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COUNTRY Foreign dios
SUBJECT Radio Broadcasts Concerning
tho',Palestin? Issue
L1,..I~(,4A(2 25X1
DATE DISTR. .TU15 :i.94C
25X1 I
C 0 11 T E 11 T S
.... ...... . ............................
TIUPI AT1D ;3U11,11ARY .......
A. '"r,`el! Nationalistic Tono of Jewish Radio Pr?opagunda ........ ? ?., ...
)3., TIie Stern Group and Ilagana .................... a .'?.............
C.' Irgun Zvi Leumi and Hagana .. ..... . . 0: .1 ........ n....'I
D. Jewish Agency Leadership and the Provisional Goveimment .......
E. Soviet-3atollite Reaction to Israel ....... ......':......... ..
F. Innigration to Palest n. ....................... ............ a
G. Arms Procnrenent and T.t1.ncollaneous L1ilitar~~ Ing.'azm.tion a...... a.,
A. I4aturo of Arab, Radio Propaganda Regarding. Palest ne ...........
B. TlieI Palostine Arabs ... ........ a .. > .......... :.......... , . .
C. Groups Within Arab League 5?tatos ........ .... .L'f .............'I.
D. .T?ev4sh Propaganda Beamed to the Arabs ... ..... ..'....... +........
E. Jev;ish Reports on 11rab #ttitudos and Arab Ite1i ous Linori ioi I?
....... ? .....1.
A. I Areb Lcaguo Dooisiono Concerning Foreign Policy
B. Lrlab Nationalism; Attitudes Toward the Lioslem States ......... 0'a
C. Arab Attitudes Tow rd the ioslem States r> ... ? ? ., Ip ....... o....o .
i 1
?. ?.??..r?a.C.e?.
D. Arab Attitudes Torurd the U.T _.ited States ... a ..... ~
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Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730060-1
This report is beeed on 1'LIL 1,ILY 1ZF'0I~TS frog: 1 January, to 30 June$ i911.8a
and unputlished radio rutorial fror. 2 r Aril to 30 J? e, l940. The re1:ort
is prorarorl in resronso to a unL?er of specific questions rer-ardin~; world
Jeemy and the attitudes of different Arabic uroul s t'~iard Palestine and various
Arab protloms,, ::man ,r of t'iosoi subjects, however, are beyond the scol?o of this
report; available broudcast inforriuti exclusivel,- concerns the Jowioh
~ !I
J,gency and the Provisional Gobernmont of Israel, with the prig .ry focus on
events in Palestine. Tho activity of other Jewish organizations throughout
the world, therefore, is not considered here. Other:ubjects are treated in
a general rumor only, for the bulk of radio r?Hterial , portainin; to Palestine
is concerned with day-to-day events which have boon reported in the warier. ican
The major sources of broadcast information on these subjects are the Jev,
and ILrabic transmitters in and near P lestine. Because of the stron- propaganda
emphasis of both Arabic and Jerlioh broadcasts, a brief introduction to the
propaganda lines of the two sides precedes monitored nforr..ation boarin.-
on certain topics. In nany Gases, the' only informtion on specific subjects
is sup; lied by the hostile radio.
The first section of this report includes all available broadcast information
on the political and military! corposiLion of the 3tato of Israel, and immigration
thereto. The next two aectioI s include all availablo, broadcast information
pertaining to .hrab attitudes tos:ard the Palestine issue and to irab problems?
In sunrary, both Arabic and Jci:ish broadcasts erpaasizle nationalistic, rather
than religious, propaganda Loth ?rabic and Jewish broadcasts give,
little attention to intornal palitical developments within their rosroctivo
areas, and both sides stress 'Their determination to achieve their avowed goals
in Palestine. `iho r.,;ajor differences batr:oen Jewish and Arabic broadcasts are
(1) the evider:ce of conflict i among the Palestinian Joh s,, as illus?trr:ted in
lieganaIs clashos with the Ir un Lva:i. Leuni and the Stlern Group; (21 the
Creator virulence of Arab attacks on the Jeers than ofl Jewish attacks on the
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i-rabs; (3 )
on Arab unity, in contrast to emphasis on Arab
disc tty in Jewish broadcasts;and (4)
in Arabic broadcasts tha
attacks on Corununior^, an
more definite iclooloCieal
in Jewish broadcasts, as illustrcted in ~trab
the identification; of Cormunion with -ionism, in
hrab prora;=da broadcasts.
?.ith retard to this last
only Jewish organization
Ipirt, the Jewish Jtern Grour (pro,-Joviet) is the
to declare its political syi:. athhics, so Dar as
monitored broadcasts are concerned.. The reaction of various Oovict-satellite
nations to the establishment of Israel does not indicate extraordinary-
enthus ia'sm for the. Jewish Jtato, and the integration of Jewish elements
the people of the "nocr democracies" is emphasized by their radios. iirabic
broadcasts, on the otherIland, while denouncing Communisr. as the "sister
movement of Zionism", also denounce the policy of the United Gtatos regarding
Palestine. A distinction is made, however, between the American Government
and the gmerican people, in monitored Arabic broadcasts. ':11ile reference
to the solidarity of Lbs em peoples aplears, there is no apparent emphasis
on Isla,:;. Iloithor Jewish nor Arabic broadcasts provide definite information
on the Palestine Arabs. Arabic broadcasts only mention their ei,listnent into
the Arab"volunteer" ar es, while Jewish broadcastA refer to this gro it in'
terns of attacks on the Grand L:ufti of Palestine. A single AFP retort states
that Palestine refugees interned in Egypt revolted against i that Govornr.:ent t s
decision to return them to Palestine with tho Axab forces.
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I ~ 25X1
A. The Nationalistic Tone of Jewish Radio Propaganda:
V.hile no explicit ini mation concerning the relationship of the : to'te', and chn-re!i
appears in monitored material, s nationalistic rather than religiouri'tone domint:11es
the propaganda appeals of the liebrev, clandestine transmitters. Th?, fl gang retularly
speak,; of the
Jevvish relation !
determination to "insure its i
reedom, indecendonce,
and integrity," and the futility of Arab ,attempts to prevent Jews from! "reviving
the nucleus of their country end setting up their State, or prevent Jeriis throu;;hou.t
the norld from coming to their homeland and country." The stern Urpup, radio ur:;ea!
the stronger phrase, "the Faatherlc.nd," and while this phrase does not appear in
monitored irg;an bvai Leumi broadcasts, this group's appe.'.ls are keynoted b,' thy: ',ords 1
'!liberations' and "Jewish Nation." In no monitored broadcasts by these: three radios
does emphasis on religious appeals appear, or is it sugtc-Jsted that there is a ?e:ligious
character to the "State" or the fight for its estaolishment.
On the other hand, the Irgun! radio reports that "hundreds of religious! Jews he _a a.
demonstration yesterday in Jerusalem, appealing to the public to keep the Eebbi,th.
Military policemen immediately hastened to the spot and, after the demonstrators bad
refused to disperse, the policemen hit them with sticks." (in Hebrew to Pales:.i Ic,
27 June 1943)
B. The Stern Group and liagena:
The relatively fea broadcasts from the Stern Group transmitter ihov. ro-Eoviet,
violently anti--British line.:: America is 'k?r-i,.a .ed asl an "imperialist"" 11 power ,:hoc:e
objectives are essentially the same as Britain's. The Stern Group freuently nccluses
the Jewish Agency leadershi?' of spineless "" to the British, a.dvocrcti:i as
the correct policy for Palestine the "conc,ues?,," of the entire country; I including
Trans j ordan, for both "historic" rind "strategic" rei sons. It dismi ses the iiiui zsum
system in Palestine, the "Paged; Psrty's SociaLis;n,", and "H,'.shomer H,It'zeir's slogans,"
as being "of no l.olitical importance," in vier; of the Jewish leadership's rlle,;ed
alignment with Britain. On 4 June, the Stern Group', radio asserted that O'Eut .ia. (is)
stretching out her hand to help us with goods and arms, and if we these in
great r~uantities, our victory is assured." It deemed the election ffi;the allegedly
pro-.British leader, Chaim F.eizmann, as Provisional President, a "serious politica3
mistake" which, if repeated,' might cost the Jews "Soviet support, ands'that Governs ent' a
recognition will remain an r tficial act only." An open bid for Sovie
I ass.iet nce ! .
appears in the Stern Croup' s:; 18 June broadcast: "Y.e hope that our brothers, the
citizens of F.ussia, till come to ( ..)./ en masse to got us out of military
difficulties ('...) organizational (...) which they acquired in the Soviet Union since
the Revolution."
The relationship between they Stern Group and Jic::gana prior to the recent di:.solutlton
of aeparate military units within the Jewish i..,.-my, is vaguely outlined!, in broadcast
material. Clashes between the Stern Group and Hagana, mainly concerning the Sce_zi.
Group's war on the British. are reported in occasional broadcasts during; h :y, and
APP reports on 17 May the inclusion of the Irgun 4ve.i Leumi and the ,tern Groi,p
within the Jewish army. Thel head of the firs', Stern Group unit to leave for the
front received the ran:: of Commander in the Jewish army, AFP adds. On '6 June,
however, a partially unintelligible Stern Urotip broadcast declares that group's
determination to "continue to act and represent an armed force which p.ims to (be)
independent." It asserts that "our organization retains the right offreedom of action
abroad, whether as an open orgenik.ation or underground movement," and appeals to the
"Jewish public in the Fatherland" for "full support." V'.ith regard to'i, the c.uection
of the financial resource; of this organization, the portione of this
I/ "The Your:g Guard" -- a Labor Zionist Organiation rho:.a membershlll'?..s formed
fro;ir the 11 to 17 age L,roup bull. v;hich operates on an adrlt level pol iticall:'.
Parenthesis enclosing ellipses (...) are used throughout this report to denote
unintelligble portions of'' e broadcast.
W !6 '1VTIAL
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(PNF1i7r j I X
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I-. oadcast reveals the tource of their supply or the funds :.ith which they t;oro
pirtrchasul. I?rl;un charales flatly, however, that "the teriporaxy Israeli G-veannent
!vier: tint the :,hip Altalene rue to reach the coast of Palestine and had agreed
to this. It had asked us to br?irir the arm to . Palestine; it had ached us to
d srogax Bernadotte's hl;,ckndo and bring the arms here."
In an earlier broadcast, Irgunx:,crtod its financial independence of the Jevrish
Acj;oncy: "Iretm does not o1 tcir any! money from official authorities. (Lofe.
tho amalCarntion a.Creerpent) the authorities 'undertook to publicize abroad that v;o
do not sharp money collected for the General security, ,, Palestine,. :.e asked
this and the authorities accepted, to enable; us to nal_o our independent collectional.
i-o therefore ap eel to everyone in Israel to contr.ibuto to Ir un Zvai I,eumI for
the wee...." (in :.3..ei:r ew, 5 ikiy 191.8)
Dt Jenlish lrenav Lcna rsIi j and, ij 1'ro~ io c:1 Goyex IrLfort.ation concerning the political composition of the Jo:;ish Agency in I'~Zesl,3iie
and the Provisional Governrtent,'i`ror:. broadcast rx:terial is slight; monitored broacl-
costs by the official Jewish radio (iia.C?ana; 'The Voce of Israel) do not discuss
the internal politic::]. situation. }..she Sneh's rift with the Jewish At;ency'iis
rororted by the !.rabicltransmitters~ in Decenber; Cairo identified .roes as the
"'Jhief of . tagana" and I Damscus reports, quoting iL'+li0l.itc, that "l.:oshe snob, its ;a
o#?fici_aly joined the Communist Ziopiot Front ..n Palestine and has registered
hLic:elf as a member of the Com:iunist Party."
Plo further informtioxa regarding Zionist politics in PGlestt~ine apj oars unto.', the
recent Government "crisis" regarding Irgtnt Zvai Leumi'a "mutiny," and the l.eit-
r:ing oplosition to thoii.hodes negotiations? hegarding the Irt;un "cri:ls,," and t!?ie
momentary resignation of I:inisters :Ihapi:t o and llabbi Fishrxin, the ' oico of Israel
ropux a that during a eessior. of the Provisional Govo nnent, the Jer tu;alem
hopreuentative, Rabbi Berlin, supported BonC:mu?ion's action but "''~?rneri the
. tmcIlt of ' , . h c ?? c;...?: er of . v i ' at that although the Gyve; r!rr:nt
:Lis in the right, it .,lhoul.d l:otrare the use of force?" I;,ab i Berlin reportedly
suggested the granting; of amnesty to persons detained during the incident and
the information of an investigations corrmitt?e, which ,3uggeutions were adopted
in the Government's 2/,. June resolution.
Lift-Ai- op_ osition to the Provisional Government's decision to participate in
the 1~_1odos conference included an iriicientified representative of the United
1'iorko:r's Itrty, the oii:ly Co?:ntlzist member of the Provisional Council (I i1r cz?)9''
acid t'lo I:evicionist rip begs, v;}ose spokesman Baruch ,.einstein, (Voice of
Tsree. , in English, 1G~Jime 19/4g)
L jia tt i~i:nitya'}'.r-,~1 i 1'.n.. bkiaru~.rra/J.:a.~c.+~i4??' .,-'
As stated previously, little information regarding the political orientation of
Jovrisli groups in Palestine apl ears in monitored broadcazt ? In threLi, lu; LLB
d9acribed Palestine as only bridge bet':ocn. two big camps of the world,'!
The recognition of Isroei by the USSR and satellite nations has apparently
riceived no special o;rihaois in raon"ored Jewish broadcasts? It may be of S OLIO
interest, however, to review the reaction to the establishment of Israel as',
r ported by t1:e Soviot satellite .radios,.
Prior to the proclamation of Israel, the or.J.y monitored report of definite con t.' c?i.
between Jews in Palestine and JoI amour: within territoi
cones from D charest, It is a TaSSI dispatch stating the "L lcuniw, SearetaTy
General of Co;siulist Party of Palestine: spoke at a nwos meeting of the
Jotrish population of J'icharest,'" and denounced " :nperinlicn" and urged
the formation of worker 's front in Palestinov (TA S, in 1kussian HeL.schreibor
tQ Europe, 2 Larch 3.94G)a On 6 f:pril, Radio Bucharest rol.orts briefly that
Gl eorghiu-Uej received a message of congratulations from the Palestine Gocenunists
of the 1uranian elections,,
Vats the establishment of the Provisional Government, mass rallies are reported
or, Bucharests .?~ : s:..:, and Sofia, ut no emphasis arrears to be t.;iven to
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Lrltain terminates the Palestine l;nndate on I.ity 15. lie said slat
operations r:oulcl bee similar to D-Day and intimated that plans
were under way to have the maximum amount of sh1-ps available ) to
transport many thousands of Jews to Palestine If U.11. fails, to
met up an : nternationa1 police force, (Ar.ioric n Force Ile tcio:rk,
3 Lareh 1940)
(:summary) . ,, . The it ector of the Jewish Agency for Palestin in Germany and Austria, Dr. (Chaim IIof jr:m,) revealed in 1.iunich
that apI roximately 5,000 Jewish youths were expected to leave
from Italian and French forts for the' Holy Land as soon as
E9YE' M ,
(excerpt) "Lerlin.--The proclamation of the Jewish State of :el:,
according to Heinz, Galir_ski, member o the executive of the', Berlin
Jewish community, is the greatest event since the Jewish problem
arose, There eras hardly a Jew in Germany who would not
avail himself of the right to adopt al now citizenship This did
not moan, However, `:.hat Jews would neglect their duties and rights
towards their host countries,
".About half the J0170 in Germany, Galinsl.i said, would not only
adopt the nor: citizenship, but also intondod to smigrate to
Palestine and if necessary to defend rights of their now Sluts
by force of arms. The executive of the Berlin Jewish comiainity.,
on the occasion of the formtion of new State, issued a proclamation
"The proclamation thanked all Berlin Jews who had contz ibutod
towards establishing Israel, and paid I tribute to victims who I died
in the fight for it. It continues: 'pie know that further oac--
rificas of life and greater efforts will be needed to secure)
the nor; State, but we are confident that the Je;rish State will
stand fast. Wo pledge ourselves to do our chars in consolidating
and ensuring this State. 01 (Hapsburg, EJI'D, German Press Service
in Gorman IIollschreiber to the Fritisrl 2ono, 15 A.hy 1914C)
(1 ;corpt) "Berlin-The proclamation of the State of Israel! in
Palestine was celebrated by Jewish emigrants living in the SIhlach-
tenses camp near Berlin. A greetings' telegrams was sent to the
Jevricl?i Government.
"The repreoentativo of the Jewish bgon^.y and I;d.nistor of thoe I1ow
State of Israel in Berlin, Liebstoin, said that within a short
time Jewish ?m igrants in Berlin would have an opportunity of
going; to Palestine. Anyone who failed to take advantage of this
opl:ortunity must beiprepared to wait many more years for a visa
to the United States or another co. nt ly,
"Ioibstein added that the Jews now living in camps in Sch].acl1.tensoo
and Ter:.plehof would mobilize to a ' cnsiderable extent within! the
next few days. It would be a mobilization of manpower, and r_ieans
voluntary gifts of honey and valuables were expected, and that young
Jerls would volunteer, for active service in Palestine. Sufficient
transport would be provided to bring the Jews now in camps in Berlin
:end the rest of Germany to Israel.
"Dr. Pal,ian;,of the committee of the Jewish community in Berlin,
rPyerred to the proclamation of the now State as a turning pclnt...
The camp leader, Pictorkovski, gave the assurance that the Jewish
forces in Palcoti, would annihilate the +rab Legion and ?carcl
the i:ufti of Jerusalem, the biggest Ilalzi among the .Arabs, racking.
(Z;Orlin, USSi~-controlled, .DI:, krecs Service in German ilollschroiber
to the Soviet Bono, 1'7 i.ay 194.5)
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(Summary) 1ho Jewish Agency has de lined the offer of Gorman
volunteers Ito fiCht in Palestine? Luring recent days many', former
members of tho German armed forces had contacted the Bavarian
State Corriisaariat for persons persecuted on racial grounds and
declared themaavos nulling to fight against the Arabs in the service
of the Jewish A mr. (A=den-Baden, in Gerr n to Germany, 20 Lay 1940)
(Text) "I iriiehr-The Jevrich homeless in the Feldafing cant', near
I.ainich celebraed the proclamation of the Jewish State of Israel
with apoecl qis, torchlight processions, and bonfires. Seventy
five percent of.the camp inmates of the age between 17 ai-c. 35 do--
claredthemselves willing to omit;rate to Israel. The first 200
voluntceralif.'rom, Lhmich rill go to Palestine this seek either via
Italy or via I anco . For the time being,msrried men with childre,n
cannot emig-rate.l" (hamburg,, DID, German Preis in German Ilollschre`.ber
to the British 'IZono, 19 L hy, 1948)
I ,'
(Text) aoldcrf The I ecru:iting office for the Jevrish
ArrZr in Belson, in a proclamation today, calla upon all Jews
in the British Zone to come forirard to serve the Israelite
people and to join the ranks of the Jowich Arryy. (Hamb=gdd DP),
in German Ilellschreibegr to the i'itish Zono, 20 I:ay 1940 J
(Text) "Duosseldorf-0n Wednesday the first transport of'450
Ilagar_u valunteers between the ages of 10 and 35 from the Jewish
cornuaities in the British Zone loft Dergon?Dolson in order to
serve in the Jewish Arziy. Iirigadic.r Wilson of the DP division
as present at their departure? (Hamburg, DPD r in Gernin Ulellschreiber,
to the Lritish ":one, 20 I.hy 1940'.,'
"A?cordinglto alstatement by the Central Committee of Liberated
Jevr3 in the British Zone on Thursday, the Chief rabbi of all
Jewish eorinunities in the Lritish Zone, Dr. Hermann Ilelfgott
of Belson' ras', the first to volunteer in the British Zone for
iIlrniy " (hamburg, DP D, in German liellschre_ber', to
the Jewi ,
the Lhitah Zon , 20 thy 1940)
(Editor's tote) Hamburg, DPD, tress SovRice, in German Ilollsohroiber
to the I ?~ish;Zone on Lily 20 at 5:30 p.m. issued a service
noa.jage retracting an earlier report that the first transport
of Jewish volunteers has left for Palect._ao,
(Text) "ISassa'~.a~Lbre than r'5 percent of the 16,000 Jerrs in tae
DP camps of Northern Ilesso nave applied .to emigrate immediately
to Israel; to insure the building up of their new homeland, if
nocesaary by for ce of arms, stated Liebe2nn, chairman of
the district committee of the Liberated Jews in Northern Hesse
in an interview here on Thursday.
"Thouhands of 3 wish rien between the ages of 17 and 35, of whom
nearly 701 orcent are a;arried, are already registered to emigrate
or are one their' tray to Israel." (Bad Ilaulleim, Di;UA, in Gorman
IIollschrotbor to the U.:~. Zone, 20 L by 1940
(Text) "Lunich--In all camps for homeless foreignors in the
i morican Sono, the Jewish Agency yesterday posted a mobilization
order calling men and women between the 17 and 35 years to report
immediately at' the compotont registration office for service in
Palestine: The posters state that those I who do. not comply with
their, dduty, will forfeit their right of immigration into Israel?
i (()Nrl[) MTIAI
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I1liegistration is to be completed by l.hy 20 ans it is intended
that those registered should be transported to 11'Ialestine about
a month after their registrar lion, sUt1DEUTS~ ; : '::ill j.-.G in L "unich
reports today that so far about 3,000 Jewish volunteers from
the U. S. Zone have been talent to their new homeland?" (Hamburg,
DI-DD, in Gerin Ilellsch oiber; to the British ::ono, 24 Iby 1940)
(Suxary) --- The Vienna branch of the Jowish Agency today confirme6
the report from Uwiich that ' Jewish DP's in Austria between the
ages of 17 and 35 are in the.41roceaa of boing mobilized for
shipment to Palestine to wageIthe fight againotItho Arabs. The
total number of Jewish DP Is i of all ages in Austria is eotim.ted
to exceed 22,000.E (AmericaizlForces Network.., 25 Lhy 1940)
(Text) Shanghai, 7- About 170 1SI=ighai. Jews have *rolunteered
for the Jewish ..,Aces in Palestine, it was loarned here today,
These volunteers are said to!, !lave offered thoi? services during
the recent visit here of L]>I'Ohlocrt, a Jewish Agency roprosontativo,
.';ho is now on route back to Palestine,
"During his sojourn in shanghai, Ohlmert i.s also reported to have
collected 120,000 United States dollars from the Jewish community
for the struggle in PalostLre; 01il.mert is expected to return to
China in about three weeks a s Israel's fi.rt.t official ropresentati?m.
in t:iis country." (Press Dispatch in English !arse from h EUTLRS
in Shanghai, 25 Lhy 1948)
(4xcerpt) "I1anki.r.L , . , Lbny I tussians in i sip n I ?tao are apl lying
for v:itlulrawal of their Soviet citizenship, according to a
C11I : T i L UL'.'- S repot ~
11The report said the Russians (took this step because they vi ant
to seek naturalization as citizens of the new State of Israel. . o?
There is a total of 500 soviet Russians in Tsindtao. (Pre.3a
dispatch in Ir_glish L'arse frog Correspondent in Shanghai for
all 'I' subacriborsl, 30 Lay 1940)
(Excerpt) "ViennatTho APA; reports that ?`-1?ie influx of refugees
from, eastern luroiean countries has once more considerably increased
during; the past fov: months.', L'etwoen September and the end of
Iloverlhor some 30,000 illocally arrived from Poland, Czechoslovakia
Ibslgarla, lu sania, the Ulcrainey and Russia a:3 well as 1,700 Jcve "
(Graz, l itiah-controlled, Sri German to Austria.! #1 January :1940)
(Excerpt) "....The head of the general staff of the Jewish
defense organizati n, Ilagan& ! is' in Oslo , and this evening he
will speak to the students'( ociety. In an interview with tale
orrespondent, Zhukhovitsk said that if the U.U. finds itself
unable to carry out the plan for the partition of Palestine,
the Jews will take the matter' into their ocn hands and fight
for their rights.
"He also said that Itsganah hiadl always dissociated itself
from the sabotage activity of the' two terrorist organizations,
Trgrun ? voi Lourii and Stern, but he confirmed the! report that
thoso two organizations have! now declared themselves v :i.lling to
cone under the com. a7and of Ilal pah : Znulllovitsly said in con-
clusion that when the Jewish ;Stat?e is (ready) all Jewish ro;'1: ge
now intorened in various place in Europe will irr-ediately be given
the op; ortunity to settle in', Palestine." '(0s1o, IlorweCian home
Service, 9 Larch 1940)
Il.. i
I I,.. I I
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(0 ,tlTI-T1fftAL
(Text) "i?io do Janeiro -- Laruclt 2uclierrnn, President of the
(far'n?) Lioniat Organization of the United States and r?.onbor ofd the
fiction Cor i.ttee', of the Supreme World 'ioniot Orcan .ration, arrivee'.
in Pie today. i ecarciinC the czar in Palestine, I'e said it vas
his belief that the Arabs do not grant t ary' (i:__. hio do Junoiro.,
jt,jipld S, in PortuLuose i;.orse to 2 June 1. ?LAC)
G. ~rta rrocuxe Ztd I:rs?~rr~a,Qt?.:jt-v ni'
Jov:ish sources evidont,v: . rnintain strict :-adio cenco:'shii: renard utC the r,LLi t: ry
establishnont in Palestine; the only available reference to a ppoc:i is Jovrish.t', rai-Li-
U% ry area appears in a 13 Lay suppleaent', to the mobili~.ation order v'hich requires
poiiconcn of the Palestine Police to report; for service "to the central Ilai:elcv
Camp in li.ryat Lei r in Tel Aviv?" From L't:roi can and f rabic trpnsm1tt6rs, and',
in some Jewish broadcasts, there appear occasional rerortc on Toni st arms s.iip
montsy the training of men, and so forth, and these are included he?enith;
(Text) "A cotn.ercial delegation ox" the 'Jewish State, has left
for Europe to negotiate several cormmerc. ial treat:ias with some
European states, including Czechoslovakia and PoJ.und." (PPrag te
Czechosloval: Home Service, 25 .A ri11940)
(Excerpt) "Jerusalem-- convoy of 300 truci:s from Tel Aviv maimed
by 2,000 ILagcna cud Irgun Zvai Leuni troops, carrysng fond for
Jews in Jerusalem, fought through an Arab ambush and a di..y-long
battle today in the v%lley of Dal el Uad, in the rocky J can 11 2--,,
12 miles vest of the Holy City. Lhny ilagana non ::ore using in
today's battle new rifles of Czechoslovakian de^i n., believed to
have been smuggled into the country rocontly. ..."(Press Dispatch
frL in Jerusalem to TELEVIOU 3, London, 20 itpril I.9L; 0 )
_ follow
:. r_? nIt is Uclioved that Governments of all do,.Li.:.i:ions ni7.7
the c%arp1e of imerica in recognizing tl~e State of Israol L:oopcov:,,
1J'srsar,, iiuchare. t, and Prague will Alpo rocognize the State ofd
Israel. According to news from l,arnat1 o recognition will be such
as the dispatch of non? arms, and equipment to Palestine It is
stressed that there are 20,000 Jiev:s ready to land in to State
of Israel. Thus the l;arsan Government will confirm its ~ecognition
by sending troops, but V; L. first smiting the recognition of i
L;oscovf." (Voice of Israel, Clandestine, ':ii Arabic to the Ilear Est
17 thy 1940)
the cor
morning 0 TI .s fleet, the Commander of which is staying a p esen
at a luxurious hotel in the Italian Capital, will bey coriiposect or
about 15 planes' bought from Italy allegedly for South t-raprica,and.
g=ill serve to transport clandestinely to Palestine some 5:, 00 IlJews
mobilized in Italy,' asserts the correspondent of the Corae:v native
paper.. Two Dakotas of Ilctganu are said to have left Drinc isi
for the holy Land on May l." LParia, ATP, in lF ^c:ncli i.orso to !Borth
and South America, 7 thy 1948)
(Text) "Fol lowing the discovery of three tors:, -,uno and auuri ition
on a bus carrying passengers for a Palestine ship anchored in Genoa
harbor; the crow of the ship were detained, Police are conduetinj
an 1 n quiry as it is believed that ther:'o may be a clandestine
organization in' Genoa which is sending weapons to the Jews." (Roney
Italian Home Service, 23 May 1948)
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?i (O NEL
('Text) "According to London reports, detachments of the Jev:_ah
leis FFrco are now being trained and organized in Ital;, . They
include the Lost Jevrish flyers, who, are lmovn for their glorious
achie'ver:onts during the last ;.orld War. Those reports added
that the Jevish Air Force rill shortly leave Italy for Palestine
to 'end the aggression of Arab flyers," (Voice of Israel, Clandestin1l
in bic to the Near East, 22 L y 1948)
(I::xcerpt) "Jordsh circles started pretending there were
naval a>zd air forces in Italian and 3Cugoslav LLrborc ready to
mcrv . This cans reported by the JU.-'I,SH CAi:iUi:TCLL, London, the
Jew si 'gency Is official mouthpiece.! The same was reported by
papers Imorri for Zionist inclination Thy disclosed that large
L?'uropean Jews are trained in Italian camps and abandoned
aerodromes.'" (Dan ecus, in .irabic to Syria, C I.hy 1918)
(T? ~~ "An afternoon paper reports that investigations apropos
of aI plane which landed on the Isle of Rhodes have ended. It has
been1 epcertai reed that the plane vas transporting cor:braband v
supplies to Palestine. The crow of the plane will be deported.
The iano will be dotained," ('ithons, Greek Home Service, 29 1,pril 194U)
~ III 'I I.
(Text) "L'amascuo--Fislzerr.:on returning to Syrian ports state that
a -ret explosion has occurred in the sea raidv:ay betueen Latakia
and' iCyl:rus. It is believed that the' explosion caused the sinking
of a, ship is believed to carry, ssup-lies and explosives from
America to Palestine. The newspaper (Ali) reports that the Public
ScOurto y Department in Beirut has discovered explosive material
in steamers arriving from Tripoli. These explosives were b eir.?g
di:.pached to Palestine, via Transjord n," (Cairo, l31i:,L' PRESS ::aEEVICEr
in Arabic torso to the Near East and Europe, 2r-February7, 194.0)
(Text) "ire rut> TTIie Lebanese Government has prevented two cargo
boats from continuing their journey Haifa after discovering,
in then. 165' barrels of explosives kno n as EL.olotov cocktails.)
It is, Junders'tood that they came from Earcelona 0" (Cairo, ti1111L
IhlSaISERVICE, in Arabic 1Lvrse to the Near East and Europe,,
25 Feb 19481)
(Text nLeban : r
"Lebanese Public Security authorities discovered last
night in the I.ifak and Beirut Stations, 165 barrels of Liolotov
cocistt~il explosives destined for llnifa. They had arrived by
sealf'r.on a Barcelona Jewish firr: called Trades and Shiprers
a C1 1,
in Haifa being the consigneos. The Public Security
Departoment has confiscated these barrels and started cross-
exa~ii $r; agents who unloaded them in the Beirut harbor and
tried'-,.to send them to Haifa. The Public Security Department in
Loirut says that experts who examined the explosives stressed
that they are highly inflam3:nab1e(Sharq al.lcra, Jerusalem,,
in Aral is to the dear East, 24 February 1945)
(Toxi "i, naval acade , for h a the,
_ r-~y t e ?lr1.nii,a of personnel for tI.
Israa i. Davy is to be started shortly. This was announced today
ut apress conference by a. representative of the thritime Leag-ue?"
(Voice; of Israel, Clandestine, in English to Europe and the Near
],st 1 by 1940)
(Te xt)1 "The Vice President of the Jewish Reform Party in South
Africa made a statement today in Ca.petorm that his party is under
taking the
full mfl.itary training of Jews; before their being
canPalestino. The': police yesterday searched the offices of
tha s party in Capetorn and conficcate''d pamphletr and papers they
fotn(Shrirq al-Adna,' Jerusalem, in Arabic to the dear last,
~~eM~ 30060-1
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(Text) "London--Ilene of the merbers of the Hebrew Legion f ounzclgii.
in London at the beginning; of the year in order to fight for the
liberation of Palestine has yet left Great Llritain.
"Its leader and founder, Commander 17eiser, former staff officer
of the brit''iah Arr:7, is at I resent mai,-ing a propaganda tour of 11 .
the United dtc:ton where he io contributing to the creation of
an American branch of the Hebrew Legion called tile' ilashi.nrton
Legion.? Another branch has been founded in Canada under the
name of t&'.:aple Loaf Legion. I
"Commandor '~.eisor is expected in London ::ithin about 10 days but
the plans 1:ertainirig to the movements of the IIehrov, Legion are
kept secret in his entourage.1' (Paris, AF1 , i rencih 11 sac 6ervico,
in French I.brso to North and outh America, 19 thy 1948)
(Excerpt) "ILogana, %.hich becomes the army of the Jewish State on
Liiy 16, claii:rc to have 20,0001 front-line fighters and trice that
number in its ancillary serviceso Irg ni Zvai Leann. and the
$torn -,four, between then are reported to muster 4.,000 or 5,000
"The Jews t small arms also cc no from many sources and they are
plentifuliy supplied with light automatic weapons Factories
in and around Tel Aviv are turning out ammunition, Prens, Sterns
Jpandaua, b, and mortars. Arms supplies purchased abroad
are awaiting shipment into Palestine a.Mor Lhy 16,,
"For artillery, the Jows have so far relied on mortars a fee
captured 2-pounders, and a rocket-firing gun with 6-inch barrel
ejecting a projectile with heavy e q Losivo power, which is still
on Ilagana is tsecrot list. J hints that the .?ears have either made
or brought in from abroad heavier artillery, perhaps including
:,one 25-pounders, have been given recently Ly gosh leaders?
"Several hundred armored vehicles are :wing operaited by Jews,
Only a few of these are armored cars or scout car:. in orthodox
military terninolo r, and were taken from the Lritish military and
police. But large numbers of 4n'ucI:s have been a rnored.' besernbling
square grey -tents on wheels, those improvised armored vehicles
are most useful for the guerrilla-type warfare so far witnessed
"IIagana possesses a small air Force, mostly light aircraft such
as ~~u,tono, the Jewish Agency baucht from aitish surplus stocks, I
Several Dakotas recently strengthened this force, and unusually
reliable Jewish sources state that some Lighters and bombers have'
been bought abroad and, air crows having been recruited, are
ready to cone in after the end] of the mandate?
"The general organization of Jawish fo: cas is built up or, L itishl
methods around a backbone of veterans who served with the Allied
Foreos. 11agcna is still largely a raw militia cad Leers no cam:,erison
with any regular army? But it l is loa7-L fast, and so far has
been bettor than anything the Arabs have put into the field.
Jewish leaders aprear to appreciate -- mat if long imr ensues
both sides can expect shocks ar d sutler:i.oos."
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I..J lung o_L=&Radio 1_'yP anu1_qr gM1:d Pn1 e9t1nn
Although the Palestine 'situation is fully covered by the radio, r.,on:itored inforrc., -
tion roLarclin;; crab attitudes toward this issue almost exclusively concerns
official viev.poir_ts, the one importLnt exception being the propa;andc of the Jer?ish
radios. In Y:riof, the! wain features of Arab radio proraganchi the
Palestine i:;;ue arc: (Z) ttie virulence of attacks on Zionism; (2) the am...
phasic on crab Lmity t';ith regard to _i.onisri and Palestine; and (3) lack of
significant vr.riations in r?ropag;c nd ; line amon the vari.:. us Arabic tranardt?ter.s,,
its in the ease of the .Teach radios, nationalistic ! rather than religious appoal.4
dominate rust.- Lroadcc.sts concerning Palestine. :ainter_ance of Arab "rights"
in I';.:lestine,, the "fi; lit?t for Palestine "independence" c:nd tlral: "sccurity," thr
uar for the "libe;.'ation!' of I nlc;;tine-these are conr on terms in 1:rabic broad-
casts. i,eference to the Jihad, on the other hand, is extror::ely rare for the
period under study?
summa y of the Arab attitude tovic:ru the Palestine issue, so far ar
"rabic broads Lsts are concerned,, the Arab rrolaganda stc-reotyyc of the iioniot.
merits attention.. Frog: the 1)arascus, Ioirut, Cairo, :GIs rq?al !ulna (D iti h-
controlled) annJ. j.1-Iru;az (I;av;uLji) trunsr..ittcrs; the -ionist is deacriLbed firm
and foremost as a "terrorist" i;ho "dreams" of estaI-lish rig his ";+;yre r,ny" over ';:.he
eiIitire Arch I; orld. Ise' is devoid of morality,; he "murders children, c:omez pro(,--
nant :':oi en,, and old men' and v:omon. " This picture of the Zionist Pervades r~_r,yl::i e
broadcasts; occasional:lt a distinction is mach between Jews as people and Lion~-`.st
Jcr:,-:, as in reports that various Jewish sottleuente have appealed for Arab Ps o-?
toction, or in the assertion that Jcrrs and Arabs can live peaceably togetaer in
a unified i1rah date, The -ionist "tprrorist11 idea, hog:ever, is ciom'in:; '?. 'she
other major attribute of the Zionist is that he is a Communist, 1'el;orts of
captured hussiar. o ?ficers, or of Russian arms aprear from all moni'torod
Arab radios.. i bdu1lah1' for example, reportedly declared that his "Transjordan
t-rr- rill fight the Jewish Cows mist menace v.hicli confronts the Arab t:orlcL. Ho
said., 'the Palestine situation is vezy critical, particularly since Lu siccn
Gornunist forces are leading the Jewish terrorists 1 9 " (Beirut, 1C 194.81)
together v..ith this e.teneof ype of Zionism and the Fallen tine issue, Arabic
broadcasts constantly emphasize the unity c" the Arab stand against the
establishment of Jev,ish' state in Palestine. This emphasis on the unity and
t:hc determination of tl a Arabs takes three main forms. . First, and most
prevalent, is the inval1:Lable assertion that Arab leaders are in agreement. Tutus,
Share al-Adna reports at the Grand Mufti approved: the Arab League appointments
of military commanders 1! the Arab +'liberattionn armies (6 February, 1948), or
Dsme.scus states that bn Saud formally expressed U E flail support for thei Arab
cause (3 May 1943). A second form of emphasis, noticeable particularly from the
A1-l.ngaz, Damascus, and Beirut transmitters during April and May, appears in
dentcnciations of "Zionist rumors", as, for example, in the vehement' i 1-Tr ,.bi ?'
attack on "rumors" that)' King Abdullah '"intend3 to raisbr_ad the Liberation A;c'irly
and dissolve the Higher Arab Executive" (14 May 191;.8), or in the Beirut report,
that Abdullah called a "rumor" that he intended toil occupy the Airaa' part of
Palestine a "cheap Ide.?f ( 9 lay).
A third, and relatively rare form of time unity theme is an open admiasior. of
disunity or poor morales The two available examples of such admissions are
a Damascus oroaclca st which declares thit `.%ailing, oxDre ision? of fear, and
terror, staging of demonstrat:ions, should not be among the weapons for
Palestine's devense," (14 April, 3`:-tS) and Lebanlese 1.1ininter Camille Shrvnoun's
warning that "either all Arab ooun?tries -take joint action and assist the
Palestine population ....'..,or Zionist dreams , ill become a fact and the Jewish
sta?ce will be established. (Beirut, 7 May 1948) Such implications rf disunity,
however, are extremely general. Broadcast information does not reveal their
referents--what elements have spread "Ziorilst rumors," and whotbor such rumors
concern differences in attitude toward the Palestine issue or difforence in
tactical approach to thlo issue 0
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? C6~d~I~IAL ~~
B. The Palestine Arabs:
Considering this emphasis on Arab solidarity vis-a-vis Palest}ne, it is not
surprising that little is heard regarding the opinions or individual groups
within the Arab states. The most notrthle omission in this connection is the
Palestinian Arabs themselv4a. Aside from statements attributed to'Haj Amin.
al-Husseini and the Arab Higher Executive, nothing is broadoast regarding the
attitudes of these Arabs from Arab radios. In fact, explicit reference to the
Palestine Moslem Arabs is confined to reports of their irrduotion by Egypt and
Lebanon, and a report that Abdullah heceived a deputation of Tiberias Arabs,
whom he compensated for their misfortunes. Arab broadecots on the progress of
the fighting in Palestine generally ignore the Palestine IArabs, and. the extent
of their participation in battle is not ren'orted, A single report'on t :e
reaction of Palestine Arabs to their enlistment in the volunteer armies appear:
in the following broadcast from Paris:l
"An AFP dispatch from Cairo announced that Pale tin Ian r Ifugee's continue
to flow into Egypt? A comr too created. by the Minister of Social n#fair?s
has deoided that all Palest fans from: 1s to 50 years, capable of bearing;
arms, would be s. list ri ama-ae, the `rolranteers and seat back to Palestine
The APP correspondsnc adds that this decision caused a wave of discontent
in the refug,'0 camp at Port Said. The refugees attached the Egyptian
guard, and police forces had to intervene, The delegate of the Arab
Higher Committee of Palestine harangued the refugeee,e -:icing there to do
their duty to their country." (Paris, in French to the Middle East, 6 May
The Chris-' ian Union of Palestine, ho,reveg, reportedly reprosenting the Chri stinn_
Arabs of Palestine, declared that -they )"fully support their Moslem brothers in
repulsing any unjust infringement of their rights or theliright1s of their count.:-y."
(Cairo, 14 April 1948) The only other source of broadcast information regardi;.gig
the Palestine Arabs appears in Havana's' Arabic broadcasts, which will be presented
in their propaganda context at the conailusion or this sec tion"l,
C. Groups Within Arno League States:
From Arabic sources, there are a few ralports on specific group attitudes toward
Palestine, and these arc mainly cited in support of thv Alrab cause. Thus
Al- fn.l'? : states that Lebanese students have gone on a hu_rger strike "pending
the entrance of regular Arab forces into Palestine?" "Huge" popular
demonstrations expressing the Arabs' "enthusiastic desir'e, to rescue; Palestine,
are reported from Damascus, Baghdad, and Amman. On the other hand, AP quotes
the ex--Egyptian Prime Minister, Sidqi Pasha, as stating to the~I magazine AKHBAB
AL-YOM (Independent) that he opposed Egypt's entry into the Palestine vrar, and
had vainly urged Nuqrashi Pasha to "try'I to approve a truce" before going to war,
"'You will gain three months that way,'" he reportedly stated. 1(AFF, in French
horse to North and South America, 15 May 19 8) Jerusalem reports briefly that
in Alexandria "disturbances broke out as a result of clashes between `,Its
and police during a meeting for raising) funds for the Palestinian Arabs. It is
reported that as a result of these disturbances, 12 were killed and'll arrested."'
(in Arabic to Palestine, 17 January 1948) Some attention is given to Jews
residing in Arab League states. In connection with the arrests of "Communi?_-'
and Zionists" in Iraq, Sharq o.1.Ac_na reports that "Iraqi Jews oppose Zionism
and stand by the Arabs," at`.i Egypt makes a similar asser?:on,;
With regard to the gquestion of Arab attitudes to:?rara member
, states of
the Arab League, z:- hing .d .'finite has been monitored. A noteworthy or'oadcast,
howeever, is the following speech of an Al-Ingaz propaganda director in which
he explains to his audience (presumably men of ICawizkji's forces) the i;nportanc-
of the frequent meetings of Arab icaders, and mentions (only to oppose it) the
idea that "some shod more blood,,..than others":
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"Dear iisteneris, Arab countries have recently witnessed se7oral Important
conferences, parliamentary sessions, etcetera, which were o, unprecedented
importance. Some persons like to say that the result of all.-this was the
same as before, if on]y (Iin) statements to minimize the importance of those
deoisior_s, or l just for fun, In r,: tlity Arab leaders w o are, at the head
of the Arab Government and the Arab League realize far better than you or
me the best means to safeguard Arab interests.
"These meetings are being held for Palestine, which is on the edge of
vole no, and are surely quite useful or they never would have bean held. so
oftei These (leaders fully understand that each statement contributes to
trio Arab cause. Each meeting helps to ward off the threat 'co Arab villages,
avoids the repetition of what occurred in Haifa.
"Dear listeners, some of you may be inclined to co':pare the amount of
assistance offered by each Arab country to Palestine. You -night say that
some 'offered more than others, and that sons 'of some shed more of -their
blood for Palestine than others. In reality,, if it were not for the strong
nerves of Fawzi e] Karrukji and the bravb',ry of the Inaaz forces.... all drab
count'ries would have offered much more men and equipment than they are
doing now
"It is known that such delay is intentional for the inters.-I"- of the cause
(.'...',).' It seems that responsible authorities of th3 Arab League started
to be convinced of (....Y negative and positive. Proof of' their conviction
is the fact that they allowed the Commander or the I -qaz forces to take
over the command in zones which were not under the control of Iniaz forces.
"Arabs are' atcr'cing to launch attacks. This was see,1 in Jaffa. Their
resistan,.a in Jerusalem turned into a general offensive...." (29 April, 1348)
D. Jewish Propaganda Beamed to' the Arabs:
Jewish propaganda broadcasts to the Arabs consist in a mixture oi' boasts, three:ta,
insinuations, ra.diciule, and pleas for cooperation. The dominant theme is that
the Arabs are bI : ug "fooled" and cheated by the leaders in regard to the
Palestine war. Hagana consistently atresses the alleged dynastic rivalries
between Arab' Leaguel states.--presenting the Hashimites (Iraq, Transjordan) as the
axis around which Arab forces group and re-groups Its major target, judging
fr', monitored data, is. the Husseini family, and the Grand M.?ufti is renreser_ted
as alternately conniving with Egypt: and with Syria and Lebanon to erect a defense
against King', Abdullah's alleged "Greater Syria" project. Abiullah, o:u the other
hand;, is depicted as a British stooge, though, monitored Hagana broadcasts
generally do' not attack him personally. Abdullah is feared by the rulers of
Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, aeoording'to Hagana broadcasts, but it
is asserted in broadcasts during l:iay that Abduliah has the u ,-per hand in Arrb
affairs, and that the Mufti's power has been broken. Concerning the Arabs
themselves, Hagana claims that'they actually get along well with the -Jews, and
if they were let alone there would be no Palestine warp ?aralleline, Arab
propaganda', Hagana ifrequentl.y denounces the alleged cruelty and wanton lestruction
of Arab "gangs," but the element of hatred does not appear- to be tasi, in Jewish
propaganda', as compared with Arab propaganda,,
E. Jowl. sh Reeorts on Arab Attitudes and Arab Religious Minorities:
nae~amn. ..... -.-.
Hagana's references to the Palestine Ar,nbn consist mainly of attacks on Ilaj
Amin al