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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 U.S. Officials Only CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMAdION REPORT UBJECT The Plasz Linos d Sand EAt rprise: Admi.nistra ion/ PeraeanelLocatieri~Productionf or'lice Organization/ ^ources of Raw Materiels/Gefteral Layout N / OCCUMINTICON tAINS INFORMATION A C 1111 THE NATIONAL 09PIP169 ? THE UNITED ITATIS. WITHIN TNI MIANINI OF TITLI 11. SECTIONS TIE NO ISA. OP VOL U.S. COOL. Al AMENDED. ITO TRANIMI$SIOA OR NEVI. ATION OP ITS CONTENTS TO OR NICLIP' IT AN UNAUTMONIEED PERSON II lEOMLLLTACO- THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DATE D I STIR. 30 Jun 1954 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 'dninistration of the Plaszow Lime and Sand Enterprise 2. "The :'laozow Lime and Sand Enterprise is directly subordinate to the C'. 2'.?? 1entralny Zarzad Przemyslu Materialow Budowlanych Uapienno- T is ckowskich7 in wa my - `see following page for char] U.S. Officials Only CONFI DP.'NTIAr. ISTRIOUTION LIP ISTATE I IARMT I I;NAVV I IAIR I I Rol I I ORR EV I I 7This report I. for the use within the USA of the Intelligence components of the Departments or Agencies indicated above. It is not to be transmitted overseas without he concurrence of the originating office through the Assistant Director of the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 -2- cc'NFIDENTIAI. US OFFICIALS ONLY M1 atry of Construction Materials Industry (Warsaw) MPMB (Ministerstwo Przemyslu Materiialow Central Administration of the Lime and Sand Materials Industry (Warsaw) C (Centralny 7arzad Przemyelu X%teriaJ.oy Budowl ?ch '.7a ienno-Pinekowekich Trading Office of Building Materials; The Sales Office of Building Ceramics, 3 Jana Street, Krukow. CHMB (Centrals Handlowa Materialow Budiwlanych-Biuro Sprzedazy Ceremiki Budowlansi ) The Plaszow Enterprise for Lime and Sand Industry of Krakow- Plaszow, 66 Oromadzka Street, PZWP (Piaszkowskie Zaklndy Wapienno-Piaskowe Krakow-Plaszow) At the present time, PZWP (Pieszkowskie Zeklady Wapienno-Piaskowe Krakow- Pleezow) does not poseeae any units which are subordinate to it. All limdvmtad 'Baud plants throughout Pol*nd axe subordinate to CZPMB. CZPMB is e - ordinate to MPMB Ministeratwo Przemyelu )hterialow Budowlanych) in Warsaw. In Poland, ? all planto producing building materials are subordin- ate to M9. in Warsaw. A Union, neimely. OBl+B3 ?'(Centrals Handlowa Materialow Budowlanych-Biuro Sprzedazy Ceramiki Budowlaaej) exists between the pro- duation?plants, such . as .the Plaszow Plant and the ClIMB. The Sales Of- fice of Building Ceramics in Krakow sells to consumers building materials such as l .-and sand -bricks ;which were produced by PZWP (.Piasziowski.e Zaklady Wapienno-Piaskowe Krakow -Plaszov). This office primarily is the middleman between the producer and the consumer, and it also arranges sales for other production enterprises such as the brick yards (producer of red bricks), the roofing tile factories, etc. The Central Trading Office is independent of the Production Plants, however; it works in cooperation with them. Persoaael of the Plaszow Lime and Sand Enterprise 3. Julian Kuzmins i is a specialist in the production of bricks, and i employed at CZT.'MBWP in Warsaw, 4+. "fixd_ Rekowsk'? is a specialist in administration and organization matters of a brick factory. Hlie is a losed at CZPX4BW in Warsaw, Z11 " -r r. CONFIDMD{TIAL 98 OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 CON~'1 WUAL U8 OFFIp1AL' JNLY j . '`Fnu ernik, has been hirector of the Plasxow Limy and -_,n! =.ntcrpribt since 15 Aug 53. He did not occupy a community position. By trade he wrss a teacher at the Akadenla Ggraiezo-Hutnicaa M11ai and "melts kcade In Krakow. The former director vie:. fnu . i'Lt als.. 6. vugeuiuLz Maciejowski is Massager of planning cad Employment at ~'F.;P in Krakow-:'laszow. His commity goisition is that of Secretory of the Credit Union. By trade he is a marchant. 7. "''1 Lau/ :.,.'n1 ao r,a is the chief bookkeeper find the financial manager of H. did n~L occupy any communitiv -posit 01, and by trade he is a clerk. El. ^1 Lnu% i ntr is manager of a warehouse- He has no community position and he as rormerly a soldier. G-)MPI )Y-INTIA! , U;" oFFICIA7.3 ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 -4- cowl- lUMAL us O"IM4 8 ONLY 9. "Maria SJyrylska it Mn administrative manager of PZWP: By trade she is s? . clerk . 10. 'Maria Fortuna is a bookkeeper of PZWP. Her caormn:lty position' is that of treas*rer of the factory council. By profession she is e- teacher. 11. "Pella fl-=7 is a bookkeeper at FZWL? and her comdual-ty position is - unknovn. She is a clerk. 12. "Janina Z11=7 is the railway traneporatiob clerk in the supply deportacnt of PZVP. 13? "Antoni Piotrowski is the Personnel Dixector of PZWPjE- e is a vorkmve n 14. "uryk Wyk& is technical manager of P2.1?P. E- trade he is a laborer. CON IJ TIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 - 5 - COMID3AL US OFFICIALS 0 LT 1. (Dame Unknown). Supply Manager and clerk. He does not occupy any couuunity position 50X1-HUM 17. "?ofia Baltruaiajtis is a manual worker and occupies a position as second secretary of POP. She is a laborer by trade. 18. "(Name Unknown). Commandant of the Factory Guards (three guardE and is the chairman of the Factory Council. By trade he is a gwdener. 19. "(Name Unknown). Unalctiled manual worker at the Entrance Gate 'Post. She is a secretary of the facttury dbuacil 20. "Boleslaw Minsk is a chief mechanic at P7WP and by trade he is a workshop mechanic. CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 -.6.- vs CM IA ONLY " m a , is a w o r k m a n at PZ[lP. BY trade he is a. wort n. Location 23. Irder to more clearly define the exact location of the Limeand Sand Enter- prise of Plaszow the Following pencil sketch. The sketch has not been drawn to scale. The s cated wt the intersection of Groeadzzkiej Street and other street which passes under the railroad bridge. Lee fdilowing pis 7. CONIMMMAL 38 (*'TICIJLB 0III.T or 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500530150-4 LIZ. h/,g /C /'