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75;X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030097-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ~_~. ~I rATIr?~_ INFORMATION REPORT 1. :ocatiun ,, tb, j,.eiu ..ur.:L; i..nt in ...lar;ov is shown in the enclosed plans z7ee Elcio:-uru:; t,i) L d 1 - J - ? > - c% on ti:e right spie of the iou,,i(:- treck raii:r., - o :;ccl o;lova : .?L; Liiresds ds srro - ?damov - Liansko, to the Hurt': ?rc.m t'.c ,,11 ct f-e pi an.-, is 4ivided into three ).,rts as i oiiows: G. Li i lant l _ crr:ariY Brio io%"r ~avod y); rew riant (nedly hT:ilt); and c -,nt LK (fcr.ri.rly i.:::rtruktivi, br. i'c ccn:tructicn plant in :,,iamov). The a idress c,-' t'.; J. l.,n . UV ,-c.inerr ,arks ,ationa, dor, .or.. Lio2 in ,dancv, T .e mart _.:e, ammanit;.rn . r 'uns of 1, .; 1.20 ac:.: ; C millimeters, T'Y:e "'niched -L ^ - : ::. e ?.oia ?.crkc in i'ilsen h explosiaes, ere t, _y are filled :+ith iitic r. to t,? e a muni+ion pro,uctior,, The zaant rakes, lesser extet:t_ err .?~ to a the oroducticn out ;t is to rer t.? :m h- a, ; ierc are many abortive products and plsnty of :'aste. Tia r rat.-:ri:ii Ccr t!-c nla:;t is -,up:)lied by the iron works in Trinec, Vitkovice, and in `:radek. !'e raw material for t.e production of a^.muirition :tomes in bars three meters lone. . e diameter o;' these tars is 170 330 The bare cone in cc,en .rei;?ht cars. T;e frei?. i u and 100 meeters. T~t car is put, urder r acraraa::e (electric (-rane) LSeccribed un.ier point 23 i clo.nure (D) and under foiuts 13 and 14 of enclosure (C)j the unluaded material is sc,rted accordin- to the :uaiity nd diameter. he ualitv is marked or, the material by numbers and name of the metalturaical plant. :.,texial is then sorted further and stored in the stcrehh uses r;ae ruint 23 of .:nclosure (B) and point 15 of Enc.Losure (Cv. .\on-ferrous metals are stored in the on-en in shelves 1see.(oint 26 of r.nctosure (B7 or in the central storehouse o material fee Point 20 of Enclosure iB17. From the storehouse, the material roes into the cuttin- division where the material is cut by auto,encuc cutting ,achines into pieces of demanded length (approximately iO centimeters), rrom t:,e cutting division (called "lamarna" which means hreakine), t}e is forwarded to the presses Lsea Point 8 of Enclosure (0)7; ere it is warmed in electric ovens and forwarded under the PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQJIRED y Inc ~ T~ EVrI E V Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030097-2 REPORT NO CD NO. DATE DISTR. 3 NO/ NO OF' PAGES NO OF ENCLS. 3 (LISTED BELOW) (A), (B) 2-pages (C) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030097-2 hydraulic roses +.r .or uriei then ;; --- t., times. 11E! s'-ells are 'ine tool , it n; a -e ror'ed on in divicions r1 ? I L ,e i rint 1L of Enclos re i?-j7 and , Il Z,-ee c tint 9 of ,,nclosure (i37. Here also the copper rir, s are out on oni tie e i> ed are under tle: presses. il:ese nnno r made in the o_ant (rin-?_; ' 37 cnrlosure 3 o; coj:;r;r canes see rc' ( ~. ~n tY is sire bi: t1iinr au rent ices' - r works' op are a-so located./ From the -,oci-.ine tool all, the shelis are : oruar.ied to tie second floor of buildings N-I ana n-II .There they are varn .r?hed. nftcr it , under ~he 1 -c : rc','ed;u~e, the aT,r:ur,itior. is again placed resses and alter ;., 1 i? ,1 ac. lr, lo' on Frei ,ht cars. :, certain part of t e ar^unition is processed it t' :r ream ne tool r-a_i of tie .-K p,aut because t}e presses of this (:K) plant are not in r7e. tool hai 1, nclosure (01 aru ?. l of t e K plant is shown under Point 10 of Eno otsure of re;sE s of. the . K ;runt are shown under Point 11 of e, tressed ,arts ma e cf non-ferrous metals are a.ade in the ii cf Enclosure (32. In this the press hall see rcint lb tin a store.cnse for non-ferrous metals is also located. These parts are later Processed in di.,ision IN-III Zsee Point 1;1 of anciosure ~B] and in tle M-V fee Point 52 of Enclosure Ir the same buildin; also offices, storehouses, coctrnls of production ani ;reservation :iorkshops are located. 7. Compressors are ass,,;-bled in t.1 e li-;-_-ion D:-IV wee rcint C '~ second and t?.iri stories of this the ` O j of i cure lcL . On the so cc;l)~d u ccret p prroo iuctioA n is located,. are eaten by a certraL system. Each plaza ':as ,L- -e Points 19 and h7 of En? to nare it Own Stearn bailer r J of enclosure (Bj/. are garage in a gra+urd-floor buildin^ CDescribed older Point 33 ofFEctor3,ure (Boiles ar~~ garaged concerned with the operation c.; Me vehicles are located next to the' garages building 3 `eesPoint 2 of Enclo are (S7 The rasolins and oil depot is located in a ground-floor '5e Aa storehouse for transport materials is located in a brick building /ee Point 36 of Enclosure (D7 and locomotives for the transportation of freight cars within the plant are --araaed in a ,rick hall Zee Pint 15 of enclosure (6)7. 12. Workers eat in tie plant at the ca. tean and 3ininr room Descrit;=d respectively under Points 13 and lb of Er;rlosure (i 7. 13. Several factory halls 'ave been built recently. The new "ring-hall" has riot been put in operation et. This buildin has three stories 31 of Enclosure CB Other new buildings are describedJunder2Pointsm 0 and 3 of Enclosur (B17. In V e ZK plant, a new hall, steel and concrete construction filled with bricks, e was built recently. Its size is 20 x 1? meters fee Point 9 of Enclosure (co 1l,. The plant has its own directorate as well as its own workers' council. of the plant is located in a four-story brick buildina, size 20 x 12 meters As Poin 21 of Enclosure BJ- In The directorate, located. The manager oftte 1 plant is plrt}e administrative and technical offi es are t his is Mr avac engineer. The chief of the division for the producionrofaa tillerypa_m~unizi nkis Dry Ncsik. The cadre officer for the plant is Mr Dostal. Chief of the production control in the press hall is Mr Jelinek. The total number of employees is a^proximately 6,000 persons, of whom 200 are administrative and technical employees. lr. The average wage in the :tress hall is 6,000 - 7,000 crowns; in the machine tool hall 14,500 crops per month. .These wages are piece work wages. Approximately woe employees are members of the communist Party, primarily young people, he plant w the three shifts from 7 a m to 3 p m; 3 p m to 11 = Thorks in Pm; and llpmto lam. 9. At each entrance tc the )Iant ;? Points 22 and 29 of Enclosure (L;)' r ana rcuards?irt . ]o7 ie of e*tjj 4'1 r: .: nc a ?iosureuar(d0on)7 permanent duty (See , 10. Tie seccrity division,, as well as tie plat,. doctor an(: remen, jg accommodated in a two- story building fescribed under Point et` of Enclosure B : Offices well as t:e o_"ices of army officers i`c are on duty in e plant nareraccorrrmodated inst building of a for-er cantle L'Sescribed under Pcin? 39 of onclosru-e (b he U. i?i;rir;tenance wcrksho u is and electrical acrkshops are located in a ground-floor Described under Points 3( r a d Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030097-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030097-2 -3- 16, The old plant is accessible by a district road, Adamov, - Krtiny. The new plant and the ZK plant are accessible by the state highway, Adamov - Blansko. All three plants are connected by a railway track with the in lines of +.he Czechoslovak S+p+... sea,,.- ,ovaLlon Acamov). 17. The 7)lent is guarded by its own factory guard and by a strong workers' militia. In view of the high number of abortive products and waste, it was decided to intensify military control of the plant and to replace workers in the press hall by soldiers. 18. A great hostility toward the Communist Party and the Revolutionary Trade Union M"v-'ent rerun in the plant. The oreanizntiors of the above institutions are inves- tigating the reasons for the small output, non-fulfillment of norms and planned tkrg ate, without much success however. in. low outprt is caused also by the inferior quality of raw materi;la. - end - ENCLOSURE (A)s Skoda Works in Adamov - Plan No 1 'rith Legend (B): Skoda Works, National Corporation, Adamov - Old and New Plant - Plaa No 2 with Legend (C): Skoda Works, National Corporation in Adamov - Plant ZK with Legard Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030097-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030097-2 ENCLOSURE (A) SECRET SKODA WORKS IN ADA;:UV ---- PLAN "O I WITH LEGEND VdL.2rti ucrii, ,0%420 ,~ car s# 110 2r -t "tut a 1,n ArQg~? .t' IV'- ? I 7 C ~, Wv - c1 1 1 ti A 4 1/ N VRANOv 1 \~~ . 4 ~ r' I V / `# . . I, PP 'N A i - ^ w 17A i 4- 34?IS~ Lr.~l _l 1 4#V L