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S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Releaas 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000 0 050034-0 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM F. W. M. Janney Director of Personnel SUBJECT . Office of Personnel Report -- Week Ending 25 October 1978 2. (U/AIUO) Special Recruitment: 25X1A Chief, Recruitment Division and Deputy Chief 25X1A , , , Recruitment Division, met with of the Signal 25X1A 25X1A Analysis Division, Office of SIGINT Operations, 1978 to discuss OSO's recruitment requirements. on 18 October According to OSO's most pressing need is for electronic engineers and SIGINT analysts. It appears that OSO's Advance Staffing Plan may have underestimated losses from attrition in these categories. OSO will make a mid-level engineer available to accompany recruiters on recruiting trips in the coming months. E 2 IMPDET Cl by 012752 Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050034-0 Approved For Reba a 2001/(f/!4 CC _I L)T80-00773AOOA 0050034-0 25X1A 1 July 1978 through 12 January 1979.. The figures in the clear show totals. The figures in parentheses represent persons who have-opted for discontinued service or "involuntary" retirement. Thus, of 247 persons to go by 12 January, 43 are going under the "liberal" options. be-low depict tie total retirement activity for the period 4. (C) Retirement"Activity:- -The-figures shown he ha.d. conducted his. CT interview. IG Inspection - Recruiter) repor s that e Inspection of the on 20 October appeared to go well. He also repor e t at one of the inspectors had. commented that lie was giving him. high marks for- the manner in which. Civil Service Retired 56 (18) Signed to go 41 (14) 97 (32) of our Military Personnel Branch, visited the U.S. Air Force 25X1A 5. (C) Liaison with Air Force: Chief, Military Personnel Branch, and the -:Agency---plague to the Personne-1 Center....Lieutenant Colonel- Phillip L. Reynolds, the Commander of the Air Force Element reaffirm contacts, discuss aclaii s-trafive matters regard'iiig ?Air Force Element/Central Intelligence Agency and to present Military_ Personnel.. Center at..Randolph AFB, Texas.. on -17, 18_, and. 19_..October_,1978....The purpose ...of..this..:visit was to... Branch whose afficehandles allApur man7D-owes requirements... vi ::,it.e_d Major David1}-.S alker _o_f.. the; Sel. cted Assignments to continue their support to Agency activities. Also, they and Headquarters Squadron, Air Force...Militar Personnel Center, acc.e te plaque. All personnel that W cere desire 25X1A and met were cordial and expresse a sin both .overt and covert. S-E-C-R-E-T - 2 - CIARDS Total 83 ( 6) 139 (24) 67 ( 5) 108 (19) 150 (11) 247 (43) Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050034-0 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Rele 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A00 .1,0050034-0 6. (U) Skills Session: Seventy-nine (79) employees attended the Skills Session on "Retirement" on 25 October 1978. 7. (U). Regulations and Notices.: The following have been forwardedto the Regulations Control Branch: -, Promotions,. to include provision of new Uniform Promotion System. - We issued an OP Memorandum of FY 1979 Promotion Targets. 8. (U) Compensatory Time - Religious Observances: A memorandum on the new statutory provision for providing for compensatory time work to allow time off for certain religious observances has been approved. 9. (U) Combined Federal Campaign: As of close of business 24 Octo er, $118,075 has been collected for the Combined Federal Campaign. This represents 37.3% of the Agency's goal.. $13,333 has been collected for the Educational Aid Fund and $2,583 for the Public Service Aid Society. 37.4% of the pledge cards have been returned. The CFC drive is scheduled to be--aver on 13 November 1978. (Previously reported at the 0830 meeting.) 10. (U) Suggestion Box: One suggestion was received this week. It was f-orwarde3 to.the DCI. The total number of suggestions received since the program began on 15 June 1977 is 65. 11. (S) Rehired Annuitants: See attached report. COMING EVENTS: (U) Personnel Development Plan: Distribute PDP report forms due from inrinr ter 25 October 178. (U) Military Reserve Meeting: ORPA, will address the Agency Military Reserve Unit on Monday, 30 October, on the subject of the Greco-Turkish dispute and other Mideast problems. The meeting will be held in the Headquarters Auditorium at 1745 hours. 25X1A F. W. M. Janney Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050034-0 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Ryase 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773AQQ100050034-0 Distribution: Orig F 2 - Addressee .1 - Chief, SAS 1 - DD/Pers/REP 1 DD/Pers/SP 1 - DD/Pers/PE1C D/Pers Subject File I D/Pers Chrono Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050034-0 Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000050034-0 WEEKLY REPORT OF REHIRED CIVILIAN ANNUITANT ACTIVITIES FOR THE AGENCY (18-24 October 1978) (U/AIUO) 1. (S) The following rehired civilian annuitant cases were approved for extension by the Deputy Director for Administration: Independent Contractor, EA Division, one-year extension. -- Independent Contractor, SE Division, one-year extension. Independent Contractor, IAD, one-year extension. g rehired civilian annuitant cases were approved tor of Personnel: Independent Contractor, IMS, one-year extension. Independent Contractor, IMS, one-year extension. g rehired civilian annuitant cases were terminated: Independent Contractor, OSO, Terminating 16 November 1978. Independent Contractor, NE Division, Terminated 28 September 1978. E2 IMPDET Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050034-0 CL BY: 061749 S E C R E T