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N E01iDLCGY IN am*" S ON lAEY SCHI10t5
Meteorologische Rundschau
[Meteorological Review],
Vol IX, No 5/6, May-June 1956,
Berlin, Pages 104-108
The paper which is presented below continues the investigation presented
in this journal in the articles "Meteorology In the Physics and Geography
Textbooks for Secondary Schools" (5, 59, 107, 1952 and 7, 3, 1954) and "Cur-
ricula for Secondary Schools" (7, 186, 1954). It was found desirable to ex-
amine new textbooks and also to investigate the degree to which teacher's
-magazines carry articles on newly-established knowledge.
1. A Survey of Periodical Publications
The journals in question are Der Mathematische und Naturwissenschaft-
liche Unterricht (M. N. U.) [The Teaching of Mathematics and the Natural
Sciences], the organ of the German Society for the Advancement of the Teach-
ing of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences (1-5); the 2 scholastic journals
in the field of physics, Prahtische Schulphysik [Practical Physics for the
Schools] (6-9, 59) and Fraxis der physik, Chemie and Photographic [Physics,
Chemistry and Photography in Practice (10-12); and the publication of the
Society of German Geography Teachers Die Geographische Rundschau [Geograph-
ical Review] (39-46). We shall also discuss articles in Umschau in Wissen-
achaft and Technik [Scientific and Technological Survey), a publication of
particular importance to teachers, as it reports consistently on all now
findings of moment (13-21, 63-65). This journal has also attained special
significance for us in that it is offered to students and school children
at a reduced price, permitting it to be ordered for secondary school stulents.
In addition to the foregoing, we bcve surveyed Naturwissenschaftliche Rund-
schau (Natural Science Review;, as it is of special interest to oiology
teachers in particular (22-38, 55-57). It may be recorded here, with satis-
faction, that both these publications havd given attention to problems of
meteorology. The teacher of the natural sciences would do very well to
glance through them, as virtually every issue presents valuable suggestions
for education. The teachers' journals reveal that the secondary schc%l
teacher is primarily interested in the fields of contact between the various
sciences, making it possible for his to demonstrate the connection between
these sciences. This is also demonstrated by the program of the 1956 Easter
meeting of the German Society for the Advancement of the Teaching of Mathe-
matics and Natural Sciences. Here, for the first time, lectures were given
on the handling of specific subjects. For physics these were:
1. The newer physics in the secondary school (suitable experiments ar-
ranged for teaching).
2. Preparatory physics in the lower forms.
3. Test problems in physics.
For biology there were:
1. The role of experiments in the teaching of biology.
2. Experiences in the free provincial schools (school gardens, pro-
vincial children's institutions).
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3. Methods of treating disciplines bordering on psychology and phil-
Meteorology was presented at the last 2 meetings of the Society in
lectu^es by professor doctor W. Gerlach of Munich (1), and professor doctor
R. Muegge of Frankfurt-on-Main (5), respectively, while doctor H. Voigts
spoke on the subject at the annual meeting of the Society of German
Teachers of Geography (42). No paper on meteorology was read in Hannover
at the 1456 H!?ete_r eee.t ng of the :Society for the Advancement.
The teacher of the natural sciences in higher schools should find that
his meetings and publications help him as follows:
(a) on new fundamental research, particularly as applied in physics,
biology (agriculture included), and geography. They represent points of
contact between the individual disciplines.
(b) the secondary-school teacher should also be stimulated to imprrve
the practical performance of his work and the organization of his lessons.
it should be remembered that the time available at these meetings is very
limited, and that there must be no repetition of that which is common know-
2. New Curricula for the Teaching of the Natural Sciences
The foregoing brings us to a consideration of curricula. The last large
conference of the Ministry of Culture has led to efforts to unify the system
of secondary schools, and has resulted in adoption of the uniform designation
"Gymnasium" for all secondary schools. In addition, there have been discus-
sions of curricula among the teachers of various subjects in the provinces,
which have produced a high degree of uniformity in the examinations given in
geography, for example. These conferences resulted, among other things, in
the publication of curricula. I have before me the new outline of curriculum
for Schleswig-Holstein (54). It provides -- and the title "Guiding Princi-
ples" is theretore accurate -- no binding instructions, but rather that which
should be done in general. Meteorology is covered as follows in thq physics
curriculum of the first half of the third form: fundamentals of weather study,
including plotting and reading weather maps, isobars, high and low pressure
areas, and problems in air temperature, wind direction, wind velocity, clouds,
and precipitation. In geography, foundations for the study of meteorology are
provided iu the sixth fora: observations of the heavens (cloud forms); while
the fifth and fourth forms provide for weather observations with calculation
of monthly and annual averages. The work is completed in the second half of
the second form with the teacher choosing from among the following aspects of
general physical geography: climate factors, climates, weather, weather fore-
casting, relationship of vegetal cover to climate and soil, and oceanography.
Detailed study of climate and meteorology, and of oceanography, is compulsory.
Choice of the other subjects, and of degree of detailodness of treatment, is
up to the teacher. The climax of the course is the treatment of a landscape
zone. Introductory study of weather maps and navigation charts is compulsory.
3. Physics Textbooks for the Secondary Schools
1. Hoefling, Lahrbuch der Physik [Physics Textbook], meteorology and
astronomy. Special edition for the Intermediate forms. Version A, 1954,
Bonn, V.rlag Duemmler.
Hoefling, Lshrbuch der Physik. [Physics Textbook], Version B, for the
upper forms (terminology adjusted to upper schools and girls' upper schools),
1955. Similar to Idition A, but aimed at gymnasiums specializing in natural
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sciences, Senior Engineering High Schools, and all other schools with in-
tensified courses in physics. Second edition, 1956, Bonn on the Rhine,
Duemmlers Verlag.
2. Fock-Weber, Lehrbuch der Ph sik fuer hoehere Lebranstalten,
[Physics Textbook for the Secondary Schools , Vol 1,.for the lower forms,
with the collaboration of F. Bergmann, K. Kolde, and W. Moeller; revised by
E. Font, Second edition; 1954, Hamburg-Pinneberg-Frankfurt-on-Main, 0.
Salles Verlag, 1954. Vol 2, for the upper forms, with the collaboration of
F. Bergmann, K. Kolde, and W. Moeller, revised by E. Fock, 1953.
3. Poske-Bavink, Lehrbuch der Physik [Physics Textbook], Vol 1, re-
vised by Erich C. Mueller, twenty-first revised edition, 1955. Vol 11 re-
vised by R. Brenneke. Eleventh edition, 1954, Friedrich Vieweg and Son,
4. E. Baumann, Lehrbuch der Physik fuer Schulen mit einz,uegigem
Physikur_terricht [Physics Textbook for Schools in which Physics is Taught
from the Outset], Part 2, Optics and Electricity, Munich, Ehrenwirth Verlag,
in press.
G. Heussel, Physik trLysics], for the higher forms (to appear in the
spring of 1956), Munich, K. Oldenbourg.
New printings, representing partial revisions, of the Fock-Weber and
Poske-Bavink textbooks, are now under way.
The Hoefling physics textbook for the higher forms and a special reprint
on meteorology and astronomy from the volume for the middle forms, are new
works. The volumes of E. Baumann's Lehrbuch der Physik and G. Heussel's
Physik will appear early in 1956.
Our table shows the scope of treatment of meteorology in the various
texts. For that reason, we shall confine ourselves here to general remarks.
[See Table 1, following page]
The Fock-Weber presents a very clear methodological structure through-
out, and is easily read by school children. The portion for the lower forms
gives meteorology its full due. The volume for the upper forms adduces
valuable supplementary data under the heading of aerodynamics and in the
field of atmospheric electricity and optics.
Poske-Bavink. Its treatment for
upper forms (see Meteorolog,
Rundschau [Meteorological Review) 7,
105) constitutes a model presen-
tation of meteorology, and the volume
the intermediate forms is deserv-
ing of the same description. Taking
2 together, the results are par-
ticularly pleasing, especially as a large
proportion of tue .extbvoks for
the upper forms lack any special treatment of meteorology.
A special reprint of the meteorological and astronomical portions of
Version A of Q. Boefling's Lehrbuch der Physik, designed for gymnasiums
specializing in the natural sciences, has been published. This is a very
satisfying event, as it indicates that a number of schools, using textbooks
with an inadequate treatment of meteorology, have been seeking supplementary
material in this 1nr form 'f_ve7s_ Tae va dime
I1w1Y, tYY~j~saN~ua. v. ~.....~ ~..~~-~
for the upper forms provides little additional data. It was clearly the
publisher's intention that the special reprint on meteorology be used in
conjunction with this volume as well. Hoefling's textbook by itself is one
of the most valuable now additions to the textbook literature on physics.
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Iahrbuoh der Physik,
Vol I for lower forms,
second e,_:Ltion
I V y A
4 a
? 0 0 /
'4 N
Fb as
Air pressure; 4
19, with 2
magnitude of
air pressure;
of altitude;
maximum and
minimum ther-
ocean climates;
land winds and
pages of
ocean winds;
structure of
the atmosphere,
air pressure,
humidity, clouds
and precipitation;
the wind; weather
maps: highs and
lows; origin of
warm and cold air
masses; fronts.
Air masses; cli-
mate zones.
A 4
0 U A
t o a~ q a
Z 0
?, a
F 0
[10] (11]
Rainbows 1 Good 27 1/6
(primary repro-
and sec- duc-
oudary) tion
2 good
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[1] [2]
Muller, Pk sik
(physical, Vol 1,
for intermediate
forms of seooM-
ary schools and
higher forms of
?Aealschulen and
loser-level sec-
ondary schools,
edition, 1955
Air pressure
and its
msuuremsnt ;
therein sa
altitude in-
oreasse;- the
eddy forms-
tions I:air
wings; up-
drafts and
their im-
portant:o in
upper classes,
elevesth edi-
tion, 1954.
0. Mesfling,
Iakrbuch der
lhysik, upper
for, Version
2 for Gymnasiums
and girls' schools,
specialising in
language, 1955.
/hysik, tol II, Detailed review in Meteor. Rdsch., 1954,
4hrbuh der
[3) [4) [5) [6) [7) [8) [9) 1141 [11) [12)
4 1/4 Physical 6 6 1/2 Lightning 1 1/2 - - Good weather 17 1/4
bases for and maps
meteorology: lightning
stratus protection
clouds, pre-
Weather ob-
1 servitioa
Weather maps
and prediction.
Lightning; 1 Ultra- 2
St. Elmo's violet
fire and
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X. $au.aan,
labrb.oh filer
/atoll. suet
ei0 Iii
Ph t4irricht
Physies 't+est-
book for Wools
in Vhiek 1fhysics
is Naught frois
the Outset),
See review of Vol 1,
Mechanics and Ther.ody-
naics, Meteor. Rdach.
(Meteorological Review)
7, 104/106, 1954
Vol $, Optics and
=lectricity, 1956,
Nbreswirth, Mulch
11 10 1/2 Electrical
fields in
the at-
(rarge of
rods; aurora
with 3 illus-
treated under
gas discharge
1 1/2 Optical 3
in the
dawn, re-
rainbows, 5
1/2 figures sad
(rainbow and
23 pages
in Yols
1 and 2.
Vol 3
data on
of waves
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In our previous article (Meteorologische Rundscbau) (7, Ins ff.), E.
Baumann's textbook was characterized as a new and very interesting exper-
iment in the methodology of physics courses in schools in which physics is
taught from the outset. We said that this book gives scrupulous attention
to the applications of physics and to meteorology. The subsequent volumes
supplement the earlier treatment by correspondingly-detailed sections on at-
mospheric optics and electricity. Particularly noteworthy is the good
reproduction of illustrations, including an instructive color picture of the
rainbow and a good halo photograph.
Finally, be it noted that the volumes for upper forms of Heussel's
textbook, discussed in detail in our previous paper, have also been published
in 1956. The publishers inform us that they have gone to great pains to
treat meteorology as accurately in these volumes as in the portion for the
lower forms. This textbook is distinguished by a number of original ap-
proaches in method, and is valuable in this respect.
4. Geography Textbooks for Secondary Schools
E. Hinrichs, Erdkunde fuer hoehers Schulen [Geography for Secondary.
Schools), Vol VI, 'The Earth, revised by professor doctor E. Hinrichs with
contributions by doctor H. Voigts. Seventh edition, 1956, M. Diesterweg,
Frankfurt-on-Main (in press).
2. Laender and Voelker [Lands and Peoples), Vol III (1): Afrika
[Africa], - v!sed by H. Heck, secondary-school principal, third edition,
1955, Volume VI: Landschaftsgvertel der Erde and all emeine Geographie (Land-
scape Zones of the Earth and General Geography j, revised by G. Schneider,
second edition, 1955, Stuttgart, Ernst Klett.
3. Mann, Hans, a collection of geography workbooks Von Himmel and Erde.
Altgemeine Erd-, Einstein- and Wetterkunde [Of Heaven and Earth: General Ge-
ography, Astronomy and Meteorology), revised by Hans Mann. Fifth improved
edition (eighty-fifth to ninety-sixth thousand), 1955. F. Duemmler, Bonn
on the Rhine.
There are no new textbooks, but new editions are available of E. Hin-
richs' Erdkunde fuer hoehere Schulen, Vol VI, and of Laender and Voelker,
Vol III (1), Afrika, and Vol VI, Landschaftsguertel der Erde and allgemeine
Hinrichs' Vol VI, which presents one of the most extensive treatments
of meteorology in the portion for the second half of the second form, ap-
peared after its revision (fifth edition, 1954) is its sixth edition in
1955. and its seventh is to follow in 1956. It nay be concluded that ge-
ography teachers have found merit in the book. The publishing house, Elett,
is iotauiucing signifi.ant iaprovementw both as to content and wthod, par-
ticularly in the revision of Vol VI, (Lamdschaf tsguertel). This work, too,
is distinguished by a satisfying treatment of the meteorological foundations
of climatology. The difference in methodology in the treatment of the upper
half of the second form in the 2 books is as follows: Hinrichs presents a
coherent treatment of meteorology before going into landscape sones, while
Laeuder and Voelker treats it as part of the various landscape zones.
W4 n lie . M..w ., the celleetle_ of zeeegr-_-~%- ~..rrw._.._k? .0,11zhed h..
F. Duessler. The volume on general geography, astronomy, and meteorology
is the one that is of interest to us. This collection, designed to be use-
ful in all types of schools, provides many methodological aids in the form
of simple and instructive sketches, which thus give it high visual value.
The large printing (eighty-fifth to ninety-sixth thousand) testifies to the
popularity of the collection and of the volume before us.
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5. Methodological Publications, Yaps, Teaching Aids
The publishing house of Klett in Stuttgart is also offering the first
volume of a series of publications which offer the geography teacher sup-
plements to the contents of his textbooks, and methological aids: It. Voigts'
Aus der Praxis des wetterkundlichen and klimatologischen Unterrichts [Exper-
iences in the Teaching of Meteorology and Climatology], (52}. This book
supplements the author's book, Wetter, Klima, Leben [Weather, Climate, and
Life] (51), previously reviewed in this magazine, which emphasizes both the
fundamentals and their applications in microclimatology and biometeorology.
The new publication presents the development, by inductive reasoning, of a
study of meteorology within the framework of geography, beginning with the
weather observations of pupils of the sixth form and proceeding to the
problems of total atmospheric circulation, which will be of particular in-
terest to teachers of geography. The material presented is naturally con-
siderably greater than can be handled within the scope of geography. Also
available in this connection are the following books, which have been re-
viewed in Meteorologische Rundschau: A. Buedel's Wetterkunds leicht Iemacht
[meteorology Made Easy, (47); H. Panzram's Wir plaudern uns durch das
Wetter [Let's Chat About the Weather] (49); Part 3 of P. Raethjen's Kurzer
Abriss der Meteorologic, dynamisch gesehen [A Short Sketch of Meteorology,
Viewed Dynamically (48); and the cosmos pamphlet by A. Hofmann (50), all of
which serve the teacher as wethodological aids. We must also mention a very
useful classroom wall map issued by Rudolf Westermann, Die Klimate der Erde
[The Climates of the Earth). The representation of the areal coverage of
the major climate zones is in very close agreement with that set forth in the
Koeppen-Geiger Handbuch der Klimatologie [Manual of Climatology], although
Koeppen's symbols are not used in the m.n. Changes have been made on the
basis of the Brockmann-Jerosch vegetation sap, and, for Africa, on that of
the Diels-Mildbread vegetation map (53).
No new aids in the teaching of meteorology have been offered. The well-
known publications of the Main Office of the German Weather Service are the
basis upon which the work by H. Voigt, previously referred to, has been
built (52). The newspaper weather map is of particular importance, in addi-
tion to the daily weather maps of the Main Office. In this book I used as
my model the maps issued by the maritima weather office in Hamburg, as they
meet the requirements of school use. Unfortunately, not all the newspaper
weather maps issued during the pact 1C years sleet these requirements.
Simplifications which omit high and low-pressure areas and the main weather
fronts, may be desirable for various purposes, but they do not meet the
needs of the schools. While publication of a weather-prediction map is use-
ful to agriculture, the standard type of map is better for school purposes.
6. Cooperation of Local Meteorologists and of the Meteorological Societies
in the Advancement of Education in this Field
What we have stated above indicates how important is the cooperation of
the German Weather Service and the local meteorologist. The meteorological
societies can also help. On his request. I submitted to doctor Y. Rodewald,
chairman of the Hamburg Meteorological Society, an outline to serve as basis
for discua3lon. Here I can only emphasize once again the importance of the
work of the provincial and local meteox logists. The knowledge already ob-
tained from them indicates that there is a great deal to be gained thereby.
The new o..idinv nrincin]es for the curriculum in Schleswig-Holstein show
that it is possible to provide a reasonable treatment of meteorology, despite
the very difficult position of education, and the general overloading of sub-
ject matter. What the teacher does with the curriculum In his affair, and
such must be left to the discretion of the school. It is worth while to the
teacher to interest himself in this. particularly the directing bodies, heads
of teachers' colleges, authors of textbooks, and, iast but not least, the
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individual teacher himself. This is the proper concern of the local and
provincial meteorologist. I cannot but appreciate the fact that the changes
in the organization of the German Weather Service proposed by the Federal
Accounting Department may cause very great trouble in this respect. Appre-
ciation of the work of the Federal Weather Service stands and falls with
the work of the local meteorologists. As head of the meteorological platoon
in Travemuende during the war, I had ample opportunity to observe how much
interest there was in our work un thin past of businazz and the ..chilole. !his
is something that can be met only by the local meteorologist, who is known to
people as an individual, and not by the overloaded Main Office. The existing
situation (which, in Schleswig-Holstein, for instance, was absolutely in ac-
cord with the desires of the responsible provincial ministry), should there-
fore be maintained. As meteorologists, we have no choice but to push this
viewpoint with utmost vigor, unless we wish to commit suicide. These general
remarks will suffice here, as there is no need for me to go into detail. The
situation is familiar to every meteorologist active in everyday life.
(other than the textbooks of physics and geography already cited)
1. Vogel, R., "The 1954 Meeting in Munich of the Society for the Advance-
ment of Science Teaching, with a review of professor doctor W. Gerlach's
lecture 'Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere', in M.N.U. (The Teaching
of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences), 1954, 7, 84
2. Gundermann, H., "Electrical Energy from Sunlight," M.N.U., 1954, 7, 172
3. Zerbst, E., "What is the Present Status of Geophysics?" (includes a
treatment of ionosphere studies), M.N.U. 7, 358, 1954
4. Voigts, H., "The General Circulation of the Atmosphere," M.N.U., 1955,
8, 11
5. Zeier, E~, "A Report on the Easter 1955 Meeting of the Society for the
Advancement of the Teaching of Natural Sciences in Marburg-on-the-Zahn"
(with a report of the lecture of professor Muegge, 'How is the Teacher
to Find the Time and the Aids Required for the Teaching of Meteorology?'),
M.N.U., 1955, 8, 89
6. Voigts, H., "The Passage of a Cyclone as Shown by the Cloud Pattern,
PraSchu. [Practical Physics far the Schools], 1956, 32
7. Spanner, L., "Plants as Weather Prophots", PraSchu., 1955, 31, 2S
9. Scheibe, U., "Foucault's Pendulum Experiment as Proof of the Rotation
of the Earth," PraSchu., 1955, 31, 177
10. "Literature Survey: Meteorology, Aerology, and Geophysics," Prezio der
Phys., Chem. and Photogr. In Unterricht der Schulen (Physics. Chemistry,
and Photography: Practice and Teaching in the Schools), 3, 1954, 107,
217, 325, 432; 4, 1955, 83, 167, 250, 333
11. Voigts, H., "School Experiments in Local Climatology," Praxis, 1954.
3, 160
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12. "Haloes and Weather. A Contribution to the Treatment of Aerology in
a Provincial Children's Institution," Praxis, 1956, 5
13. Ungeheuer, H., "Man and the Weather," Umschau (The Survey) 54, 1954,
14. Rodew iai , M. , "I- ' dZ w `cCe?'= Travel Still Dependent on the Weather?"
Umachau, 54, 1954,p225
15. Schwarzbach, M., "The Causes of Glacial Periods," Umschau, 54, 1954, 449
16. Wildner, P., "A Method of Medium and Long-Term Weather Forecasting,"
Umschau 1954, 54, 710
17. Ulrich, K., "SquAlla in the Upper Strata of the Atmosphere," Umschau,
1954, 54, 577
18. Uhlig, S., "The Results Gotten with Shelterbelts in the High Rhoen of
Bavaria," Umschau 1955, 55, 129
19. "Balloons Drifting at a Fixed Altitude: A New Aid in Weather Predic-
tion," Umschau 1955, 55, 261
20. Wahl, E., "Peculiarities in Weather Cycles and the General Circulation
of the Atmosphere," Umschau 1955, 55, 545
21. "Investigation of Major Singularities," Umschau 1955, 55, 616
22. Regner, E., "New Findings on Ozone in the Atmosphere," Naturwissensch.
Rundschau (Natural Science Rev1ov), 1954, 7, 8
23. Lochte-Holtgreven, W., `flow Sunlight Comes Into Being," Naturwiss.
Rdsch. 1954, 7, 13
24. Rathjens, C., "The Climate Cycle during the Late Ice Age in Central
Europe," Naturwisa. Rdsch. 1954, 7, 193
25. Uhlig, S., "The Plant as a Meteorological Instrument," Naturwiss. Rdsch.
1954, 7, 245
26. Toepler, M., "Lightning," Naturwiss. Rdsch. 1954, 7, 325
27. Hauer, H, "A Low in Track Vb (The High Water Catastrophe in July 1954),"
Naturwiss. Rdscb. 7, 501, 1954
28. Faust, H., "The Principle of Causality in Meteorology," Naturwiss. Rdsch.
1954, 7, 472
29. Giller, F., "Migration of Cranes and the Weather", Naturwiss. Rdsch.
1954, 7, 115
30. Suckedortf, G. R. (Helsinki), "The Aurora borealis," Naturwiss. Rdsch.
1955, 8, 7
?. -f. /Bred
31. Faust, H. "Mm Effect or iiunsposs on Liam (Brief
Report)," $a::urwiss. Rdsch. 1955, 8, 402
32. "Iffect of Weather on Work Output" (brief Report), Naturwiss. Rdsch.,
1955, 8, 72
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33. "Climatic Cycles in the Last 2 Millenia (Brief Report)", Naturwiss.
Rdsch. 1955, 8, 72
34. "Atmospheric Fronts and Time of Day" (Brief Report), Naturwiss. Rdsch.,
1955, 8, 72
35. "The Mete.rel._,giCR ^nnv.antjr,, 'n pamhuurv_- )Yaturejaa_ Rdsch.: 1955, 8:
36. "Frost Seed Content of Air Masses (Brief Report), Naturwiss. Rdsch.,
1955, 8, 238
37. Uhlig, S., "The Development of Phonology in Great Britain," Naturwiss.
Rdsch., 1955, 8, 315
38. Degen, N., `Climatic Variations During the Past Thousand Years (Brief
Report)", Naturwiss. Rdsch., 1955, 8, 360
39. Steckhahn, H., "Wind Erosion in Interior Northwest Germany," Geogr.
Rdsch. (Geographical Review) 1954, 5, 12
40. Pruegel, H., "Geophysical Navigation and Its Effect on Transoceanic
Trade," Geograph, Rdsch., 1954, 6, 266
41. Freitag, E., "Problems of Transpolar Air Traffic," Geograph. Rdsch.,
1954, 6, 312
42. Wagner, J., "Report of the Annual Meeting of the Society of German
Geography Teachers, at Trier, 7-11 June 1954" (with a summary of
doctor H. Voigt's lecture on atmospheric circulation), Geogr. Rdsch.
1954, 3, 317
43. Lehmann, P., "Results of Meteorological Research in Agriculture, with
Special Respect to the Moselle District," Geograph. Rdsch., 1954, 6,
44. Knuebel, H., "Germany's Climate as a Subject for School Instruction,"
Geograph. Rdsch., 1954, 6, 295
45. Laitensach, H., "The Succession of the Seasons on the Iberian Penin-
cula," Geograph. hdsch. 1955, 7, 1
46. Buelow, S. V., "Storm Tides in the Baltic," Geogro%ph. Rdsch., 1955,
7, 191
47. Buedel, Anton., Wetterkunde-leichtgemacht [Aerology Made Zasy], sec-
ond edition, 1955, Munich, reviewed in Meteor. Kasen., 1965, 6: 4u
48. Raethjen, P., =urzer Abriss der Meteorologic dynamiich gesehen [A
Brief Outline of Meteorology, Treated Dynamically), Vol III. "At-
mospheric Circulation," Geophysical Monograph No 3, 1955, Hamburg,
reviewed in Meteor. Rdsch. 1955, 8, 70
49. Panaram, Heinz, fir plaudern uns durch des Wetter [let's Chat About
sue weswerJ, issi.-i, oi.utLbaei., :i. r6:4q&a. wisiw.., 1r54, 7, ..:
50. Hofmann, A., Problem um die fcttervorhersage [Problems of weather
Prediction], a Cosmos pamphlet, Cosmos society of friends of nature,
1955, Stuttgart. Reviewed in Meteor. Week., 1955, 8, 136
I1 A
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51. Voigts, H., Wetter, Klima, Leben [Weather, Climate, Life]. Helps and
Tasks for Geographical, Physical, and Biological Work Teams and for
the Lax Collection for Provincial Children': Institutions, 1949, No 9,
Hildesheim, reviewed in the Meteor. Rdsch., l9oa, 4, 34
52. Experiences in the teaching of aerology and climatology, Der erdkund-
liche Unterricht [The Teaching of Geography]. 1, 1956, E. Klett,
Stuttgart, 1956
53. Hoffineister, J.: Die Klimate der Erde [The Earth's Climates], classroom
wall map published by R. Westermann, 1954, Brunswick
54. Lehrplanrichtlinien fuer die Gymnasien Schleswig-Holsteins [Guiding
Principles for Curricula in the Gymnasiums of Schleswig-Holstein], re-
leased by the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Province of
Schleswig-Holstein, Antaeua, Luebeck, 1955
55. Faust, H., "The Weather at the North Pole (Brief Report)," Naturwiss.
Rdsch., 1955, 7, 380
56. "The Effects of Weather on Colloidal Solutions (Brief Report)," Na-
turwiss. Rdsch., 1955, 7, 381
57. Hammocks, K.-H., "What Climate Produced Our Culture? (Brief Report)",
Naturwiss. Rdsch., 1955, 7, 403
58. Weldon, H. "What Are the Properties of a Newly-Arisen Ground Swell?"
Umschau, 1955, 55, 822
59. Voigts, H., "Why is it Necessary to Treat Aerology in the Teaching of
Physics?" PraSchu. [Practical Physics for the Schools], 1956, 32, 33
60. Faust, H:, "Accumulation of Energy in the Upper Troposphere (Brief
Report)", Naturwiss. Rdsch., 1955, 8, No 11
61. "Ultraviolet Solar Radiation (Brief Report)", Naturwiss. Rdscb., 8,
No 12, 1955
62. Schneider-Carius, K., and Faust, B., "Advances in Meteorology," Natur-
wiss, Rdsch., 1955, 8, No 12
63. Nauer. H., "How Does Ball Lightning Arise?" Umschau, 1956, 56, 75
64. Tomberg, V. T., "Exact Measurement of the CO2 in the Atmosphere,"
Umschau [Survey], 1956, 56, 23
65. "What Are the Perspectives for the Soy been in Our Climate?" Umschau,
1956, 56, 87
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Ixvestiya na Presidiums
na Narodnoto Subranie
(News of the Presidium
of the People's Assembly;,..,
Vol VII, No 60, 27 July !V6, Sofia, Pages 1-2
The Bulgarian Ministry
of the Interior
Decree of the Council of Ministers of 9 July 1956, establishing border
strips and zones along the state frontiers of the Bulgarian People's Re-
For the Ministry of the Interior
1. The establishment of border strips and zones along the state
frontiers of the Bulgarian People's Republic as follows.
(a) A restricted border strip 10 to 300 a wide along the Bulgarian-
Yugoslav, Bulgarian-Greek, and Bulgarian-Turkish state frontiers, and from
10 to 20 a wide along the Bulgarian-Rumanian Dobruja land border.
(c) A border zone up to 15 ka wide along the common frontiers with
Greece and Turkey.
(d) No strips or zones are established for the Black Sea and Danube
state frontiers.
The width of the strips and the zones are to be determined from the
line described as the state frontiers, and in the case of river borders,
from the line of the bank, the islands of these rivers being included in
the forbidden border strip.
The exact delineation of the strips and zones are to be determined by
the Minister of the Interior, and their indication by signs (indicators) is
to be carried out by the chairman of the local people's soviets.
2. The restricted border strip is placed under the full authority of
the Ministry of the Interior; agricultural and other activities can be car-
ried out in it only with the permission of the Ministry of the Interior.
3. The permanent residents of the 2-km border strip must have upon
their identification passports the special stamp no 1, while those of the
border zone, the stamp no 2, placed by the Ministry of the Interior at
their places of residence.
i. Individuals having stamp no 1 on their passports are entitled to
circulate freely within the 2-ha border strip within the limits of their
okoliya, and in the border cone within the limits of their okrug, while in-
dividuals having on their passport stamp no 2 can circulate in the border
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zone only within the confines of their okrug. In order to enter in the
2-km border strip they must be supplied with the required pass.
Individuals not resident in the border zone, but having land in the
same, those of the border zone having lands in the 2-km border strip, and
also those among the inhabitants of the 2-km border strip and border zone
having lands in the same in their neighboring okoliyas or okruva and who
are connected with some agricultural or other work, can visit them only
when bearing their identification passports, in accordance with the
procedure established by the Ministry of the Interior.
their identification passports, ;the okoliya center or village People's
soviet is located in the 2-km border strip, and for inhabitants of settle-
ments outside the border zone, if the okoliya center or the village People's
soviet is included in the same.
5. The entry into and stay within the 2-km border strip and the border
zone by individuals who are not permanent residents of the sane are permitted
to holders of a pass.
Inhabitants of the border zone may visit the okoliya center or village
People's soviet to which they haelong administratively, only when carrying
Passes are issued by the Ministry of the Interior at the place of resi-
dence of the citizens, for r period of one month. Exceptionally, the same
can be issued at the place of work of the individuals desiring passes. For
justifiable reasons, the validity of passes can be extended to 3 months.
Individuals entering the 2-km border strip and the border zone on passes
must, on arrival at the point mentioned in the passes, and again on departure,
have the same checked at the nearest organ of the Ministry of the Interior.
In settlements in which there are no such organs, the checking of the passes
is to be done by the chairmen of the local People's soviets.
Individuals, the nature of whose work requires repeated visits to the
2-ka border strip and border zone, must have their passes checked only during
their first trip, and once again before the validity of the same has expired.
All nonresident citizens of the 2-km border strip or the border zone,
and settling in the same for permanent or seasonal work will be issued a
certificate by the respective offices (enterprises), bearing stamp no 1 or
no 2, issued by the respective okoliya administrations of the Ministry of
the Interior.
The directors of enterprises sad offices located within the 2-ka border
strip and norder zone are forbidden to accept for work individuals not having
a passport (or certificate) bearing stamp or no 2, or a pass.
6. It is left to the Minister of the Interior to determine which indi-
viduals can visit and reside in the 2-km border strip or border zone and to
record the same on their identity documents.
7. The officers of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of
People's Defense are allowed to enter and circulate in the 2-ka border strip
and the border zone in accordance with the procedure established by the Min-
i..q,r asi Cuw Iuri4r.
8. Field work within the 2-km border strip is to be allowed as a rule
from sunrise to sunset. In cases of exceptional need (accident, rendering
help, crop harvest, etc) night work in the fields will be allowed in accord-
ance with the procedure established by the Ministry of the Interior.
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g. The Ministry of the Interior is allowed, in the case of a compli-
cated border situation, after coordination with the local party and ad-
ministrative organs, to introduce a curfew hour within the 24-hour day for
determined a
n the 2-km border strip and border zone.
The Ministry of the Interior must present to the Ministry of Transport-
ation a list of railroad stations, stops, and river and sea ports for the is-
suance of traveling tickets to which it will be required that travelers show
passes, or passports bearing stamp no 1 or no 2.
13. Construction of various new projects, carrying out of surface or
underground projects, and taking of photographic pictures are to be under-
taken only with the agreement of the Ministry of People's Defense and the
Ministry of the Interi IF.
14. Fishing by state and cooperative organizations and private indi-
viduals in the Black Sea and the Danube River is permitted at all times
during the 24-hour day.
The exit of sailing vessels to sea (the river) for fishing, coastal
sailing and beyond-the-border sailing will be allowed by permission of the
chief of the border subdivision concerned after presentation of the follow-
ing documents.
(a) For fishing: identification passport, pass, fishing licence
valid for the current year, the vessel's sailing permit (certificate of
nationality), and permit to carry 4"Wons -- only for the hunters of the
dolp4in fishing crews.
(b) Shore sailing (coastal): identity passport, seamen's book, list
of the ship's crew, ship's certificate of nationality, and sailing permit
(c) Sailing across the border: list of the ship's crew and seamen's
15 _ Al 7 .nt.... and _i-- ._ __ S to as -
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a cooperative and
sporting organizations, and to private individuals must, to be a able to
operate on the border rivers and the Black Sea, be registered wi the Min-
istry of the Interior and carry a special number issued to them by the Min-
istry of the Interior, which is to be placed on both sides of their prows.
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16. The port authorities, together with the organs of the Ministry of
the Interior, must establish special wharfs for the wharfing of rowing boats
along the shores of the rivers or the sea, All boats tied up at wharfs must
be chained and secured by a lock, and must be guarded at night by watchmen
appointed by the fishing communities.
farm workers' cooperatives, and other expropriated by the decree of the
Council of Ministers of 10 July 1950, in cases when they cannot be freed and
returned for cultivation to their owners, must be exchanged for areas freed
by the decree of the Council of nisters of 17 May 1954, or with other free
lands of the state 1cnd fund.
19. The Ministry of Agricultare, through the TPS (Trudova zemlena
sobstvenost, Land Ownership) commissions, will complete these ? hangea by
the end of 1956 against presentation, by the respective peop'le's soviets .
and the Ministry of the Interior, of the following documents. Sketch and-
property report with data as to name of the owner, his residence, type of
crop on the property, and size, location and boundaries of the expropriated
property. For the property which cannot be exchanged, the owners are to be
compensated by the Ministry of the Interior.
17. Individuals who violate the established procedure of entering and
remaining within the 2-km border strip and the border zone, or the procedure
for sailing on border rivers and the Black Sea, will be detained by the
organs of the Ministry of the Interior, and will be held administratively
and judicially responsible.
18. The unexchanged and uncompensated lands of individual farmers,
20. The Minister of the Interior is to approve instructions for the
application of this decree.
21. This decree replaces the decrees of the Council of Ministers of
10 July 1950, 27 December 1951, and 17 May 1954, whereby the frontier
territory administration of the Bulgarian People's Republic was established.
A. Yugov. Chairman of the
Council of Ministers
At. Voynov, Secretary to the
Council of Ministers
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