for the anniversary of the Great Octouer Resolution.
The achievements of the "Krasr.aya Roza" Sill Cowbind were no worse..
Her_ 80 percent of the workers became experts in eervicinF equipment :,ork
toward the expansion of production proceeds without interruption in the
enterprise. Many finishing and weaving processes are being w,ehanized and
new machines are being installed. The managers of the combine are striving
in evary way to increase eni'usia+m for work by imp-re-ring c? and
In the ti.orsted-Yarn Factory imeni. Kalinin, the task set for the anni,
vereary of the Great October Revolution was the attainment of the prewar
level of production. Effective measures for combating work interruption
are being carriod out in all mills, larger packaging of yarn is being intro-
duced, and the speed of the machines is being increased. These measurer
have been introduced in the ring-spinning frames. iiere, work productivity
bas tncreesod by 17 percent. The yarn output. 'sr 6 months of L9e7 bas
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200200-8
tietor of the All-Union competition of textile oorkors, was forced in June
to yield the Red Banner of the Council of Ministers to a more deserving .
candidate, the Combing imeni Kirov of the Glavlonkhlopprom. The Kirov Com-
bine outstripped the Orekhov Combine in a number of indexes. The average
daily output of yarn and unbleached cloth of the Orokhov Combine decreased
rormer Combine aria' i w percent ror the latter. i e vrekhov Combine aid not
produce the required amount, but it saved 204,000 rubles in the cost of
pro 4iction chile the Kirov Combine saved 2J49,000 rubles. The manufacture
of first-grade finished goods by t'iese combines amounted to 85.5 percent
obligations which the textile workers assumad in honor of the 30th anni?
ve_rsery of the Great Octobrr kev(,tution. In June, 204 out of 257 enter
prisfi in basic branches under Union jurisdiction fulfilled and exceeded
the plan. In many of these enterprises product.-Lon obligations assumed for
the whole year have already.beekl completed.
Horkera of all enterprises of a number or maim administrations hold
strictly to their promises. The ' (?lavsherst! , Glavshelk, Glavkord, and
Glavnovkhlopprom factories are working at and abo,a the level of competi-
tively assumed abligatione. All prerequisites for completing theyear's
assignment ahead of ache-Jule have been created in these enterprises,
production output, but they even owed considerable amounts of yarn arid.
fabrics for the first half-year,
in some lagging enterprises and sections of main administration,. Cotton
workers of the Ivenovo and Vladimir Oblests, workers inthe linen industry,
and textile workers of Armenian SSR not only did not,provido an additional
textile workers of the enterprises of the'First Glavivkhlopprom L Main
Administration of the Cotton Industry of IvanovoOblastJ (Chief I. P.
Morokin) pledEmd bloc elves to produce in 1947 2,000 tons of yarn, 12
million meters of unbleached goods, and as much finished goods above the
basic plan. The obligations of the Secor.d Glavivkhlopprom (Chief P. A.
Pankrat*yev) enterprises in the above categories anoint respectively to
2,190 tons, 17,377,000 maters, and 18 000 900 ueters? those of Glavvlad
The First Glavivkhlopprom carried out 97.5 percent 2f the 6 months' plan
for unbleached goods and 97,4 percent for finished goods. The figures
for the Second Glaviekthlopprom were 98.2 percent and 95.1 percent respec-
tively and those for Glavvladkhlopprom were 95 and 94 percent Those
figures bear testimony to the fact that I. P. Morokin, P. A. Pankratoyea,
and S, V. Andreyev, the managers of these main administrations, did not
organize the necessary material enl technical requirements of their enter-
prises and utilized the enormous internal reserves badly.
producing in excess of originally assumed obligations, but Ivanovo and
Vladimir workers have still not put their own resolutions into effect..
The first half-year ended and loading textile enterprises are already
khlopprom [Main administration of the Cotton Industry of Vladimir Oblast 7
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The work of Glavnovkhlopprom may serve as an example for the corkers
in the Ivanovo and Vladimir Oblasta. This administration faces more complex
conditions than the other main administrations do. The enterprises of those
Ivanovo and Vladimir Oblasts are situated in a relatively compact group and
contact with them presents no difficulty. The Glavnovkhlopprom factories
are scattered at enormous distances from one another. They are located in
Central Asia, Siberia, the Tatar Republic, the Southern Urals. Former
managers of the main administration explained the poor work of their enter-
osz-t ot~the plan for cotton fabrics, 1101 pcresnt fcr linens, IC'? :1 per
good, in excess of the plan. Taking all this into conaideration the vol_.
and s7nthetie fiber. In addition, textile tirorkere are required to fulfill a
industry must not only fulfill the current plan but oust also compsr.e its
ddcided during this period, In the course of the third quarter the textile,
estsional," 3.09 million rubles.
the following combines: for the half year ulukhov Combine had bases of
7.44 million rubles in excess of those permitted by the plan; for the same
tion managers. It is impossible to tolorate such facts as are observed in
into account that a considerable part of the profit went to make up for
losses sustained ii the first quarter. The problem therefore consists in
questions of economizing continuously before the eyes of produe-
clearly improved their financial indexes. The industry completed the
second quarter with a saving of 13.8 million rubles in accumulation
and 58.49 million rubles in the cost of production.
Reports given over a period of 6 months indicate that textile workers
Margolin, new chief of the "win administration, and an workers
insured efficient management, and strengthened the connection with the
enterprises. Now main administration workers spend a great part of the
time right in the enterprises and mills. They clear up on the spot all
painful questions of the enterprises and render them immediate assistance.
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