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Publication Date:
December 11, 1956
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600120036-9
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600120036-9
No 2, 1955, Moscow,
shown that in the greater part of the USSR the period of greatest sleet
formation occurs from November to :larch, the deposits attaining maximum
thickness and hardness from December to January.
attenuation of the circuits. Thus, the attenuation in an aerial 4-mm copper
line for a frequency of 1,43 kc with a 25 mm thick sleet cover on t?re conduc-
tors is over 6 times greater than the dry-weather attenuation of the same
A deterioration in meteorological conditions leads to variations in the
meteorological conditions.
In order to compensate for the increase in transmission losses caused
by the sleet deposits on the auxiliary repeater equipment (VUS) [vspomagatel'
nyye usiiitel'nyye stantsiil been provided.
The installation of VUS-12 equipment on aerial toll lines designed for
12-channel high-frequency service is currently under development. The ini-
tial experience with the operation of the new equipment fully confirmed its
applicability to multichannel toll lines. Even partial installation of type
VUS-12 equipment on one of the multichannel lines in the Leningrad toll
district made possible an economy in transmission time of 17,611 channel-
hours during the fall and winter season.
The auxiliary ;repenter equipment has the following operating peculiar-
ity: it is3 (Connected most of the time but must be ready for immediate
inclusion in the line. Furthermore, the equipment does not receive special,
daily operational maintenance and must be repairable ox. location.
These conditions make special demands on type VU--12 equipment concern-
ing its continuous operation, exclusion of possibilities of accidental mal-
functioning, complete mechanical and electrical reliability, and the operat-
ing reliability of all components and parts. The equipment must be designed
for ready assembly.
Type VUS-12 equipment meets contemporary technical standards and has
wood operational and technical characteristics. However certain important
ortcomings have already become apparent in its operation even after a
relatively short operational period. These shortcomings can be classifled
as omissions in the development of the equipment and as purely production
quality defects.
Power to type VUS-12 equipment is supplied from a central battery by
Mans of the "conductor-ground" scheme. The S isation of this scheme
solves very neatly such important questions as to the possibility of separ-
ately energising the odd and even amplifiers, increasing the operational
:ength of the central-battery circuit, and increasing the spacing of VUS
equipment points between feeder repeater points. However experience has
shown that the above scheme of supplying power to VUS equipment points com-
pletely breaks down when utilised on aerial toll lines located near electri-
fied railroad lines. The effect of the latter on the power-supply circuit
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600120036-9
of the VUS equipment completely disrupts the normal operation of the equip-
A "conductor-conductor" scheme for supplying power to VUS equipment
has been tested on one of the toll trunks in the Leningrad toll district.
The conversion to this scheme is not difficult to carry out. The follow-
ing chaneaa must be made in the wiring[ of the feeder points (of the feeder
reactor rack) (Figure 1): in the power transmission rack the circuit
breaker P2 must be disconnected, and the lead from terminal IIH9 of the
feeder reactor rack to the central-power transmission rack must also be dis-
connected; terminal I1B9 of the feeder reactor rack comb must be connected
to the negative of the plate battery (-206 v). The fallowing modifications
must be made in the VUS-12 equipment (Figure 2): the leads connecting term-
inals IIA and IA8 of the reactor rack comb to the central-power receiving
rack must be disconnected and insulated; the ground leads to the No 1 and 2
amplifier housings must be disconnected; the "ground" terminals must be con-
nected to the central-power receiving rack (terminal IIA7 must be connected
to the Found " terminal of No 2 amplifier horsing, and terminal IA8 to the
"ground terminal of No l amplifier housing): and the bypass relay PTT which
shunts the condensers C1 and C2 must be disconnected.
However, though it permits the operation of VUS-12 equipment on lines
immediately adjoining electrified railroad lines, the "conductor-conductor"
scheme in its present form not only reduces the maximum operating distance
over which centraliopower supply can be utilized but also makes impossible
the operation of more than o"e remotely-energized repeater point in any
given repeater district by depriving the VUS equipment of its emergency
power supply.
Moreovar, the tilization of the last-named scheme without special
modifications in th design of the equipment will place a dangerous (posi-
tive) potential on the housings of the amplifiers when the equipment is op-
erated, while the third housing will be grounded.
The utilization of the "conductor-conductor" scheme also changes the
situation in the line circuit. Whereas V th the "conductor-ground" scheme
the feed voltage presents a hazard only to those who are working on grounded
poles, the utilization of the "conductor-conductor" scheme extends the haz-
ard to all poles on the line. Furthermore, when the "conductor-ground"
scheme is used 'he accidental interchanging of the conductors results in
the unwanted operation of the amplifier of the other group, which can be
easily detected, whereas when the "conductor-conductor" scheme is used such
an interchanging will make the equipment inoperative and the fault cannot
be detected immediately.
It can be seen that the central=battery operation of VUS equipment
points needs more development work. '
In our opinion it would be worthwhile to make provision in VUS equip-
ment currently being produced for simple conversion from the "conductor-
ground" to tae "conductor-conductor" power supply scheme.
When 2 VUS equipment points are provided in a given repeater district
one of them can be equipped with an ind*pendent power supply, e.g., directly
from a-c networks (in areas adjoining electrified railroad lines there is
as a rule a reliable source of commercial power). However the power supply
must be remotely controlled.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600120036-9
+---Conductors to be disconnected
---Conduetc-s to be connected
Figure. J
--- C$ UCtO-e t be co viectedCftd
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A0006
Linear Systems with Lumped Parameters], 1954, Moscow, Svaz'izdat, 370 pages,
8.45 rubles.
Discusses the frequency bands used in communications signalling and the
properties of linear systems with lumped parameters -- dipoles, quadrip-,les,
electrical filters, and equalizing quadripoles. Approved by the Main Admin-
istration of Educational Institutions of the Ministiy of Communications USSR
as a textbook for the higher communications schools.
Levitin, Ye. A., Supergeterodin [Superheterodyne], No 200, 1954, Moscow-
Leningrad, Popular Radio Library, Gosene-goizaat, 112 pages, 1.60 rubles.
Present the fundamental principles of the physical processes occurring
in superheterodyne receivers and describes standard schematics for the sep-
arate sages of such receivers. The book is intended for radio amateurs who
are familiar with the operation of the simplest receivers and have some do-
it-yourself experience in this field.
"Giprosvyaz'? State Institute for Research and Development of Communica-
tions Equipment, Ministry of Communications USSR, Rukovodstvo po proektir-
ovaniyu radiotranslatsionnykh sete1 [Manual for the Planning of Program Serv-
ice Networks], 1954, Moscow, Svyaz'izdat, 151 pages, one insert.
The manual is intended for use in the planning of 2-wire and 4-wire
program service facilities for urban, workers', and rural settlements. It
gives instructions on the procedure to be followed in carrying out field
survey work, schematics for the construction of program service networks for
500 w transmitting and receiving equipment for various distributions of the
load in the program service sector, and production blueprints for the con-
struction of program service facilities using 500 and 10 w equipment.
Technical Administration, Ministry of Communications USSR, Tekhnika
svyazi: Ap'aratura abonentskogo telegrafa [Communications Technology: Sub-
scriber 'T'elegraph Equipment], a symposium (with appended schematics folder),
IS54, Moscow, Svyaz'izdat, 112 pages, 12 inserts with schematics, bound in
a folder, 4.65 rubles.
The symposium describes manual and automatic private telegraph exchange
equipment. Discusses the broad general questions touching on the organiza-
tion of telegraph subscriber service, compares the more important indexes of
various types of switching equipment, discusses the new principles introduced
with automatic telegraph equipment, and gives a general description of type
ATR-10/20 and ATR-30/300 manual and type !~TA-50 automatic telegraph systems.
Technical Administration, Ministry of Communications USSR, Tekhnika
svyazi: Apparatur uplotneniya simaetrichnykh kabeley (tips K-24) [Communi-
cations Technology: Type K-24 Carrier Equipment for the Compositing of
Simplexed Cables], 1954, Moscow, a symposium, Svyaz'izdat, 75 pages, one
insert, 2.20 rubles.
Gives the fundamental principles of type K-24 equipment concerning op-
?rating principles, ^the electrical characteristics of the channels, some
equipment units, design data, and the principles of designing group [swdula-
tion] equipment. Gives data on simplexed cables and discusses the design of
tell facilities for K-24 equipment installation. The symposium in intended
for engineering and technical personnel engaged in the design, construction,
and operation of toll cable circuits on which type E-24 equipment is to be
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600120036-9
Mints, B. S. Indikatory urovnya v radioveshtaniya [Transmission Level
Indicators for Radio Broadcasting Applications], 1954,,Moscow, lectures on
communications technology, Technical Administration, Ministry of Communica-
tions USSR, Svyaz'izdat, 35 pages, one ruble.
The lectures are intended to supply workers in radio broadcasting
maintenance shops and stations with the necessary,minimum of information on
the design and operation of measuring instruments for application in the
visual control of transmission levels in radio broadcasting. The specifica-
tions which must be ueet by instruments of this type are also discussed.
Orlov, M. S., Pupinizatsiya sel'skikh podzemnikh linii radiofikatsii
[The Loading of Underground Rural Programme Service Lines], 1954, Moscow,
Svyaz'izdat, 56 pages, 80 kopeks.
Describes loading systems used on program service lines and gives
simplified methods for their calculation. The pamphlet is intended for
engineers and technicians engaged in the design, construction, and operation
of underground rural programme service lines.
Rastegayev, V. V., Rabota uchastkovo nadsmotrshtika gorodakoy radio-
translatsionnoy seti [The Work of Section Supervisors on Local Programme
Service Networks], 1954, Moscow, Svyaz'izdat, 12 pages, 15 kopeks.
The author is a section supervisor on the Saratov programme service
network and has repeatedly won first place in socialist competition and the
distinction of "best in profession." He draws his material from his produc-
tion experience.
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