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SECRET Approved For Releq&O 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000.100040028-8 2~ JUL1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: SUBJECT: Harry E. Fitzwater Director of Personnel Office of Personnel Report -- Week Ending 25 July 1979 (U) 1. Recruiting Trends: Recruiting Trends, a newsletter for recruiters, reports _t Nat., "The emanc or college talent: is a little stronger than it was last November, according. to Northwestern U's Frank S. Endicott. In a follow-up study among firms that provided data for his annual report on demand. and starting salaries for new college graduates, employers said that they had increased their hiring expectations by 4% at the bachelor level and 3% at the graduate level. Increases were greatest in computer science, business administration, and. engineering. Companies also lowered slightly the number of liberal arts graduates they expected to hire. Recruiters say that their biggest problem is in hiring minorities. A large majority of them advise us that the supply of well-qualified black and other minority graduates is limited, although they found the opposite situation regarding women. The problems listed by recruiters in hiring blacks are the extremely short supply, especially for those with engineering and science degrees and the tremendous competition. In addition, recruiters noted that some minority students are often unwilling to live in the places where the jobs the company offers are located. The competition for college-education women and minority people has led to lot of turnover also, as companies vie for this limited segment of the work force. (U) 2. Summer-Only Program: The Clerical Staffing Branch has distributed Summer-Only Questionnaires to the 262 summer-only employees through their personnel officers. The results of the questionnaires will give us information relating to the employees' attitudes toward their present and future assignments and toward possible part-time employment at the conclusion of their summer job's. (U/AIUO) Regraded Confidential when separated Original CL BY: 308235 from Secret Attachment Review on 26 Jul 85 Approved For Release 2002/05/01: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100040028-8 SECRET Approved For Rele 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000U00040028-8 3. Position Management: We briefed the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence an the Deputy Director for Administration on policy options for position evaluation procedures and the classification appeal process. (U/AIUO) 4. Retirement Activity: The figures shown below depict the total retirement activity for the period from 1 May through 31 July 1979. The figures in the clear show totals. The figures in parenthesis represent persons who have opted for discontinued service or "involuntary" retirement. Thus of 153 persons to depart by 31 July 1979, 58 are going under the "liberal" options. Civil Service CIARDS TOTAL Retired 42 (9) 57 (10) 99 (19) Signed to go 31 (26) 23 (13) 54 (39) Total 73 (35) 80 (23) 153 (58) (U/AIUO) S. Skill Session: A personnel officers skill session was held on 18 July 1979 on activities of the Insurance Branch and the Personal Affairs Branch/Benefits and Services Division, (U/AIUO) 6. Selection Guidelines: Development of implementation approaches for EEO selection guidelines continues. An Agency panel is being assembled to make recommendations on this subject. (U,/AIUO) 7. Flexible Compressed Work Schedules: The Headquarters Notice on flexible a:n compressed work sEHdules was sent to the Regulations Control Branch.for-publication. (U/AIUO) 8. Handbook: We made changes in the newly designed Performance Appraisal Handbook as suggested by test audience. (U/AIIJO) 9. NAPA Project Group - Current Situation: Draft: papers have been prepared on the following issues: a. "'E" Career Service b. Labeling c. Movement, into Professional Ranks d. The Scope and Limitations of Authority (U/AIUO) Approved For Release 2002105113? , &-180-00773A000100040028-8 SECRET Approved For Releq 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000 040028-8 10. suggestion Box: No suggestions were received this week. The ral number of suggestions received since the Program began on 15 June 1977 is 7. (U) 11. Rehired Annuitants: See attached report. (S) COMING EVENTS (1) We have started our preparations for the Agency's Annual Awards Ceremony scheduled for 18 September 1979. A machine run of the 1,573 employees who are due 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30-year Agency service certificates has been obtained. This will be used for printing the certificates. A memorandum to the Director of Central Intelligence alerting him to the ceremony is also being prepared. (U) (3) We have 73 employees scheduled. to be exit-processed betwe-en the 26th and 31st of July. (U) Harry E. Fitzwater Distribution: Orig & 2 - 1 - DD/OP/SP 1 - DD/QP/_RF,P (w/o att) Y- DD/OP/P&C (w/o att) 1 - C/SAS/OP (w/o att) 1 - OP/CMO (w/o att) 1 - D /OP Sub j File EA/OD/Pers/ kav 2.~ Jul 79 Approved ForlRelease 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-0077 Approved For ReleW 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100040028-8 WEEKLY REPORT OF REHIRED CIVILIAN ANNUITANT ACTIVITIES FOR THE AGENCY (18 to 24 July 1979) The following rehired civilian annuitant cases were processed as new hires: Independent Contractor, Office of Security, effective 16 July 1979 (U) Independent Contractor, Office of Finance, effective 13 July 1979 (S) Independent Contractor, Office of Training, effective 17 July 1979 (U) Independent Contractor, =Division, effective 25X1A 1 June 1979 (S) NFAC Independent Contractor, OSI, effective I May 1979 (U) Independent Contractor, NIO, effective 13 July 1979 (U) DERIVATIVE CL. BY 061749 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 (;.I,~; DP80-00 ?i c3 d- 14'0 8-8 24 July 19 '-t A~ DERIVED FROM D9c.6