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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230037-3 r- t ~F.OF~S~` SECt1Al TV INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY IPlI`ORfV1AT10N REI'?ItT Reoeat iz?ices of Food and Clothing in Bucharest o, ... ~~,.~o ,..,...,.~,...~.~.,,.~ ~, .,,~, ~. ,,~.,o., ,., 'because of the difYicul;,' 11./iuv, ~:t:r;:?e, le1:h Rtwsaala ah the begin- ning of September 1953? At thtYt t:.a. ~~n ;r.?!.'__os-1.~, p:iae. trFre valid Yor the various Toad cofuclaodtties ,find o?..har? .i?t;as~ .1..:,~,~c:d be.Lr~r~ Dairy products "Bread, xit~ ccnpOna, tT]Krk. aoor quality : t1d manuf'aczurc, underbalced, price per ~.zi, K ~ Bread .is iaaLed thru ',:be ao~ceuled ?CEI~..FtE DE P (Bread Centerj. _Tt is issued eaher for coupone ar for Erse. With caupcne on ?_A? rats.on card (for heavy w^rkers j in s.he siuanti?ty of 350 gx?aa~s per per- Bon per day, on 'B' ration _::rd~ (for office vorkeraj' 3~ grams per da?~ per per~ans on D1 a?a:ion card (xifej 250 grams per day;, and an D2 ration yard (Por ci:lldren) 250 Blame per child. Brew cent^rn arr o~eaed >a.]a. days of the xeek Eros 5:30 AM t7 L?'3f' P?~ and ~:U~i PM to 7s 00 PHS, exceflt 3tindavn o?,~+ unlidaYs Srom b: 00 A:?. to 12:OC noon. People 11.:~ uF For hrea3 even no>rK~iays despite the fact that the E>z.zt, .,._?L ..,~ greazl;f ifn-? proved because of toe Youth Festi.v:!~3., ??nin(r uo for bread it3 caused by a bad distribution ot~ bread to the bread centers. DAl'E D I STR. ~^~ QCt 1~i53 NO. OF PAGES 9 50X1-HUM SUPP. TO REPORT N0. "Bread, black,, same type and quality ae t2-a.t 3:Csi:z?i.b.ited xith coupons, but Free, price Pe= k~~o 2.00 . Si:C'RE':' SECURITY 1~,IFORMATION DISTRIDUT ION ~ STATE ARMT NAVT S AIR IFNI I~~ U?V 1 -~~ Th1s report is for the use w!thln Lire US.i of the Inte111Gence cmnponents of the Departments or Agencies indicated nbavc. It lc not to be transmftt.rd uversens n?lthout the concurrence of the orlglnutiug o3ilce tlirou@h the Assist: nt Director of the Ofllcr of Collection nr.d Dsseminatiun, CIA. L_ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230037-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230037-3 i 3ECft"t'T/U3 OFFICIAIS ONLY/SECURI~.7 INFORMATION - 2 - Item "Bread, xhite, good quality, Price pe ~::ilo "lChifle' ;sma7' round-type bread -approximately 50 gr) each 14ote: Sellers st the bread centers, provided they knox some- one x811, ea11 bread in grenter quern;ities (even the bread ieoued freely xithout coupons cannot be purchased in great quantitieey in addlti.on malty times bread arrived at the bread centers kith great delays) but at increased pz?iceg~ Lei 3,00 per kilo "Milk, watered, poor qur~.l.ity, skimmed,, erith co~rpon-~ (3s?ued only to either children or heavy xorkers (mines, r tc.~~ pr:ice per 13.ter .l,].0 Pric-= in I'?i ~-? 36 0.33 "Milk, of excellent quality, brought at horde by fazmer, price per litazl; Note: Milk is issued ',~hru the Milk Centers, and o+~-nars of 2.50-3.50 coupons have a special identificatir~n card ireued by s Cooperative to xhich they belong, No pr+ohibit:ion exie;tr Por farmers - pz?ovi3ed they have comFleted their gtro'ta and delivered it - on sel',ting their Products. Hc-+pvez?, it '.a pointed out that this applies ou1,Y t~:, YarmAz?;~?, Rs citizenE oP Bucharest +sre not allo~+d ts, do thi.. buFlne:as, Since mL1k in di.ntributed on ration coupons to 'typogrwphical xorkers ~ t}?:P~P_ xr,,r?kPr~ rP.t'1 their milk at the orir.;:? at 2.00 per later. ?'h:'.~t praoti7E ir:. F?_v=:a_sliz? ;.,-.r.~~s.,=nt: 3uring? .. a mt'_ : shortage period. pEBgn, ~ quantity of ten, 6. $O Nate: EBgs are distributed o~ xi',.hout cn,xuona thru ;hc State Alimentary Storert, There is quite a bi cf lining up for bath milk sad eggs:; ;,ere Latter being very scarce. F,ggs car, the ~ efore be purchased more easily front farmerr;, either at the fialela Obor ~ (Obor market) or di. ?ec tly a"~ home at the Pol7.oxing price? ?EBg, flood,y~ Presh, pr~iees depending on re.izeu,, per .gg 1.00-1.60 "N,t'Itc cream, la? in Rumar,::~ as ?3maatsnay a to>,1 item !which ceanot'oe found in an; otate Food Store3 but be ~Y Purchac+ed one through farmers, either d.i.rectly at home -provided one is a good client - or at tine Obor markety nouadnys, farmers are even se7 71 nv their products .,n '?h~ stree?ts of Bucharest (+:ypr.cnl. in thA city;, prohibite3 until this sp::irro by Coamu.rniat authorities) by loudly shouting and emphasizing t,}~ products on sale., ?rice per kilo, depending on quality "'Branza de Vaca' (coaa.,only knoxn ss cow-cheese or '2`elemea'), a food item not obta:inatle through co$~ncs, but only on the, free market either in State Food Storee? or fmm farroern. Price per ki1o9 ~n State Faod Stores 9.50-?11.50 "'Branza ds Vaca', of a much better qua;Lity, fre?h, from farmers in the markets or 'ought at home 10.00-13.00 Note: rood items should be underarooa a.4 on the free mar:;et 11' it is not mentioned that they are on s~.le xith coupons. "Butt-er, xith coupons, at Ste.te Food Store,sy available in txo gradeos 1st quality 27.00 2rd quality 21.00 "Melted butter,, for coupon, pes kilo 3EC1tF.'T/U5 0^FICIAL4 ONi,Y~SECLQi~T'Y INFO~RM41.'ION Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230037-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500230037-3 SECAE~l'~iS CFFIL'IA~,S OM.Y/SECURITY INFORMATIO:l -?3~ Item 'utter, of excellent qus`lity- fresh, on axle in small.packagea from Parmera; ?_50 grams fo? lei u.00, price psi kilo Note: This is the only buttery fresh buCLer supplied by farmers, xhich caa be used for breakfast, since all butter in State r^ood 3*.ores is no good. "Pork _~t; per? kilo (on sale and obtainable only from farmers), price per kilo, Note: Despite the fact that melted pork Pat is 3uppoesed to be dlEtributed on coupons? Chia P;~d ltam c~ianet bs .:Quad 1n any State 3tcres at Bucharest. in exchange,. Sts.*.e Faod. Stores? distri'lrste '3lanina de Porc? (pork "bacon st the price men " tioued belox: Price in .Lei "$Ianina de Pore ?, Price ter k31o rn+,h enaponr; 14,00 ?Meat~ quality, fvr ?Fripturi' (beefsteak) 2nd nuality, more bones than meat 3.85 3rd quality, cn1,y skin. and ~oneq 7.45 y.... Note: Meat is on ale 'thi-oughc:it .he Sts e But .h^-. S?t.^see xhic?t 5.50 get the meat from State Enterar?ise called C0n_g_Cp,R (.^,om~rce cf meat). Meat is diatr?ibuted anl~ for r..os~onz in ~+,a?tA Butcher?s Stores, but this holdrs true ~n1y Par the mea-i on a~Ls ?sr~tL coupons: cosy m.~s?,?. There exi:CGS; Y.o~*e?ver., s free diatr.i.'bu~slon (xithout eouponL; of ?Barbec ? meat (goat, th.: ?o~::.g:tzoul S mate Butcher St.~+re; (see price s?e:lo?sr;. :^he rro::edi:-~< 1'or? ,a?le o.f meat is as follosae, ?:ining up ._or the de,..~ver?y of co?s~on (,any member of ?the family c:~sn collect the m:.a r;a?;s