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July 5, 1979
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Approved For Releas002/05/01-: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100040031-4
05 JUL1919
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
Harry E. Fitzwater
Director of Personnel
Office of Personnel Report
Week Ending 3 July 1979
1. NAACP National Convention: Recruiter
participated in the NAACP National Convention in Louisville
on 25 28 June 1979. Also representing the Agency were
members of the EEO Staff, the directorate Minority Employment
Coordinators, and a representative from the Office of Public
Affairs. Reaction to the Agency's presence was quite favorable.
A large amount of recruitment` literature was distributed to
interested candidates. A few particularly strong candidates
were :interviewed and given application forms. (U)
2 Presidential Management Intern Program: The Chief,
Staff'Personnel Division atten e a meeting of Coordinators
for the Presidential Management Intern Program this week.
Information concerning orientation sessions for the 1979 group
of interns was distributed and the status of unplaced interns
was reviewed. The Office of the Deputy Director for Administration
had planned to hire three interns this year; two are in process
and the third dropped out. An alternate for the third position
was interviewed and selected last week. We are awaiting receipt
of her application forms. (U/AIUO)
3. Sign Language Interpreters: We have drafted an All-
Employee bulletin announcing the establishment of a corps of
sign language interpreters to be administered by the Coordinator
for the Handicapped Program. The Office of Data Processing-(ODP)
originally hired the current interpreters and has graciously
served the entire Agency for several years. With increasing
Regraded Confidential.
Derivative CL BY:
Separated from. Secret:
Review on 5 Jul 99
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demands for interpreter services throughout the Agency, the
Office of Personnel (OP) and ODP agreed that OP would be in
a better position to meet the needs of all components for
the services of sign language interpreters. (U/AIUO)
4. NAPA: The majority of NAPA Project Group members
are in place and are reading background material provided by
the Office of Personnel and others. Briefings are being
held on selected subjects by Office of Personnel officers to
assist the team in better understanding some of the terminology
and concepts with which they must deal. (U/AIUO)
5. Retirement Activity: The figures shown below depict
the total retir ment: activity for the period from I May through
31 July 1979. The figures in the clear show totals. The
figures in parenthesis represent persons who have opted for
discontinued service or "involuntary" retirement. Thus of 129
persons to depart by 31 July 1979, 40 are going under the "liberal"
Civil Service CIARDS TOTAL
Retired 36 (8) 46 (8) 82 (16)
Signed to go 23 (16) 24 (8) 47 (24)
Total 59 (24) 70 (16) 129 (40) (U/AIUQ)
6. Workshop: We conducted a Directorate of 0
25X1A Workshop at t. e to review the Supergrade
Factor Evaluation System. It was the consensus of the participants
that, with some modification and refinement, the system would
provide meaningful criteria for determining whether Agency
functions justify allocation at supergrade levels. (C)
7. Travel by Amtrack: The Central Processing Branch has
25X1A been advised y Office of Finance, that
Government employees traveling to New York must utilize the
Amtrack Metroliner coach service between Washington and New York
in order to take advantage of the 20 percent discount offered
for official Government travel. This ruling is in accordance
with the latest change in the Federal Travel Regulations.
Exceptions to the travel requirement may be allowed on the basis
of lack of time for train travel, lack of space, security reasons,
etc.; however, under normal circumstances, travelers will be
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Amtrack was queried regarding the above and arrangements
were made to receive the discount on all reservations made
by Central Processing. We do not have credit arrangements
with Amtrack and tickets will have to be purchased with
cash or personal checks (preferably the latter). We will
maintain a count on the tickets obtained with the thought
in mind of attempting to arrange credit purchase or bulk
purchase of tickets if the volume warrants it. (U/AIUO)
8. Educational Aid Fund: The Educational Aid Fund
Board of Trustees met on 3 July 1979 to review the Audit
Report and to determine the amount of funds-to be allocated,
to this year's Educational Aid Fund winners. One hundred and
two applications for financial assistance have been received.
9. Suggestion Box: No suggestions were received this
week. The total nuns er of suggestions received since the
program began on 15 June 1977 is 71. (U)
10. Rehired Annuitants: See attached report. (S)
required to use the Metroliner.
(1) An Office of Security team will visit our 25X1A
office on 1.5 August 1979 and our 0 office on 22 August
1979 to conduct physical security surveys. The recruitment
offices have been informed of these upcoming surveys. (U/AIUO)
(2) We plan to work on the following:
a. Performance Appraisal System
b. Automation of APP report.
Harry E. Fitzwater
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L'1J .i., -?; O ri g F Agpr-ovvd For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA=RDP80-00773A000100040031-4
1 - DD/OP/SP
1 - DD/OP/R&P (w/o att)
1 - DD/OP/P&C (w/o att)
1 - C/SAS/OP (w/o att)
1 - OP/CMO (w/o att)
1 - D/OP Sub j File
EA/OD/Pers :kav
2,1 Jun 79
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FOR THE AGENCY (27 to 3 July 1979) (U)
The following rehired civilian annuitant cases were processed
new hires
- Independent Contractor,
f RT ~'K'W f~
3 July 1979
PSC/CSS, effective 20 June 1979
Independent Contractor,
DCD, effective 31 May 1979 (S)
n 'RVVATIVE+CLUY 061749 ,~....,
; w ~iV 1) Fao.m D9c. 6
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100040031-4