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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030378-0 CLASSIFICATION SWFRT~ C E N T R ~ h l i [\~f\ IIVTrI I l'L AGENICY INFORMATION REPORT Sat?.onalfet Organization NO OF FAG ES 3 PLACE wQ"V;RED DATE ACQUIRED DATE OF I NU: OF ENCLS, (L STED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED NFORMATION //r*'X I el;e!J 1 1 c +a FU ~~~ 2. The t has not msirtaiwd rs*' frienPly contacts with the Gersae at aav tim? Lis claim if contram'K b;; asxmLftiaae of mmy critics of GUN, accord+ng to which it 4a,1owaic the snfg:,rt of t Le finstnpo, .srsss `,.lie Bandera faction s or+g3;rally we' like by the pesos Ar~iy and p$zticu- larly the Abrahrj the Germans first expressed intersft in discasifng the war situation wick Melayk in 1939? In view of their refs al to discuss Ukrainian aspirations for motional -pe33e~ce, Col Mral shou'der t!.+ their Un 5 A 418 Xelayk re~.e a cold with Terse Bulbs, which led to the point support of the Ukraini d an an I t Army (UPA), which bean the military arm of the Ukrainian independence movement and directed its activities against the Germ= and the Soviets alike. Until the present time, the UPA has continued its military resis- tance to the Soviets, and the political underground movexant Me ra,*-plsswnted such efforts through lees overt non-military activities. ?w??-~y.~. Col Andrew eels %"wal usaar the lssdmrship of it the 3antinuation of an ormi1,sation of the sm ns>ss founded in the niastsem-twenties by Col Nugeme Konovelats, who woe killed in the Netherlsnds in 1938? It advocate t'e establislstrstt of a Ufrraialan national stets through a national revolution. there has existed a deep split in the 04Th between begimd t ~sention wbich y con- tinued to accept the leadership of Col Masi. k and an off-.hoot cm-SaIdut4 which rsaognised Steps Dtndera as leader of what is its reltrred to ?s the Organisation of Ukrainian Rationalists?llwojutioasries (OW-M4). this split was the result of pers+asl gad taoti"l differences. Col )(cola SoiborWkv, (feu) Sang-"SX,biveky", and Yaroslav Laranav*kyj but nov fgiaally - l Ks1nys, on the one side vere opposed to atepon Landers end Yaros3av ststskso (or Stockw) on the other side. Moreover, Benders favored a Ukrsiaian national revolution against the Bo10hevtku in 19A0 whereof Melaft advocated a policy of writing until the inevitable collision between East and West would take plc.. In spite of many attsnpts on the part of 00, no conciliation with OUN-A has caau about since that bias, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030378-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030378-0 repro se..~tiou of the Ukraine at the San FranciscorConferaace, but protested at Manuilokyis selection as the Ukrainian representative. In spite oP the descending Iron Curtain, OUN-Helnyt has maintained steady contact with the Ukrainian hoaoeland, both with the area which was a part of Poland until 1939 and with the Soviet Ukraine. A "referent" (staff specialist) for domsstLa Qaeetions whose identity only Col Mel=7k is authorized to divulge to any outsider is in charge of maintaining contact with the Uk~n?,ac through assil, couriers, and certain additional channels which I co mot describe. Even those trusted members of GUN who are in a position to co uaieate with friends and relatives in the Ukraine have to clear such ratters with the competent specialist. Courier service cannot be maintained in wintsrtise because of the increased dangers of deteotioc of the couriers by Soviet and Sat.1144 .us w N~ya L17J,y13~~ US Army, to US Secretary of State, Edward R 8tettiuius. This cable was sent on - May 41 sad expressed satisfaction at 2be se t In January and February 1942, a number of Ukrainian underground leadera including Rohacb, Mihailo, Teliha, and mazy others were arrested and executed by the German occupation forces. In November 1942, new arrests of underground leaders took place, and those arrested were moved to the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen and a separate division of the Sachsen- hausen camp at Braetz on the Oder. By January 1944, all major Ukrainian underground leadnrn 'JAre e-.henava by. to sponsor a united anti-Soviet drive, ~the Germans released these Ukrainian underground leaders in October 19;1+. Col Melnyk moved to Berlin, wtere German officials approached him to request his collaboration against the Soviets. an official statwmnt by the German Foreign Minister disclaiming any territorial interest its the Ukraine. The German government sae still unwilling to tie its hands in this respect, and Melnyk therefore left Berlin and moved to Bad FCissingen (Bavaria), accompmnied by Dzytro Andreyeveky and Osyp Baydunyk. Bad Kissingen was liberated by US troops on 7 A;:_ 45, One of Col e security iorcea. The latest co=ications from the heart of the Ukraine to reach OUN respe ? ve y. In these -sports of conflittone in u.he Soviet Ukraine, the writers claim that the population not only rind sympathetically the UPA and political underground moea?eat but e~xtrs&ad helyo to these snti-Soviet nationalist organizations within the narrow limits of passibility. It has to be admitted, JWwever, that these Organizations can no longer claim to control any par` of the Ukraine as they did f-or a time in the ni.neteen- forties. 6. In addition to Col Melnik end the specialist for domestic queetioue, the following leaders of OUN des,orve mention. Dmytro Andreyeveky is the specialist for foreign policy; Gen Mykola W.apusayaaeki :m specialist 1'0. military matters; and Oiyp Boys'wsyk in syeciellnt for internal political 4uestione (other than r..atart with the homeland). The OLIN leaders are also represented in the Ukrainian govermuent_in-exile, which functions through the Vikonnly Organ (Executive Organ) and the Ukrainian National Reds in Western Germany. Dm tro Andreyevsky is Vice Premier and Deputy Foreign Minister, and Gag ,''y+kola Xipustyaaaki, Minister of War in the Executive Organ; Osyp Boyduayk is Vice President of the Ukrainian National Reds, All major Ukrainian exile groups except the Union of Hetmanitee-Statists (so), a monrrchiet group, were represented in the Ukrainian I;ationa;. Ra13 from its inception, in June 1948 until the OUN-R (Banderists) withdrew in the spring of 1950. In view of the fact that the sovernment-in-exile has no actual executive but only moral powers which stem largely from its claim to represent all major political groups, no organization has been 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030378-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030378-0 permitted to dominate the Executive Organ or the Reds. The principle of consolidation on the basis or parity has characterized the two organs of the goverumat-in-eile at all times. The getnonites have consistently opposed its republican form, and the Otlg R has objected to its allegedly inadequate emphasis upon revolutionsLy methods in achieving the ce of the ;sraine. (Fau E yhorenhc. Mi iztnr of rn er o . a...'._ independence Uv iin and a member of the ry-'- has Ukrainian Hevolutionexq-Uamocratic Party, has Party, concerned himself with the problem of bringing the 8M and OUR-A groups into the exile govermaent. I doubt whether sufficient concessions, such as awarding key posts to members of these organizations, Bill be offered to these groups and therefore do ncs believe that they can be induced to join a united Ukrainian front. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030378-0 25X1