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Appr NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCLS. Stipp. TO REPORT NO. Intl: ?~ ;T>i;M?PIf4( wed For R4Iease 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440095-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT 25X1 SutlJE3 i Frocadttr~e for Oh :,.Ca1ag 1 pLoyn rit/%lroc1av Labor Of'flce/iGR Adverii. i .ng/lice of', Pull/ihmuthorized Labor Recruitment 25X1 DATE DISTP. 0 Wr 1954 rx,L IlI Cwtxr COMIxuI i.~Ow[rl Dx Ln/c IIM. Ill a.fIan OLLLO/T OI Iw( 111110 SLa1S ?IIs Ik t005Ilwlxi 01 ~', II/L1 Ii IIUIO.$ I11 A.D YI II OI TwL t ::Dll Af WlxolO. III I..W1/110. 01 11.1. LAr10.I 01 iii Cow Ytwll lG C1 I[CI III Ir .x ..W.011110 111ta li !2 t''LP 1? LN1. T-[ ~INI'?__~?1,x ? 1^I1;AitCAr ?1 1I..ILITr1_ 25X1 1;HIS i s UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Rise-in Unonploymvnt "i:nrly thi>b year L195 , there i!iG quite a rise in unemployment in Sileuio. A good number of work Ara were .laid off in numerous factories and enterprinen, Ail, for irntnnce, to he Wroclaw gas worke 1 Other factories developed a policy ofiirii no n~>'+ employcca. Harry employees had to undergo reolaooifi-. cation tTrtd, accent 1na4r wozea, thin vr.o the result of the Jsaueaefyr 19153 tfotititm.r Aefor>;n. ;T me:n1~ 25X1 vor era vhq have to Join the Army, but in practice, when these Rimy veterans report backito their former csnployors, they are offered only very Poorly dohs oz the i henvicct kind of -;ark. the roc.lav labor Ofilde i.uro zatr ienia . Th" office 2X1 ^n>nr 1I NTIAL DISTIlI0UTI0N ? ?SIATE ~iNUY NAVY - ~AIH L+.? Fbl . Thi s report is to the uSr ;Vilhl tht USA of Lie Intelligence compo,~enta of the DCp,,rtmonta or Agencieu irLdieFttrd itb ve It 1. r.)t, to oe tranenutted overs.:as without the concurrence of the otigint1ting otiice throw-ti Lnl. A.Il::rur,t. Dimct>r o1 the Office or Collection and Dissemination, CIA. ~w'Dif'rirul:t^i1}u of Arm 'Yrtcranu Approved For Release 2005/08/17 :', ILIA-RDP80-0 25)1 25X1'? 25X1 is in the Wrocl- v to~;r hail iu the 61 e*a wing in tdiich the military recruiting office (WXR) hx3 its office on the second floor. Wrocia ? Labor Or?ice 4. "The labor office htz very limited office space. ibere is a long, narrow coerid= durum the middle vtere long) ueues of people wait all day long for jobs. The entrance is guarded by a oil and rather slow doorkeeper and clerk, ,Mho collet` a Job aupllcatione and the required identification cards from candidates. Every 15 or 20 mi.nutesl e takes a stack of then into the various sections cf the labor office. covered with and dragged is by peopl?'e feet and was very dirty. The only plane %here you could Pit da5ra we.a on one bench, occupied by semi-invalids. 6. "A11. caaadidatth oust ream right in the corridor as they nay be called into an. cffice at any !sinute. If you are not there when your now is called, you may have to ? sit for a few more hour. before it is called again. 7e "As a rule, the `ftiting time is fr. two to three hours. While waiting, 25X1 candidates may read the various job itdvertisementsl displayed along the corridor ''ails on blackboards. during the approximately 25X1 three week period only heavy, hard jobs were being eAvertleed, suc suejoba in' coal min stone quarries, or unskiale4 jobs in the chemical industry. E~.4R PosPoster3 8. "As in msry other public Ofti.ces, there were in the labor office large and very nicely dons PCR posters on disp],q, These colorful posters called upon everyone to join the estates and offered very tempting acaditiops. flow- ever, not many people on the waiting lists t'ere attracted by these posters as it has become coon knowledge in Fo]end that', these offers are specious. When someone fell tor the offer, he 'M'ould find upon reporting tp.the PGR that there were special conditions golverning its aotivttiea peculiar to just thin PGR. { Section Division in Labor Office 9, When the t6n oz' throe hours are up; the canal-date is finally called into one, of the four cectio;ls of the labs-. office. The four sections are as (dj section for re-male vorkeru. The fourth section tskee care of xll profession or skill. b) section for unskilled workers; (c` section for factory 'and office s. ,loyeoa (a) section for skilled *nrkera First St&ge. Iatbor Off Intrvie_ female vorkurs, rogardlecs of 10. The interyiew with the labor office 'employee, usually a female, is rather short:. The in asked a few a1dditional details. about his, gnalifi- cations. His identification card is checked against , his. personal appear- nce and in cone:. union the candidate i1a handed a list of available jobs. There are alvraya now job vacancies wh!ieh nobs 'wants ce t. The" jobs are 'very hard with very low 'vageai. it 1.20 to 1.60 zlotys an hour. Such,, income of approximately 250 to 300 zlotys a month. Alter dcd*Mns~- for i. xes and various duos, what romaine i not enough co live onC~n': 11. `When and if the oaadidate finds a suitable job, he receives a spacial letter from the labor office. The Poliah term for this latter is skierowanie. This is the end of the first phase ofi ob-hunting. 25X 25X1 Approved! For Release 2005/08/17: CIA-RD 80-00809A00050044009~-6 25X1 13. "liven after going through this second phase of application 'the candidate, m t b abroad. 2?X1 Second Stage: Interview with Prospective F=lyer 12. The next phase Is 'chnanelled through the office of the future employer. Once again, all identii'ication papers must be submitted. The candidate has to write a new application, together with a curriculum vitae, and fill n a special questionnaire. This latter consists of about 20 questions doaiiag with all aspects of his political viewpoint. He has to state whether he was or is a bar of the Communist party or wheth he' has 'participated 'inI a y ' ' other political activities. - He has to answer sane questibns hbbut'his father's political background. He is also asked' whether he?has relatives female employees of the labor office. Some of these females are rather nice- looking girls who enjoy flattery. It a candidate succeeds in winning one of them over to his side, he will be admitted to tie chief of the section. The chief has a compl.c'tca list of job vacancies which is not available to the section employees under him. Furthermore, the chief has to have a list of special vacancies ready in case a Party big shot calls him requestin? a favor for onej of his', re.lativee. Unauthorized Employment Recruiters ay no e accepted for the vacancy. There are two methods of refusing him employment. One is to claim that the job has-been filled in the meanI',Ie.`' The other is! to offer the candidate a very different kind of job from tYte one originally presented at the labor office, with certain'eonditiona ttached tj which thecandidate cannot possibly agree. Use of Pull "As in all other countries, there are ways of getting a job more quickly by using pull. One way of doing this is to make ' good contact with one of the 15. "Life is not always as dull in the labor office corridors as described above. From time to time, hiring-agents'show up for reruitment purposes. not all of them are officially admitted. An agent ,rorking on behalf of a private' enterprise orlcoming,from an area not coming under this special labor office has to use underhand methods in recruiting. 16. The following incident happened vhil eE~L.II ting for a job. An agent from the PGR team in the Legnica district appedred in the Wroclaw labor I' office. He offered very good emp...oyment conditions, promising at least 700 25X1 ::1otys a month and tre.vulling expenses. He also promised coaWlete room aad oard. At the same time, another agent appeared, this one from the Jelenia 25X1 Gora district,! offertnr, even better conditions. I Thirty-two candidates 25X1 17. "When the.32 arrived at the railway station the next day, it became evident that the 'recruitment' officer did not have a aingle penny in his possession. Only a card for admission Co the platform was given to each candidate. ere was rauch excitement on the train, but when the recruiting agent produced is identity card,ithe candidates were allowed to remain on the train. 18. 'junce there, conditions on the PGR seemed very d~.fferont from what had been ?romised. The first payment offered wan 500 zlotys, from which 360 zlotys .here deducted for canteen and housing expenses. Housing consisted of wooden barracks, wi*h'severa? people to one roan Straw sacks with atrav pillows were used as beds,. Everybody was issued a blanket and a "piece of sheet'. (At each inventory,?a certain number of sheets had to be Accounted tor. Consequently, the storekeepers frequently tamed to make .zp.fgr'~lout sheets' by tearing other sheets into several pieces.) 19. ' for seeing that the true situation was, on .y three, of, the candidates 25X1 rr.,mained on the FOR. !All the others diappeared irithin the next few` days,. some of them taking with them POR possessions, such as blankets; blaankete... CONF I DI'MIAL4 Approved For Relea$e 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440095-6 25X1 ca. were . very 'popiil cti~ 'eou*eairs.. . sa2i i Officih! Agehts 25X1 20. "Authorized ogents also shoied?up in the labor office acrridoWs frap?Ume:to time. Tbey were. pri rilyj recruitment officers S'roo nom l mines mr? AtbQ a? kur~,r eaten iiea of vital i$portsace- to the? Sta:e? vhich.'needcd:labor" In ' ese , agsats,'vere permitted to: recruit 'cimdl doted Vlt tDut ?goif :tbrougk4, iabor? office. formelities." -and- ... ... .... 25X1 25X1 ? a~~ar~t~acai ILLEGIB