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Publication Date: 
July 6, 1954
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 CLASSIFICATION COVIUCKiAL C RAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN;,'Y VINFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Germany.(Soviet Zess) SUBJECT IKA Plant No.6, (lormarly Rheostat-Habege)/ Major Consumers of Prodeats PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED BY vas nationalized and called aA plant #6. The plant was located at Grossenhaiusrstrasse 130/132. in May , trA pant CD NO. DATE DISTR. 6, JuI7}954 NO. OF PAGES 6 pages NO. OF EFICLS. (LISTED BELOW) 50X1-HUM SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 2. The factory manufactured small electrical equi*)ment. A list of the products I follows: - - Contractors for motor control, 6-600 amps. Controllers iir cranes Magmatic devices for motor brooks motor snitches, 15 to 60 amperes Small circuit breakers, 1.5 to 25 amperes Rheostats and regulators for motors up to 1000 HP B^ae bar assemblies Ship electrical equipment MagnwtF m to 1000 centimeter kilograms caw o x ':'Ues Rlivato,..ontrol spa .ant High tension switch", to 20,000 volts High tezaio" circuit breakers 200,000 EVA and 20,000 volts "r-1-4A tersic. ontractors, to 6000 volts ?ush bt:tton sets Pressuty switches ?lost snitches, annual (from July to Jkly) business of the firm we as !operas 1953 - 6,500,000 Lot marks (estimated) 1952 - 6,500,000 w 1951 - 6,000,000 ? 1950 - 5,x,0 ? 19k9 - 4,000,000 CLASSIFiCAT10N 00~7>wriM. 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 COHF'.LENTIAL -2- 19+8 ?? 3,500,000 last marks i9*7 - 2,500,000 " 4. Enclosure ) is a sketch of the plant area. lnclosure(B)is a sketch of the layout of the office building. Znclosure C is a sketch of the layout of the factory building. All of the buildings teere constructed of brick about 1900. About 1938, the structures were modernised. 5? In early 1953 the Plant employed sspproxiaately 560 workers vhs were divided as follows: - - 130 administrative, sales, and technical 45 apprentices 15 toolmakers 120 machinists (in two shifts) 15 test laboratory 10 painters 10 kitchen 8 plating and packing 1.;, stockroom 1~. guards, .haaffeurs, and powerh a employees 180 assemblers 6. Major customers of Rbsostat-Habege were; A. Electro Appe:?ate Verke, Berlin-Treptow, (for cement mills destined for the USSR) ?- 1951 1,500,000 East marks worth of electrical equipment 1952 1,500,000 1953,1,500,000 B. V.B.M:, Rostock, electrical equipment for small ships) 1:49 - 10,000 Bast marks 1950 - 1,000,000 n w 1951 750,000 n n " n 1952 - 100,000 C. Riess nee- Dresden (electrical parts for cranes) ::948 - 1953, about 150,000 Bast marks per year i. Stahlverke, Brandenburg, (electrical for cranes) 1948 - 1953, about 100,000 East mks per year 1. Maximilian, Saalfeld, (electrical equipment for rolling mill controls) F. 1949-1953 - about 100,000 last marks per year E in Kberswald (electrical equipment for cranes) 9-1953, al-oat 100,000 last marks per year. 0. H. Groeditz, in Groeditz (electrical equipment for cranes) 1949-1953 about 100,030 asst marks per Year Schwerin, in Schwerin (electric equipment for cranes) I. 1949-1953, 50,000 to 100,000 Iasi marks par year Koethen, in Koethen (electrical equipment for cranes) J. 1948-1953, 50,000 to 100,000 east marks per year Blelohert, in Lsipaig (electrical equipment for cranes) K. 194T-1953, 200,000 to 400,000 Zest marks per year Unruhnikbig, in Leipzig (electrical equipment for cranes) 1947-1953, 150,000 to 300,000 Zest marks per Year Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 ownr.w UL .-3- L. PUrstenberg, in ~'Sirstanberg near Polish border (electrical equipsent for cranes) 1951-1952, 80,00^ Zest asrks per year M. v.Z.)I., !Cottbus (electrical equipmant for Lanabh- r plant) 1951-1952, 150,000 Bast marks per year N. Y.B.M., srfi t (electrical equipment for mining neohinery) 1909-1953, several hundred thousand Bast marts psi year. ENCIASURE A): Sketch of the IKA Plant Area ((B Sketch of the Layout of the IKA Office Building C Sketch of IRA. Factory Layout Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 COIWI~11'1zAL SKETCH OF THE IKA PLANT AREA Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809AO00600060124-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 50X1-HUMI ROOK KftP#AJ4 t nvRCHASin,ti aprr MA"It - ri? asyisd , I Mto/CAS J4% FACSORY G>w MOL CO NI' OrRA~K~ AND Ssc'rz C' 'RJ eFFIce 10 S n : 3RU3 V J%OAJ (q! 1FjAltr~eA+r e#J~iNFSRUJ4 ~ =I - LA. fit= s JUKis*s Rerent 're TMt ear` NUMI L ar 1soawa IS V~r*n , CCAWI NTIAL ~R SKETCH OF THE IIYODT OF THE IIG OFFICE BUIIAING FrjcL- 13 - RH EosToir- How FGE OFFice Buii.VIIJ6 MPp.jF.oo2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600060124-8 OIMu WAL SID