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25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT .ONFIDE^IT?AL 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT Procedure for OatSi^_iag Permanent Hoi irg/Necessary Checks and Documents Approved For Release 2005/06/01 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONILL 0[,E43[ OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN TOL MEANING OF TITLE 16. S[ITIONS 102 AND 714, 01 THE U.S. COTE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSIO ON NODE- LAT10N OF ITS CONTENTS TO Olf NECEIFT NY AN UNAUT0OAIEED IPE,SOM IS W~4~1R111 SY L THE A[FR0D1CT I0 01 1.11 N11OWi IS TTOwl lI TED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATIQN DATE D I STR. ?' F8 ._ 54 NO. OF PAGES 5 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP . TO REPORT NO. T,,at.,L0na1isntion Of 1Iou.iri; 1 ?. All houses and apartmen_.s were nationaa.lized in 1919. At that time even the furniture of 'react ] ono ir?cs' was nationalized. There are no prj vate rental agencies. "fe that time th :i:rasir_ Office Seksionit S.27:;:,j-nit),which is under the Executive Commuter -,f '.,hl.. People's Board of the City of Tirana (Komitet I?lxzekutiv Kshi llit. Popullor Q; tetit-Tirane) . made a special census of all a artments houses too???7 existing nom only in Tirana but throughout the whole of. Albania. Therefore, the siou sing Office is in possession of a special registry of all apartments, their size and their tenants. "The Housing Office in Tirana was transferred in May 1951 from the building of the Komiteti Ekz. Q tet-[l'irane at Shelli Skanderberg to a building on the. Bulevard Shqupria e Be. This move was mode because of the ernwsds of applicants. d LAST PAGE FOR S Uf 1 17~7T pr El; :-'A r? ?"ACS This report is for the use within the USA of the Intelligence components of the Departments or Agencies ind:eated above. It is not to be transmitted ]overseas without the concurrence of the originating office through the Assistant Director of the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. DISTRIBUTION ? STATE ARMY NAVY I IAIR F --1 IF81 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500370222-2 In the regions Housing Offices exist only in the capitals, attached to the regional -Executive Committees of the People's Board. In the small rural towns and villages there are no Housing Offices. Procedure to Obtain Permanen-L Housing 5. "The normal procedure to obtain living space is as follows: (a) File an application called a Lutje at the Housing Office. The Lutje is hand written on a normal sheet of paper. A 50-Lek stamp must be attached. The Lutje is registered at the Housing Office. Sample. KOMITETI EKZ. K.P. QYTETIT (Seksionit Strehimit) Tirane Inenshkruemi X ...... se bashku me familjen time to perbame prej kaq personash....Nepunes prane Ministris Botores kam nderin to parashtroj kerkesen time sa ma poshte vijon: Kam prej tre mujesh qu ndodhem me banim ne hotel per arsye se skam banesen e nevojshme familjarisht, k3o me detyron tju baj kete lutje juve Zyres dompetente per to me gjete strehimin familjar gjetja e strehimit me ban to mos la punen mbasi no to vazhdoj keshtu mbasi smundem me i perballue hotelit detyrohem to largohem. tlutem.zyres kompetente qu to marl kerkesen time ne konsi deraeion?. Mbetem me shpresen tuej mbi kerkesen ni fjale. L.P. ME ?RESPEKT (......) ADRESA.... (Epersonit qu ban lut jen) L Translate on7 V.F.-Death to Fascism L.P.-Freedom to Peoples To the Housing Office of the '61 ecutive Committee of the City People's Board Tirana I, the undersigned, X...., with my family, composed of .. numbs of?members, by profession a ;3tate employee, am obliged to file the following application: I have lived with my family in a hotel for three months because we have no place to live. Therefore I do hereby apply to the competent office to obtain lodging for my- self and my family. If this lodging is not made available to myself and family I shall be compel.led to leave the city and my job, since I do not possess '.he funds to continue paying high Note' fees.. I beg the competent office to consider my application. Remaining in hope, 5X1 E TIAL Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500370222-2 AUTORIZIM Autorizohet i qojtuni X........................ to banoje ne banesen shtetnore Rruga..............Hr........ e perbame pre j dy dhomash dhe rji guzhine. PER KOMITETIN LKZ. I.P. QUTETIT (Shefi Seksionit Strehimit) (. VULA Approved For Release (b) The next step is to wait until the Housing Office decides to assign living space. Normally that takes a minimum of six months up to a year or even two years. No other documentation is necessary since the Housing Office checks the information in the Lutje with the Kryetar (president) of the Kshilli Lagjes (sub-sector) of the rdione in which the applicant lives. (c) When the Housing Office assigns living space it posts on a special board at the Housing Office a Manifeste (Nominal Roll) of the citizens to whom living space has been assigned. (d) If the applicant has been so fortunate as to have his name posted he obtains from the Housing Office a so-called Autorizim (Authorization) document, issued to the applicant in his name. This Autorizim is typewritten on white paper which bears a printed heading. Sample: V.F. L.P. Republika Popullore e Shqiprise Tirane 195... Komiteti Ekz. K.P. Qytetit (Seksioni Strehimit) Nr ........... Prot. (e) (f) [translation? V.F.-Death to Fascism L.P.--Freedom to Peoples The People's Republic of Albania Executive Committee of the People's Tirana, date Board-Housing Office Nr......Prot ... AUTHORIZATION Person X .................................. is hereto authorized to lodge in the.. .street, number... which has two rooms and a kitchen. For the Exec. Committee of the People's Board (Chief, Housing Office) The person must hand this Autorizim in turn to the Kryetar of the Kshilli Lagjes to whom he is responsible. After the Kryetar checks with the Housing Office, to make sure the document is correct, he takes the person to the living space that has been assigned to him and hands him the keys. The person's name is then inscribed on the Lista-Familiare (Family List), the printed form which must be affixed to the inside of the main door of each apartment. This document is prepared on a printed form by the Kryetar of the Kshilli Lagjes in which falls the apart- ment. It lists all the persons residing in that apartment, regard- less of their relationships. All. cl-anges in the Lista-Familiare must be made by the Kryetar responsible ''.nd bear the stamp of the raione The changes are noted in the "Remarks' column: transferred, new arrival etc. The arrival of a new person into his district is a matter of concern to the Kryetar of c. Kshilli Lagjes (this is in the city, of course). The person must also inform the Kryetar of the I'.shilli Lagjes from which he has left. Sample Lista-Fami.liare: 25X1 25X1 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500370222-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500370222-2 I I Crl' IDE1rTIAL .4 Nr. Re. EMIJI I?SBIEDSIII LIDHJA DT. LIPIDJA VEND. LINHJA SEKSI PROFESIONI VRETJE 1. 2. 3. [normal page size Per Kshillim Lagjes 1 Maj Kryetari ( ) Vula Rajonit one V.1 .-Denthto Fascism L.P.-Freedom to Peoples FAMILY LIST Address. .Date.... no. Name Relationship Date Place Sex Profession Remarks & to head of of of Surname family Birth Birth 1. 2. 3. For the K.L. 1 i'4ay [raione in Tirana (signature) stamp of the Kom. Rkz. K.P. of the Raione-People':; Board of the Raione. 25X1 25X1 Housing ~ . in Priorities exis'-. the a.Hor_ai. i n o.' wing :sec-in favor of important Party members (ministerial official e.) Stakhanovites. To priority is granted to ;iate employees or workers in .rte' fiel.d of labor' -+ho have been transferred rrom one :~ i ace to another for job reasons. 7. "The Priority '.or imports nt Party ,membel?s extends to a special distribution of furniture, at low hricez. Under the Finance Section of the Kern. Ekz. K.P. Qytetit -Tirane (Bxecuti%re Uorlm:i.i.tee of file iteople'a i;oard for the City of Tirana) there is an office called e'rm.surija e ;htet;it. This office is in charge of all furniture confiscated fror reactionairus sanC all furniture nationalized in 192.9. The allotment of such furniture is made directly by the ICryeministria (Council of Ministers). It goes only to Soviets, to State Ministers, Directors of Sections S.iiri.' Chiefs and other persons privileged under the Communist re- gime. the procedure for obtaining such furniture. 25X1 that a clothes war obe assigned through this office--it had been c c v' . Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP$0-00809A000500370222-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500370222-2 H l I (JUNTIDEKTIAL f o a rs"_tto+utre--east 503 Lek. as much as two years- r*ayment i s accepted in ssa ll instal lawrts "When a person vacates a house or apartasnt. , ahatiges residence, be oust return the keys to the Kryetar of the K.L. i Lwhtch he has been living. Vte Krysttr must adjust the Lists Familiars ', l' the vacated place of re- here art no private agencies for room ren' a. Thorer are no furnichad rice uotsuz rooms for rant in the whole of f.lbwnia. Firsit, traditionally there have been no furnished teens for rent in the country. Secondly, all housing awtters p"Gceed t)-.rciuth the Housing Office, and that body dots not rent furnished room:. "The sllaCat.ton of living s3-ace Procesdc on 1, ad ape quotas. ao (a) Single persons, male or fcaalc: 3 x 2 or 4'x 4 m terra. (b) (:duple: 4 x It metora plus ucc of ki then, if available. (c) Couple with one or two children, ms.. or fjoale, agrd up to 17: (d) Couple With more than two children: raps 4 x 4 asters, if available. Rents ?'Me rents fat' ua1Lrnished roses obtnincd thro 500 Lek Ponthly. for 4 x k motor rote (cV~i if occupied by two persons 604 Lek monthly for 4 x 4 meter room plus, use of kitchen The Roueint office determines rent levels. 12. "Rent Ln paid through the Dank. -end- 3 L it ~Z T c0~'I L'i'Tr. tJ I . Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-de 809A000500370222-2 25X1 25X1