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Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600020013-1 CLASSIFICATION SLO tET/SECU tiTT IHFO CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQU I RED DATE OF Pere: aovo Kolkhoz SECRET Tgli POCUMTITT COOTAINT IMPOIIMAVIOP AIITETINO. P PPPPP Of 1.ot umifto ssssss TMT *LT1.11440, . O. slr110..? Ill 440 7114, Of Tmi u.l. COOT. At 01.014014. Ilg ssssss ITTIOP on gin,. "TIPP OT IT, ro ssssss TO On OTCTITI PT ga v."1,00.11110 TIPTON IT PlIONISITTO TAO. THE OTIO00y[T101. co fo 1, pao..1$1,1o. SOURCE REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. /3 Mar 52 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Adm-!.Wstration 1. The 1),Turevo kolkhoz in 1/1;.dsa:i.:. 'airyev-Polsli Rayon was a small ::o117h z conristi7,.7 nf 27 h with a p-pulatin of 20 pe 'sons of whcm about 50 were able to work. It wan one of seven small lolkiozes under the ai7ricu1turl administratirn of the Selso7iet which was located in the villar! of Nesterev throe kilometers west of Peremilovo. The Selsoviet was administer by a chair:7an, a s:cretary, two a7ronomists and several othe: members. The Sels:-viet had its own wareholJses and store. Al]. sowilv., 121ns, prodnction rpetas and new methods of cultivation were transmitted frer[ to t to the koll:hoses. The two ajl'onomists visited the koll,hczes advisin th.m as to the best meth :-As of cultivation, fertilization etc. The MTS was located in Sima (5641H-3933E) and the rayon fortilier center in Yuryev-Yolski (5630K-3941E), about 30 kilometers from Peremilovo. Acrew-e and Cultivation 2. Ther Peremilovo kolkhoz owned approxi-,atcly 1,0'-'0 hectares; 400 hectares of arabic land and 600 heotares of '7( ndlandn a.' lows. Plowing, harrowing and sowing of the kolkhoz land w.s done '7 tract ro and ,) !chines of the MTS in SL-a. Horses also were used fcr cultivation of the land. Each tractor plowed about eight, hectares evor:, 24 hturn. The acreage and kind of crops to be planted were determined by the SOsoviol, upon the recommendation of SECRET CLASSIFICATION-SECRET/SEC:iRITY INFORMATION 677Prb- x X I DISTRIBUTION .R.SWig-111-1,K Approved For Release 2002/07/12: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600020013-1 , 25X1A 25X1A 25X1X Approved For Release 2002/07/12: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600020013-1 EC.1ET/CURITY SERE" the aiTc,nomi, ? :'_oz management, IT e'eell that the follewin cr.!..:pssware _!% 1949 wheat, 7v7) hectis: 100; oats, BO; harle2, 5; pezAce, buat, :(); 5; vetch, 8; sugar beat, 3; turnips, 2 ciover, b0. The tobacco was AS high as a man and of good quality. The kolkhez received money and sugar in exchange fe: the tabaceo. T recall that-the Yield of the wheat crop was 15 contners per-hettaee nrel that of rye, 12 Centners per hectare. The crops were rotated. Winter rye was planted in the fall on 100 hec- tares of lead. In the spring? about 80 hectartS of the 'Berne field were planted with elover. The r7e matured in the summer and was harvested whilt the clover continued groalng on the field for three years. At the end of th7,ee years the eleer field VAS plowed and planted with potatoes and after ee)e potato crop the fieldd-nas again planted with rye. The fi,Ide were fertilized moat17 with ranure obtained from the kolkhoz dairy, MTBmmolochnotnvrn,ya bac,,- to which each household had to contribute a quota of manne from itn ri-a1)1c. Ph.sph-ate6 were also available from the depot in -'117.7,1=1;i1 t.h.? seldom took advantage of thle facility, becann 17'T quired the USG of the kolkhoz. truck for hauling and t (2pendit'etre of-mei-ley for gasoline, and partly because the ke:lhosniks had more faith in the use of manure as fertilizer. Agricultural. Machinere - 3. Both mechanized and horat.drawn agricultural machinery was used by the kolkhos. The h7A wheel tractors -equipped with four plows each; foue t.-7.r.c.tor were to three kolkhozes. Each tractor pulled three en,:nr Ccrabines were horse-drawn; one combine was assigned t.c) kolkhozcs. In addition, each kolkhoz had two binders of it& own which were hoese drawn. The kolkhoe had to pay in kind for the ese of the MTS machinery from Sims. Livestock an Fol:atTy 4. The kolkhoz had 18 milk rc'1,s,2,bo:',ss, 80 pigs of which 10 .were breed- ing sows, 300 hens of.a special breed, and a number of geese, ducks, and some beehiveo. The government delivery quota in milk was 300liters per cow per year. There was also a quota in eggs, chickens, pigs and other poultry. Life in the kolkhoe 5. Each kolkhoz hoeseecia bee its on plot of land of three quarters of a hectare. On this plot the 1.,.:Ithozn!..ka plant vegetables for the use of the householl; the- k,ep some poultry, ch:ckens, geese, ducks, a pig or two, a cow, soviE, bo,n: as and dDme pigons. There is 11 Y.le fruit because c,f he oo"Ad Tho food of the Kolkhoznil 2:3 simple, moutl:( uoap and po:rid-,,c. Meat, egs and butter ave eaten rarely, ,t,:n..5t! there is not enough of these products and they bring a good p:ice on the alarket. Sugar is scarce and usually t'ile juice of the beat was used instead. Those who have honey use it for sweets. G-Indy 1:3 a lw,ury. I did not ta:;to any candy ,intf,1 ten years old. My father brought 902110 frrn MC.3COW -where he worked t a carpenter, The kolkhoznike are dissatisfiGA beuause the govern-: tAlms everything so that pratically n(, 6. There was an old wocden church J: the village of Peromilove was no priest when I was there. TLe e'-ereh ans used r stnrat;o grain. I had rellgiou3 6duchn a4id 7 ,ic,lrt prayers. 7. The Shbehka River,. a I....rib-at:ars," ows summer tine tie ? 4 t f' sh 17C:. . SECRET SEC FLET 'SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2002/07/12: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600020013-1 25X1A 8. 25X1X Approved For Release 2002/07/12 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600020013-1 to fish with hook Ane. I. time the villagers bathec! on Saturdays in wash tubs after h:thz 74ater on the Stove. IL not considered good for a person to .a bath too often. Thro were no toothbrushes in the village en;:e,the kolkhOzniks Used to say, it was not gooti to brush teeth. To the beat of my knowledge there was no venereal disease. There was no doctor in the villagealthough a government physician would come periodically to the village to examine the people. A Jick person reccive4 free-hospitalization in Sima. On the whole the people were healthy. Although - we did not have many flies or cockroaches, the governmentgave us Some PoWder to use against them, The outhouses lic! board floors with a hole in it. .Nre ased lime to keep the flies away. -end.* SL;Cq.E/`',ECURITY . Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600020013-1 25X1A 25X1X