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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 CLAS JFIGATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. AGENCY German De=cratic Republic Economic - Foreign ^trade; chemicals t171I CVUE117 ROYTgEE 1NY!iE7iflEE WkIr 1! Mies *AT**" O$NRKIIR OT TER EEYTRO iYi7RE 177111E YRM ElYRE1RC O 9EIIpi1RER AO me $I ON "I YTMEiiTiOE. E. Y. C., ii REE iR. iE ~EEESRY. IH TNiEEM $ pI 07i 6OETi'E'lE IR ?tV EN1YR'E TOM 1NYTYCEfiit 161itOE Bl P O. NIg7E0 ET 1.N1. EE711Op67N7E OR "IE "to ii pEgO1ET7ER. DATE DiST. 9 94 1951 NO. OF PAGES SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. The attached tables list ttem8 to be exported from the German Democratic Republic through RASA Chemie (German Foreign Trade -- Chemicals) in 1951? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Export Allotments for 1951 Qanntity . Unit Value Valua a) (t S) (u3 Tetralin Ethyl glycol Anyl acetate Butanol Dieth7lene glycol acetic acid, indnntrial 500 tons 150 tons 200 tans 60 tons 1,800 tons 200 tons 2,000 tons 340/ton 51,000 Deutsche Eydriamrke, Rodleben Thueringi.s? Zellwolle, S ohiraa M. B. Vogel, Ieipaig Chemische Works Buna 500 450/ton 225,000 3001 ton 45,000 325/tan 65,000 380/tan 320/ton ,360/ton 175/ton 22,800 VVB Ord 608,000 Chemisohe Warke Buna 72,000 Chemisohe Werke Btu 350,000 Chemische Werke Bunn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Berlin, 0 Jnzsary 1951 250 19.8 20 50X1-HUM 50 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Va1*ae (Us $ ) i-^rOgLinone Isopropyl aleobol ersol '.]ethol L'ethanol Yethyl acetate lactic acid Ortho-nitro?-cbloro- benaene Oxalic acid Para1doh74e-e1cohol mixttae ialatinola, "C", "a", "ES" Iropanol 100 tons 220/ton '150 tons 550/ton 200 tons 380/ton 1200 tons 275/ton 45000 toffs 245/ton 400 tons 700/ton 1:0 tons Saecba in, 450 strength 250 tons Carbon tetrac'1eride 228,000 FgrbenLabrik Wolfen 42,000 Chemische Werke, B 240,000 Irgrbenfabrik 1o1fen 100,000 Farbenfabrik Wolfen 1, 53(3,x' Ch, miei erk Leona 22,000 412,500 76,000 Chemische Werke Bttca VVB Organs Ferbenfabrik Wolfer Flaktro-0hemiaches Zombinat, Bitterfe1A Chemiache Works B=A 45 280,000 Chamische Works Bum 160 210 20 from 1950) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 50X1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 7:ic:1orathylenr. :ricresyl phosphs`e ::-alit PCU powder is stsrere Dili plastic material .e fol foil Pintherm Colloayiin srtke and clutch TO'.' ~rt5 ;;aantity uni value Value te S) (US 0) 900 tons 150/ton 135,000 1100 tons 625/ton 687,500 4750 tans 500/ton 2,375,000 250 tons 600/ton 150,000 500 tons 730/ton 365,000 200,000 500/ton sq z tern 5000 cubic 30/cu meter 150,000 meters 1000 tons 700/ton 700,000 1,700,000 rubles 21,500 tons 275,000 pair Delivery Fi= Chemische Werke Bunn Kombinat Bitterfeld Chemische Works Bwia Chemische Works Buna Stickstbffwerk, Piesteritz Filmfabrik Agfa Stickstoff`Aerk, Piesteritz Eilenburger Cellu- loidwerke Juritnerk, Coewig 520/ton 11,180,000 Chemische Vlerke .Bsssia 3.5/Pair 962,500 Gummiwerk Elbe, 1000 tons 700/ton Klein-Nitenhorg 700,000 Chemische iierke Buna 300,000 VVB Kautas rubles 75000 rubles Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 USSR 150 100 140 1400 200000 set meters 50 30 2000 50 50 50000 75000 rubl?a rubles 17000 2000 150000 25000 1-300- 2500 50X1 -H U M;_ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Fetrolc rxreffin gatseb Ceresin Eigh glc+as wax 13crc-paraff?n .'ontsn pitch, ;'entan cable rsax Iellow pe aifin (soft par8_+ n) - Paraffin Tid v..' y e nor f el 30,500 tons 170/yon 130 tons 500 tons 4,020 tons 2"0/inn 400 'ons 70 tons 300 tons 200 tons 100,0w rubles 5,185,000 78,01,0 45,E 1,120,000 'TT Yautass SAG T{autscuk SAG Synthese b'ontanwa chsfabrik Voelpke An sdorf, Wannsleben I1tetzkendorf 290/ton 116,000 1000/ton 70,000 120/ ton 36,000 Dessau Dessau S chrarzheide Voelpke 10,000 Bosdorf mid Viebau 400,000 Troeglitz 2,100,000 Chemiewerk Dunn Bcehlen 100 tons 100/tan 5000 tons 80/ton 60,000 tons 35/ton 75,000 tons 100,000 tons Boehlen Zeitz, Schuarzheide ~uSR d'1 -ity 80000 200"1 0 rubles rubles 700 15000 40COO 40000 70000 40000 55/ton 4,125,000 25/ton 2,500,000 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 10,700,000 Farbenfabrik V7olfen rubles 14,500 tras 55/ton 797,500 4300 tons 200 tons 150 tons USSR 100 ' (1r?- -. unit Value (I~ Y) 130/ton value M ) 169,000 TM Lacke and Farben, Leipzig VVB ;acke and Farben, Leipzig VB Lacke and Farben, Leipzig VV6 Perk Kanne, Nieder- schoenexeide 500/t0n 100,000 760/ton 5,700,000 720/ton. 72,000 125/ton 687,500 gombinat Bitterfeld 225/ton 967,500 VVS Alcid Fluprrerke Dolma 195/tOn 39,000 VVB Organs Fahlborg-List 150/tan 22,500 VVB Alcid pottaschefabri.k Stara- furt VVB Alcid L ipsia I`uegeln Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Liquid chlorine tagn"Iiz oxide :.',;;Leaner. sulfate nignesis chloride Broz ine salts Quantity Unit Value (i $) Value (US $) 800 tons 220/ton 176,000 550 tors 60/ton 33,000 225 tong 38/ton 950,000 Lipsia L`uege3xt ?VVB Alcid, Chemischr Fa k Hainrichshal,l TiVB Alcid, A=andorf, 0sternienbg, Waste- regeln, Kombinat B1tterfeld 600/ton 135,000 Vi'B Alcid Lipeia Ttuegelu 650 toris 330/ton 214,500 VVB Orgaaa 750 toms 40/ton 67,500 VVB ZellstoiT ZeUwo11efaE ik Schwarsa 800 tons 40/ton 32,000 VVB Variochem 20000 tons 1'I/ton 340,000 10000 tons 37/ton 370,000 500 tons 450/ton 225,000 Chemieche nerke hermanla SAG Kali, t VVB Kali iud Salze VVB Bali ma Baize Solvay and gruagerehall VVB Aloid Westeregeln Dr. Sachse Vetter 300 2000 15 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Copper sulfate Poteeeitm permanganate S odiur :.h1.orete Potassium chlorate Chloride of lime Caustic potash Bari= chloride 5oditn sulfide Sodi= ferrocyanide Potassium ferrocyanide Cale'= nsrhide Sodium nitrite ciantity Unit Value Value Delivery bira (US t') (t P ) 13,00 toms 60/ton 78,000 VVB Sapotez Chemische Fatrik Creis, Doehlau Quantity to: USSR Poland Czechoslovakia 2900 tons 155/ton 449,500 VVB Btmtmeta.11 1000 700 tons 220/ton 154,000 Kombinat Bitterfeld 2000 tons 165/toe 330,000 Kombinat Bitterfeld 1000 2500 tons 190/ton 475,000 Kombinat Bitterfeld 200 3000 tons 50/ton 150,000 Kombinat Bitterfe3 VVB Alcid, Westeregeln VVB Alcid, Amsendcrf 900 tons 112/tom 127,000 Kombinat Bitterfelti. 100 700 tons 90/ton 63,000 Kombinat Bitterfeld 1000 tons 80/ton 80,000 Farbenfabrik Wolfen VVB Kali und Seize 90 tons 270,/ton 24,300 Stickstofferk Pieeterits 300 tons 300/ton 90,000 Stickstoffwerk Piesterits 13000 tons 95/ton 1,235,E Stickstofi`wsrk Piesterits 9000 1850 tons 8o/ton ]i3,000 Farbenfabrik Volfen 100 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 50X1-HUM- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 513dcon carbide 1100 tons i nonitm bicarbonate 150 tons Potassium ferricyanide 130 tons Potassium nitrate 3500 tors Sodium sulfite 400 tote Pharmaosuticalat Nicotine, 96% (10 tons) Hems dusting compound 600 tons uclit powder jir t 120 tame letter illegible/ uolit emilsion 1200 tons Em dusting compoual, 300 toms t;escrol dusting compound, 5000 tons 5% DDT concentrate, 10% 20'.00 tons Farbenfabrik Wolfen Stickstoffwerk Piesterits Chemiewerk Ira VVB Alcid, Na.liohemie Farbsnfat ik Wolfer 3,12),000 Chemische Werke Doberan. Y tibias Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 75/to ?.1,250 700/ton 91,000 135/ton 472,500 100/tom 40,000 300000 300000 rubles rubles 500 jor 5oooi7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 _te tiawntity Unit Value Value Delivery Firm Quantity to: (1'S ? ) (7, $) USSR Foisnil Czoc %os=.r .- i DD: ocncentrate, 40% J J tons VVB Marna, Sctering inntllln 720,1 kg Schin not, '-iltits 1.2 2.2 tons tcns Den.;l alcohol 19 tons Schimmel, L!iltitz 1e Benz.-,l' acetate 12 tons Schimmel, Liltitz 10 benzelae' de, chlorine- 2 tans Schimmel, Lfiititz 1.2 3.6 Chloroform 3 tons 1200/ton 3,600 Cheaische Fatrik Heuer, Cotta/Dresden :.cetylons black 4000 tons 275/ton 1,100,000 Stiokstoffwerk 3000 200 500 Piesteritz neccrd:ng tape, 6.5 ms 80000 km 7.5/1? 600,000 Filmfabrik Agfa 20000 7000 riae Volfen Black-white photograph;c 1800000 0.85/sq m 935,000 700000 50000 50000 payer sq meters Photographic plates 70000 rubles 10000 rubles Dzveloper (photocbemical) 175000 rubles Filmfatwik Aga 105000 20000 17olfon rubles rubles 110000 4.3/aq m 4,730,000 Kodak, Koepenick 20000 20000 eq maters Agra 17olfen sq makers sq meters Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 50X1-HUM= Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Itea Q mntity Unit Dame Value Delivery Pitm (M 1) (iE$) UntUc Idetzae fi1g, 2003000 eq msters 2.10/eq m 4,202,109 Agfa Wolfen Irdnatarial filmy 50000 aq aytSrs b/aq a 200,000 Files bum 100000? 0.75/eq a 750,000 Filafabrik Kodak, A17casit solution 20 tcae D3aiffieetanta 10 tMa Serve and 1njeat1ir 10000 litexa Salioylie sold 2;i to a 7maeatiaid" 6,300 120,000 10000 10000 aq molars i asters 30000 10000 rublaa rub1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 460/tm 9'M 1325/too 13,250 1.7/liter 17,000 Quantity to: Fnlar4 Oseacoe1craia 700000 500000 550000 eq note" aq moiard ?q meters Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4 Ortbocreaol 4ro t Cresol 3300 tmca Formaldehyde 450 two Candlea 2)( t s Plnetir z r 1) 242 200 tons Per,autit 200 tams 17e131 *3Z jmulairie~ 100 tams lautachel 400 tons Sheila tow htmting rifles 5000000 Small caliber shells 2000000 Coatscts 150 trans Textile and leather procsesiag agents anesthetics for animals 1000000 Woiatit 400 'cone 1D3.5 10000000 haters laminated plastic 200 tons Butyl acetate 2500 tons bait Value Value Delivery Firm (M 11-1 ) (1 ) 180/tan 3M/ton 325/ton 4m/tm 800/txL 450/tai 900/tom 72,000 234,000 56,250 80,000 160,000 90,000 90,ab 221/`,ea 48,400 57/1000 285,000 12.5/1000 25,000 3000/tan 450,000 1,000,000 rubles 15/1000 15,000 700/tan 280,000 27/1000 a 271),000 1800/tm 360,000 300/ton 750,000 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600140165-4