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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 I aA:~. tAit+. Irlt.uisre itl:iClUj.Tl:D C' !TI7AL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY n 4EPORa INFORMA`QRRT.- ACQUIRED ACQUIRED "NO 1oCON1NY 00OAMOS WMR01*1IO4 AKU99NC ms NAPBNMC Rune N TNU osUTIU OTT AITIOU ?OK NUNaad CW TOO [sTMlWC MCA AN N. A. C.. al ANN Al. AS mSOUYT. l" TwoTHttioO Al TM U VA= Of as CoCATMTN to MM MMNOCO TO AN ooaOTANNMSSO TKma is Poo Nb1KO U1 ( A. 10I0000Ieoo OA WS Wad IN /UOOiAITI/. ANN. UMKe, INWMOA'YdN 08014oNN IC 0N91 KW TNT NOUN WT " YYNUYAN Al "W" 'CC""" Of US nom" A"Um State~ai.srdiin ; ~u~ittAr + Soviet of tt .rt,nrtcz-e of the USSR 'sing 1947, restoration and develapzant of the national economy of the USSR passed the mark for fulfillment and orerin1f!i. c:snt of re-juire- ~aouts fvr the second year of the postwar Rive-Tear Plan. The work of industry, agriculture, and transportation, the scope of capital operations and istail merch.ndise turnover, the training of per- sonnel, and culfurel development in the USSR during 1947-the second year of the poo.war Five-Year Plan--are characterized as follows: 11w production plan for 1947 in terms of gross production by tha enterprises of separate ministries was completed as follows: XWL&a _e L7 Plan 9WgjAed ?erroa:s 3tetallzrgy R feeroas V@tallurp Coal Inietry of Seetsrn Regions Coal Indisstry of Western Regions ITATI ARMY 31 mareh 1948 NO. OF ENCLS. N-/ SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, THISIS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESI-ARC} USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS Merl sift D4STRICUT:ON of ;, RESTRKTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 101 107 lW 95 STAT STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 r rW Petroleum Induutr5, of Southern and ' kcV3LiYPJ.'nt t4vy...::,ts~ Petroleum: Industry of tiastern Regions 107 k ,ectrio Power Plants 101 Chemical Industry 114 Electrical Industry Communications Industry 1 08 Heavy Machine Building :.05 Aatoaobils and Tractor Industry 98 Machine Tool Bui1Mt g l9 Machine and Irstrwnent Buildings 1C? Road and Construction 1achine Building 115 Transportation Machine Building 94 Agricultural Machine Building 1(X) Building Materials Industry of the USSR 101 Timber InBietry of the USSR 96 Cellulose and Paper Industry 98 Rubber Industry 107 is i:.e Industry of the USSR 103 Light Industry of the USSR 106 Fish Industry of Western Regions of the USSR 1C4 Fish Industry of Eastern Regions of the USSR 96 ",,.eat and hairy Industry of the USSR 107 Food Industry of the USSR 109 Gustatory Industry of the US= 113 Union Republic .Ministries of Local Industry and Local Fuel Industry 111 Ths 1947 clan for gross production in all USSR industry was fulfilled 103.5 percent. The gross production plan for industry in the U9sit for the first two years of tha Five-Year Plan (1946-19147) has been met 100 percent. 'Xtput of the most important kinds of industrial products during 1947 showed the following results as compared with 1946: 1947 (in percentaces of 1946) Pig iron Steel Rolled steel Copper Zinc Lead Coal Petroleum Gasoline Reroesne Natural gas Electric power main-line loooeotives Troller buses Auto.eb les Ban bearings oteea turbines Iaectric rotors (up to 100 kilowatts) Aectrie motors (over 100 kilowatts) Special and complex metal-cutting machine tools STAT RESTRKTEI) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 RESTRICTED 9piraing Jsnnies za~ctorw Agricnltal. machines Llneral fertilisers (superphosphate, nitrogen, potassium) snthstic tree Automobile tires Wood pulp Paper Cement Window glass Pliant roofing material Cotton fabric Woolen fabric leather footwear Rubber footwear Animal on Vegetable oil Fish 9AW Soap Gross production of all industry of the USSR in 1947 rose 22 percent in oompsrison with 1946, including production by the textile and light industries, whose production showed an increase of 33 percent. Dearing 1947 the tempo of the growth of industrial production steadily increased. Gab is production as compared with corresponding quarters in 1946 was as follawet first quarter, =2 percent; second quarter, 18 percent; third quarter, 26 percent; fourth grsrter, 30 percent. ?!n fourth q' rtn,~ of 191.? en' inb,,trir.l prochtction attain the level of that reached during the prewar year of 1940. The gross production during 1947 of agriculture /as a whoie7 increased by 32 percent over 1946, while the production of faring (teal eliye; in- creased 48 nwrgent. The total harvest of grain and of industrial crops rose in coiparison with 1946 as follows: grain, 58 percent; -oottcn, 21 percent; potatoes, 30 percent; sugar beets, 190 percent; sunflowers, 79 percent; 11-ax fiber,.29 percent; heap fitter, 78 percent. Harvesting o." grain :.ropy during 1947 attained the bevel. !oatshsd before the war. In 1947, 3,300,000 more hectares were plant-1 with winter crops for the nest year's harvest than In 1946. Plowing in 1947 for the nest year's harvest amounted to sight aillion more hectares than in 1946. Doting 1947, 29 percent ante tractor work was dons than during 1946. Ths plan for sprits plowing, cultivation prier to sowing, planting of the sumsse crop, incwssatae.the fertility of fallow soil, eel planting of winter crop by the t ram ter stations sus ft am-t. pcrk ace ?+~ 1 e?ss4 per single tractor was raised 21 percent over the 1946 figure. RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 T RESTRICTED Railroad freigls6 turnover in 1947 we increased in comparison with 1946. Average daily freight loading (pogratka) was 10 percent above the 1946 amount, with the following increases for particular items: coal, 11 poromnt; ferrous metals, 13 percentZ petroleum, 18 percent; timber, 13 percent; cement, li times greater. Freight turnover for river transport increased 28 percent in 1947 oar 1946. The year's plan for freighting by river transport was ful- filled 102 percent. Freighting by sea transport in 1947 exceeded that in 1946 ty 15 percent; the year's plan was overfulfilled 8 percent. The volume of all capital operations in 1947 for the whole national econcc' amounted to 110 percent of that of 1946, including 109 percent for the coal industry, l04 percent for electric power plants, 1:30 percent for light industry and food industry, and 108 percent for the transport industry. Oaring 1946 and 1947, approximately 1,900 state enterpriser were con- structed, restored, and put in operation. Nearly nine million square meters cf living quarters were built or restored by state enterprises, L--atitutions, and local soviets during 1947. In addition, four million square meters of houses were built by individuals in cities and workers' settlements, through savings gained from their labor. The retail tar..'er cf merchandise in state and cooperativo trade during 1947 r;,Wr'wed (in comparative prices) 117 percent of that of 1946. The volume of cooperative trade in cities during 1947 amounted to 22,4e.00,000,000 rubles. In the fourth quarter of 1947 the volume of co- operative trade in cities amounted to almost twice the fib for the f first quarter .,f 1947. As a rceralt of the rise in industry and agriculture dur!M 1947, the radon system for provisions and Industrial goods was ebol'iahed, as the high oormer4al prices, and there was effected a change to a vystsen o sale of rods by onitore government prices, with a loser- of the ration prices of t.rea4 and anal. Doe to the lowi.ring of the state retail prices alone, the masses of the Sorlet union will receive in the course of the year a net gain of mare then 57 billion rubles. In oonoection, with the preparation for ab..1is:.m nt of the ration system and transition to open trade with uniform prices, 55,000 new stomas, shops, and stands were opened during 1947 by eta.e and cooperative organ- isutiuos. RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 RESTRICTED The number of workers and employees in the national economy of the USSR during the course of 1947 increased by almost 1,200,000 persons, -Through a stepping up of productive labor, the majority of the branches of industry fulfilled their quotas as set by state planning during 1947; in this way the work of industriall, -,orkers rose almost 13 percent above that of 1946. .The amount of wages of workers and employees in the national economy rose da percent in J.ywi over that of 1y4o. in 194?, 'lyu,Uui young, trained workers were graduated from the industrial and rail- road colleges (uchilishche) and schools for factory and shop instruction. By means if individual and group (brigadnoye) apprenticeship and train- ing courses, 2,2W,000 newly qualified persons were trained for industry and the qualifications of'3,200,000 others were raised. The number of 'students in primary and secondary schools incresed by 860,000 over 1946. The number of students in technical sachools and other specialized secondary educational institutions increased by 36,000 persons daring the year and the number of students in higher institutions of learn-- ing by 56,000. In 1947, the number of medical institutions, sanitt.riwn , rest hones, and mzrserias increased, During 1947, capital operations in the amount of more than 18 billion rubles, not counting decentralized capital investawnts, were carried out for the restoration of the econonpr of -neiona occupied durint; the war, Groan production of industry of regions which suffered occupation increased by 33 percent in 1947 as coeparad with 1946. The production of pig iron rose 30 percent; rolled iron, 35 percent; coal output in the Donate Basin., 19 percent; production of electric power, 35 percent; cement, 48 percent; sugar, 123 percent. In the districts liberated from the German occupation, there were built or restore,. in 1947 more than five rzllllon square meters of dwelling space in the cities and 370,000 houses in rural areas. T e fulfillment of the plan for gross industrial production by Union 4ppilics in terms of the percentage of the 1947 plan completed is eho a below: - RS,7SR 166 Mrair4an -W C.19 Deloraaian 33R iQ2 Usbek SSR lclb Kauakh SSR 1(4 Georgian SSR 110 _rt.., J..f_...~ e..o ..,c Lithuanian 3SR 102 i oinaviam as;i iiry9 RESTAGED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 j Ltvian SSR 117 Kirghiz SSR 109 Tadzhik SSH 12 Arsswuiaa 63R iisI Turkasn SSR 106 Estonian MR 113 Karelo?-Finntph SSR fib which have enoraswus significance in the strengthening and continued growth of s 11et eoonagy. As a result of these aaaoetary reforms, the power of the ruble inezrsased remarkably, for the old money was taken out of circula- tion and new money of full value was returned to circula.tion. of nccial-tst? coapetition participated in i the entire population. Started off by the workers of Leningrad, there is ;ieveloping exten- movement for fa era y lnent of the Five-laar Plan in four j ears - a t uUILA.- cunt of the plan ahead of schedule. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600130033-1 STAT