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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060393-0 SUBJECT Variable-Pitch Propellors (IM) .N ~N N/.~IN'7N Y.IINN N~NN N NI ..IN..?..... N?u. /N NNp. Y/ fM. U. NtlIN.... w?.. a I.I .... u?n.. NIN... Ib ?.N..N.I.. 1? N?.. ~.,IIN .. IN ...?~.?? N ??NNNI ?? "is to .NN. 16 .INISI... N \N. ?.. N..?.?.IIN of., .... I. ..NIN N?. , Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060393-0 CLASSIFICATION ; y = CENTRAL INT' ;~.NCE AGENCY INFORMA'"."ION REPORT., f~. NO. OF ENCLS. IUSTCD scwWM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION I 50X1-HUM 1. In entreat to Sc?,, propsUors haeiai blsdss fiaeL in 028 position, tM variable- pitch propellor bee b3sdss rhioh Na Us turssd on twir &m., two ehsst41 the pitch of the propeLUr. 2. slbs Mnehsais thst ooetrols the twain of the b1eAes is boatel in tbs hollow propellor hob. ftls asehsaiw is osmosotst vitb s actor in tM sagias row by awes of s oo2tr01 rsaalai tlra tM 1d13aw psspsilor Blatt. lb* pitch Gan be chalet aitbsr fras tM eatias rsw or diXSSW troa tls bridge. 3. A obsnpabls-p+toh propellor bad 11a ffollawiap bsalo stvwtspa: (A) '!M awls esiias of Of MAP sac bb set at $ essfais aysbsr of revo1stioss per alum t1 to stress as tbs eaii" osa be ragdatsS by fsws of the vsr1d "i,91 M psi Ll (a) with /1s esr1ab)ayili pavpsUa7 it A. no "swssry to reverse the MIAs wit". MR 110 Game of stsaa 1ol1ie edIlliw it is not "ssdssey to bas s siwlsi iwwm NMbisii (C) of " dsAs: 1y teaid low mmove "mmew from a* br~ sse" fir tug spsist M, taw red k. >rpsallL ilsb swsisUsas an $Ltu cwt is via an is ra anrOaat flast of as ear b go a" Ogg w snips bsvisi i doss st raat'.hs t i 01 (SbAma m% s i s i S M a p s s r R O A N ~ s a s h e a t 0e001- 1A^s" v & A M a t van" i W e " i . ,llMssb r , f i ' E "mum act alumm"aae. slydse pasie1ldws an s2ss bslas -its sjdd-II w MAP 11 rswtre d> ._I. 1 w- sbility no e/ irdly balls, MIWw?sas[s pNSasile ablps, ell. sw slwe slant is wasylai w sas* at as lsw~I-am a 11a w at Vint". tteb 1awe33ors. CtAS31l1CATION -#-1@ 28 ! 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00600060393-0 5. It met be noted that a whole eeriee of other measeuw is also being carried out in the field of Increasing the effectiveness of screw propellors, amain mostly in the River Fleet. For exemle, experiments are being and. with counter-propellors, Dressuure on the screen, and t el by-passes throwO the hill of the ship. late we of these devices can increase the efficiency of as wags' teat 10 to 30. 6. So theoretleal basis of the variable.pitch propellor (fah) can be described as follows: or ilusof Now. the emteroa'l characteristics are one this respect the effective power of UP Romig ~ or speft lye on pmt of the ipemdsot ls vbl& hers Win be the "am, io, Is. f(u). !ba eo[teraal characteristics ae r of rsvo]atioas of the' 1, , o: the operational cepaeitiss of engines are represented by a series of curves which haws areas LQsatad beneath them, Son 4ree give the geometrical place of all operational ospacities for given nl'ert of see^olntions. Depending on the fift lapo.ed by aavlgatfoaal coalitions of a given ship in opera- tion, the following aspect. of eztsrn l characteristics may be used: (see figure #1 below) (1) She period of greatest operssioa.l capaosty (Ow" d) is a limited ties, not more an eve-as" hear.; (2) Nu a+ set* (sue 3) OWily oespapoaie With the "rated" oapa- ?ity (gsaMmsts.L by tY ss~iw misml -hex r for epesi1i4L eoaditioas) amt i. ssas~ltsrad sa gssatl.a Wer as esllattsd posed of tom (3) or teal to sit ) i. ?.ee~~i het wiwg rea~e:1 reeling . for ?11 - - - - eelstteS of as eerw aeeord- - Ong - . - _ ----" -- ?---- -?- e dpr..sii is w e.sw. MW PM 1 of as m?m.ngso-as ?W iw 6s1sei1y at aw. MV! ii We .bssmiJMalabia d MU to 09 al to w poser absorbed by -IM MPN w 1ta-.Nils Masts ?t wee 'se> oieeti?ae. 'lie r srs3' of up mow is fiRM 60 1- tissl$ or by NO of tosel as0el teats is a used ball. u, an ISIsUSI ?sa 1e f91AN 111 1? osrr o>Mi- ?si pspss.s 1t f6i faliSVlmp wtbsie gains 'a ?s^H St dlsp1Me^ Ut tie pmwe$L IV s ?am/IM/1Lfri sow Is ~sspsas>tiesaM is w ado of the ,r,e at Mwml+stfer of a* snow (.e 4w et to srlp).Wrs, is same ... 3W-Or- WAS pss be s, OWING .lease is , e Is pmssblu amt is special men ft-=Aft rift ?se sg; 4UMSr t1Mw so awsr ssatiss, it its* meal be wt !'be IM of as of isue ~ff~m = !bw as W o parslala, own 01"t, " 00 ON~ Ia it w give 9M tine is of Micas:' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00600060393-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060393-0 possible operational eapaaitiM of a ship .Miss (SAL VPOD the ship aed typo of .amiss) lie. bebveea the =tesnal e4,taetasiatis'of the data op~zi- ti p Pam (eerie 2) aM the ?trw chracteritic (cum 6). ben the engine aorta lirsetly on tie ?crl* ehip'p engbo, as ens be Men by the diamraa, daeelop tea^aNielre r {w .tats by sham a, b, 08bw In faft a"* . tr-s satwd eaesot to neM is + opeieat t 'oal ca~ob terblss cos itisa tint ii, at? a eh etlrletic iater- eeeti . ). TA all resaisios :, I 10,6&M L o! ei