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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RI5P80-00809A000100140064-0 PLUNDER IN THE HOLY LAND - � .4---""4-7 � ��!- - - . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 . 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 PLUNDER IN THE HOLY LAND BY HENRY CATTAN We lost everything. � say Palestine refugees--"and time will not bring acceptance of Israel's gun-point ehzevery � Hew a Pale vontan legal authorit t, tells Jelly. THE problem presented by the seizure by Israel of the properties of Arab refugees is intimately con- nected w ith the problem of Palestine as a whole It cannot, therefore, be well visualized without a brief reference to the historical and political background of the Palestine problem. At the end of the first World War, the number of Jets in Palestine did not exceed 50,000 as com- pared with over 650,000 Arabs The Arabs had inhabit- ed Palestine for more than thirteen centuries. Great Britain, appointed in 1922 by the League of Nations as Mandatory Government over Palestine, then began to facilitate the immigration of Jews into that country. Such immigration took place against the wishes of the Arabs, the lawful and original inhabitants of the land, w ith the result that in 1947 the number of Jewish inhabitants, swelled by the waves of immigrants. reached 750,000. The Arab population, on the other Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 - 2 hand, by natural increase over a period of thirty years. had almost doubled in number. in 1947, as a result of political maneuvers and machinations too long to detail here, the United Na- tions recommended the partition of Palestine among its original inhabitants and the new immigrants. allo- cating to the Jews on arbitrary grounds areas amount- ing to 40% of the general area of Palestine, notwith- standing the fact that the Jews then owned less than 7% of the total area of the country The figures as to the respective ownership of land by Arabs and Jews in Palestine is well estab- lished by Land Registry records and official statistics published by the Palestine Government before the end of the mandate. According to official records, the Jews owned in the whole of Palestine in 1948 one million and a half dunums* of land out of a total area of 25 million dunums. The proportion of Jewish-owned pro- perty is, therefore, less than of the area of Palestine The Arabs, on the other hand. who (Ix. ned and possessed 93% of the area of Palestine were allotted the remaining regions�mostly arid�amounting to 60-. of the area of the country. On May 15, 1948, the British Mandate over Pales- tine ended in conditions of chaos and confusion The Arabs opposed the partition of their country and the creation of an Israel Stat c carved from their an- cestral land. A conflict ensued In this conflict, how- ever, the arms of the Arabs were only right and ius- � 1 dunum -- 1000 square meters 4,05 dunums=-7 1 acre 11111161111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A0001nn1annsa_n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20 CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 3 tice. the arms of the Israelis were bombs, machine- guns, and terrorism If comparisons of the degrees of :�avagery may be made, the Deir Yasin massacre of Arab men, women and children far exceeded, in horror and brutality, the outrages at Lidice and Ouradour during the last World War. Israeli terrorism suc- ceeded. Sonic 900,000 Arabs had to abandon their homes, their lands and now live as refugees in camps or caves. The Israeli success over the unorganized Arab nhabitants of Palestine achieved by a horrible ter- rorism wa, condemned by the late Count Bernadotte, United Nations Mediator ( himself assassinated by Israelis in Jerusalem in September 1948 ). It is now heartlessly described by the Israelis as "winning the uar over the Arabs !" The Arab withdrawal enabled the Israelis to seize 70;. of the area of Palestine�that is, almost double the area allotted to them by the United Nations. We now have, therefore, this unnatural and illogicel situa- tion of the Israelis owning less than 7% of Palestine but occupying and claiming retention of 70% of the total area. They now occupy whole Arab cities, tens of thousands of Arab homes and thousands of Arab villages with their lands and groves. The majority of the Israeli population today lives in Arab houses. Over 90% of the Israel cultivation live on Arab-owned land Arab citrus and olive groves in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2014/06/20 CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 �'�������1 ���� � 4 which were taken over by the Israeli government account for he largest percentage of the government's income from foreign exports. Let us overlook for a minute the basic injustice arising from the' U.N. decision on partition Let us focus our attention on the areas. cities and villages allocated to the Arabs by the decision of the United Nations but seized and occupied by the Israelis in 1948 beyond the limits and boundaries assigned to them Here, we observe two basic facts of major importance. These two facts are not sufficiently known or appre- ciated. If they were, they would guide those concerned towards redress of a gross injustice and a substantial solution of the tragic plight of Arab refugees. The first fact that must be considered is the ownership of such areas occupied by Israel beyond the limits and boundaries assigned to them. The follow- ing table gives this information: Area. Arabs Jews State or Other Western Galilee 87% 10".. Jerusalem Area 99% 1% Ramleh and Lydda Areas 77% 14% Hebron Area 96% 3's'o The figures just quoted are taken from Appendix 5 to the Report of the Second Committee on Palestine submitted to the General Assembly in 1947 (Document A/AC-14-32 of 11 November 1947) and are based on < Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP8O-00809A0601001.40064-0 4 -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 official figures and records of ownership of land. The second fact concerns the number of Arabs dispossessed and displaced by the Jewish occupation of those areas. The number of people who have become refugees as a result of the seizure by the Jews of Western Galilee, the Jerusalem area, the Ramleh, Lydda and Hebron areas, including the cities of Jaffa and Acre, exceeds half a million people. It can, therefore,be easily seen that if the United Nations insisted at least on evacuation by Israel of the areas that it seized beyond the boundaries assigned to it lw the United Nations, more than half of the present umber of Arab refugees would be able to return to their lands and their homes. It is distressing that neither the United Nations nor the Great Powers � whose interests are related to stability in the Middle East� have made it their policy that Israel should evacuate the areas it has seized in Palestine in violation of the resolutions of the United Nations. It is a recognized principle of international law developed after World War I not to recognize title by conquest. It has even been specifically stated in 1948 by the Chief Delegate of the United States to the United Nations that his country will not recognize the title of Israel to lands occupied by it beyond the area allotted by the United Nations. The value of principles, however, depend upon their enforcement. The principle of non-recognition of conquest or seizure was enforced in Korea and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 � Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 6 other places � but it has remained a dead letter in Palestine. The value of Arab properties now seized by the Israelis is tremendous. Although no proper estimate has ever been ',made of such properties yet the figure runs between 15 and 16 billion dollars. In 1950 the UN Conciliation Commission foi Pa- lestine set up i Committee of Experts to evaluate Arab properties in Israel. This Committee, disregarding mar- ket prices and established values, proceeded to evaluate Arab agricultural lands and urban properties on the basis of their notional tax value as it stood in the tax books as of the Year 1947. Instead of attempting to ascertain what the value was, it attempted to lay down what the value should be naturally, in favor of Israel. By this arbitrary method, the Committee arrived at the ridiculous figure of 100 million sterling, a sum which represents about 2 V ',of the real market value of Arab properties in Israel. The figure suggested by this Committee is equivalent to confiscation rather than compensation. When one recalls that the Jews had before the end of the Mandate, spent several times that amount in order to acquire less than 7% of the land of Palestine, one clearly realizes. that the figure suggested is quite unreasonable as being the value of the remainder of the area, with the addition of a few Arab cities like Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa, Lydda. Ramleh, and Safad. � � Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 - s, � . I . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 and a few thousand villages and thousands of orange. olive and fruit groves. It goes without saying that this incongruous evaluation was rejected by the Arabs. At present, many persons, unaware or uncon- scious of the magnitude of Arab assets in Palestine, talk of compensation. Even if the principle of compen- sation %%ere to be acceptable to Arab refugees�a fact �� inch thc Arabs do not concede because the Arabs prefer to recover their homes and lands rather than be compensated� therefore the compensation if it is to be adequate and commensurate with the value of -.Lich properties is clearly beyond the financial means .4 Israel In any event, the question of compensation in respect of Arab properties cannot be considered in re- lation to Arab properties in Jerusalem (which is sub- ject to internationalization ) or to areas of Palestine occupied by Israel beyond the boundaries of the UN resolution on partition Any discussion as to compen- sation in such areas is an indirect attempt to attribute to Israel title to territories held by it in contravention of, and in contemptuous defiance to resolutions of this international assembly. The question ot compensation should, theretore, be so circumscribed. Moreover. compensation .in only be discussed .% hen the Arab refugees are allowed to exercise the right, recognized in principle by the UN but denied in practice by Israel, of returning to their homes. Only in the case of such refugees as decline to exercise the m011amismeinaimemm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2014/06/20 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 8 right to return would the question of compensation arise. One solution that has never been explored would be the possibility of making exchanges between Arab properties in Israel as circumscribed by UN boundaries and Jewish properties in the Arab countries. But all this is entirely dependent and contingent upon Israel's preparedness to submit to resolutions of the UN of which there has been as yet no sign. Otherwise, any talk of compensation is futile and sterile. Arab properties are at present vested in the Israeli Custodian of Absentee Properties. Absentee means Pa- lestinian Arabs and includes subjects or residents of Lebanon, Egypt, Syna, Saudi Arabia, Jordan. Iraq or Yemen. The Custodian leases and administers Arab properties, he may even, in certain cases, sell or trans- fer the right of ownership thereto. The produce of vested properties is itself vested in the Custodian. Such produce is charged with taxes, rates, administration expenses and repairs. Such is the picture in relation to real property. The question of movables is somewhat different. It is well known that by reason of the sudden aggravation of events in 1948, most of the refugees left their homes, shops and businesses without being able to take any of their effects or belOngings with them. Some 200.000 Arab homes were looted by Israel and Israelis. Some of those homes were rich, full of silver, carpets and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809Annn1nni4nnRA_n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 9 furs; many were modest, many more were poor. The fact, however, remains that an organized and general pillage of. Arab homes occurred which left no traces of the effects and belongings of over 900,000 Arabs. The same story may be told'of the contents of thousands of Arab stores, shops and offices. Some goods were seized by the Israeli authorities but the larger part was allowed to be pillaged. The United Nations, by its misguided decision to partition Palestine, is largely responsible for the present political mess in the Middle East and the tragic problem of refugees. What has it done to remedy the situation? True, as principal cdntributor to UNRWA*, it is providing Arab refugees the barest means of existence at a rate of less than $2 a month per head. That, however, is equivalent to feeding a patient who is still on the operating table merely to keep him alive The wounds are not sutured, the poison is still circulating in the body, the surgeon is distracted and talks to his assistants about other irrelevant matters, such as river diversion and water distribution which, when overheard by the patient in his moments of consciousness, merely worsen his phy- sical and moral condition. The General Assembly of the United Nations, on December 11, 1948, passed a resolution recom- mending the folk ming measures: (1) that refugees be permitted to return to their � llitered Nations Relief and Works Agency. NINNINNI MEM II_Dclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 ueclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 10 homeland: (2) that compensation be paid in respect of the prop- erties of those that do not wish to return , (3) that compensation be paid in respect of damages and losses relating to property which is recover- able in accordance with principles of international law, equity and justice from the governments or authorities concerned What has happened since the date of that resolu- tion? Nothing! Not one refugee was permitted to re- turn and not one piastre was paid as compensation Israel is not disposed to permit Arab refugees to return to their homes or to pay them compensation. The United Nations also passed another resolution It recommended in 1949 in its Paris session that the Conciliation Commission should take all con- servatory measures for the protection and preservation of the rights, interests and properties of Arab refugees What has been done in this respect I Nothing! Israel has, hov, ever, been doing a lot.lt has de- stroyed some two hundred villages ( including their churches and mosques) and wiped them completely from the surface of the earth (see the nhmes of those villages listed in a Christian-Arab church magazine Al-Rabita, Nov 1953 published in Israel by the Cath- olic Melktte Patriarchate). It has uprooted thousands of acres of Arab orange groves. It is actively and gradually conhscating Arab prop- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20 ria_pnoor, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 11 erties. This is how it is done. In March 1953, Israel passed the Land Acquisition Law. Under this law, power is given to expropriate Arab properties and reg- ister them in the name of the Israeli authorities. A nominal amount as compensation is evaluated in favor of the owner and then such arriounr is vested in the Custodian. This method of acquisition of the properties of Arab reftigees is made to look, in appearance, like a legal expropriation, but in fact and in substance. it is a blatant confiscation. Arab properties are thus gradually passing into Israeli ownership without the UN lifting a finger or raising its voice The Arabs do not recognize Israel. Nor do they recognize anything done by it. whether it take the form of expropriation or confiscation Israel is literally settled in another man's home it has bolted the door and fixed guns at all windows fearing the return of the owner and his family. This large scale robbery of the homeland of a million Arab refugees will never be accepted. Such an Injustice cannot go unrequited. The treatment of the Palestine question by the United Nations has shown basic ignorance of the facts and complete indifference to consequences. The parti- tion resolution was itself the most serious blunder. It has created the present explosive instability in the Middle East And all subsequent resolutions of this in- ternational assembly have evidenced a total non-compre- hension of the facts and premises of the Palestine � Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A00010014006i-0 ; lassitied in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 12 problem and the principles to be followed in its solu- tion. The attitude of Arab refugees is principally and basically an ardent desire and inflexible determination to return to their homes and their lands. This desire is natural. It does no good to compare them with other refugee groups. The tragedy that has befallen the Arab refugees has no parallel in modern history. The Ger- mans and Italians lost the war, but they still live in their homes and have their country. The Arab refugees have not fought or lost any war but have lost their homes and their country. It is, therefore, obvious that the solution of the Palestine problem cannot be finan- cial, but must be territorial. Compensation for proper- ties can only be incidental to a solution. not the solu- tion. The question of Arab properties is one that carries serious consequences for the social, political and eco- nomic situation of the Middle East, It is, however, one face only of the problem. It cannot be solved without. or separated from, the main political problem of Pales- tine, in fact, it is an inseparable part of it. Such prob- lem remains the most explosive in the Middle East to- day. It will remain so until it recei%,,s a solution based on elementary principles of Justice and equity. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20 rIA-Drunr''s I � Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 � THE INDUSTRIAL ISLAMIC ORPHANAGE PRESS, JERUSALEM - modismommiNENEMSE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2014/06/20 CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 ORLD THE PA ENCE OF AWE" ARAB THE ARAB is a patient person. In the face of hardship and misfortune he shows a spirit of endu- rance rarely found in others. Like the camel, he keeps his suffering to himself. He knows how to appreciate a good turn. But like other human beings, he remembers an injustice imposed upon him. back rides. .the Arab is like the sturdy etimel on whose He can bear burdens, resist hunger, thirst, ill-treatment and adversity, but also like other human beings, his capacity to suffer has limits. The camel, when tortured beyond endurance, will at last become furious. The Arab is capable of similar responses. Coming to actual facts, the Arab knows he has been robbed, cheated and betrayed. He was induced to join the first world war, siding with the Allies, who promised him independence, liberty and freedom from the Turks. There was a revolt in the desert. Arabs are human beings, and as such cannot forget that all pledges were violated. And, adding insult to injury, their Allies in the war actually joined the international Zionist conspiracy to expel tens of thousands of Arabs from their homes in Palestine� at the same time giving approval to the broader Jewish plan of bringing the Middle East from the Nile to the Euphrates under the control of the invader. Who would expect the Arab to forget that awful day, May 14, 1948, when England cancelled the Mandate over Palestine and left the native population at the mercy of the invading hordes? This was the equivalent to opening flood gates, permitting the blood of my people to flow in torrents. Jews declared the formation of the State of Israel in a land where Arabs had been living continuously for 1,400 years. Terror clutched the hearts of millions in this part of the world when they were told that President Truman granted official recognition to the new gangster government, the same day. Who would expect the Arab to forget that when fighting with his back to the wall, having at least a ray of hope of ousting the invader, usurper, murderer and assassin, the United Nations stepped in with threats of sanctions and desetbyed any possibility of Justice. Israel consolidated her gains, received hundreds of millions of dollars from the countries of the west and built a military machine surpassing the strength and striking power of all the nations of the Middle East combined. During these years the Arab has gone to TRUTH ANTOINE P. ALBINA JERUSALEM - JORDAN sleep every night with the feeling of a knife at his throat. Notwithstanding all this and the sufferings he went through, the Arab, like his camel, has been patient. He saw his country delivered to the enemy. He witnessed the looting of his home, the massacre of those most dear to his heart. He stood by helpless, when his wife, mother and daughter were raped, tortured and murdered by Israel's gangster soldiers brought in from the slums and ghettos of cities of the West. He observed the desecration of his sanctuaries and placesf o. worship, both Christian and Moslem. He suffered the humiliation of being, at gun point, thrown out of his country and expelled from his place of birth, to make room for a criminal invader. When leaders of the Israeli gang gave the signal to attack us in our homes, we saw those whom we cherished and loved, fall under our eyes from assault, torture, murder and crime. Mute silence greeted the Arab when he uttured his cry of alarm. He wondered what had happened to the conscience of the wnr1d1 He felt the sharp blow of the dagger in his back, that ran through and pierced his heart, leaving the deadly wound of A MILLION OF HIS COUNT- RYMEN labeled "refugees" rendered homeless � lea- ving behind everything they possessed, their homes ransacked, their villages in ruins, their towns invaded, their farms and fields and orchards ravaged, their buildings blown up or burned, left to wander mise- rably without hope, living under the burning sun in summer, soacked to the bone by rains, freezing and dying in the winter. One million human beings, creatures of flesh and blood, scattered and poor, languishing in the so-called -refugee camps- of the Middle East, disease and hunger biting into their flesh � right now, as I write these words. Surely when righteous-minded people realize what has happened, and is now happening, they will be moved to prayer for these sad and dispossessed people. They too, are human beings. The Arab has set before the world, since 1948, an exaniple of patience and dignity. He remained patient for years, suffering inwardly to himself like the camel. But now he is furious. He has watched Israeli gangsters disregard all rules of humanity and apply the "law 'of the jungle", mutilating the bodies of innocent Arab rIfd r, Darf - Aniti7ed CODV Approved for Release 2014/06/20 CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 � Declassified in Part - Sanitized 'Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 P. 0. Box 44 JERUSALEM - JORDAN captives falling into their hands, irrespective of age and sex "men, women and children, young and old alike." The Arab, on the other hand, refused to lower himself to such sadistic practices. "I his fact is admitted in United Nations reports and other sources. To give an illustration: On April 2, 1951 two Arabs, Issa Mohamed Salem Abu Asbeh and Hassan Mohamad Ahmed el Janazreh trespassed into Israeli occupied territory near Halhoul village in the Hebron district. They were arrested, tortured to death, their bodies cut with knives resembling a pin cushion, their sex organs mutilated. See the photographs below. On the same date, April 2, 1951 the Arabs arrested three Jews who had trespassed into Arab territory, near Wadi Fukin in the Hebron district. Their names were Benjamin Cohen, Yitzhak Cohen and Ben Zion Givoni. They were taken into safe custody, interrogated and four days later returned Iv the Arabs who handed them over to Israeli officers in the presence of a United Nations representative. See photograph It is is eight full years now that the Arab has demonstrated amazing patience, in spite of all that has befallen him. It is eight full years that he has suffered hell on earth, enduring mental, moral, spiritual and physical torture. It is eight full years that he has heard talk about "justice and human rights" by the big powers, only to see his rights crushed underfoot. But there is a limit to everything and an end has come to the patience of the Arab. He no longer expects relief from the outside. Promises made him have been broken all along the line. He stands today disillusioned, knowing that Zionists are operating against him inside the governments he would like to trust. Therefore the Arab has found it. necessary to become self-reliant, In seeking a solution to the problems heaped upon him by power politics and world Jewry. He has decided to go his own way, accepting effective help wherever he can get it, but keeping an independent will to act for his own best interest. � Who can blame a man for trying to protect his horns against a thief and a murderer? As a patriot who lovas his Country, I will say that violent thrusts being taken against Arabs in the press of the West is not helping to better the situation. � We fel/ Ur understand why international Zionists should be allowed to malign and misrepresent us in this manner, thereby contributing to existing tensions. The Arab wants to live in peace and did so for cen- turies before Zionist gangsters came in to make trouble. Arabs are now organized, standing as a unit, demanding their legal, moral and natural rights. The million dispossessed "refugees" have a right to their possessions. The Palestine question must be settled in a just and equitable way, the only one being the implementation of the United Nations resolutions and the return of the "refugees" to their homes. The Arab is no beggar. He wants no charity. He desires only justice. He feels that his patience will be eventually rewarded. He believes in God and the ultimate triumph of Truth, Honesty and Moral Principle. APRIL 1956 milummilimmemmummommEmessimiimmimisummcimmiiiimit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20 CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 On the night of 14/15 October I 953, in the small village of ICibya, 20 miles north-west of Jerusalem, the peaceful Arab villagers on the boundary line between Jordan and Israel, separated by less than two miles from the border, had gone to bed. Suddenly the whole village became the target of artillery and automatic fire and a few hundred Israeli soldiers swept across the border and went into the village with rifles and Sten guns. They entered into tie houses and shot at sight everyone they could find: men, women, children. They mined and blew up the houses over the head of the occupants. . . The cries of the dying were mingled with the noise of explosions and gun fire. Within a few hours the village was turned into ruins with human souls buried under the debris. The dead counted 67, mostly women and children. The houses destroyed totalled 42, a mosque and school. By dawn the Jews withdrew proud of their criminal achievement. One family alone lost eleven persons and another ten. The body of a young girl was found in a praying posture . . her hands streched up towards heaven. A woman covering with her body three small children was lying face to the ground, her body riddled with bullets. Another, had her hands over her face as if not to see the atrocities committed around her. The villagers who were saved were those who had rushed out in the open fields and nearby olive groves. An old man was seen next morning furiously digging in the debris, terror in his eyes . . suddenly he looked towards heaven and shouted "I have no one left, why didn't you leave me one person !� then he laughed hysterically. He had lost everyone in his family and lost his mind too. Are the Jews alone responsible for this criminal, barbarous and treacherous attack? We put this question to the Big powers behind Israel, the Great Powers who have created Israel and without whom Israel could not and cannot exist.. to the Powers without whose help and backing there would be no bloodshed in the Holy Land and no loss of innocent life and property in the Land of Peace. J.e.i�A ,, 7 . ..414. --t... - � , - � -f47ertar., "Se ti ti, , -Arov: 4,.... i�.i...,, ,.,. h 7 2 4, , ., .-.� ... . ....r,� ..z.�,....... � . . , � !.ir. tr .,...� � .. ,.. -� -.., ... � . - ',. ... - - ..� .. � -- S. 'W...k.: ,;� � : , . . .. � .;� .- . : . sr...c.:- as ... . ....17. 0.1.. i ...._ .1. 4- , 0 .... , .... i.6,S. : .. � ' �.' )... . � .0, . �14.td ii......rt . ..: .I.N . I 411 . . � .....i. ' --- NUNN ?. ' 0" ..; .?: .2 � . ' � � .i .. . � ... . . N N ' � ,.... r 14; i . . 'OM . r....... . � S. II . �� . .... .... �",, . . 't ci ' ' ..1 4.� . t . � � . SY. .7 A, .. < ..4;it'W..p` ' � 4k s - � 11 ... S. � ' "rq . 1 . S. .. � -.� .4.14ik � *, � ,,e4.5.41 Scene of the village houses destroyed after the Jewish criminal attaelt. Bodies of two innocent victims recovered from the ruins. October 1053 Photos Zaarour in Part - Sanitized Cony APproved for Release 2014/06/20 CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 . , . t44.' " � -......:�. . .. � :..e..it .. k.1 :in 4.. r � . �i ''' � Al V. 1140 � ,..41I "rr:.Z ;74' hr * e, --,b4..... 1, �- --s .."(.. � .4 .....# �� �::,� ?, .} # .40:t � t . , I z- 6 , .Th.c.,, ,47./......, , i;) , ,i, . ,...p. .1',..,...k.;,a- . ,4,--szurik.4. ...._, , i .., -ic ; r � yr.; , . ,a4.,, ...; '1'114520',, ..;144;::. -.,.,Are....,vk . � -- ,..,./. .... r4.- .... . ......�,, , ,.......7. sp.._ �.-...;..t , Some of those criminally and feloniously butchered by the Jews at Kibya village. The United States of America should stop the flow of millions of dollars to Israel, which is burdening the shoulders of American tax payers, only to serve as encouragement to more zionist crime and aggression and a stiff persistence not to comply with UN resolutions. The United Nations have to regain lost prestige due to failure to honor their own resolutions and implement their decisions. Arab refugees have to go back and take possession of their homes and properties which is the only effective political solution to the Palestine question. The Palestine Arabs, the rightful owners of the Country want no favors and no charity.., what they want is JUSTICE and FAIR PLAY. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 , i , Why not call him anti �- senlite? Dr. Elmer Berger is the Director of the American Council for Judaism in the United States. - He undertook lately a tour in the Middle East, sponsored by the American Friends of the Middle East. Accompanied by his wife, he visited Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, to see things for himself. After five days passed in Jordan, from May 21 to May 26, 1955, where he was allowed free access to every place he wanted to visit and every site he wanted to see, Dr. Berger and his wife crossed over to Israel, from where they left for Rome on May 30, 1955. A letter written by Mrs. Berger on their arrival in Rome, to friends in Arab Jerusalem is reproduced on the opposite page. The letter needs no comment as it speaks for itself. Written by a Jewess and the wife of the Director of the American Council for Judaism, we believe, the letter has its value. V reproduce it for those who want to know the TRUTH, for those who have eyes to see . . and ears to hear .. But for those who are blinded and misled by false propaganda and for those who are unwilling to open their eyes and see for themselves, we leave it to diem to remain in the darkness until they find it is late to react and free themselves from ties to which they are entangled. June 1955 WORLD - TRUTH BOX 44 - JERUSALEM - JORDAN i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014106/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140m4_n . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Rome� May 31, 1955 De a,r,. . . I will say most hearfelt thanks for everything first, because if I should start describing our 4 1/2 days (which seemed like 4 1/2 years) in Israel. I will never get finished till we get back to the USA and never have paper loft to tell you how much both of us enjoyed being with you and appreciated your chasing about with us and giving us so rry...ch of your time and hospitality to say nothing of the wonderful food Well, as for Israel � The biggest mistake the Arab States make is not to pay the expenses of any tourist that wants to go. Of course we were especially treated to all possible annoyances and bad behavior but even without that absolutely the only thing I found to recommend it was an exceptionally nice taxi driver we had. There is just nothing in Israel that the Arab States have not got better New Jerusalem is drab and dull compared to the Old City Beirut is a gem on the sea. Tel Aviv is just cheap and tawdy. All the new buildings can't hold a candle to Damascus. To say we were not impressed is putting it mildly, 300.000 people live in Kibbutz. some of them are nice if you like Communism If they leave the Kibbutz, they leave with the clothes they are wearing. The transition camps where people often live for years, are no better than the refugee camps and if the people won't move to the Negev. they are stuck in them and get no government help. As for us - at the border the man stamped a visa in one of our passports the minute we weren't looking. He also apparently phoned straight to the police that we had arrived as ten minutes after we were in our hotel, someone from the government arrived and wanted to know where we were going to sightsee. Elmer told him in plain language that he wanted to see and talk to people and named names. This man said 0 K he would try The next day he called to say sorry none of these people were available and there we got put on a merry-go-round of the most exhausting, boring, stupid sightseeing you can imagine. - But for a formal call on Eytan. (*) we saw no one and we were told the Arab Judge in Nazareth was too busy We were followed everywhere The Globe guy reported every move, so did the hotel people Elmer didn t eat a bite for the whole time and never slept. In the end he was much more nervous than I was. Just by accident the driver of the car, Globe Tourist Agency got for us. was a very decent fellow and I recommend him highly to anyone you know who may have the bad luck to have to "pass over Do not. I repeat. do not let anyone have anything to do with Globe Agency They are crooks and liars. particularly Mr. Mendelsohn. He told us our Air France reservations were 0 K and took our tickets to get them put in order. For 3 days he refused to give them back The day before we left, he said Air France had no space and he would try to get us on Sabena for Athens. We went to Tel Aviv and spent the whole day sitting in all the air lines. They were all stopped by Israelis. all had been tipped off and called us by name and no one had seats Finally Globe gave us our tickets, said they were O.K. so Elmer paid him. Our driver suggested we check Air France and they told us the Globe people had crossed out the words Requested and lured us into security. They had no space and we sat in the airport and were finally thrown on the plane 10 minutes before it took off and after paying off everyone in sight. I think the only reason we got on, is because Elmer sent our taxi driver around to tell one and all that if we didn't get on the plane, our next stop would be the Embassy We had avoided this, not wanting to involve them in all this mess. This is about the story. It was the most miserable and boring few days to say nothing of a constant feeling of uneasiness and have to take all this gaff because we were afraid if we didn't this whole thing might turn from just heckling to something really serious. I think the Israeli Government acted with the most extreme of stupidity. If they were going to let us in, they could have put us in a most embarrassing position by being extremely nice to us. This would have made it much more difficult to be critical. This way, we are free of any obligation to hospitality � which we did not get. Of course as everywhere, the little people who bring you coffee and carry your bags are nice (most of them were probably Arabs anyway). This letter isn't confidential anyway � make any use of it you like. (0) Walter Eytan is the Director General of the Israel Ministry of the Exterior. ELMER and RUTH - D,r+ - Caniti7Pr1 r.OtIV Approved for Release 2014/06/20 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 ea and ass on! AN ARAB "REFUGEE" WRITES TO THE U. N. P. 0. Box 44 JERUSALEM � JORDAN 24th January 1956 MR. DAG HAMMARSKJOLD SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE U. N. Sir, Though I am addressing you in my name, I do not doubt a moment that I am expressing the views and belief of Arabs in general and of every Palestinian Arab in particular, Moslem and Christian alike. I belong to no party and owe allegiance to no one except to my Country and people.� I will not use preambles and avant propos and will go straight to the point, in short clear submissions and plain words. No peace Mr. Secretary General, can be antici- pated in this part of the world, as there can be no peace in the Middle East as long as Justice does not prevail and as long as Might persists to be Right. The Palestine Arabs ask no favors and want no charity. No amount of dollars and no schemes can make them forget their homeland and desist from their natural, just and legal right to their possessions and the enjoyment of their private property, as words of sympathy lead us nowhere. What we want is that the United Nations should implement their own resolutions and honor their own pledges.� We want men of good will to right the wrong done the Arabs; we want our appeals for Justice not to fall on deaf ears.� What we ask is that the United Nations should refrain from backing criminals to secure their theft of Palestine as it must be re- membered that Israel exists only by virtue of power politics and continues to exist only because it is able to manipulate the machinery of the United Nations. It is Israel who pleads for 'peace; it is Israel who has the greatest desire for peace. Yes, it is Israel who wants protection for territory they have stolen and approval of crimes committed against Arabs. It is Israel ,aho wants protection of looted property and ravaged land of Palestine.-- It is the robber, the mur- derer, who wants to sit down with the victim and settle things amicably, by keeping the loot and enjoying what is not his. Do you really, Mr. Secretary General, expect the Arabs to fall into this trap and enter into a pact with the thief, the robber and the murderer, surrendering their rights and their property? Will you, and will Members of the United Nations for once visualize a group of gangsters, thieves and assassins invading your own homes, farms, offices, shops, taking away all your belongings, looting, des- troying, murdering those most dear to you, then settling down in your place as if it has always been their own. Then imagine someone in authority stating that the thieves and the murderers have come to stay and that you are prevented to make any effort or take steps to recover your own things and throw out the criminal intruder from your own house. How would you feel about it Mr. Secretary General? Zionist aggression and many atrocities have driven one million Arabs from their homes and fields. 'ley have taken refuge wherever they could, where very little is to be had. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 How would you feel when you see the criminal aggressor enjoying your own home, looking at you from your own window, relaxing in the shade of your garden. gathering the fruit of your trees, sitting behind your desk, sleeping in your bed ? How would you feel when you find him to be in possession of sentimental relics and most dear things to your heart while you are left in the open deprived of everything, living on charity and probably starving? How would you feel when after being robbed from everything, the thief shouts loud to all who want to hear him "Let's shake hands and keep the peace and forget all about it, now that I have all that is yours" ? These are questions we 'want you to discuss with your own conscience and to answer to your own self. This hypothetical suggestion Mr. Secretary General, clearly states the case of the Palestine Arab, now labelled 'Refugee', dispossessed of his home, his land and everything he possessed. The Western Powers who have created the l>raelt State at the expense of innocent Arab victims, seem to believe that one million or two of these Zionist gangsters gathered from various parts of the globe, allied to every underground center, and polluted with destructive doctrines, they seem to believe that these gangsters planted in Palestine are a great safeguard than the legal and rightful Arab owners of the Country and adjoining Arab States. Therefore the Arabs who were faithful allies and the most staunch supporters of the West and would have remained so, were anta- gonized, cheated and betrayed as if the Western Powers have forgotten that the friendship of both the Arab and Islamic World are of first importance to them and essential to world stability. Therefore we earnestly ask the United Nations not to lure themselves in vain hopes. We will not sell our Country for any amount of Dollars or other aids and it should be rea- lized that real peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved until there is a Just and Equitable solution of the Palestine Question, until the Palestine Arabs are given the Rights that are most certainly theirs... their Country, their Properties, their Homes. I am Sir, Truly Yours Antoine F. Albina Palestine Arab Refugee. -hlabesch�' The Commercial Press � Jerusalem American money and Jewish power is responsible for the desperation of thousands of Arabs (Christians and Moslems) in the desert today. � The more the Israelis destroy, the more aid they ask for. THEY WAIT The Damascus wind blew raw and chill By the wall where they let Paul down. And huddled together in Bedouin tents. In scanty clothing and underfed, Dying by scores in each refugee camp. Expelled from their homes through no fault of their own. Deprived of property, possessions, and work. Our Arab brothers, who look to us still. Are waiting for someone to understand Their awful plight; and without pretence To lift their burden, be friends instead Of turning our backs, forgetting their dead - Forgetting they have neither money nor tools. And hope is gone, and Communists lurk. The truth, 0 Lord, let the real facts be known American Christians the time is at hand. The Damascus wind blow raw and chill By the wall where they let Paul down. And camps like this fill the Holy Land. Will Christ's followers let them down? Mrs. Olive Merle Frank , � , , . . . , ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 4 tk.{ .� Front the USSR Academy et Science ON THE LUMINESCENT CHAMBER Translabed by J. Fetkovich and R. Siegel 1111111�1111111111M111111i1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 - ON THE LUMINESCENT CHAMBER Assoc. Members of Acad. Sei of the U. S. S. R., E. K. Zavoisky, M. M. Butslov, A. G. Plakhov, G. E. Smolkin In this paper we give more detailed description of the fundamental elements of the luminescent chamber and its development since the time of the first publication,1 and also present new experimental facts. One of the fundamental elements of the chamber (Fig. 1) is the electron - optical converter (EOC), which consists in principle of cascaded electron optical light amplifiers. Following indications and using a principle described in comparatively old literature, the EOC was nevertheless experimentally realized only recently by M. M. Butslov. The multistage ROC constructed by him had a gain 113 and resolution of 10-2 cm, guaranteeing photographic registration of electrons emitted from the initial photocathode. The arrangement of the EOC is shown in Figure 1. The convertor Is constructed of several intensifying stages, joined to each other in optical contact by means of thin transparent films. On one side of the film is deposited the fluorescent screen 1, on the other photocathode 2. Focusing on the electron Image in the cascaded states is provided by the uniform magnetic field of a solenoid53. In the ',Ulla chamber focusing is electrostatic. Photocathode 2 along with 'The EOC described in (3) had only one cascade stage, and the amplification did not exceed 100. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 T 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 -2- diaphragm 4 at appropriate electric potential form an electrostatic lens. Electrode 5 is used for more accurate focusing of the electron image on screen 1. In the region between the diaphragm and the screen are placed two pairs of deflection risites 6 for developing high frequencies. Plates 7 and diaphragm 8 form an electronically pulsed shutter. In the drawing is shown the circuit of the high frequency generator with resonant circuit for the plates 6, with the impulse generator circuit for the shutter indicated by Tri/t -1. Our non -inductive Impulse system is preferable to similar arrangements with magnetic deflection systems (4), since it allows the possibility of refining the time resolution for individual frames to 104 sec. , continuous high-frequency grating being possible with resolution of 3 x 10-12 sec. (5). In Fig. 1 is also sketched the high voltage supply. The static nature of the supply for all of the cascaded sections permits the use of very high voltages. In recording tracks of cosmic ray or other transient phenomena, use of a pulsed voltage supply to the intensifier stages will reduce background. It was for this purpose that the electronic shutter described above was inserted in the ROC. In operation, however, we more often use the pulsed high voltage supply to cut off the electric field.* The duration T at the pulse for selecting events depends on the decay time of the fluorescent screen. Obviously, the speed of photography is only limited by the luminescence of the screen, but the apparatus has not yet permitted this speed to be utilized. * In the sketch, this is specified as block -114 -2. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 1 -3- For the registration of the tracks of relativistic particles and other weak light signals it is impossible to neglect the natural background noise of the ROC, even with a pulsed output stage. For redwing this noise, a pulsed output can be applied to the electronic shutter 7 - 8 at the input stage from pulse generator T74 -1. The length of the input pulse el) depends only on the transit time of the electrons between the electrode ( 5 x Iry sec), and on the length of the signal itself. For example, in the work with CsI (T1), "? is about 3 x 104 sec. Thus the noise of the photocathode is entirely su.pressed. Note that the other stages of the ZOC can also be pulsed. The gating pulsed are obtained with the aid of an arrangement composed of photoraultiplier � )1/ , discriminator 44 , and coincidence dircuit CC, which hem a resolving time of 4 x Ira sec. Mu a picture has been taken, a pulse generator advances the film. Work with the Ituninescent chamber depends to an important degree on such properties of the crystal as light output, transparency to its own radiation and also on the correspondence between the output spectrum of the crystal and the spectral sensitivity of the photocathode. Unfortunately, our crystals of Nal (TA Cot (Ti), anthracene and other materials showed no difference in pulse height. Nevertheless, experiment showed tint even with these crystals the light putput aloes the tracks was sufficient to allow registration of nearly minimum ionization particles. This may also be shown by an elementary calculation. In fact, � , � � Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 -4- a relativistic singly chargal particle loses in a crystal of Cal (T1), for example, 5 May of energy per cm of path. The number of photons emitted by this section of track into a solid angle 4i will be: 3 � L' \ - Where is the atergy required to make on quantum of light in Cal (Ti), which Is about 35 ev (6). The number of quanta incident on the photocathode of the LOC Is determined by the angle subtended by the olVective and is given by; v_ (� \L)(\ Where B and IC are relative aperture and magnification of the objective; g � ratio of the corresponding solid angles in the crystal and in air, 'Which can be with aufficieet accuracy set equal to , where n 1.79, the index of refraction of CsL For example, with B � V-4_, , and IC 1, we obtain S �i 170 photons/cm. The emission spectrum cif Ci! (Ti) is almost totally included in the spectral sensitivity of the cesium-antimony photocathode. Assuming a quantum yield of the photocathode 6 � 104 (7), we obtain for the number of electrons emittal,from a one centimeter length of track imaged on the photocathode m � 17. Since the resolutiou of the converter is d � 104 cm, it is easy to see that the track image will consist oi distinct points. Each point arises from one electron at the input of the SOC. The distance between these points is: Translator's note: In our usage, 13 � 1/2 would be f/2. MINI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00809A000100140064-0 -5- \ 4 " v_ \32. y 6 The useful thickness of the crystal is determined by the depth of focus of the objective and can be calculated from the formula: a NI T2.. �.3 One can set up similar relations giving the dependence of the size of the intervals between spots on the ionizing power of the particle. These relations along with the relations for the energy loss in the crystal can easily be used for identifying particles from their tracks. In the cue of highly ionizing particles, forming an unbroken track* one substitutes for the gap length 1 the light Intensity along the track in the negative. Calculationg cry ;Ts gave range-energy curves and curves for the yield of emitted light which are presented in Figure 2 and Figur* 3. The calculations were carried out using well-known formulas for ionization loss. At low energies whore the velocity of the particle becomes comparable to the velocity of the atomic K-electrons we have used older data on the loss in silver (8) and experimental data on the atomic stopping powern of the elements On. *Note that the tracks do not necessarily appear continuous at 1 d, or even for 1 < d. It is only for 1 �