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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030367-2 - 50X1-HUM _. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL,' SECURITY IMFOFU. ICH CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT rO NO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED DATE DISTR. 5/ Dec 1952 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 2. Fiat fuel is a very icrportant fa-tor in the Soviet economy. Thousands of fa.%torits, both ia:ge and. small, use peat fuel. For instance, almost the Entire textile industry of Moscow, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, and Kalinin use peat fuel. Fart of Leningrad Oblast alsc vses peat fuel. All of the large electric power stations in Moscow Oblaet (such as "Shatura" and the power transmission plant iman_ ICLaa:son) used peat fuel producing hund_eds of thousands of kilo- watte of electric power for the so-called "Moscow Ring". The Kashira electric Power station, which aleo s?,pplied electric power tc the Moscow Ring, used coal produced nsar Moscow. Peat c cu,iss a very imrortant place in the fuel balance of the USSR. It ranks third in the ameuut cf cone:mption. (Coal. ranks let, mazut becond, fire wood fourth, oil shale fifth, and other fuels sixth.) CLASSS) ICAT!ON COXF1'A NTIA'.' SECUR-TTY (NFL LOTION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030367-2 50X1-HUM I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030367-2 COPIFIDEIvTIAL,~r :, JRI ^' i'vr0Ptdl'rL , '' . A large etar:h and molarees p.ls_,Z ?.= 1:: eted An the no: th Cal;:asus near the city of Armavir. Its Hera i, Kuhpo-Gk" and beside. rcdy keep- (for. p- 1rT8 star h and molasses it 6.O0C head cf :tittle which are supplied the army. This factory also prod';;--F a gal.,-=K l a =p,,; sad. kind. of :~ bie _.uit made of wheat flour ) for the Re i army, 7. Peat isutfciz-d in the USSR not only f;:elt,:, also f:,:r ferti:Lizer, barn litter, peat. t _g_ a.le rei:~ing, in e.ccats;;:^t:j,cn as lurgy. Peat t_oks is burned out of peat - and i6 ~k-ed for fort smelting ing hi hi and ie metal. Not ev=_ry kind of is gh-grade atY,3 peat 1- suitable fcr .,king, only thy mo,s hill es+ ^rhitch Iu well in holds together; is hiunified, 9111 Lai a aioi.nto ash content of 0,5 - 0.5 U-r :eat. 8. Peat i= ~oksd in the Rid'kinskiy prat :oking F1art lceatad at station F,ed'kino on the ii rail oad ling betve-n thy tovna of 11'ino and Kalinin.. Coke manufa,.t:ared ther_ is shipped by rail to the Kos, Gore iretall.urgi.ca1 plant near the town ci' 'Kiln, where highs 47=cl.ity st-- 1 ;m-21t,-d.. Obviciel_/. this, zteel goers, to th- Tile m.:niticns plant Other peat :c'sing Fiani..s are at Mazyncvskaya, peat mine near the city cf Ieningrad. and an the,TT?-als citi-i o,f Zlatcust and Chelyabinsk. Prior +0 l9=.l 'hers, war = nc other pest ?ok:ing plants now obviously there are many of then in Mce;.ow, I,_nirgrs.i, Teener 0,bleeis on 'w.. middle Volga; and in the Urals. l'hr'r were rc p-at -.oki*,g pls.i+,s in the Vkrain.; be?%sTlpe of nc aegis hill peat bogs. The bottom r-eat fonts 1^ ?n=. Ukraine- ip ?jnfit fc;r .:oking. 9, The very la:g