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the Military Acsde of RU LfrJesty KIM Doris III 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060415-5 _.. ..---- --1-~ - -1-1- ----. _. -- ----- -- .. -- - - --- . -- - ^1 CLASSIFICATION CoDFm)irrl&l. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED RATS OF INFO REPORT CD NO. DATE DISTR. Z ?-Oct 54 NO OF PAGES 5 NO. OF ENCLS. ILISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. .IN41;,~~ r ?'.? 1...?.x1.... "FIG -...4..~~ ,., t...` 1. Introduction i1Mn tM Ca m mist. toot over the tlov'Mra^eIIt of Dalpria dsrim( the till of 19k, thq mediate]v stationed is se=irere of troops eavmia tM ACadsq. They easrclsed this prvcaatloa leeeass mW erti tic allitary reslatamce in Sofia could car aaly fra s the stadsats at tM Aos4sq. oaaatities of or- aaaleat am aslmitlon mere awilable to the Cadets. such reetstaace aoald have tahsa place had mot the casts psMtrated the staff of the Aoadsq. These osfiomrm, fml2J latsu 4 of Cem^smist allitary plams, anted immediately mad cantiamed the students yainst roolstaass. - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - a. Imphasis for the first year stresses comprehensive theory of small arum such as the rifle, pistol, and light machine per. b. Flatoon formation and training was gives. The philosophy saderlying such train- 50X1 -HU M Ind was to teach "emu eoit? is oemhat. a on Dualsi rime nag plateau from sewn to 11 ass. Is Ift Oar i??tlastoae were trying to adept the platoon system. for astern irq.a waxAre saves men were more afaptab n. IF the Dm1oulma imsgaetsae to emphasising troop 50X1-HUM development in No field insisted that im?tet of opal" IaD?stry p.rsommel 12 mstere o/art, it would be muse ? I Ise - - to epeee its LDamtry is teams (two man) at 1D mater isterwla. This system was afs,ted by the Du1ggriaa Army is 1943. It was teiMR at the PeOpins AMfm+ of late as W. c. The school year begin to Iepters and, emir to Memo. Om? waft of vaalstios I. gives. For We memUm coaste are essI C to steer oemps. At the seer was cadets are tealsea is eft pin8 t1 thseey which thq aegmired aeries the school roar. d. Doily routine for a military ?tudest is as felloss: D. arises at 6:00 AM and broddr?ts at 6130. 1,.. T:00 AM to sloe del he ?it? is a elassrees where he mq emsise is tubje^ismt stadZ. tree 8:00 kM to 1D:00 am the eafet is %t email sass, watbrmaties end spidery history. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060415-5 coirw iri AL 50X1-HUM 2. The Peoples Military Acadepr a. The Military Academy of Zing Doris III f6rsafter referred to as the Peoples Military Acadsg7 is located in the southwestern section of Sofia. The facilities including dormitories are adequate to bows approzimatoly 1500 Junkers 5re-Ceramist name for cadet] and instructors. b. Up to 1948 (is in former years) the Bulgarian Govusn?ent admitted 160 students to the Acadlq yearly. At no time were over 120 of these students retained. Approximately 40 aspirants fill by the vyside each year. Elimination took place on the basis of health, and failure to meet the academic requirements. The curriculum at the Peoples Military Academy for many years was set up an a five year basis. During World War II, however, when Bulgaria desired mars than the normal peacetime number of career officers, the program was sbortened to four years. No instruction or courses were sacrificed during this period (four years of study), rather the program was intensified. !vacations were shortened and the day of study lengthened. Once World War II terminated, the curriculum was gain returned to five years. c. The first three years of military edncstion were devoted largely to ailltery subjects with cemslderable es*basis placed on Infantry training. Once officer candidates Ljm$kerJ had successfully completed the first three years of study they were assigned to various specialties such as Artillery, Commmications, engineering, eto. 3. Grads Students were graded on a scale-whiW raagsd from the msmsral one to mreral 12. if any student received a mark of six or less in three subjects he was dismissed from the Academy. The top three students (scholastically) at the end of the third year were permitted to choose their specialty. Derr student whose grade was 10.33 or greater wss.aatomatioally granted the privilege of wing for either the Artillery or the Dmgimeers. In reality there were always more students in the 10.33 (grads average) g=amy than there were vaeacies in the Artillery or Ingineers. Consequently, such students drew lots for the existing vacancies. Special eaanimetioss were convened for students who desired to moos a career of either the Air Corps or the Cavalry. 4. Curriculum - First Tear Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060415-5 1 (1) His math courses for the first year consist of algebra, trigonometry, solid and plans geometry and uaathsmaticsl projects wsrios problem assigned by individual inetructore]. (2) E? . During the first year he tabs a course in world history. In this course (a general survey) the vorid by and large is covered in rapid f ablos. povsver, history of the peripheral countries (Bulgaria's nsighbors) is given extensive coverage. Military elements are stressed. UM. The first year course in maps is intended to teach the student in map reading. e. Lunch is available from 12:00 to 12:30 PM. Cadets have a free period from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. It is referred to as the "relaxation period'. f. The dinner hour begins at 6:00 PM and ends at 6:30 PM. g. Supervised study begins at 7:00 PM and ends at 9:00 PM. Nov-ver, students desirous of additional study are permitted to burn the oil until 11:00 PM. h. Classes convene until Saturday noon. I. Inspection is held every morning. j. lip to 191,8 first year students were given a pass on Sunday Lfrom 10:00 AM Sundry until 6:00 PK Sundae. k. Junkers (cadets) upper claseman were given a Sunday pas. which permitted them to leave the Campus at 8:00 AN and return by 10:00 PM. Curriculum and Training - Second Tear a. The theory of small arms and training given during the first year is put into actual practice. Field practice in the use of these area continues for the entire acadssic year. Dos to the nature of the terrain, special emphasis is placed on the use of the rifle. As a result, most Dolaariss officers are outstanding riflemen. b. Relative to formations, three platoon combinations up to a ceepasy drill together for purposes of teaching the cadets larger unit tactics. This train- ing taps pines every afternoon and covers a period of 'thee hears rirom 200 to 5:00 M On two of tw. deye the hours from 4:00 to 5:00 PR are spent in knife Combat training. 6. Curriculum and Training - Third Year a. We bsgaa to stair A/A particelarly small bore such as 20 on. lea y Was such as marine, W34 as. a^ gnmw, etc. b. Gresads Brining was tsug4t every year, but during the third year it was in- tessiflet. Our gasssia taeiailg eaasistel of the feilovimg: (1) D~ haildimgn wee set it (fronts or sides). Wiaias were spaced at verioni h I ts. Is order to sssasssfn Uj Couplets the eouree we vane sapsafsl *s tons a gawads Joao aq SO&= *9e as the ram. At a gives signal me was past the laildfmg. In the mn otim ft Instructor mold as1i eat. b srssiat the w1wiir ;lute lolled we were siWeeved W i.use the gnssd . (2) The rwsemiiilp b-Met meek inseam tralsimg ass that it veld develop air re'Lsmns set feather undo as to ere a Woods effl.tively in very sheet tlas sal with' ss ad"Me Stamm. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060415-5 1P jAL - k - c. Demolition training was iatro&reod daring the third yMS. This course use not intensive bet am>r basic in iatnrs a . rlitiea training whe Oftsidered a sP~c belt and ss a rssalt special e00100940 std Selected st*ISnts psr- tici "td In the fall ~ of "deco" instrnctio?. With * the fsrwenrk of th ?nsral Comm all stwests were tarps isr to NOW as WANOmby cocktail from Powder ad oiliest... a GOSITOG tape. d. ith refoea.e to urtsri, d.rimg the suer ?stos{A given field iastrsoti~o~as is ame inch mortars am-d C ld year, 0 50X1-HUM e. By the emi of the third year MW let" the aeaera. sth curricrlus which also Snored latepala, du'[fswatials cm ednatioms. !. Fist . The astir' ys?r was Aawoted to a tW.rosgb stay of Duldari?r history wi eemeidesble oasis ryos military history, etc. 7. Artillery !'saiaias - Fonrth and Fifth Years a . At tie sad at specialised courses in Artillery b. For the following cue and one halt year ^ Artillery courses consisted o!: (1) stay am epasations of MOW raagiag from 7 1/2 at to 10 1/2 CM. This Comm rovesrd one calendar year of airy. Dewing Ulm year S ive stuy of fbreiga erimmace in Order to learn its Potential. a sa arlmamce at +b-4. t 3- e0001sted of caeobsslovak, aad same I=. (2) Classroom (test bosh sM theory) imclded: ? Tie roe at the barge in wadies b) "IS elements of sentryr dmty c) The thsoeyr of firing am tie. Pr f ~ii]lsry tactics, strategy f) pod stud ssyamd mkin (3) Field Artiilsrp drills tires &4I .S week, horseback riding every dye, and mstoeiesd oeysamoe traiaimg on., by. 8. Commrmist Taflmssse 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM a. theses of the ~ "mew Dalgetls in s rtmriar l$k there use a large caftmemat d of ___ aM i2stir.tom3 -at the AMae+ - y 1200. They Q~ T vstl twins/ sY ash NML A. Prswlsrft stated, ass, :YM leis rer0a sew asr$ resistance. X11, fm *ii2 s lssmaa ft TIM as yA N M r to at 0 all Mr4 "Soft ? Imam 10 ad 15 , mum acmes of the staff aaslsaa wimst ''M'inus''. ft 13 a%Ma%e tie ,..let time?e 50X1-HUM - site tea - aq 1ma wss.sslsa Ws= IS ft 4 a mw eesessrmt ems mNl~.a M tae ~anaa~ - t1 *. -.., ?r"~ar it ame ) wipe y.loai-w fa.fieada,r 50X1-HUM ft we as 4 30 sm am 4& Up sewnaae Mime ma 50X1-HUM M~ 80 4618. IS ON reallae- -.a. (it Mo e~slrt .~?~. ?mi we .r flmm SWUM ismw erldmm1 Swcsu.) ? i. $8 trs. ~ t ? ~ s ream to 1~ .r .~eslsm4~ mR f1. Pbr~lfns ^1lt1r1j Aaafsy. o O Sim as tntAft Iffe. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060415-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060415-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060415-5 %S 'Mrss.i vrra d d to c. ~ Cr1a0 w ?iar tlift ti ~~i~e to !mss 'rM ~tiati ?stA[! dliwt ,rttip ~u rNdwl ixr~a ?1 '0 (1)' ~ s P* $Jat ws?,lst 'idol. Mall ~iiwil s~A~1e loan a$ _ It ii i 1wo~r iirr ear,.. tip aat dmwom arM1 f^M (2) . Iir sl~s? .,,, ?# ( ) 't1n+ss allitirsp s *s 1. is s~1 r~s, 1 ~L' Lweti. at gem, 50X1-HUM