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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/0/6/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 1 - D}}rr ~~L CORD DATE Of~TR. 3 Juno 19ya N0. OF PAGES 7 N0. OF ENCLS. wano eetovn SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. a- PPf awos, tln~m vrteta iri Aiuitiao ei ixe niteaiae a:r ao THIS tS UNEVALU.ATED INFORMA, !ON FOR THE RES.ARCH tl. f. G. i1 atl0 ,L w, ~tlftl0f,. IM n.wtlusroa oa 7Nf C'YfLAP10tl T !' as na eetlm,ro sr AtlP tlnaartl m atl ftutlPUOamo saws tf ,uo . Ptlsms w ua. w-aeo;cuotl tlr nrf roar u naetlwmc,. tlotl? USE OF TRAINED IrITELLIGENCE ANALYSTS tlfftl, tlV911Y700M COMPAHfa ~tl fOW 0- pMf MOY6 iR9 H OgW({p ,C ftltlf! NKY..w w .... .. ~,FO1I~fATYOiJ OF !~N ICI; COiILR LtAr~ :; Ill-~~ By k. Ye. Ivanw, P. I'. R~boko and A. R, Shultman Institute' Le7>.tngrad Aoa3?~r of Soienoea, USSA. Ilat~y rorka hevo been devotod to the study oP the deforraetion of en ioe Dover under various loads. In the basin studios the authors start by conaidez?in th ti g a ac on of static eeighta (1, z, 3s 4~ 5, y~ 7)? +rhils the effoat of rapid a}mt~~ of exterml fazo9a is :rsetod in only a emeJ.}. nuobar of rorka. Thus, for e~a3mple, >:;ngineer Rae}+.kin (8), usir~ a mechan- ical reo d ~ or oi , shared t}mt now vibrations era ;~roduaed in an ion cover after a b.I.otr from a Refight, At tho sema time }:e anma to the' aonoluaion. that tho ~effoat oS these vi6zetiona'oould be disregarded in aaloul ti a .rig tho etrongtlt of the ice. Pswfoaear 7ubov (9 j observed the ;xiriodta vi'~ra- bona 'ghat occurred When a 70-ton load trawled along the five. Noting the save nature of i il a s m ar vibrstion~ he suggoated the }tasaibility of the daeuro:ova phenon,ernt of rnaa,anRO. ~o~aan etxl Yroakurvakav (7) also .cite data on t}ia .-: vo vibratiaru+ o an .ao navor unGOr rowing loads, and think that there must be some critical d b spee a oma ahiah t}w broekdown of tho icy acwr can result. These brief observations have not found ansr p'eet rea o p nao anonq. engineers end buildora rho are fin~lir convinced that static loacin are ell- t itgpor ent end t}mt tho vibratit~ prooeseee in sn ice cover are of 13ttle icr~ortsnoA. routs hoc demonstrated that oomplicaicions ariao xl?iah a~Vno?'conslilarea ~ SUBJECT P~yaias ACQUIRED ~~ DATE ~r ~'CaiWrATION ihrah 191,6 SG?Uat+'E Reasian p?riadioal, Rhurnal Tekhnioheako Fiaiki, Vol XVI Na 3, 1946. (F1x3 Yer Aba I.21'9b -- Trans .on epeo ao"~v reo~ated. TPIt'i4HtIVP; -.~ ~~~~~~~ CLA.~iSIFiCAT101~E peC3 .-. MGR OFD! ENC4 REPORT ~l~~i` ~A USA iNLY ,STAY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/0/6/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 - / __ is the theory based on study of the effect of ate tic loads. The Admiaiatas- tioa of liar Rehabilitation Yiorka sot us to attidyit~ this problem in connec- Lion with aonatruction of the lLedoga Aai'road. A d?*.ailud doscription of results obtaiaoat oa ltdoga, on the ATava at the Shliaaal'burg idge, dnd on Lake 6nadal~ 1s published a apeoial calleation iN9R-2 "Authority of the Nor Rehabilitation Ydorks~ which deals with all tho projects an the route. In the artiesle we sits briefly only the mein results of our work. The deformation or the ice A+??qr arse measured with the aid of the "dep~~~Ph?" (pogibografy) of the Rsynov (l0) eysteam, which autastmt- iaa]ly Ia~ted the movement of ttee ice relative to the bottom of the la}oa. The wire, connecting the weight lying esa thu trottom with Che reaordiag apparatus set in the frame of the depressograph, went through the non- Fraeaing Sese hole !li)~, wh~ch:e+as a pipe filled with lubricating oil. ':he lcnar end of tho pipe exteadoei below the lower su~faoe of the ice. The series of depresaographs waa pieced bath perpendicular and parallel +Q the routes. This cede it possible to xeaord the shape of the deproa@ion curvo of fire ice and also the vibratioaa of the .:ce cover, and to otoa?tae their esorrespanding, sxavA ^.haracteri.atiaaa ?` 'The experimsnt of studying the deformation of Lhe ice cover ender vario'ua loads (internal-cwmb+xst3on loaomotiges, sutoixxbilea alx4 other , automobile trataez~a-t) mavit~ at a variety? ~f s}*e?ds, showed the following: 1. F~Isatio deformation ie observed with Load3 riaviag at. speeds from G _ 7 C i...../o... .M.. _. . _ _ ? . . _ . _ a-q YYi'[al ~i~7AOT1?1 9ILer Ln9 The .shook ap~read through the ice with the eased of ravetnont oi' th ] e vehia se and vanished with practically the same speed.. Thus, the deforration r~.wista.oP a curve of depression moving aleag then i^n oar. In Figure 1, "e" is tba record of the instnuaonte p]eaed parpendio+118r to the movongat of the autcmot;iles and 5 metora ape,rt. Iastsnmient Ho 1 was pieced direat],y in the path. i10 20 ?TO o AO ,?l-..P~ t~ T+-s The magni*,ude of the depression in tho case of slow movenelTt, for example, :s a?:-hail to two-thirds ea ?rsoat es With ru-o>3r .static teats 3ecauae of the slwrt duration of the load tho proaesa of depression does r?t reach s sta;,e of elastic aRUilibrium dve to the inel?tia of the displaced mneses of water. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 ? f ;, ; ,., 2. 411rsn the leaded hachines moved at specids oz? more ? LFuin there was a bravo vibration sfnioh flea recordod on apparatus as far es 100 meters arrgy from the .routo. One oP the records of the dvnrossagraphe, of an oca.:aion when the ].ceded automobiles vtero mov2ng at about 45 km/hr, is shown in Fi.~niro 2, b? iSnowing the distance betrteen the trio instruments placed perpondiaulsr to the time of rotardation of i i ng n the direction of mavoment and by determ the mnxine of the respective curres, it eras possible to determfne the speed of propagation of the ice save. The per#.od of vibration rns determined directly from the graph as of co*rparin~; the ta A y y s the distance between the tsrc msxian or minima. mmrerous serves et various spaoda of t~ovemDnt sad with different loads,. both thn vetocl.ty of 'Ehe rave "v" and its crave length )1 Warn rneaaurod. bout 50 cm tl~iclr and a pond about 5 moter~ i ? ce a ith In our experirnaats r. damps ~ 200 meters and v z 35 ~~s and this velocity did not depend on eit3ier the speed of the moving weight ar on Its rmgn:.tudo. Ylhen,the tion of even two inatrw~nents, tho t ll t~ e military situation did not permit ins wave ohoraateriatioa mare deterrainod by a simplified motl2od. Tco bolos Yrsro Wade in the iae about 3a ?? 50 meters sport. .An observer Frith a stap- rretch rma stationed at cash hole. y cover cariaed s very-aotioeebLe ahattge in i c The q~ibrations of the tho lavol of the stater in the' ioo holes. $~tti ataTicratahoe sroz?o started of the, same time and the titres of the minlmtta aXxi mAxiimm+ lsdeis of tlic ttater more noted. This rnds it posaiblo to detorr~inc the titre it took for the . nave to trnverae the distance botFreen the holed and also tho period of vibration. T.trosia~ the diataaco between ?the holes, it eras post3lbls to ~~~{~ and "v"? Aith very. think iae this rpthod is applicable only hes~tter out3pe the autoaw'sie, t ewevo f th ~ er , ~ e volocity o e lea then the w sad the app?retue bogan to register w'rilo the automobile mss still approaah~ oh~aot greater than 35 mo in f th v g e ~ pos~vor, in.tbe as se of speeds o ? ._ ., _~ ,. ?,>,,.e+,~~ ?u.rn~n after tho automobile bed ?. On oxrsideriny the woes oT fuze smves in tho ice, it can be said at ones that titay era not ooouatio. Y3rra ?~elocity of proprg~.tic~? of a =~ourrd rreve is ioa sea observed in the eaporiment to be epproxinetoly a hurxired * l e ths h ~ o , ~, v times giaater. At the ssme axaoeds eavR n~h of thy man t}te lo open safer nrea tmrch leas.. For o.armple, .. ~ ..~.. ?t,e ....'Ine.1 _.o of thtl fre0' 1?ave is detsT~ ~~ mined by Iegrange~s equas:aon: v . Nga. 3n our was when H a 5 meters, v - 25 1au/!u'~ that is, alosc to the vo]oaity of 35 kt~hr x2.ich we messurod. T1ia msRea it Fwsaibla to ooonlrruture that hydre~ytsania svarzs cause s the dagirjtioa l i a a the save ~ ~,,? iae r,>aoor. The iae Dover itself oxp of the 'voracity of propagation of the wsvo from Lagrange's forteula. The of the ureter usvo rrhiah Bras fl uence iae saver, deformed under the in prpd~d, exorts a preaauro from abavo on thv sssr'Facre of 'the water, which he reaction of ties defortnod itude of ' . paaastu'e ie determined by the magn part of, the. iae cover. in order. to derive the approxi~ta exproesion of thz ve]ACity of Lha side rave Which trsvols under tho ice cover, fle will proaoed frost ?lewriterp conaidomtiona and use the last of too quantity of rwtion and Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 the impact of forces, 1'Je shall cell t}io thickne i= a ce ,the height of the rxeve "h", ?tha noigh~ of a unit ~f rolume oY the liquid ',' ,and the coeffioiant of olasticaty of the i:a si;eet E, The other do;~ignations remain the same. The final expression for the velocity of the aprna:ing of the wave under the ia? sheet has the form: '/ _ ?3 gB (1 fi ?r? L-d zi f~ (1) Jrgvation (1) i~ the .result of the oesumpLion of the props~tian:.,~ s single progressive wave': If equation (l) is appZ3,ed to the aonditlone of than experiment w? conciuotod, in which nut single Hausa but a aer:ea of naves Here scooter by thR moving neigh t, that Sa, altorrmte rising and feling of the iae ahe3t were eucaeeaively observed, then the results of oalculeting the volocit?r acnording ?q eouatlon (1) will obvions7y bo opproxi~rete. Equation (l) .ail:'. bo moat closely descriptive of the velocity of propaptioh of the first positive crave oR a~.sari0s of:.wavos ~undor the, IAo. sever recorded by--tJu~ apparatus. ketunlly, for the first Fx;citive :sane, the flondSCian ofryfas?cer3ng the plate by the edges, w]',ian v~ assumed, ,rill appllr in t!'ea ove1C at the front end of the crave end Hill sot apply at the seAr end; that is, the bend in the line of deflection n9.11 coincide With the end of the Positive nave and with the lenaition of in to a negative wavR. rhereforo, it would'' '. Le more aoaurate in this Dees to consider the lino of deflection of the ' pate vrith one edge fixed arxi the other ewit~;ing freeZ,y but not having freedom of horiaontel movelpent. But since, in this caes, the roaultant equation booomea extremely complicated, and considering that for long 'wawa With amll amplitluIoa, this ie the condition which determines the megnitudn of the reaction of the iao cover "p", and'^Ltmt for the firot positive nave no substsntial correotiona have to }x~ ir+troduoed into tho' final results in calcu]ation, we consider it possiti]s to app],p equation (1)s ea well to the obtained oxpe:imental data. It Ye Hat bard to see that , when the thioknoes of the shee?o of iced . 0, equation (1) bocofses Iegratrgo ~ e formula. Finally, ea the nave length A increaeae, t?e velocity of !ts prop- s?ation? deoreeaea, and at the 11mit When ~ oat+ , 3t becocaea equal Lo the velocity of propagation in open water, inasmuoh ae t8o ice coyer, not being 6Aformod, sto;ie prudt~c4n~ an additlonel impulse ~f Soros. Ttrr theoretical problem of the noaeii::iit~ that the Erne nave Hill, utter the iavact of the vatsr, os~rtelee tha moving load still reealae to bo explained. This ;roblem is aonneet.~d with tl:e eomputetioa of the angle (~ , pt which the wawa are propagats~i, The theery of ship ~?roe gives definite lt'Oitt} ftsq t}~:JSO ang.`.ea. lr: our exporimanta ne did not .aeasure t}xt ~~ of op~n3r,~. }k+R~+r, use observed mazLq instances of waves over- taking 3~ais an Lake ladoge. Uo can only advance a ]Xypat!^_esia hare. The fact ie that i.r oontraat pith those cases considered in the theory of ship naves nhiah operate fY+om r-ell streamlined contours, ne were dealing vrith a contour having s fiery flat froLt, so that thR cater reoe+ived not on]y STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 _ . _____ _..__ -! -rte ~??~~~~?~ wm in-JU].p;e, tho stator ;aivo is pro~~ L;;d itst}io. a,.cor.u.n~; ;.w'-~lio']r~;r of the' Erse ~7ave a velocity equal to 4 ~ ~ ~~ (1 ~ .7T T,,, ) ~ rl If the speed of the load o ~ v, then the vave vial travel avey From it, and ve vill get a ayatom of vavea moving ahead of the load. Hovever vhea o>v, the load vial outrun the wave. In this Dees, hovever, euetantiel dif- ferenoes oS the phsaomeoa ve described from the idenlizad case of tho motion '; .f a ship aro Secluded. faith s1t~w movoment, the groater tho apond of t}a vehiola *?he sma11- is tho depression of ice in tho path o8 the machine. }}owovor, t~ith rapid motion, axxii n de th d p . g on a istance from the maohina, the amplitude of t}us vibration increases and can attain magnitudes greater than the depressions faith atiitic loads, This condition is shot~rs gx'ephioally in Fig+ara 1, The same machine traveled at different speeds. If aloe tr~otion produced a ]arm depression in th th th e Pa , an In tho case of rapid motion vibrations vith amplitudes as greet ea, ar greator than, 'the d?preealon vrith Alois speeds were observed 30 maters away frwn tho path. Procoases of i.nterforence which occur far avray fxvm tho automobile c:e clearly evidont in these same graphs, If tho Daiwa of deprression near the path has a reletivoly aimplo ahaoe apprcaimatin~ a slam Darya, tgen th~a 9uperimpoaitiorn of Ana wave upon another, L~ a considerable incr;,ase in amplitude, is clearly ap^vroht at somo diatanes i` th ro e n pa tho The interfaronoo of ice vavoe Can bA very imoartnnt rihpn aova~in~ this caso~ each aoR~plication of tho amplitudes may ooaur that tho~ioe~breaks, Inoiderta- of this kind w8re obae:ved on the Iadopa route is 191,2 sad 19;3. Such oclruTeaoea baoome eapecieliy dangerous whaa the maohinsa ere travelir-g. et speeds oorrmapoading to thot~e of tie propagation of the ioe waves. In this Dees even one automobile going across glom oar, produce resoaent vibrations is the ice oanaing in to break, 611 this explains the accidents, ahioh h t k l a ve n p a e ace on automobile routes, in which an automobile fell through vL+ile large numbers of other automobi]se were neaeing, :+nile the eutomobilsa behind it went a round the place wham it fell. thro+.zoh rithouL experiereoit~ arlq mishap. Formula (1) makes it possible to calcula'.,o the coeffioisnt of olaaticity of the whole ioe Dover. He obtained the value E .4000 kg/aq om from our Bet ~ mae8ll!'emanta. ~:a ice Dover i.a the experiments oorsisted of a good cryato";+TM+ iee with a thin layer of snowy ice froaea wor it. The snowy sheet was Coto- pletely puro and very.:ealid.(th~a_sutombbilos:did rat fla71? through it) end sue betweon 1/, ark 15 cm thick. The temperature of the eitt,dnrir~g fire experimer-te sae -6 degrees C, and tho tPmp9retvre of the ice vas -b degrees C, The oooti'icier~t of elasticity that, obtained conformed var,,+ yells on ties whole, vlth rigvros which we usuell,F obtain in calculatioa8. In the future,; e]aborate experiments to determine the coef:icient of elasticity of ice fie]da of different compaeition must 5e conducted for various ponds and bydtroiaetoorologi~l oorriitiona. The ratJt4r arnll pelves cf E compared to Gvantities ,::?tc;s xere .calculated fro;i Lim eecvatio moeaurnmants oT the eamplc~a of fee is esplelnad STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 1 Sanitize_ d Copy Approved for Release 2011/0x6/29:CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 / __ primarily by tho ]nek of imifo*_r,~.+:ty n!' the,act~.xi1 ?r?o .cm~cr.~ ile hall not rrantion here the results of our experiments in the study of 24?hour vibrntion of ice under the action of orator and wind, or the study of the propertios of. sn ice cover in ~uxtspositfon to poste. Thoy are discussed in detail in the shave-nwntioned oompilatloD;? On the basin of the Work dons, it is posaibi.e tc auggost a ttw~ber of practical rules for the mavemant of vehicles along an ice routo. 1. ,.Avoid speeds clogo to the critical velocity of'the propagation of the tree wave, For our pond, which tires 10 asters doep, theso quantities fluctuated Between 30 Brad 40 }:m, 2. As much as possible, main#sin the initial opaed, at 25 kn/hr? or 40 kmf hr. 3. ~ not ovorta::o nachlnoa travoling~ahcafi of ynu. !~. On 9,c0 which 3a not solid, do not .cross ire a body, but drive one vehicle at B time at a Post pace, which is in any case higher then the speed of propagation of the wave, The next machine can cross only of*,,er the ]epee of Lime required for the vibration of the ioe to din daRm. In our exper+ateat~, for 6ocampls, this tlmo waa 3 minutes. 5. k~rc~n with ice which is suffioientlg solid, try to ma#xetAin the abohre-cianLioneJ time interval,. 6. glith repid_ pa~illol mo~~-mont: of ioada, ` tho distance ~ tiutrreen t,}x+m ` shot:ld not be set at Iese fuss 150 to 200 meters. 7. P11th sloe mcwPrant oaf beaus lands, zarsllel movomant my take pleas a~; a distance of 60 to 70 maters. 8. Pertiouler caution must be exoreieod near the shoran (ot e distance of 50 to 70 meters), snd meetings or hunching, up of tho moving vehlc]sa moat not be permittod here. Nagiative wavoe, which fregtrent>,q pthduae eamplex emp73tudes, bra obserrod Weer the shoran. This partially explains ?accldonts irnrolvin,; vehicles; on roads located close to the. shorn, ~@ 1. The dsforostion of ice under *.he eation of moving loads boa been studied. 2. it Les been demonstrated ?.,het et speeds from 5 to 15'k~/hr a s~ovema~ of depression equal to the speed of movement of tho load ie observed. 3. Nith speeds above 20 kn~/hr, wave vibrations which wero fortiad spread far to the sides of the route, Ia. 'Ch~e s'or0lattoa of those vavoe vac related to the geoeratYoa the }~dmio vavee produced by tine movement oi' ~sepresgion. 5. A lormrala has been derived for the velocity of pr?psgot+an Of Lhe ioe wevee fie function of the coefPic.tant cf o]eatioity, tZai thiaknes8 -6- ' STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2 f of tho: ic? ccvor, And the depth of tho pond. , ~ their b, Thu veiooitq of propagation of the ice nevus (vim 35 1sm/tu') ,+aave length (~ a lSO meUera), and the coefficient of eloatiaitq of the iae ..cover (E s 44,E ~/a9 ~)o hose been determined. 7, The posaibi.].itq of resonance, ~vhore speed oY the rorn*ing loads squab the veL3citq of the propagation of the icenoavh to~4uae tltiaeioe to strafed. In these instances, amplitudes Isrge ug br~k may develop.. . $. Samn7s rubs for the movement of automobiles alone a saute sae given. "Zhelenanodoroshn?We Pero revq" (Roilroad Crossings), y. L. Q. Nagrodakiq, Tranosheldoriukat, 1935. Part I, Led-~varvae Perearevl (Ioo Craesinga , BII3LIOGitiAPHY I, S. A. Bernehtsgn. "Reilroaid Crossing aver ice", collection (Sae Gro:ssings)? 18th Coilaction oP the Division of I;ng3,neer- rch, HZK, People?e Comciasariet c:f ?franapnst.tion, Trenai~Bahet's ; p 36, 1929. 2; S. Ti9lc~asov, "Facperimental Itsvaetigation of t1x~ Bridge: Testing Station of the Flork of the Ice ti~aq", ibid. p 8s. 3, S. lfelcasav, "Fiebote Ledyarcovo Puti Yoe Va ormoq Nngruzkoq" (Mork of en ,~i.:~..\ 7nni"4-i cY3i ~IZe0O2de Of the GavOrnment fd. y, Eoivseov, ^Reaehet Iuc~yar~l~-h Perep~sav" (The Colculotion of Ioo Croeeines), OontethlbeisddLl:1~ D~ 6. I1. N. Zubov, "Oana~Y Vatro~ratva Uorog 1fa Lodyanom Pokrove" (Principles _ r_. a,.~..,~n4nni~dat. 1942? 7? "ya~~ye Yerepravq",(Ice Crosaiago), edited b9 Dregman and proakvryakav, Qidromoteoiadat, Mosornr, Sverd],ovak, 1943? g. Keahlcir., "Iaelsdovaniyre. Haboty I~edyanykh Aerodromov pod t~gruakoq 5erwletw" (Studq of the cork of Ioo Air Fi91de UMior the ieipht of Airp]ama), Noaooe, Leningrea, 1935- 9. N. N. Zubav, "tlatroyatvo Dorog tra Ledyanom i'okrcve" (Laying Out ttaeida on Ice), Oid=.omateoiwdeit, 1942. 1O, N. ri. Teyro~v, 1 Tekhniohesboy Fiai'ci" (Jovrtml of Technical Fhysiaa), XIII, 861, 1943. 11. S. 9. IGobeko, "Nesamereeyushahiye Prorubi" (Non?rnesing Ic9 Holes)? Sbornik Ba,~bo~loov Tra~~u STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200107-2