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race WB. voo,.o.._.,.ro:. C3f1SS3Ftc:P;ilC,td his is unevaluated"iufocran.ti.oti eEu or the research use of trained ntell.1gence analysts COUNTRY Yugoslavia ,SUBJECT Communist Activities 25X1 25X1 N0.TIODIAL O[PQNOS OP~TMR UNIT#0~87!17HD'1 ITINtl THH 4QANINO OP T110 1{CPONIIOC ACT 70 U. V C. OIwANq 32T ),5 ANQND[D. ITO TRANEM1881OU OR TN# RCV#LATION OP 178 CONTUNIC IN ANY LV.NNCR TO AN UNAUTHORI: #o P0A)014 ID PROHIHITCD OY LAM. IT MAY 1107 UL' RL'P800IIC#D IN WHO LE OR 114 PART, DY O7 NCR THAN TIIF. DTATg, y/pR. qR OPYC[NiRiLTIN1 Er, nv.C?5tsT DY PCA-II~gIOItOP TNQ OIIICCTOR 25X DATE DISTR.17 November 194.7 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. wsrr'.o Oast) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 1? 25X1 Underground statistics show that a-)proxiinately 550 thousand persons have been killed in'YugoslaVin since the advert of the ".Communist paradise.r Among these victims are 100 thousand from Belgrade, 58 thousand from Zagreb, 11 thousand from Sarajevo, and 5 thousand from Ljubljana. .:Property of all victims was confiscated by the Government. Very few of the persons killed unro collaborators; most acre merely non-Communists. 25X1 &cmnent At least 500-550 thousand persons have been a ed in Yugoslavia since the war, most of them in the early days immediately liberation. The figures for killings in Belgrade and Zagreb seem high, however. A more accurate esLlnate would be 15-20 thousand in Belgrade and B-10 thousand in Zagreb. All property has been confiscated and the Government does not intend to pay anything for nationalized property. Approx- imately 30 thousand Germans are still in Yugoslav prison camps; another 70-80 thousand have vanished,;.7 C' 2. The Yugoslav Governments policy is "control through misery." The people are being robbed and destroyed systematically in order that the Commntnist Party may becdmlo stronger. The Party seems unaware or unconcerned that destruction of the people will mean ultimate destruction of the Yugoslav nation. S. Communist agents organize competitions to determine who can collect the. greatest quantity of grain from the collective farms.. Contributions, though ostensibly voluntary, are actually forced. Approximately 50 thousand Serbs have been im- prisoned for refusing to surrender foodstuffs to "collectors." When unable to hide their grain, Serbs dump it into the rivers rather than "help the Soviets replenish their larder for the next warn 25X1 gonment from Serbian peasants has been go11 ~ The seizing of ing on since the end of the war. Peasantsdare 25X1 required to contribute a certain percentage of their production. A. campaign was started recently to force surrender of entire crops. Communist "flying squad@" competa to see who can get the most out of the farmers. Results of the competition are published in the ne;;Epapers.. 4.. Luring the recent harvest season, beaten and disfigured peasants were released frons prison to serve as object lessons -to prospective "contributors." CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL' SIA7E .. NAVY f y g DISTRIBUTION wnR ..~ r- Approved For RiJN /bDEt41tbL00809A0005008 1 '-8 25X1 In Kovncico, for Example, tiro _'jeasnnts, "c.rtin Rolernc r:nci Jacob Czech,, were sent home after their errs had been gouged out by Com^tiosar 7u.rko of the 'uncevo.(near Bolgrade) secret police '(072TA). Rolerzc sand Czech rere"forced to bander in the streets of I{ovacico, telling t'ieir neighbors thet t;iey tied received punishment for nbtemptilag to hide grain from the Government. Czech,?.after refusing to. admit the justice of his punishment, bad, his tongue cutoff by the secret police. 25X1aomment Kovacica in the Vojvodna is considered the brDr.Ldbaske of 7uropo... The peasants and settlers are strongly.ngninst the regime. The Government is,recruiting peasants for*.::.. transfer to the fc,rmer German viliiges,,,7. ? 25X1 rTw Amount .. Ai inns of. C3r,,11a 1-3 500 40 40 40 15 GOL IC :~i.ft ,L the Tito-treasury has-eccumuleted the following revenue Source of Confiscated Industrial pro'perty Ravi m terii js foiirtd in stores and warehouses n Sale of UNNRA goods Tax levies Profits from conversion of occuar.tional. currency unbacked Julien March currency after an -agreement i%jth the Military Government, and with the secret .approval of Minister of Finsnce 'Through strict regul:,tion of exchange, the Government manages to seize considerable property. There?is, hoxever, considerable hoarding of gold by individual citi2ens?j occupational lira rare issued without backing. The Ljubljana Bank issued the -end- `OV"""" KFERENCECENiERIRaRY CONFIDENTIAL Approve _,f or Release 2Q04/03/31 _: CIA-RDP80-008.09A000500830117-8