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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 DEC 101 "?II 40. U.S. Officials Only SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY CzedlloGlovakia SUBJECT Airfield in Marianske Lazne/Ce.iler 'ron Or,. :4 in Zeleznik/liuko Metallurgical (.;7.:1W Jelsavap.alitary Caserne in Jelsava. .1) DOCuntrIT COnTAIMS Iss ? A ? Or TN, UNITED STOICS. WITHIN ,M) AMAMI.. OF TITLII la. $1011053 lel ?50 TIC Or TN) U.S. COOS. ?5 AMEND. . ITS 111005?11 15105 00 Orr, LATION OF ITS .10 TTTTTT /0 00 OrCtIFT IT A. UNAuTM0014)0 1,01010 IS THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DATE D I STR.;Ig ov 1953 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. 3 SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 50X1-HUN 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 1. 2. commercial Airfield in !,larianske Lazne 1,ocation: Tne airfield is located about five ki spUth LsL fr 1.11, center of the -d-Ity of Marianske Lazne, on tne left side of th, si:?.;_e?treek Vin2,ad 1 ihe shd the state hii.:livay from Marianske Lazne t Chouova .lana. It is anneachrl:,: a roac elilicIleads from this hIgh,ray. LFOr exact location see circled number One o: '..nelosure (A )1j The surface of the airfi,id is Ernsoy, without runways, and POO and is surrounded by red .nu white %moiler: po,7.ts. Buildinr;s and installatiuns: There Is one hnn,in.r- of r.teei x metem LL;ec circled number seven on Enclosure unother steel construction hangar, icomplete us of W,ouur x Du meters and was bombed during World War II. There is an anne to this hanr, tuunr Ln, about 7 x 10 meters, for offices. In front of the hangars and baLldini:, n concrete manipulation area. A concrete r,en6 lends from tL ret to i:ir (S, distance of about 100 meters). The air termin nas 1, l':on , iuwi , tructi n by bombs. A small f6rest, about 1)., 1 i rts the ro7:d U.S. Official is Only 6ECIIET SECURITY INFOdMATION DISTRIBUTION 40 STATE r 'ARMY AIR j FBI NAVY This report is for the u.s. within the USA of the Intelligence compone?.ts of the Departments or Agencies Indicated above. It Is not to be transmitted overseas without the concurrence of the oririnatiug oillce through the Assistant Director of the Office of Collection and Usseniination. CIA. 50X1-HUM dit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08_: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 J.,:. SIVPIIT/MITY ..Jeml..ers (.4- ,... Ar7., ,,,,1 "tit Is civilian isle. uring the spill sef-c,Jr. -.,:te. ntrfi- sr- --; for lnne.Angs of ,catthoslovt:a urilnes, OL r.,....);....- -iche,--ii,- nervAc -ran riamakc lame. These direr/di. tmrelr,a-zy .q; 1,2 (.1-1-hkers.). T:e. rirfield ac- td Jnly thrtx Irlulo ? 96 airert..-i? or -. perciancy. 1-,,,sin. These machines belonge&, t41.4,44twurity air troi. and wore liged tlitIni; ;h.:: czc.i:,ouinvrk border. Toward the, _ ''.50X1-HUM ,Areit Of August 10,2 take-offs ;Ink.' Ir....:iins of cP,P type aircraft, which seeited_. SO3e ki a e crucal compound n t counter:-L-cnt arri t ce_ raft were ?1 ' ' '50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 4. The accurate name of this enterprise is Cemerf:kc Zele2alk (Gemer ?Iron Ore Unes, 'National IlnterprIse in deep ch:Ifts for mining iron ore contnined in thn locrti i74r)r axis t of individual:. nano coo circled number 1 antl la or Enclosure (C),...7 . locations ? of these shaftswererawn in by myself) ana t!1 .feik accuainteL witn ,The management of the;cnterprise Is located in nes ,,,urisdiction over the ? nntire.Gcmerjroncre_region. The individual oits rre reeein!c by rond from thestate Lhighwayfrom?Ark to ievvca. The minec in this :cgion yiela an ore containing iron._ Mined ore iu .cent .t.o.sinterinc furnaces before shipment. The ore is rii6t placed on AhakemandScptratad from the earth. There are three sintering furnaces at the plant. nuvlber 2, Enclocur4:17. The sintered or is then loaded into trucks on ad.:, .overhead cable rail,oad and shipped directly to the mcIallarzlcal plant at .Tisovec._: ,Jechniea1s94pment of the mdnes: The iron ore nines hRve ni) aithca6ssbnt more:1.y underlwound passages. Only the pit Antal 51rc1ed number L. Enclore a:7 has,a head frame. Antal ,is 900 meters deep. 1:Xcept for :pewit...tic earsmors utit'esevators, these ,mines have ,no modern cquipr4nt. 7.1] equip=r,t Lnd the cospressors,for drivine, the pneunatir venl.itoro r ientfr-i "tr: clectrLcit-' The major- ity of the mine hown or Znelure (C)7 are a1fito.7:t TnE hus t?. several rotar;i Llivee uirt.-1.111?; faratm.. Prod,:.etion: .0.1 three mines combine_ LC-Ircieu n. bet' 1 Lnclosure (C trucks of ore per shift. itch truck has a cup'...c:L; o oo.;.t material- Personnel wages and morale: Tho three above mentioned mines are Conaected by under- ground passages. They employ about 1,500 percons in three The average pay of.,u,:tinsrIB-frora5,000 to 6,000 crowns per month, net. The worMna norms are re- tat.earnings are low. About 30 percent of the persollnel are meMbers Of the Communist. Party, and most of them are former members of the Zocial Democratic party. Only a few members of the Communist Party exercise political pressure on other ailployees. These few have been :al th Party .ince 1945 and occupy for the most part, -leading positions in the enterprise and on the enterprise council. The enterprise alce,had an enterprise militia. The members of this militia were Aostly not true ?totheregime, did not want to participate in weapons training an actually only : :paraded on 1,May. They were armed with rifles. Reflecting the 'small earnings, the ,aorale Of the workers was bad. Various "voluntury adultanat rhifts 4erked on aun- *ays,and In celebration of Communist ceremoLlea, did not aed to the morait of the vorkera. Many of the young mining apprentices had been es31grcd to thin tyre nf work .lagOinzt their will an4 had no interest in the work, tbey escaped from the mines on 9ecasion and had to be placed in labor camps for the young. U. i. Offir.,Jis =RV:fa...V-0M l2eaVt TIoN neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 9? 0 i01 U. S. Officit%ls ; SLCRET/SECURITY -3- LTor exact location of this combine set; circled numbc c (17 The construction of this metallurgical coMbine was beao:, !n aJa: had not bee,. completed as of August 1952. The enterprise is being b,til% Lh :a vr,..1, of some 500 x 500 meters. At that time Lgee abovg several reinforced cmovcte 11011( 110z-, end two blast furnaces had been erected. An additional blast furw:ce -,r1b limier construction. Following HUKO in Kosice, this enterprise is supposed to ae La .flovakia. The iron or... is scheduled to be delivered by the Iron :a th, viinity. Caserne In Jolsava. Slovakia This caserne was constructed during the First Republic c.:,ah:ata )17 6nree- story brie!: buildings, about 30 x 15 meters each. One ia:!2. the northern section of the town of Jelsava and the second is locate. . !it Lae.Jtorn )art. /yor exact locations see circled. number. On Emalosure (C)7. The aarri- son consists of about 200 infantry men. These soldiers wore green uni orms with me' epaulettes 'and blaci borders. ]members of this unit nractising with emp11 ENCLOSUM (A): (B): (C): - end - 3ketch-map of Civilni Letiste-Marianskc Lua :;ketch-map of Civilni Letiste v Marianskych lciJond Sketch-map of Revues with legend U. S. Officials oray L;ECRETAIOCURITY 50X1-HUM l.)1\ I -Ill./IV! 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 41 111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4-7.111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 Q0' 3o- .25 iatiott?ock .974 fl haul ivrov vEz... 7-Easeac :f7/z /IDS r V .itko -4609 MA ler hue V Damp., 404'q /1111 4/ 2 g 1. 2 To cdo 7.7,4r /. Fv>, ", 5'C NR44111 A-L \ /17/4,.(H4ILOV, HO/ ;711'12.i.1 r,sice C L FAY? /14 /11/ 4/ tr.Y.4= Z/9 ZAiE sKETcli SECRET/US C.PF IC -IALS ONLY,/SE'.-7 1 ? L_. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 ?.6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 F CLOSURE (B) 3. : 50X1 -HUM sicorcx mkp OF CIVILI1I LETISTE \I mkiiiArisictcif LA.:T SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY/SECOJI 'al di Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 =mom Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 F Pa-c, -2- Lazaai: 1. state highway :.:arianr, - 2. Slngle track railroad T 3. 3ur1'ace area of alrfic . Fencing aroulnl airflclU 5 Border of airfield 6. Approach roa.:1 to airfiel 7. Hangar L. incompictec hanca,- 9. Offices of the rirf 10. Concrete mt.rlinuitio 11. Concrete roau:. to air L 12. Ruins of the fcf?r 13. Small forest L- ?." 50X1 -HUM eft Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 Elmo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 1 LE an, illtve4r--1,t16,5;?*" 370 JO' tr.r# kol& rbi "461140V4.. 1 46410' 11 r ? r RA I< As- froatil t 49? efouadi, R4T,e0ii 4 / ?;41:LiFtity? C.-7 koir9E441,/ % , RC7/oc4 &--6.f;/ 1- I kr 000 PO./E,v4-Ky .z.emiP/sNi PAIZE - - . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 Erma 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4 E , L. LrcL Gre la. i%ntal iron cr,, 2. Locution of 3. c. Buildlnr, ntc ). Location 50X1 -HUM NELLjeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500260088-4