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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8 mooric s>tn1-Wr5 CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGE' ACE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Czechoslovakia SUBJECT Agricultural Conditions in Milavice, district Domazliee: Formation of Weal, Kolkhoz/1953 Pro- gram and Purchases /Equipment/Finemcial Regulation and Benefits/Pressure Against Private Farmers. Tmis Is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DATE D I STR , '..Z Nov 53 NO, OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCLS. $UPP. TO REPORT NO. IIcation 2. Thew' lage of Milavice is situated six km east of the town of Domazlioe. Formation of Local Kolkhoz 3. a ko z JZD in Milavice ff9? 28' N.; 120 58' E_7 wao established in September 1952? The district national committee had decided that no private farms should continue In the Domazliee district. So-called Agit-prop groups, composed of youn6 Oommunist workers# were used to intimidate the farmers. Twenty-five farmers have joined the local kolkhaz? Two farmers were arrested; their land was nationalized and joined forcibly to the kolkhoz a 4, "The JZD of Milavice oonsists of 300 heetarest 50 ha of forest; 50 ha of meadows= 200 ha of fields and gardens. an old barn, All the private conditione, The millo* sawmills nand quarri shay 5? "The newmstables buildings out of the have been confiscated. 6. "The Milavice kolkhoz is a 'third-degree' kolkhoz. Moot of the farm workers lack experience. No new agricultural methods -- certainly no now Soviet methods an have been introduced. U.9, Officials Only OUNFIDLNTIAL 61MIRITY INFORM TION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8 -HUM CUN'IDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY/SECURITY INFORMATION 1.95-3^..~ Program for the Milavice Kolkhoz 7. 'Sowing program: 50 ha potatoes 3C ha barley 49 ha rye 30 ha oats 30 ha wheat 3 ha poppies 3 ha turnips 3 ha sugar beets ha vegetables 8. "Livestock program: 120 cows 50 heifers 10 sows 40 pigs 1400 hens 9. "In state deliveries the Milavoo kolkhoz has provided per year [year not epecifief: 55,000 liters of mi3.k 120 head of cattle 60 pigs l 3Purchases 10, ."In 2953 t e Milavice kolkhoz bought: (a) 150,000 kg of artificial fertilizer, mostly 'calcium natrium', saltpeter and potassium. (b) 2400 kg of various oil extracts for the young cattle. (c) 100 kg of seed potatoes, under the so-called exchange system. The cooperative administration is changing 10,000 kg of seed potatoes for 12,000 kg of regular potatoes. Machinery and Equipment U. members of the }co Lkhoz have had to transfer their agricultural machinery and tools over to the kolkhoz against a certificate. They have received no compensation money. 12. "The kolkhoz does not have enough agricultural equipment. Much of the work that was done by machine before World War II is now done by hand. 13. "The nearest tractor station is at Domazlice. That station's equipment includes: 15 tractors 20 threshing machines 7 cultivators 15 sowing machines 15 mowing machines The Milavice kolkhoz has just borrowed machines for plowing. The rate is 40 kc per hour for the plowing of a*e hectare of land. CONFID1 NTIAL U" JFFICI `J., UNLY/,r XURITY INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL U F JFFICIAIS ONLY/ >ECURI''i T_NFORMATION Financial Regulations and Benefits 14. "Every member of the kolkhoz must work 180 working units. A working unit comprises the amount of work w_iich should be accomplished during eight hours of working time. It is usually hard agricultural labor. For one working unit a worker receives 12 crowns in the new currency Lf-issued since the currency reform of 30 May 19537. Only half this amount is paid to him in cash as a regular monthly salary; the remainder is paid after the end of the fiscal year. If the kolkhoz finishes its fiscal year with a deficit, the members must make it up out of the second portion of the money due them. 15. "Agricultural workers have no holidays. 16. "Insurance and union fees are paid out of the second portion of a worker's salary, the portion due him at the end of the year. 17. "The atato insurance company lays for the medical treatment of a kolkhoz worker. He himself must pay for the medicines. Most of the farmers and farm workers in Milavice appear in good health. 18. "The young people in Milavee are mostly employed in towns. Before the kolkhas was established they were celled in by the employment office and transferred to heavy industry. 19. "Since summer 1953 no young farmers have been allowed to leave their agricultural work to go Into heavy industry or to transfer their residence to towns. 20. "Farmers over 65 years of age receive a pension of 120 Kc a month in the now currency. Pressure ainst Private Farmers 21. Tree private farmers remain =n the village of Milavice. Their fields and property are still intact. 22. "Under present government policy, they have a difficult time; for example: (a) A private farmer may buy as much artificial fertilizer as he wants, but he must pay 50% more for it than a kolkhoz member. And he simply cannot afford to do so. Therefore, no fertilizer. (b) Private farmers have a 30% higher sowing program fn-ot explained' and a 20% higher livestock program than kolkhoz members. They cannot afford to buy seeds from the cooperative administration. (a) Private farmers must transfer to the cooperative administration 20% more deliveries (d) Private farmers are forced to sell nearly all their production for very cheap prices. It they do not fulfill their state deliveries they suffer heavy fines. In September 1953 Vaclav Vebr was arrested and sentenced to one month in jail for not fulfilling his deliveries. The fine he received exceeded the value of his property. His farm was therefore confiscated and joined to the Milavce JZD. In May 1953 Jiri Slow~ was sentenced to two years in jail for the same reason. He was released after the general amnesty, but when he returned home he was expelled from his native village. (e) All private farmers mutt take out insurance with the national insurance company. This insurance covers against illness, injuries, fire and theft. Private farmers must help each other, loaning workers, machines and horses among themselves. The Communists have ordered that no members of a cooperative may help a private farmer. If a kolkhoz member does help a private farmer, he is liable to expulsion from the Communist Party and prosecution under the law. CONI I'DrNTIAT. U:' UFFICLUC) ONL /sECuRI'J'Y INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8 i wniHUM CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY/sscuRITY Th17ORMATION (g) Private farmers can officially hire no farm hands. Not even the members of a farmer's Yamily can help him on his land. Children of private farmers are transferred elsewhere, to other villages as farm workers or to mines or heavy industry. Local Attitudes 23. 1 working morale in Milavice is low. The members of the kmlkhoz have sabotaged the state deliveries and distributed substantial quantities of grain among themselves. CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY/SECURITY INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500280019-8