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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030416-7 iNFCJR~~~1"1 PLACE a.rni iIREn ~_i1~ 'l,C ! fIF~~3rir iQN At the preaeat +,ime in the D3S& motor reb:3.c2e gasoliaes (he3Py gaso:.ine of grade II and cracke3 gasoline) and aviatiea gasotine ue in use. ns a rrle, gaaoliaes ue obtaiaad lsr d3sti21azicn frcu the lightest fracticma with an initial bo!li~g dint of SOo C. a:4i a final beiliag point of 225'"~ C. Ge.aoliae in tint pi:,rs state im nat need is thr. USui becaase of the appeuae~ce st high conpressien ration of the pheaesenon of "knackn. Snccidng occurs when coabaetiun of a psrt of the air fuel mature pra:eeds at a speed ez- ceedieg 2,OCj0 to s;00Q meters per second, wb,er~~ the speai of acrmal cem- L^~:stiva ie 20 to 3^ set~srs per neaond. Ia the IIaSR the anti-knock rn,.z its of fhel is ,~astawesilr classified by the octane rating ( - oktanovoe J0 Of' ENCLS. SUPPLEMENT TO ,REPORT i~0. The Ge&i^. f12?ls 1'O: gaROline-?'serosenz P~3 I?l^4e1 Cngin?y are 3e*. 0'-t iII i?1i5 I?t- prnet. 'Ihe pr-rSi~a1 tP4j'C7t'ie5 1Il(1 1'=?3 Cf tt'1~ !'1!1? Sr! lj.3t?~ ~GLl~*@ ~SIlG~PII~ 3. 'Ihe basic z+iels for gasclina-kerosene engines are gasol^:ne; l:loin, kezc9eae, beazeae, aJ,eohol and aieeella~aeone aiztu-yes. a.sre~euroN SAN Fii~P~RT DATE DISTR. / ~ .9;; Basic ~'n~9es the USSR :;_ r Engines -. ~_ _ FL . z-~r- - . =.. T?s ?.sic, in NO GF PP.GES ~ .i:1:., ~ ion Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030416-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030416-7 ~., ~ieLRr~inat.on r{ xr_, n~.tane fatiag i3 effected ia. s Special ends~a, which :.5.5 a ~*3ciebla s~otapression T3z?c. r,.._ ?.h].a pu:"pone the ??~c-ine is at fir31; startec oL' the feel bein? tr~a?a!d. Tt!,sn trz.d?~a.' ~v ?he com~zesaion ratio is iac**a~ed anti]. ~aaldng eceura. Theztisafte;; rti.h,-P: -ianging the com~r+easioa ratio, the oiler-atlcn of the engine ie aw=tched oven :-~ ~s ~'.:r1 composed of_hyd~?ooarboaa of isr:octane and :,ttptana, shish is aor..ap?e+d a3 s ~3Tr_4?~~*d., Zs~4~tane hardly aver J?oeks and its octane rating is mc:epted as :C~p rr`1i1~ ~.egtane l~o~ anti its octane rating is accepted ae agzal-ta zero. "'iy e!ddiag herT.ane to iacoetana a d.zture 18 formed shish gigea ties to lmoaking of the assn intensity as the fval being leafed. The aver rvpreeeating the percentage at iaeccLaae in the standard sixture of isooc- tam and hegtanA ib the Miens rating SSi '~!,e fuel lining tasted. got lastinee, if a eertain nrel being tesrrsd imoei;e at the ease cosyzeasioa xstio as a ais~aire of bt,;g isooctane ~sati 4vA heptane, the octane xating cf the fuel sill be uO. s'.n the IISSH they use as an anti lama^..i~ eoapouad, as ethyl ?lnid o.ozaisting of tatraethy'_ lead-~,TEu), to shi~h a_Fe added cospCruada sb3.:.h sill aid is reducing the dekceit of lead ozjdo~ (ethyl brosid2 end 'ca?am--tt-~a:ne) on th,e ~erte of the enginaa. Leh gaaol3aa is called et*.iylated gas, IIauaLy 1/3 r-obit eeatise?4er of fluid is added par liter of fuo?.. ~ha r-oifl~ of eti~yla:ed gasoline is usually blob or violet, B~iO gasoline has an c?~ianrs zating ct "~? end is used fcz engines sith a compres- sion ratio of icR:~: to five. B-74 gaec'_i~+ ~a an octane rating of 74 sad is ~~ed for engines sith a ccm~egaion ratio rf sfa to seven, E-100 gasoline bas as octane rating of lOO.aad 3s :Yeed for engines ~'h a high cospresaion ratio. IIrualiy the specific gravity of heavy grade ZZ is ~?,?45 and the nalariffc ?slue ie 10,200 Mlcgxsa. calories pear isi?egram. The apacific ~.r'.ty ^f ..:aeYSd sasoli:.e '_e G,~55 std the Ralcrific vai:;e is 1C?2~` ldlogres salaries qer kilog=aa. (b) Ligroin Ligrc~.a is io acme degrEe heavy ~aeeline wade up of heavy _'racticns which boil away at tespe_aturea of 150o C to 230 C, I? is u_aed chiefly as tractor fuel. :ae average chend.cai contest is C ~.85~, A =15~.- ,)pecific grivitl O.i55 - 0,79L~ ~~aiarific value 1~?;OU" 3rg eal/`xg Octane rating 54 Zc) Snroae:e &sroeene !s cb?tained bq dietillaticr~ of gaaolise-ligroin fraction'. Zt is ma3e ~, mf pe~alena~ distillaxas which troll avail at taspe.+~ntures of 20Qo to 3150 C. The avsr~ge chemical cabteat is C = 8b~ and R s~?. Tom; 3~inda o! kerosene, tzaetcr aid illuaiutiAg, are used in t.,he IIa"SB, Tractor iC~rcmaea,! bas a yellowish color Chile illuviaatiag ker,~s~ is clean with a light bluish tint. Speaitia gYytvity Calorific value (kt+t3a 4a^-isq 0.825 - C.82~ 10,200 k$ oal/Scg dG (d) Bea2eas and alcoh~i are seldos ase?3 av foal in the ASSB. 4. i'bare are severel difterest grades of I=?eael f~:ola is i:sd in the :~giet 7nicn. (a) Ce. oil - 9 ~ cif ~7itt 0.8?6 Flash pant 7Oo C Faglar t'iscosit3 +~t 5G? C 3.b Bo1.iAifiaatioa point -s''~ C 'fhia fuel ie mead for high speed Dissel engines. (t,) Lcnjar ert~ S'~cifia g:-avi4y 0.871 , 0 .831 F1aeh.~Qoitt 130? C ~?Ur vLrooaity 1.3 - 1.75 Soiidifie:atiaa point Ibis fnsl is need for high speed -20o C IYsel engines. (a) Light aatom feel (Diaael Y-1) Spsoitia gravity 0.851 - 0.896 Flash point 45o C ioatios polar ~ lC 1.2 this fhel is un~d far Diaael angisw zLic2- rscinira light fhels. 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030416-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030416-7 ~+: nn car (d) 2CeQ11D/ m[StCr Peel (uis961 M-21 (e) Heav3r btor fuel (1.) Diesell[-3A Specific. gravity G.895 - 0.926 Flash pafat 65? C 8olidifica.tioa pcizt ~5? C :'his foal ie need for 1?w speed Diesels. hinter made 1d-Z .~ifie gra:zt7 Flash paiat 2agler viscosity Solidificatima-gout This f1xe1 iA need for Meeela tes+pa?stures tractor kerosea? the final? ~~dure. r rt~5 6?n C 1,2 - 2. .. 4 ~~ at an ?utdorr t~atsre of -17? C. At loser is added in as~oumts ragging frog 15~ tai 30~ of (2) ~ grade Y-2 $pdeifio gravity 0:8'75 Flash goist;6,? 65a c Fagler viacneity 1 2 - 3. Solidif3cfltion point -30? C This 3he1 is used fora Diesel bsgisae whey the ta~era#are ai the air is ~t lower thaw 5? C. r!1$a~i a'ju ~ifi~~~ vity ~ C - 0.920 5olidifiea~iom ;rout 5? C Thin ft?el is need for low speed Mesels. (3) Mosel Y-3G This fuel is t:sed for etati?nr9 Diesel iastallati?ns. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030416-7