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Approved For Release 2005/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A00050088X4,a5
Dezhnevka: --br tnch? line to Komsomolsk and Sovetskaya Gavar. opposite
the island of Sakhalin.
This line. as recently been improved and the European section heavily rebuilt
to a daily capacity of 80 pairs of trains. The Asiatic section is in very
poor condition. Parts of the line have been electrified, viz., the section
Ufa-Chelyabinsk-Kurgan, and the section Novo sibirsk-Birsk-Novo -Kuznetsk
(Stalinsk)?,?i449 km. (Parallel to the main line.)
Main line Moscow-Curki-K1rpv-Sve.^.dlov.^,k,Tyumen 0nsk, 2,753.km. This line
was opened to traffic in 1950, relieving the European section of the Trans-
Siberian lime. .I has tkie following principal Junction points:
OrR1i~?avli-Suyevb.? ,
Novsky,.;brr.ch; line. to Ivanovo
Vladimir, connecting line to Ryazan
Gorki, branch line to Arzamas-Russayevska
Kptelnichi, .line to Buye-V.ologda.
Kirov, line to Kotlas
Tar (sic), line to Verkhnya Komsols (sic)
Pibanshur (sic), line to Agriz (sic).
Cha?lkovskaya (.sic).
Molotov; electrified line tn. ulik msk', 3.^.~~ Chusovskaya (sic)
Kuzino, line. to Berdyan-?k
Sverdlovsk, electrified line to Go!ubl.)go-Darska.kaverkh (sie)-
Otrurie-Bogosla.vsk (sic) and lines to Kurgan and Chelyabinsk.
Boganovich, line to Egorshino (sic), Alapa.i (sic), Evsk (sic),
Osvaserov (sic) and Polumuchinichy (sic).
This line is of heavy construction with :ir, .utuma.tic signal system and has
a. capacity of 60 pairs of trains daily, The "verdlovsk-Kurgan section will
be double-tracked, which will consldcr^Liy shorter the journey to Omsk.
Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500800221-5
Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500-D
10. Main line Moscow-Arkhargel. This line is 1,o9_ km long. its principal
branch lines are at the following points:
DaniloV, branch line to BQi-Kirov (Sic)-
Korloaha.-Volngda, starting point of the line connecting iidscow iTith-
the Pechora basin, via. Kotlas; Mezhog, Ukhta," Keshva (sic) and
Vorkuta. This line is 1,563 km long and was completely overhauled
in 1950 and 10151. .
Obozerkaya. (sic).. (`4alyye`Oxerki?) 'line to Onega.
Ishkogorko (sic)
This line is dduble-tracked ao far e._1 Obozerkaya., with heavy construction and
an automa.tiC.signal system. The daily capacity is about 60 pairs of trains.
The line branching off at Konosha. is electrified as far as Vorkuta. The rest
of the stretch from KJr~osha to Koshva. will be electrified. The Moscow-
Pleksandrov section has also been electrified; and the section from i leksandrov
to Yaroslay is being.converted fur electric service.
IV, R.io a.l Railway networks
1. ;carelo-Finnish Network. Center at Leningrad with the following lines:
Leningrad-Murm; 1,450 kn:.
Leningrad-Viborg; (Vipuri), 150 km, double-tracked.
Leningrad-Esk::r, 276 krs, double-tracked .
Leningrad-.;enkovo-"oscow, single track.
2. Baltic, Network. ::enter. Rica. with ;he Soliowl.ng lines, all single track:
Riga-Tallinn, electrified 1 '
Riga-Kaliningrad (Konigsberg).
3. Ukrainian Uetwork. Center at Ki.ev,. with the following single-track lines:
Kiev-Koros ter!-Ko ii nkov ichi
Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500800221-5
Approved For Release 2005/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500,M24-5
Kiev -Kazatin-Khristinovka,
Kiev-F stov-Tsvetkovo
4. Odessa Ndtwork. Center Odessa with the following lines:
0&4r l rneret (sic)L; this line splits into three..branches,.to Reni,
to Prut and to. Ungheni on the Rumanian border.
Qdessa-Kflo$C1k (on the Ukrainian Bug)
5. Lower" Don Aetifork: Center, Xharkov,, ?wibh' the following 1?incs t
Kharkov -Poltava
Kharkov-zap orozhye Apostolovo-Nikolayev and Kherson
6. Caucasian Network.. Centers Rostov, with-the following lines:
Rostov-Bat'aisk-bask (sic).
Rostov-Kushevskaya-E3sk (sic)
Rost ov-Tichoret:,k-Krasnodar-Nov orossisk
Rostov -Armavir -Batum
7. Volga. Network. This is more of a. transit system for the l1+ies from Orel,
Turkestan 'and the Caspian-Sea to Moscow, the lower Don and the Caucasus.
It has three important junction points: Stalingrad, Soratov and Syzran.
8. The Ural Network. This network serves principally the Ural industrial
district. It.is connected with the western Zones by the followj.ng .ndependent
Sverdlovsk-Molotov -Kirov -Bui (sic), a single-track line connecting
with the- Konosha-Moscow line O.t Vologda and Danilov.
Sverdlovsk-Kazan=Kanaah-Miron-Kuruvskaya (sic)-Moscow; single track
except the section Kurovskaya.-Moscow which is double-tracked.
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Approved For Release 2005/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A0002 1X21-5
3iJ;,x> h
Chelya.l.?ask Kuibyshev ?~'.yzrar:; double-trveked and electrified as
far as Dioma (sic) . .rh=' S line continues tc 7.%.SCow via Syzran-
Bussyevka-Ryazan-Nosc~a(partly double-track), and to Donbas via
Sy--r33.n-?enza -i?,,vor1 no-L'_ski -V2luyk_i -Kupyansk-Debo lz.evo (double
F.ar.3s`_zcsk (.ic):-Lietsk(sic)-Sa.ratov; single-track. This line con-
tinues from c?aratov by a single-track line to ^3rabov-Michurinsk-
ingle-track. line :,aratev-`l'tnllnrr.d-Salsk-^ikhoretsk
to the t ,emus.
OrsCa-y (plc)-Kinel; a single-track line connecting Kinel
Ch.1y bins' Kuibyshev ;ne.
9. Turkesta.r, '1et:.c rk. i net -_er?:cs the zone south of the Aral Sea and Lake.
Tia.lk3sl ,c:^cF :'din .the Caspian Sea end the Altai Mounta ins It is connected
with the Ural network through the singic track line .aralsk-Kandagach-Lietsk (sic)
and with the West Siberian network through the single-track linethhiu(SiC)- line:
1Sointy-Z,haric-K?.ragand3. (newly built in its southern part), :
Alma Ata-: e~ni 1;a.1Mt:nsk-Ea.r~.iaul.
10. West 3ib.erian ?.etwor:;. -his ndts:vrk serves.the.zone between the Urals and
Lake Baikal, I,ar,ticuio_ly the Karaganda mining region and the industrial
district or ?:3znctsk It is c,_,nneeted with the Ural system by three lines:
ayshet-;lvvos_Ci~sk-Gmsk-Ghciyabirisk; double track.
!)ms;c= yurger: vardlovs4, single track.
Aba:za.n (sic) Novokuznetsk-Bernaul-Kulunda.-Pa.vlodar-Akmolinslc-Ka.rtaly-
Ma.gnitogorsk; single-track line, still partly under construction.
11. Far East Network. Consists of the double-track main line Tayshet-Irkutsk-
Chita-Skovorodino-KhabaTovsk-Vla.divosto;., with the following branch lines:
At Ulan-Ude, sin le-track' line to Ulan-Bator (Urga) in Outer Mongolia..
Chita, a s:.!3 1e-track line. to i lagoveshevka. (M.a.nchuria)
(.;,e) Sin'-,le-trick line to F;crosomolsk
'J^reshilov, 3 :,ar,gie-track line to a.nchuria and
t A new line will he Lidded to the or Fast network by 1900. . Its prospective
route is:
Tayshet-Bratsk-Cl:ula (sic)-Ribskino (sic)-Bodayb0=I4a.mbuka. (sic)-
Ustlnieksha. (?sic)-Tyndinslay-Potekhino-Chekunda-Komsomolsk.. There .
will b^ two branch linen: one .it Chula. to Vitim and Yakutsk, and
no 'i'yndin nkiy to Gorclyy. _
V. Present `,tats ofR;iilwa.y Construction
-'c ]. ; 1 , 53 lJn sinEle-track and is alrea'd:9'
1. `?liC Kano:,n-~.-;rorla.s-~1~,7?~'.1t;:; 11:
in normal operat.l.on.
2. The line along the Volga -"Llc;v i lya (,ic j -:,aratov- yzran-!;indi: k (.;i.e) -Kova
(sic)- "Lel.eny I)ol- is 1,021 lea long, sin[-,le-track. It was completed in
1950 and is in rel,ilnr operation.
Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500800221-5
Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A0R5b600221-5
Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500800221-5
3. The Adler-Sukhumi Black Sea line ? is 115 km long, single -;.racked, electrified,
and in regular operation.
4. The Caspian Sea line, A5trakhan-Chervlennaya.-Uzlovaya (sic),, is 442 an long,
single-tracked, and handling regular traffic.
5. The Lake Balkash line, Mointy-Berkul (,sic)-, is 450 km 1'?ii$~. aingle+tracked,"
and not yet in regular operation.
6. The Amu-Darya line, Chardzhou-Kungrad, is 650 km long, single-tracked, is in
normal traffic.
7. Kusbas line is under construction. It branches off from the Kinel-Ufa line
8. The Tukan-Byeloretsk line, 120 kn long, z:ringl -tracked, was recently completed
and is in regular operation.
to Styrlitamak-Tukar:.
9. The Byeloretsk-Magr..itogorsk'line is about 100 km long and is under construction.
10. The Magnitogorsk-Kartaly line, 141 km long, double-tracked, has been in service
since 194, It is being electrified at tre present came.
11. The Kd.rta.1y-A)erol 1nsk line, 805 km long, 'single-.racked, has been, In. service
since 1945. T-, is teing double-tracked 2.rC ele; r1: ied at. the present time.
12. The Akmo1insk-Pavs?jda.c line, 138 in long, tingle-tracked, is not yet fully in
service. -
13. The Pavlodar=Kulunda line, 138 km long, single-tracked, is in regular operation.
14. The Kulunda-Barnaul line, 420 km long, single -tra.cked,.is not yet in full ser-
15. The Barnaul-Altaisk (Alta.yskoye) line, 15 km long, single-tracked, is in
regular service.
16. The Al.aisk-Guryev.?slk 11ne, at-out' 200 km long, single-tracked, is not yet in
regular service.
17. The Cur?yevsk-Byeicvc 17-:e, 2J km long, single-tracked, is in service.
18, The Bye lovo-Novokuznetsk line, 114 km long, douole-tracked and electrified,
is in full service.
19. The Novokuznetsk-Abakar, line is 260 km long. It is not certain* whether it has
been completed, but it is not yet in regular service.
20. The Abakan-Tayshet line, 650 km long, Is under construction.
21. The Issyk-Kul-Frunze-Ribacie (.sic) line,. 136 km long, 'single -tracked, is In
22. The Semipa-la.tinsk-Ma iinovoye-Ozero (sic) line, 110 km long, is under con-
Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A0005068iT0IA-5
23 . hether. the ; ral:>k-B ykonur (.sic) line. 330 km long, has been completed
is not certain, but it is not in service.
2!; . The osva-1.lapayevsk line, 150 km long, single-tracked, is In service.
25. The :-arakum line, Urgenu (sic)-Takhta, 122 km loner? was apparently built
to facilitate work on tue Turkmen canal.
26. The line to the 71mlliansk dam, Kuberle-Mcrozov-Skaya. (s1c) is under
VI. The Heavily Built or Recently Improved Lines
1. The Moscow Outer Belt, about 300 km long.
2. Konosha.-Kotlas-Vorkuta; 1,536 km.
3. :;erov-So3va-.lapsievuk (sic) ;_ 250 kin.
Likhaya-S.tall.ngrad-a.ratov-Syzran-Kazan; 1,512 km.
5. Astrakha.n-Chevolernays.-Uslava ya; 1'52' km.
6. Knrtaly-.'.kmo?.ihsk; `;'05 km.
7. '.kmo.i.insk.-Ka raganua -Ioirty ; 577 kin.
8. biointy-: erkul (sic) ; 450 km.
9: ilkmolinsk=Pavlodar-Barna.ul-Birlovo,? 1,250 km.
10. Novokuznetzk-Abakan; 26O km.
11. Frunze-Ribache.(stc); 136 km.
12. :'verevo-1)ebazev& (sic) .
13 . Leningrad-'?iurma.nsk ; 1,1!5 - O krn.
)4. I-!o::.cow-Ya.roslav ; 275 km.,
15. I1ag;nitogorsk-Karta'iy-Chelyabinsk; 1+J5 kin.
16. Chardzhou-(Leninsk) -Kungrad ; 650 km.
17: Likhaya-Stalingrad-:;aratov-Syzran-Kazan; 1,512 km.
1?`%. '',aporozhye-Apostovo-Dot;hit: evo (sic); about 1`:2 kci_
19. Co rub 1agodatskaya-:,verdlovok; 1951 knm.
20. ivov-Chop; 269 kin.
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Approved For Releast 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500800221-5