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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 U.S. Officials Only ':CRET SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT Military Airfield At Prague-Kbely THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AVPEC11M0 T'AO NATIONAL O (PENSI OF THE UNITED STATIS, WITHIN THE MOANING OV TIT?.( IS. (ECTION3 TSS AND T(A. OP THE U.S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR DIVE. LATION OP ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT OT AN UNAUTHONIVCD PERSON IS 1T11 0ROHI2I1tO. DATE DISTR. Dec 1953 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. 2 SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 50X1-HUM A~I~f ~ e ~d . ICb ~X,n.: r ,Pry Tew, 1. hie airfield is located about one kilometer south of the obec Kbely, near Prague, between the highway Prague-Brandya nad Labem and the highway Prague-Hloubetin-Kbely, (see Enclosure A). About 200 meters northeast of the edge of the field is the railroad line Prague-Vysocany-Cakovioej Winds of northwesterly and westerly directions prevail. 2. ? Ruxrxays, :: The field has one sonar U 7; nway Aboubl40ime ere w.J4e and.twa thousand meters strength or the genere.]. fold area outside the runway is excellent: while the runway was undergoing repair, DC-3 type aircraft landing on the field area without the slightest difficulty, in spite of the fact that it had been raining for some time. for taxiing, which leads from the manipulation area in front of the hangars tothe? all higher points on, and in the vicinity of, the airfield are marked vita red warning lights, and that the field has a beacon in which a regularly rotating ].fight is mounted. Other equipment includes a goniometer and a stationary Night ?flying equipment: U.S. Officinle Only S:CRET 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 - 2 - U11 OFFICIA . , ONLY ;,T:CRET ' ECURITY INFORMATION radiogoniometer, the latter located in a building /ircled number 1118, Enclosure J. There is a mast with radar equipment, and other miscellaneous approach aids for landing aircraft at night and in fog on takeoff in the direction of 60 degrees), there is t.I obec Kbely. In the opposite direction (on takeoff at 240 degrees), the right nun.: >ide of the field is skirted by the buildings and masts of the military radio transmitt;.i;_ station some 60 meters tall Le-ircied number 9 on Enclosure A7. But actual natural obstacles do not exist %ithin 20 miles of the field, since the field itself is located on a 100 meter high plateau. Cor airfield buildings, hangars, and other installations, see Enclosure B,with legend;~dimensions are estimated) Standard equipment: =the following types of aircraft on the field: DC-3 Dakotas; J1'-52 Junkers; SI-204 .^-.iebel; AE-45 Aero; Arado 96; Zlin 181; Aero c-104; Messerschmitt^Me-109; Mosquitos; PO-2 Kukursnik,_and Czechoslovak and i3oviet made called Swallow jet). e o a num er o aircraft based o s e o field; they are, for the most part, aircraft mechanics. 7. AAproach: The field is approached by the main approach highway which leads from the Prague-Brandys nad Labem road: the approach highway is concrete; a secondary approach highway, a blacktop, is also' available. The field is enclosed by a wire fence along the roadsides. Enclosurca : (A) : Sketch of. Military, aimf;~,a7:d, r~Li ,~x~t~}uerrKb.m y and 'military objectives in its ViC 'l;}'1. ri+F Al .,. 1_,;~ (13) : Sketch of M .3,-~gr and oaserne n, Prague-Kbely, with legend 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM U.', OFFICL T.:C ONLY FECRET IECURITY INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY/SECURITY INFORMATION 48 (,9,9 14 .-3F46 5 f, 14T, 000 VoJENSK/ x6A1fiPl N'/ UST" V SKETCH OF MILITARY AIRFIELD AT PRAGUE-KBELY AND MILITARY OBJECTIVES IN ITS VICINITY WITH LEGEND SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY/SECURRITY INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 CLOSURE (A) age -2 - SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY/. NGUMYtINFORMATION Legend to: Mili:aY Airfield at Prague-Kbely and Military 0blectives in Its Vicize-ty; Map of Prague 3953 1. face area of the airfield; 2. Concrete r a. way; 3. Area of airfield buildings; 4. Quarters for career officers and vivilin employees of the field; 5. Area of military airforce caseame 6. Area of military airforce warehouse 7a Mobile goniometer 8. RAdiogoniom?. __ - :: meter 'hri c:s btlRlding 9. Military transmitter: has four steel masts; the masts are from 50 to 60 meters tall. Next to the masts there is a square, three story brick building. 10. "PAL" Factory, national enterprise in Kbely. This factory manufactures generators for aircraft engines, electric windahield wipers for automobiles, etc. 1Q*. Military Technical Institute. This institute tests minor inventions. 11. Area of the airfield in Letnany. This airfield is used by the air-research institute, by the Rud?r Letov factory, by the Aero factory and by the ICbe2y aircraft workshops. 12. Hangars for the aircraft of the AERO Factory; there are three,measuring 30 x 50X1-HUM 30 meters each. ?.3. Hangcx and worhebo' of the Kbel repair shops, The shops are use or rep ng military aircraft an are generally called Kbely-Repair. (Opravata-Kbely) 14. Aircraft factory Rudy Letov 15. Air Research Institute (Letecky Vyskumny Uatav - LVU) 16. Airfield of the AVIA factory in Letnany 17. Airfield of the AVIA factory in Celekovico 18. Mi1itnr;r rifle range in Kobylisy La- suburb of Prague) 19. Area in which the radar equipment is located. SECRET/ US OFFICLUS ON Y/SECURITY INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 C#a~pjA 1CCk~ ST9R7oL'4c/' Di'gy 44i 2oan,,, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 RNCLCUU1 E (B) Page -2- I" tars -nirf,cld a:.d ~asjr&e in Pra'ua-Koely s f h_a-t h~&hwaay from Prague to Brand;,,: cad I abem Air ? :.:_d l,h) z `_,O.13 metei* - 3 u C 3Mcre -~.. .:-u r..ray T3..xCi ia.2 r.,.. ay 5. Co .crete m. anipulation area .n front of the hangars $. Asphalt rosd between. buildings 7, Apprca_h road to airfield (secondary) 8. Ma..z approach high-.ray (concrete) 9. WL e fence .?u r o ai ding a? rf ield building 9e.. Wood=_n f eace . ? - 10. Lire :sacs (hedge) behind the. wire fence 11. Motor b_ a_:a engine testing brakei7 in brick building 10 x 15 meters 12. New liar ; 4v x 15 x 7 meters, steel and brick structure, frith a slanting roof 13. Aircrai t rehouse workshops; brick hangar, 35 x 35 x 12 meters 14. Aircraft war: ehouse workshops; ground floor brick building, 35 x 8 x 5 meters, used by the sheet metal workers and mechanics 15. Hangar ; cur^; ed roof, steel .end brick construction, measuring 30 x 30 x 12 meter- and usel for repairing larger aircraft `16. Carpenter shop; ground floor brick building, 12 x 7 meters 17. Boilerho_:se gro'.nnd floor brick building with level roof, approximately 10 x 8 x. 6 meters. 18 & 19. Quarterr of airforce personnel 20. Beacon revolving searchlight, about 6 meters wide at its base and 20 meters high, glass cupola. 21. Milt.tary gua':dhouse, at the secondary entrance to the field, 6 x 6 meters 22. Office< of the transportation unit; ground floor brick building, 6 x 4 meters 23. Motorpool; L-shaped ground floor brick building, 12 x 6 meters 24. New, steel construction, garage for vehicles, 10 x 5 meters 25. Garage for vehicles, ground floor brick building 15 x 6 meters 26. Old ?+,roodec building; 40 x 3.0 meters 27. Corrugated sheet metal, steel girder construction of a vehicle garage measuring 16 x 7 meters 28. Hangar of the training flight; steel girders and brick, 15 x 15 x 9 meters 29. Motor vehicle garage; dimensions and construction same as item 27. 30. Hangar of the training flight; steel girder construction covered with corrugated sheets, 30 x 108 meters 31. Radio workcrhopss, briah house, 12 x 8 meters 32. Hangar, reinforced concrete and brick, with arched roof, 35 x 35 x 10 meters 33. Control tower for air transportation and meteorologic observations; brick annex to a h-)ngor; 6 x 6 maters, 1I+ meters high with glassed-in cabin. 34,35,36,37? Hannga.:, same construction and dimension as item 32 38. Office. of the "reporter" of foreign aircraft, wooden house 4 x 4 meters 39. Tratairg flight hangar, :)ame as item 30 40. Bombed out hangc;r (formerly of the some construction as item 28) 41. Motion pie t^.n. e theater; ground floor :rood building, 15 x 15 meters 42. Underground gu6cline tanks with pumps mounted on the surfaoia (aircraft gas) 43. Military check post at the main entrance of the airfield; wooden shack, 12 x 7 met-or-3. 44. Factory k.tche : for civilian. employees; wooden shack 35 at 10 meters 45. Garage for vehicles of the airforce tra rtation regiment 46. Area of bombed--ouu t hangar 47. Hangar of s:-une coretructton and dimensions as item 28 48. Boilerhouse, same as item 17 49. Worn.shops and warehouse (-,,-arehouse of a~.rforce materials and weapons); ground floor br.. bailding, 40 x 10 meters 50, 51. 11angura;, :eel girder and brick constr. etion, these are double hangars measuring 53 x 15 x 8 meters. 52. Operations; brick ground floor building, 15 x 8 meters 53. Now hangs.:, construction wane as 50 above, measures 20 x 10 x 10 meters 54. Newly erected aircraft control building, also housing the meteorologic station; brick building, 12 x 12 x 12 meters. The upper part, serving as the control tower is glassed-in US OFFICIALS ONLY SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 ENCLOSURE (13) 5; CUE T,/US OFFICIALS ONLY/SECURITY INFORMATION Page -2- Legend: I4,1 fury Air -.cld a:-.d .asexae in Prar die--Kbe1V .sphalt highway from Prague +?o Brandys aad Labe. 2. Airfield, 800 x =,000 meters 3. Concrete :u:r-ray 4. Taxiing runway 5. Concrete manipulation area. in front of the hangars $, Asphalt road between buildings 7. Approach road to airfield (secondary) 8. Main approach highway (concrete) 9. Wire fence surrounding airfield building 9a. Wooden fence 10. Live fence (hedge) behind the wire fence 11. Motor brake Ze-ngiae testing brake) in brick building 10 x 15 meters 12. New haaga_y 0 x 15 x 7 meters, steel and brick structure, with a slanting roof 13. Aircraft warehouse workshops; brick hangar, 35 x 35 x 12 meters 14. Aircraft warehouse workshops; ground floor brick building, 35 x 8 x 5 meters, used by the sheet metal workers and mechanics 15. Hangar; curved roof, steel and brick construction, measuring 30 x 30 x 12 meters and used for repairing larger aircraft 16. Carpenter shop; ground floor brick building, 12 x 7 meters 17. Boilerhouse; ground floor brick building with level roof, approximately 10 x 8 x 6 meters. 18 & 19. Quarters of airforce personnel 20. Beacon with revolving searchlight, about 6 meters wide at its base and 20 meters high, with glass cupola. 21. Military guardhouse, at the secondary entrance to the field, 6 x 6 meters 22. Offices of the transportation unit; ground floor brick building, 6 x 4 meters 23. Motorpool; L-shaped ground floor brick building, 12 x 6 meters 24. New, steel construction, garage for vehicles, 10 x 5 meters 25. Garage for vehicles, ground floor brick building 15 x 6 meters 26. Old wooden building; 40 x 10 meters 27. Corrugated sheet metal, steel girder construction of a vehicle garage measuring 16 x 7 meters 28. Hangar of the training flight; steel girders and brick, 15 x 15 x 9 meters 29. Motor vehicle garage; dimensions and construction same as item 27. 30. Hangar of the training flight; steel girder construction covered with corrugated sheets, 30 x 108 meters 31. Radio workshops, brick house, 12 x 8 meters 32. Hangar, reinforced concrete and brick, with arched roof, 35 x 35 x 10 meters 33. Control tower for air transportation and meteorologic observations; brick annex to a hangar; 6 x 6 meters, 14 meters high with glassed-in cabin. 34,35,36,37. Hangars, same construction and dimension as item 32 38. Office of the "reporter" of foreign aircraft, wooden house 4 x 4 meters 39. Training flight hangar, same as item 30 40. Bombed out hangar (formerly of the some construction as item 28) 41. Motion picture theater; ground floor wood building, 15 x 15 meters 42. Underground gasoline tanks with pumps mounted on the surfacb (aircraft gas) 43. Military check post at the main entrance of the airfield; wooden shack, 12 x 7' meters. 44. Factory kitchen for civilian. employees; wooden shack 35 s 10 meters 45. Garage for vehicles of the airforce tra4a0portation regiment 46. Area of bombed-out hangar 47. Hangar of some construction and dissensions as item 28 48. Boxlerhouse, came as item 17 49. Workshops and warehouse (warehouse of airforce materials and weapons); ground floor brick building, 40 x 10 meters 50, 51. Hangars; steel girder and brick construction, these are double hangars measuring 50 x 15 x 8 meters. 52. Operations building; brick ground floor building, 15 x 8 meters 53. New hangar, construction some as 50 above, measures 20 x 10 x 10 meters 54. Newly erected aircraft control building, also housing the meteorologic station; brick building, 12 x 12 x 12 meters. The upper part, serving as the control tower ie glassed-In US OFFICIALS ONLY SECRET SECUP.ITY INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 5nx1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3 ENCLOSURE (B) SE(;R1?T/1JS OFFICIALS ONLY/SECURITY INFORMATION Page -3- 55. a te_' a:' ta: fa-, aircraft fuel. 56,57. Brick b-.x?.ldi ;s cf the farm, belonging to the military administration. 58. Qua-mere for. ':yore ~ _4-ho wore military uniforms and worked in the operations building. 599, 60. Office of the Weather CexaitzraI Is, connected with the operations room of the control building; brick building,20 x 20 metdrs,with arched roof. 61. Officer?s di-n-4ag room quarters and kitchen; 2 story brick building, 12 x 15 meters; quarters are upstairs. 62. dsphalt road leading through caserne. 63. Old wooden shack, 40 x 10 meters, used for fire wood s+_^rage. 64. Old wooden shams, 20 x 10 meters, used for coal storage. 65,67,68,70. Blocks of the oaoerne..buildings. , 66. Military kitchen; two story brick building, 50 x 12 meters. The basement houses the boiler room and the dining the second floor. 69. Headquarters building of the let Airforce Base and several military units; three story brick building, 50 x ],,meters, The attic of this building houses offices of the military transmitter station and also the teletype central office. 71. Wooden guard post at the entrance to the caserne; three x four meters. 72. Main guard house and dspensarry. 73. Hydrogjnn warhhouse (belongs to the aerologic center). wooden building; five x three meters. 74. fS_0c0_ar7 field. 75. Warehouse of meteorologic material; wooden building, 4,0 x 10 meters. 75a. Number I Airforce Warehouse for automobile paxtp; brick building, 40 x 10 meters. 76. Gatehouse at the entrance to the warehouse; brick building four x four meters. 77. ...Warehouse for sporting goods and other. equipment. . 78. Concrete highway between warehouse buildings. 79. Warehouse compound of Number I Airforce Warehouse; 45 x 12, housing aircraft parts. 80. Garage of the tranaportation, squrd of the. AirforceWarehouse. 81. Warehouse space for aircraft a es and kites. 82. Warehouse for profile material Laic structural steel? 83. Main warehouse building, housing the consumer section La-iJ, instrument and equipment section, armorer shap,,clothing warehouse, aircraft machine gun warehouse and workshops. This is a ground floor brick building 60 x 12 meters sud in the neuter of the building there is a two story annex, housing the offices. 84. Ground floor brick building 12 x 7 meters. A. Transportation office of the motor co y.attached to werehousmj B. Civilian employee dining. hell; 85. New garegec, 15 x 8 meters. 86. Firewood warehouse, warehouse space far -rgod shavings, saw dust and crates; 15 x 10 meters. 87. Rifle range for zeroing-in of weapons. 88. Mai entraance to the airforce warehouse. 89. idain entrance to the airforce caserne; iron gate. 90s. Secondary entrance to airforce warehouse. 90b. .. Secondary entrance to airforce caserne+. 91. Main erntrawe to the airfield; .ron gates. 92. 8aaond4iy entrance, to the airfiold. 93.. ,Area which hblds several unoccupied houses (two story villas), partioll.y bomb damaged. The ground floors of some. .of those houses wore adapted for mechanical workshops. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280078-3