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CENTRAL INTELLIGEN.!_ P.GENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT 1Kil1ta r7 Preparations for Atomic Warfare in East Germany 5X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/01/08: CIA-RDP80-00809AO00500820228-5 uno. a .n tOM,t+tr 'a a? urnrt n, .. v. wr ,..,,r.. .r..,. ~.~ THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION NO, OF PAsE:~ NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. : REPORT r.( 1. various informers in Berlin and East Germany have been collecting date for source on Soviet atomic defense in their areas. Following are the main facts described and ascertained in these reports: lectures on atomic 2. In the Soviet Occupation Army stationed in East Germany, Qefense only began at the end of 1953. Previously, occasional lectuizea on this subject were given, but there were no regular courses. At present, the weekly curriculum for the troops contains at least three lectures on atomic warfare, dealing with: a. Methods of protection against atomic weapons. b. Recognition of the effects of radioactivity on personnel and material. c. Means and methods of first aid. d. Tactical atomic weapons (descriptic-, and use). 3. Since the March H-bomb tests in the US, the Soviet Armed Forces' daily "Rod Star" has published four long articles with popular 4escriptions of the A-b=32, the H-bomb, about the peaceful application of atomic energy, and the need to disbelieve exaggerated Stories of the lethal effects of the A-bomb, or of this weapon rendering regular mass land armies unnecessary. This is a remarkable change. Since 1950, Soviet antiatomic defense has Invariably and consistently minimized the effects of the atomic weapons. ~rpon is for the ue with'n the T15X or' hr GrelTSgence eonqonenet of tfe ISepatttettttf CC 4411mtSf Indkited Abm?C? It is not to be tr. a A m .. r.,..r,ir, n ? ?,R n.,.n. .. cc tin: ugh the Auimnt D testy o! the Offree ?d Collection sad Disseminar. n? C' W 'r n .?.r:,. I t ,:., m ;.... u: ?.^ - ; ?blm,:r. r:~r ..?ir; .:?.t.:u d.:: u~t,tiea pYCViding th. pu i1...auun beau t..C oas DisTFIDUT10N so I 25X1 SECRET ARMY EV NAYT I IA 1R FBI Approved For Release 2007/01/08: CIA-RDP80-00809AO00500820228-5 SECe( 3 4. Soviet regimental libraries have bee: provided wih pamphlets on atomic def nse, and on the A- and the H-bombs, but they are only available to officers in special reading rooms for secret and confidential studies and instruction. Hitherto no special antiatoauc protective clothing, or other means have been issued, and Soviet readers are advised that anti- gas clothes and gas masks are perfectly adequate for antiatosiic purposes. 5. Heat autumn special ezer rises in atomic tactics >' 11 be held. Judging by the tactical advice given during l.cturee on cr use of tactical atomic weapons, the in sucjecrs of these ezz^? t will be: a. The time needed ? r troops to :et ready aria mobile swat be shortened to a minimum. b. Rapidity, technique and organization of the dispersal of the units. c. Methods to meintein operations col-iesion of the dispersed units. d. Defense in a disperStd c, d.Ltion. a. Reconcentration units, p::ogres,s,vo end o feenslve au ione under atomic werfare cnndj.tlon . Throughout the five phases, indivi fuel protec:,ion and defense as well as the evacuation of casualties, and So on., a:-c to be practiced. 6. From information gathered on this -,uh )ens ; it seems that: a., The Soviet Command in Eart fienrw-ir;..r only to take account of tactical atomic weapons la>t eutuzan. b. The Soviet idea i_ to minimize t i? tLfect:s of r, e atomic weapons in troop instruction, so as to avoi!1 p?ni: ~ne criticism. c. The Soviets intend to use atomic weapons right from the beginning of military operations. d. Expecting immediate retaliation, th-y intend to disperse their troops in East Germany at, the very beginning. e. They will be kept dispersed for to -:) th-wee days, until the major effect of the atomic surprise attack br5? been achieved and carp be evaluated. f. Dispersed Soviet troops must h- kept ready for defense. g. Subsequently reconcentrated, the Soviet troops will begin their offensive (on the third or fourth day), so as, to progress as rapidly as possible, which is their major aim. 7. Dhtil last winte:L952 the Soviet.,ianr hau been extremely nary in organizing their maneuvers and exercises, so as :;o avoid detection and observation uy the local population and enemy agent2.. This year LT95g7 they seem to have reached the conclusion that the risk of being caught: unprepared was a greater evil than of being detected and observed.